5 undercard guys or girls from the main WWE roster you'd like to see get a push

1. Wade Barret-It has been said a million times already but he was heading for main event status when he had the arm injury

2. Antonio Cesaro-I feel as that he is a waste of talent even though he is in the Real Americans group,he needs to have a solo run to show his full potential

3. Cody Rhodes-Might be a Baby face now and thats great for him. But he has talent.......

4. The Uso's- Yeah i know, They are getting a semi push right now from what it looks like, But i think they have the Talent to be a great tag team. There one huge downside is that either they suck on the mic or Vince has never given them the chance to speak

5. Justin Gabriel-Now before anybody says anything, i dont mean World championship status. I mean for him to be a solid midcarder and maybe a Us championship run.....I think he has potential and its not doing any good sitting in the locker room
Evan Bourne: This guy just has something that screams potential. I think that if Vince and the rest of the WWE where to give him the right storyline and the right build up then he could be the next Rey Mysterio. I mean why do they have to keep going into international markets whenever they have their own 'home-grown' talent right under thier noses.

Jinder Mahal: This guy, although most will probably disagree, has talent. Whenever he was first introduced into the WWE he was this menacing figure and character that was terrorising Khali (I know a joke of a person to do it to) but he was able to show us all that he has something. Whenever he was 'Tiger Ali Singh' he was amazing, green, but was still able to pull off some amazing matches. Like I stated with him he was a terrorising figure, if dealt with properly he could become, almost like, Muhammed Hassan, with out the 'Future Endevoured' title.

Drew McIntyre: This guy has 'IT', he reminds me of Bobby Roode, a great performer just in the waiting to become a huge star. He has had some memorable matches and some not so memorable matches, or matches that we would like to forget (vs. R-Truth, for example). He has the build to be menacing and a brilliant heel, he just needs that push.

Tyson Kidd: Tyson is just like Evan, apart from the fact that Tyson is so much more technically sound in the ring. All Tyson needs is that shot and I am sure that he would hit it out of the park. So please Vince (as Josh Isenburg would say), just push Tyson Kidd.

Natayla: This woman needs to be the at the top of the Divas division, she just needs to be. Technically gifted, powerful, good looking, aggressive she just has it all. Natayla needs to be recognised as more than a manager for Khali and Swoggle, she needs to be at the top. Could you imagine the matches that she would put on with someone like Paige whenever she is called up. This is so long overdue.
Christian deserves, as he would be quick to tell you, ONE MORE MATCH for the World Heavyweight Championship. We may have seen what will end up being the only run he will ever get in the world title scene in the WWE but I would love to see him get another shot. He would be a great choice for the belt to make it seem important again by putting on fantastic show stealing title retentions as well as help his challengers look strong in their attempts at defeating him during a long title run.

Drew McIntyre
Drew had everything he needed to make it all the way to the top a few years ago. A push as The Chosen One, awesome theme music, support from top officials, good promo skills, good in-ring work, and the look of a champion. He never recovered after his fight with his ex-wife who was a WWE diva at the time, and to this day I still think it played a big part in him getting de-pushed. I say give him a chance after 3MB split up. Have him declare himself The Chosen One again and attack people. There's a number of ways they can get him back to where he was 3 years or so ago and I'd want to see it happen.

Heath Slater
I might be the biggest supporter that Slater has on this forum. Ever since he first showed up on the first episode of NXT Season 1, I have always thought he would go on to become a big star in the WWE. He immediately made me think to myself, he's a future World Champion. The problem is the way he's been booked and I really hope he doesn't get turned into the next Santino but sadly that seems to be where things are going. Give him a more serious, arrogant heel persona than the comedic heel he has been, and see what he can do.

Kofi Kingston
Kofi is another wrestler that has so much potential that he has yet to live up to. He's accomplished everything he can without some type of change though. Kingston doesn't need an entirely new gimmick, he simply needs to be allowed to show more aggression such as when he destroyed Randy Orton's car during their feud in 2009. A couple of feuds similar to that one and we have a believable threat to either world title, I want to see him finally win one. He's earned it and can be believable in the role if WWE give him that chance.

Natalya has held the Divas Championship before but she is the best they have and should be pushed along with AJ and Kaitlyn as one of the focal divas of the division. She is the real-life niece of Bret Hart, a legend among legends. They need to bring that up more and let her showcase what she can do more often. What I want to see is Natalya getting built up over the next several months while AJ goes through the rest of the divas defeating them in title feuds one by one, until the two girls can put on the best Wrestlemania match the Divas Championship could possibly have. That would do wonders for the belt. I'd want her to have a lengthy reign with it too dethroning Maryse as the diva with the longest title reign.
Definitely for me it has to be Sin Cara, Ted DiBiase, Kofi Kingston, Natalya and Wade Barrett because if anything Wade Barrett deserves to be main eventing pay per views hell he should even be in the main event right now as a main eventer but he isn't and I don't know why considering Barrett does have all the tools and he has shown me why he can be a leader especially in Nexus and Corre. With DiBiase look at the lineage he comes from, his father being WWE Hall of Famer the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase, Sr. his grandfather being Iron Mike DiBiase, and in Legacy if anything he should have been the true breakout star of that stable and he was well on his way to doing that but no they saddle him with his dad's gimmick and ultimately at first it was working until they figured they had no place for him which is unfortunate if you ask me because if anything DiBiase should already be main-eventing by now at least. Same goes for Kofi and Sin Cara too, but with Natalya she should be WWE Divas Champion or at least in contention for it looking at the lineage she comes from her father being Jim The Anvil Neidhart her grandfather being WWE Hall of Famer Stu Hart her uncles being WWE Hall of Famer Bret The Hitman Hart, Owen Hart and The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith that wrestling pedigree alone should put her miles above all the other divas.

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