80's Region - The Young Ones vs Blackadder

The Young Ones vs Blackadder

  • The Young Ones

  • Blackadder

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
80's Region – The Young Ones vs Blackadder




You know, before this thread came up, I knew that I was going to vote for Blackadder. However, when it eventually did, I could not believe that it got drawn against such a fantastic show like The Young Ones. Believe me, I have spent many hours that I wont get back watching both of these shows and to be honest, it was a very hard decision for me to make.

However, I have decided to go with Blackadder. The laughs that I get from that show are unparalleled by any show in this region or perhaps any show on TV, past or present. All four seasons of the show were fantastically written and contained an absolutely stellar group of people that cannot be rivalled in this day and age. Blackadder was fantastic and the anti-hero, played by Rowan Atkinson, is one of the best on-screen personalities I have even encountered whilst watching sitcoms. A magical show that deserves your votes.
I think these two were both written in part by that twat Ben Elton but aside from both being incredible English, they're worlds apart. I've always felt The Young Ones was more for the kids really as it's all a bit silly and disjointed. I'm voting Blackadder anyway for taking sarcasm, the lowest form of wit, and turning it into an artform.
If you take the series as a whole, it is definitely The Young Ones. The Young Ones was a superb pastiche of British students, and it was consistently funny throughout the series. The first series of Blackadder is absolutely appalling, and it has cost it the match in my eyes. Where Blackadder had a superb way with words, The Young Ones was able to take mundane British institutions and take the piss out of them to be funny.

Bladder takes this one. I loved The Young Ones even though I thought Alexi Sayle brought the show down, but I loved Blackadder more. Blackadder is probably my favorite comedy ever, the fast wit, the smart jokes, everything made this show more unique as it went on. The Young Ones was very funny and if it had drawn anybody other than Blackadder I'd have voted for it.
Tough draw here for both. I love the Young Ones with its off-beat, physical comedy and the University Challenge episode is one of the best sitcom half-hours ever but at times it could be become too manic for its own good.

Bladder on the other hand, aside from the poor first season, is the quintessential British comedy. I could watch seasons 2-4 anytime. The combination of Baldrick, Percy, George and Melchiot's idiocy complete with Queenie's underlying insanity and Blackadder's acerbic wit and sarcasm are just fantastic.

If there is a better ending to a sitcom than the season 4 send-off "Goodbyeeeee!" I have yet to see it
Young Ones FTW. My dad bought the entire collection and made me fall in love with the series. This is like a real version of Family Guy in the way it's completely random but is falling in the lines of continual plot. I haven't seen Blackadder so I can't vote for it but I love the Young Ones and will back it until it comes against any other favorites
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