90's Bracket; Round 1, Match 6- 6) The Sixth Sense vs. 27) Independence Day

Which is the better movie?

  • The Sixth Sense

  • Independence Day

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Papa Shango

Frontman of the WZ Band!!
The Wrestlezone Movie Tournament, 1990's Bracket;
Round 1, Match 6

The Sixth Sense


Independence Day

Not really a tough decision, at all. Independence Day was a fun, popcorn flick. It really, really showed off what kind of level that Special FX were advancing to. The story is mainly visual, and it appeals. Then you realize that the two hacks that made this movie are nothing more then one trick ponies. If they aren't reimagining ways of blowing up a city, then they are wasting everyones time behind the camera.

The Sixth Sense was awesome. I caught on about halfway threw the movie about Bruce Willis, but it was still great. Haley Joel Osmont? was damn good in this movie, but lost out to the better Michael Clarke Duncan for best supporting actor. M. Night Shaymalamadingdong gained a ton of respect from this movie, respect he has done nothing to earn ever since.
This is a true matchup of two old school movies. This could be called Psycho vs. Star Wars if you think about it. Same basic plot, just in a different generation. The only difference is that in this generation, Independence Day doesn't come close to what its predecessor did. It made Will Smith a huge Hollywood draw, but other than that its not great. Sixth Sense made Willis a huge star all over again, as well as made people want to see the movie. That's nearly impossible to do today, so easily the ghost movie gets this.
Im mixed on this one. I am picking the underdog for this round. It is unfortunate that I have to but this is the reason why. I remember being in my grade 7, and overhearing some kids talking about a movie where the guy was actually dead throughout the movie. It was of course The Sixth Sense. I had to watch the movie knowing that at the end, Bruce Willis was actually dead. Independence Day on the other hand is a very fun movie. Every Fourth of July I was Independence Day as a tradition. Im not American, but I do enjoy it. It really did make Will Smith a backable actor, and look at the run he has had.
"The Sixth Sense", without a doubt. This movie had the acting, drama, suspense and plot twist ending that "Independence Day" couldn't dream of having. "The Sixth Sense" isn't one of my favorites to win this tournament, but going up against "Independence Day", it's not ever close, in my opinion. All "Independence Day" was, was an overpriced blow-up fest for people who like that kind of shit, which is why it's far inferior to "The Sixth Sense", which has everything a good thriller is suppose to have.
Independence day is a great film, IMO one of the staples of the action movie genre, but The Sixth Sense is the epitome of the term plot twist. The movie worked the ending beautifully, and yeah their were the select few that did figure out the plot twist for the movie halfway through it (i'm sure the same people probably figured out the plot twist's for Saw and Fight Club as well) But the point is that the majority of the people were genuinely surprised by this movie, and it was that element of surprise that made this film a classic.

I give my vote to The Sixth Sense
If we ignore the fact that M. Night has completely squandered his reputation after the Sixth Sense by creating film after film of disappointments and has actually went from "wow, that was something different" to "I wonder what gay twist he's going to have this time. Oh. Murderous trees. Wake me up when its over", then I say The Sixth Sense gets my vote. Independence Day is just an action flick. It doesn't have any revolutionary concepts in story telling or film making or (the blah blah blah). The Sixth Sense may not be the best film ever by far, but it struck a more impactful punch than I.D. did. This opened up the idea of the twist ending to a new generation of moviegoers who sadly have already run it into the ground (with help from M. Night himself lol), while Independence Day is just another run of the mill "aliens attack" action film.

The Sixth Sense.
Independence Day is a movie that I always watch if it's on TV for its hardcore action and thrills. It is a fantastic action film and has amazing special effects. But The Sixth Sense displays a tense storyline and many twists and turns. Haley Joel Osmont's performance is great, as is Bruce Willis'. The twist at the end is great. The Sixth Sense had waay more impact than Independence Day, and also displayed many concepts not seen in movies in a long time.
I actually just realized that I don't remember the ending to Independence Day, and could possibly have never seen it all the way through. Las thing I remember is Will Smith and Jeff Goldblume being stuck inside the mothership. Huh.

Anyways, I pick the 6th Sense. Like I've said before, I LOVE plot twists, and this on is definitely in my top five favorites (Along with Empire Strikes Back, The Usual Suspects, The Crying Game, and Psycho). The writing is superb, easily M. Night Shymalan's best screenplay. And Bruce Willis gives one of his greatest performances, and definitely his most nuanced role. And Haley Joel Osment made himself famous for life for "I see dead people."
I smell upset. Independence Day is awesome. The themes in that movie are superior. The acting, while cheesy, is effective. I always take the psychological thriller over the big budget action film, but not this time.

I love ID. This film is significant, as it is where Will Smith became money in the bank. Jeff Goldblum was at his finest, and Vivica Fox is the first stripper who is really doing it for the kid.

Sixth Sense was good, but predictable, ID was predictable, yet good, and that, my friends, is the difference.
6th Sense takes this one for me. Independence was a good action flick but 6 sense was more than a great suspense movie. It also had great drama, and I for one(like many) never did see the turn at the end. Also it's one of Bruce Willis best acted role to date and Haley Joel Osment earned that Supporting Oscar nod, and was very convinving and didnt come off as a cheesy kid actor.
This is easy. The Sixth Sense is such a phenomenal movie, and is M. Night's best film. I for one was very shocked at the ending as I did not see it coming. Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment both deliver breathtaking performances. Now, onto Independence Day. Horrible film, horrible acting, horrible everything except for the special effects. They can only carry a movie so far, and its not far enough to jump over The Sixth Sense.
I am gonna have to go with Sixth Sense on this one, if only for the fact that I was slow to catch on to the fact Bruce Willis was dead, and didn't get it until the scene where his wife alone in their apartment. Normally, I am very good at figuring out what the plot twists will be before they twist, but, I gotta be honest, Sixth Sense got me by surprise. Nothing against ID4, I watch it at least once a year because it is a fun movie, but, Sixth Sense managed to trick me. For that, I get it respect.
The Sixth Sense is good. But it's the twist that makes you enjoy it more. You watch it the first time and you're shocked by the ending. You watch it the second time and you try to figure out the clues. It's got a life span. But after a while you've seen it all and it just doesn't have the same impact throughout as, say Unbreakable.

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