50 Best Ever UK Albums. Apparently

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I got it out the paper, I'm not sure if it's an online poll or out of a magazine. Or if it was voted by a pannel or by fans.

1. Definitely Maybe - Oasis
2. (What's The Story) Morning Glory? - Oasis
3. OK Computer - Radiohead
4. Revolver - The Beatles
5. The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses
6. Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles
7. London Calling - The Clash
8. Under The Iron Sea - Keane
9. Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd
10. Urban Hymns - The Verve
11. The Bends - Radiohead
12. Abbey Road - The Beatles
13. Hopes And Fears - Keane
14. Don't Believe The Truth - Oasis
15. Violator - Depeche Mode
16. The Queen Is Dead - The Smiths
17. A Night At The Opera - Queen
18. Whatever People Say I Am - Arctic Monkeys
19. The White Album - The Beatles
20. Never Mind The Bollocks - Sex Pistols
21. Rubber Soul - The Beatles
22. Be Here Now - Oasis
23. Absolution - Muse
24. Rio - Duran Duran
25. Parklife - Blur
26. A Rush Of Blood To The Head - Coldplay
27. The Holy Bible - Manic Street Preachers
28. Origin Of Symmetry - Muse
29. IV - Led Zeppelin
30. The Wall - Pink Floyd
31. Up The Bracket - The Libertines
32. X&Y - Coldplay
33. Who's Next - The Who
34. Black Holes And Revelations - Muse
35. Back To Black - Amy Winehouse
36. Songs Of Faith And Devotion - Depeche Mode
37. Word Gets Around - Stereophonics
38. The Fat Of The Land - Prodigy
39. Different Class - Pulp
40. In Rainbows - Radiohead
41. Hunky Dory - David Bowie
42. Favourite Worst Nightmare - Arctic Monkeys
43. Everything Must Go - Manic Street Preachers
44. Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
45. Behaviour - Pet Shop Boys
46. Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie
47. Parachutes - Coldplay
48. Exile On Main Street - Rolling Stones
49. Unknown Pleasures - Joy Division
50. Let It Bleed - Rolling Stones

Bands like the Artic Monkeys & Keane are big now. But it's just a phase. They won't stand the test of time like a lot of bands. To place them that high is ludicrous. I mean really Under The Iron Sea one place above London Calling and above Never Mind The Bollocks. Silly.

Oasis with the top 2 albums? They're good. But they aren't the great band that thay're made out to be. There best album is made up of B sides.

On the positive side I'm pleased that Depeche Mode, Joy Division, Manic Street Preachers & The Smiths made the list.
Oddly enough, I've never listened to a lot of those albums despite the fact that many of them are actually present on my iPod.

I used to really love Oasis, and personally though that Definitely Maybe and Morning Glory were the best British albums ever. However, I've since realised that they are very overrated. However, I don't think OK Computer deserves to be that high up either. The Bends is way better, IMO.

Nice to see the best three Muse albums up there - not too sure if they're a phase or if they're really as good as I/they say they are. Right now, Absolution, SMBH and especially Origin of Symmetry seem like great albums to me though.

There, my first and last music post.
It's hard to tell with Muse. They're popular. But they don't gat as much mainstream radio play as a lot of bans on the list. I'm not an uber fan of them or anything. But I can se why they're well liked. But I think they'll only be appreciated once they split or a couple of them die off. I doubt that bands like Led Zeppelin were as popular in there day as they are now. I might be wrong. But with music, time is always on their side.
Wait, how the fuck is Don't Believe The Truth that high up? If that album is one of the best British albums ever then we should be ashamed. Why? Because it was shit. Even if you blindly love Oasis, you've got to admit the majority of that album sucked. The high point was the Importance of Being Idle which was fairly OK at best. The low point was Mucky Fingers which was shockingly awful at best.
Well I'm guessing this was done by fans. I doubt that a music citic would make that list. Albums by Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Who etc are high up because they are classics, and have stood the test of time. Coldplay, Oasis & Arctic Munchkins might be a distant memory in 30 years.
I hope Coldplay are at the very least. C'mon, be honest, it is just the same song over and over, right? If it's not, I've gone insane. I listened to a couple of their albums and was wondering if I'd accidentally hit the repeat button or something. I may as well have. Best British albums ever? Nah. Arctic Monkeys are severely overrated too, and can get a bit samey. They're nothing very unique, either way.
Coldplay are balls. They are fine in that middle of the road kind of way. But I don't see how anybody can get excited about them. The Arctics are a fad. People go on about the lyrics. But I don't think that a million other people couldn't come up with something just as good.
I for one really like Coldplay, and think they're one of the few modern popular rock bands worth a shit. Every song is not the same, they just play the same kind of genre of music over and over is all. Some of their stuff is pretty bad, but alot of it is very, very good IMO. Songs like "Don't Panic", "The Scientist", "Fix You" and "Talk" are classics IMO. I think they'll stand the test of time, because they have this very epic feeling to them thats very similiar to U2's sound in the 80s.

Arctic Monkeys in the Top 50 British albums? Bullshit. The Arctic Monkeys are shit, and nothing more then a Libertines ripoff. Why can't people understand that every song they've made has been made before by the Libertines?

Oasis at Number 1 is fuckin' laughable to. Anything other then The Beatles at Number 1 is just laughable. No one has been more popular, sold more records, been more critically acclaimed or influential then the Beatles. No one. Half of those bands on that list wouldn't be around without the Beatles.

And Keane? Really? 2 Albums in the top 20? Clearly dumbasses made this list, because Keane is shit and like Jake said, a passing phase. No one will care about them in 2 years.

Radiohead is good...but OK Computer is overrated as fuck. It's like critics just said "Hey, none of this music is even slightly catchy or good, but it's very abstract and "out there" so it must be awesome!". OK Computer sucked. As have most of Radioheads modern albums. Critics hear it, say "Oh man, this music is so artistic it must be good! Five stars!" when most of the songs suck.

I really do like Radiohead, but OK Computer and they're other later albums are for the most part utter shit.

And Oasis at Number 1? Ridiculious. Oasis is another ridiculiously overrated band. The British press seem to have to find a new "Greatest Band Ever" every five years or so. First it was Oasis, then Coldplay/Radiohead, now Arctic Monkeys. Oasis first two albums were good. They were shit after that, everything sounded exactly the same.

Only one Zeppelin and Who album? Now I know this list was created by fuckin' ******s. Zeppelin's first four albums are among the best music ever created in any genre. The Who's first five albums are the same.

Amy Winehouse also is utter shit. What is the big deal about her? Her music is shit, her voice is annoying as fuck, and she's a hardcore junkie. She clearly must be a genius right?

And finally....WHY IS THERE NO NEW ORDER ON THAT LIST?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?! New Order is one of the best British bands of all time....pathetic that they're not on there.

Atleast they gave a nod to the Smiths & the Stone Roses though.

Man, what group of idiots came up with this list?

[EDIT: Thank god they included Joy Division. Atleast that's somewhat redeeming.]
I actually never made the link between the Arctic Monkeys and the Libertines, despite possessing both albums of, um, both of them. Now that you mention it though, I actually agree and can see the similarities plain as day. I would say though, the Monkeys are a lot more cardboard than the Libertines, and a lot less "out there" if you know what I mean. Also, the lead singer of the Arctic Monkeys isn't a junkie twat, like Pete Doherty.

To be a bit on-topic, I agree AM don't deserve their spot in this, wherever it may be.
Oasis at Number 1 is fuckin' laughable to. Anything other then The Beatles at Number 1 is just laughable. No one has been more popular, sold more records, been more critically acclaimed or influential then the Beatles. No one. Half of those bands on that list wouldn't be around without the Beatles.

Well you could have The Clash in there at number 1, With one Bloody Album on the List? The Clashes first album should be on there as well. The Beatles are good but you can make a case for the Clash or a few other bands to get Number one.

Only one Zeppelin and Who album? Now I know this list was created by fuckin' ******s. Zeppelin's first four albums are among the best music ever created in any genre. The Who's first five albums are the same.

Agreed. But they are missing a number of classic albums that should be on the list. Jethro Tull with Aqualung. King Crimson with In the Court of the Crimson King. Black Sabbath with Black Sabbath and Paranoid. Iron Maiden with Iron Maiden, Number of the Beast, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. And Finally Def Leppard with Hysteria. You can cut the majority of the List down and replace in so many albums so damned easily.

Man, what group of idiots came up with this list?

This is the Best thing to ask about this list. There are some great British bands that were snubbed in this List. YES being another one. And as you said the Following bands are passing fads, Keane (I thought they were Irish anyway), Amy Winehouse, Arctic Monkeys. I still find the nonexistence of British Heavy Metal to be a snub at the Genre as a Whole. Black Sabbath effectively created the entire Genre, and have influenced the entire genre of Metal, Iron Maiden bloody well led the revival of Metal bands in Britain at the end of the 70's start of the 80's. it is a real idiot that wrote this list up.
I'm a big Arctic Monkeys fan, I love their first album, not so much second. But I very much doubt they'll be on that list in 10 years time. I don't see them as the sort of band that are going to be remembered when talking about music greats, and to see Favourite Worst Nightmare up there is wrong. It was a highly disappointing album compared Whatever people say I am, and just doesn't deserve to be in the top 50, as well as being relatively high.

I've only listened to a few of those albums actually, and the ones I have have been good. But I don't see them as huge material, and the Top 50 is just weird. You can tell this was put together by a group of fans, because certain bands would never be in there if it was compiled by the music industry.
Another one I noticed Missing is Genesis. If you haven't heard The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. Listen to it and then compare it to all of the others on the list and you see why it should be on the List. This list is a complete Joke. The Led Zepplin and the Who albums are probably just Afterthoughts where the writer was going who else is British? Oh shit we should put in a Zepplin and a Who album.
Forgot about Genesis. You can't have a list like that and leave off a bit of Phil Collins, same with New Order.

And what's with the lack of Bowie? His music today isn't special, but his earlier stuff, while weird in some respects t's quality.
Coldplay are shockingsame depressing shite, i dont understand the hype with them they are boring. Can't believe Coldplay got on the list 3 times but Feeder were left off, makes no sense. Coldplay arent even in the same league as Oasis, Blur, Stereophonics or well most of the bands on that list.

Keane's album at number 8? What the fuck, Kasabian's Empire was better than Under the Iron Sea, and pretty much any of Stereophonics stuff. And the fact they beat bands like Queen, The Who, and The Beatles is laughable. Arctic Monkeys album was ok but to have it in the top 50 is pushing it a bit far. Oasis shouldn't have two in the top 10, Definantly Maybe is Legit, Morning Glory is good but not top 10.

Who put this list together? Was it Chris Moyles? That stupid fat wannabe comedian claims to know everything about music yet is on record as saying that the Arctic Monkey's will "never make it" six months before they did and now he bums them.

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