5 Worst WrestleManias Overall

Straight Sh00ter

Dark Match Jobber
Stemming from Last year's major atrocity of Wrestlemania, I thought it would be neat to hear all of your opinions on the worst installments. I am hoping more people agree with me about last year's show.

5. WM 9: Hmmm. Considering the only match I really remember is the main event, I can safetly say this gets a position in my list.

4. WM 11: I doubt many will disagree with me here. Even the main event was a terrible match. Not too much to rave about here.

3. WM XX: Ok. So this is the first of two huge anniversary shows on my list. There were two great matches, yes. But overall, this was built as a huge show, and it did not live up toth e hype whatsoever.

2. WM 2000: All I will say is the only singles match was a female match and the card saw the likes of Bull Buchannan, Bossman and all four McMahons on hte card. Terrible.

1. WM 25: I don't really care what anyone say. WWE dropped the ball HUGE on this one. There was only ONE match that was worthy of putting on a WrestleMania card and thank GOD it delievered. It was still not good enough to save the PPV though. They built it up as the biggest show ever, and it came across as the least impressive Mania since 2000. They better redeem themselves this year.
5. Wrestlemania 15 - This WM was horrible, IMO. The card was crap. And the Taker/Big Boss Man Hell in a Cell match was so bad, that many don't even consider it a hell in a cell match. The Austin/Rock match was ok. Personally, I prefer their WM17 and WM19 matches.

4. Wrestlemania 2000 - What really pisses me off about this WM, was the main event. I, to this very day, have no idea why WWE didn't simply just have HHH/Rock for the WWE Title. Or they could have had Foley face HHH in his "final" match at WM16. But instead, it turns into some clusterfuck fatal four way bullshit. And what was up with the lack of single matches?

3. Wrestlemania 9 - Hogan wins the WWE title in 21secs...Giant Gonzalez is in a match...nuff said...

2. Wrestlemania 1 - Now, I give WWE props for trying to do it big for WM1. But the whole damn thing, was just horrible.

1. Wrestlemania 11 - The damn event was main evented by a football player. WTF? Horrible Mania. And IMO, the card was horrid.
While Wrestlemania 1 was pretty terrible, in terms of quality in every aspect (especially the tag match main event, it was the first Mania, so I can't bring myself to put it on this list.

5. Wrestlemania 10: If it weren't for Bret Hart having two awesome matches, and the HBK/Razor ladder match, this would rank even lower. Outside of those two matches, this ppv was terrible. With matches like Bam Bam and Luna against Doink and Dink, or Earthquake vs. Adam Bomb, I am surprised this is even looked at as a Wrestlemania card. Also, the main event of Bret/Yoko came off not so well because, for some stupid reason, it followed one of the best Mania matches ever, in HBK vs. Razor in a ladder match for the IC belt. You can't tell me WWF didn't anticipate how great of a match that was going to be. Way to suck the life out of the crowd by having those two matches go back to back.

4. Wrestlemania 15: Austin vs. Rock was a bit underwhelming. Rock wasn't nearly over enough yet to be in the main event, and there was NO doubt that Austin would win. This match was more about Austin vs. McMahon than Austin vs. Rock. Their match at 17 was 20x bigger than their match at 15. Kane vs. Triple H was a decent match, as was X-Pac vs. Shane (what a surprise that one was ). But everything else sucked. Taker got hooked up with an aged Bossman, that was pretty terrible. Let's not forget about the worst match, Butterbean vs. Bart Gunn. This had no place on a Mania card. Butterbean was NOT a celebrity, it was garbage. Should have taken place on Raw. The worst part though, was the production value. I have never seen a weaker, cheaper Mania set, and it took away from the show. How cheap can Vince get?

3. Wrestlemania 22: I think the main reason I disliked this Mania so much was the fact that it made John Cena the number one guy in the company. I really do not like John Cena, so watching him win the main event was a huge let down for me (knew it was going to happen, just didn't like it). I also never liked the idea of Rey Mysterio winning a heavyweight championship. It just wasn't believable to me, and I think it was a big mistake (he does sell a HELL of a lot of merchandise though). Edge/Foley and McMahon/HBK are the only two reasons I watched this ppv for a second time. Both were great matches with great storylines before hand. Every other match sucked, IMO, besides RVD winning MITB, that was decent.

2. Wrestlemania 2000: Basically, I only hate this Mania for one reason: having the main event be a fatal fourway. I have never understood this move. I have heard people say that Vince wasn't sure that Rock vs. Triple could sell. So you add Mick Foley and Big Show? That was his solution? Foley could sell, sure, but at that time, Show wasn't any kind of draw. I guess the biggest problem I had/have is the fact that I like the idea of having a one-on-one Mania main event, and this raped that idea (Mania 1 had a tag match main event, and it was terrible). I think Rock/HHH would have sold fine. I know that Austin would have been apart of this main event had he not been injured, most likely taking on either Rock, HHH, or Big Show. But I really think WWF dropped the ball with this main event.

1. Wrestlemania 11: I think this is generally viewed as the worst mania, and I would have to agree. First of all, it had only 7 matches, I know that for sure. Any respectable Mania card, without having an Iron Man match, should have more matches. Second, outside of Diesel/HBK (which was an underrated match IMO) and Hart/Bob Backlund (another GREAT match), this ppv had NOTHING! The other matches were complete S**T! And worst of all, Bam Bam and LT were the MAIN EVENT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? A non-wrestler and Bam Bam are your headlining match? What a terrible decision. I am not sure what drugs Vince was taking when this decision was made, but I hope he has stayed away from them since. Not only were the two names involved not worth of a Mania main event, it was a terrible match and the title wasn't on the line (thank god). This is EASILY the worst Mania of them all, no doubt about it, not even up for discussion IMO.

PS. Mania 25 was AWESOME. 1. John Cena didn't close the show. 2. It had an AMAZING rivarly leading up to the main event. 3. It pissed off all of you idiot spot monkeys out there because HHH/Orton are "just too boring." What a load of crap. It was a great match, sorry they aren't stunt men. And to whoever said that only one match belonged on the card (I am assuming you meant HBK/Taker), you couldn't be more wrong. Are you really telling me that Randy Orton, the best in the business today, and Triple H, one of the greats of the last 10-15 years, didn't belong in the main event????

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