A Bastion for Bigots and Shameless Racists

I'm not totally sure. The internet is like when you've found your dad's porn collection, it makes you feel big about yourself, but if you get found out you become a crying little child that didn't mean it
The anonymity of the internet is quite empowering. This isn't news, there's shit like this all over Youtube.
The anonymity of the internet is quite empowering. This isn't news, there's shit like this all over Youtube.

I don't think I would categorize this as empowering. It is supposed to be a nice moment for the country and the outward appearance to anyone that chooses to get their news from twitter is that it was celebrated with racism and general douchebaggery. I am just curious if this type of thing that should be embarrassing, not empowering, is enough to get people to realize they really aren't doing anything funny or unique. Do you really want to be a part of collective moronic behavior?
I don't think I would categorize this as empowering. It is supposed to be a nice moment for the country and the outward appearance to anyone that chooses to get their news from twitter is that it was celebrated with racism and general douchebaggery. I am just curious if this type of thing that should be embarrassing, not empowering, is enough to get people to realize they really aren't doing anything funny or unique. Do you really want to be a part of collective moronic behavior?

Dude, I don't even think it's funny. Not because it's racist or anything, just because it isn't clever. Me saying that the anonymity of the internet is empowering was meant to be in jest.

I was just commenting on whoever wrote this, really. People are racist on the internet? Who knew?
The anonymity of the internet is kind of empowering, but it's empowering in a very sad, pathetic way. It allows people to say shit they would never say in real life (especially in the presence of those whom would be offended) without worrying about any consequences.

There are parts of the article that I do agree with (these comments and the people who made them are dumb) and parts I disagree with (that the athletes of the Olympics represent us as individuals), but I think any racism is bad, especially when it stems from Nationalist bull shit.

This just goes to show what I already knew: the Olympics are just a three week haven for people to act like douchey nationalists.
Regular person + anonymity = total douchebag. It's a law as old as the Internet itself. Nothing new to see here. I mean seriously, passive aggressive racism on Twitter? I've seen a woman pissing and shitting into her own mouth here. I've seen three senior males fucking each other. I've seen more horse dicks than the average horse breeder. Welcome to the fucking Internet, people.
This is why I champion political correctness.

I've seen three senior males fucking each other. I've seen more horse dicks than the average horse breeder. Welcome to the fucking Internet, people.

I have seen none of these things. Why on earth have you?
Dude, I don't even think it's funny. Not because it's racist or anything, just because it isn't clever.

I agree. Then again plenty of us, some more than others, engage in this lazy racist "jest" on here.

People are racist on the internet? Who knew?

What I am getting at overall is when you start to see this isn't really anonymous, clever or whatever else you might use to describe it, does it make you start to reconsider the "it's the Internet" defense, especially for your own actions/comments?
And why is this news? I have said worse on Xbox Live and people there just grin and give it back. Hyper sensitive world, sad people even get in legal trouble over a damn tweet. Grow a spine people.
Just because a bunch douche bags (unsurprisingly) behave like douche bags are want to behave does not mean that it is worthy of refutation. That the linked post goes through all the hassle to attempt to do so is a waste of time and almost goes towards dignifying such jackassery via such an intricate response. Smart people know better and stupid people never learn.

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