70's Region - Good Times vs Mork & Mindy

Good Times vs Mork & Mindy

  • Good Times

  • Mork & Mindy

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
70's Region - Good Times vs Mork & Mindy




Robin Williams is a god in my eyes, so it would take a bit for something to knock Mork & Mindy out. That character made his career. The shows was hysterical, and would be successful as a new show if it came on tomorrow.
I never liked either show. It's 'Nanu Nanu' vs. 'Dyno-MITE!' Both annoyed me, but Good Times annoyed me less. I'll go with Florida and Good Times here, even if Mork and Mindy was a funny show in small doses.
I actually liked both shows. I also got to hang out with John Amos last March at a charity function, and he's an awesome guy. Really liked him. Have a picture someplace, gotta find it.

Anyway, I voted Mork & Mindy. Robin Williams > All and the later seasons additions of Jonathan Winters was brilliant.
MORK AND FUCKING MINDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that's out of my system, let me just say that I love Mork & Mindy. Love-it-to-death. I remember my dad watching it sometimes when I was a kid, but it wasn't until about a year ago when Sci-Fi channel had a 24 hour marathon that I really got to get a taste of just how awesome Mork & Mindy was. Robin Williams at his very energetic-comedic best, sweet little romance story of alien and human, good supporting cast. Just a great show that is still damned funny. Go watch it again Lariat, it's better than you remember it being.

Good Times is good in that cheesy blaxploitation kind of way. But Mork & Mindy fucking owns, and it gets my vote easily here. It ought to get yours as well.

Nanu Nanu!
Good times was a pretty good comedy but the biggest moment for me from the show was the epsiode with Janet Jackson being abused. I would rate this show a C+. Mork & Mindy defintely had it's humor just the plots lacked alot. Overall I would rate it a B-. My vote goes for Mork & Mindy!
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