5 undercard guys or girls from the main WWE roster you'd like to see get a push


Hailing from his own planet its...
Personally I feel that there are a lot of divas and\or superstars that gruesomely under used yet already have a spot on the main roster. I'm asking for a list of 5 that you as the fan feel deserve or maybe even just want to see pushed to a main event spot. Please give a little info on why you feel they should get pushed, be it hard work or just one of your personal favorites. Here is my list:

#1: Drew McIntyre: I feel that drew is not used to his full potential at all. I think he could be a main event player and I also feel that his first shot with his feud with teddy long was terrible. He is way better and above 3MB. Why does 3MB exist anyway?

#2: Camacho: I'm sure many of you will disagree with this choice but I see it like this, WWE is lacking Hispanic top face/heel stars. I mean really minus DelRio who is there? botch cara? I feel that Camacho if given the extra time to grow could be an awesome heel.

#3: Ezekiel Jackson: first of all where is he? Did I miss his injury update or something? I say repackage this monster as an actual monster yet allow him to have a brain and win some match's with given brain instead of brute strength. I mean if Langston has a main roster spot then why not give him Zeke to fight?

#4: JTG: please put this guy back on TV. I just like this guy. A possible repackage could be in order but for the most part he can wrestle and he could have the potential to main event if given a good story. Just give him a shot Vince, write him a good story.

#5: Titus O'Neil: OK I know this guy already gets decent TV time but I think he's being held back in the PTP. He needs to be the power house he is meant to be. Lose Young and get on with beatin guys up. Give him a u.s. title shot. I'd like to see him as a solo heel after turning on Young and destroying him before heading into a title pic.

I'm sure you won't all agree with me on my selection but that's ok. Please voice your opinion, is like to read what I haven't thought of lol. Thanks guys!
For me when looking forward for the WWE these 5 all have their unique attributes which I find could be interesting in the future.

Tyson Kidd- he is fast, entertaining, and he works hard. He could elevate the midcard whilst putting on very stellar matches. He's small but boy does he work hard. His stuff in NXT was awesome too.

Yoshi Tatsu- his tempory heel/serious turn was great and he has put on some great matches with the likes of Jericho before. He should really be pushed.

Justin Gabriel- from what I've read he was inline for a tag title run with Tyson before Tyson's injury. I think he has massive potential and very much a fan of the 450.

Heath Slater- entertaining, quality promo giver and overall very interesting. I think his work is good and would be really interesting to watch at a higher degree at some point.

Wade Barett- in my head he's officially undercard jobber status. He must have posses someone off cause he had it all and lost it all. He deserves better though.
1: Drew McIntyre. This guy is a great all-round wrestler and could easily be top of the mid-card. I quite liked his IC reign on the whole and being put in a J.O.B Squad v2 is a huge waste of talent. I'd quite like him to get a major push in the future, above the mid-card at least so he can actually pull his weight. I hear Triple H is actually quite high on him so there's hope for him.

2: Justin Gabriel. Since the days of Nexus, I have loved this guy and the moves he does. He needs to do more than just appear on Superstars and do the occasional job. A mid-card reign could help this guy become over as a high-flying face. Maybe even throw him in more Elimination Chambers and MITB matches for some crazy spots. Either way, this guy is great and he needs a push.

3: Sin Cara. This is where I can see many people disagreeing with me. And while yes, he's known as "Botch Cara", that doesn't mean he's a talented guy. This guy could honestly become the next Rey Mysterio. He doesn't need to win the World Heavyweight Championship, just put him in a few interesting feuds like Alberto Del Rio. Luchadors always sell merchandise well, especially if they are pushed. I don't want SC to be pushed to the moon, but I do want to see a stop to him being used as a jobber because he's not THAT bad.

4: Wade Barrett. What's this guy got to do now? He's irrelevant and he needs to be made relevant now. Simply build him up as a serious contender. This is another guy that is great all-round and has been long overdue for a push. It seems as if WWE has given up on him, but they're simply not trying hard enough with him. He has a lot of untapped potential. Put the WHC title on him, make him relevant, use his gimmick more. WWE aren't even trying with him anymore.

5: Titus O'Neil. Great figure, charismatic and good in the ring. He's worthy of a mid-card title at least. Ditch Darren Young (I don't care for DY) and have Titus as a hybrid between a cocky heel and a monster heel. This guy does have the potential to go to the main event, but at the moment, I think experimenting with him in the mid-card is the best way to go for him.
1. Titus O'Neil: Has the in-ring ability, the look, the personality. Shoud really be pushes sooner rather than later.

2. Hunico: Put on some great matches a few years ago. I like the character. Shame he's nowhere to be seen.

3. Tyson Kidd: Enough said.

4. Natalya: Why oh why isn't she one of the top divas already?

5. Wade Barrett: What has this guy done since his return? From potential main eventer to undercard and jobber. What are they doing with him?
1. Drew McIntyre - What can I say? The fall of Drew McIntyre is so unfortunate, as he possesses so much talent. His run as Intercontinental Champion in 2009 and 2010 was great, his heel status rose and he looked to be getting a bit of a push during the first part of 2011. Oh how wrong. Since this point, what has he done? I do wonder what he did wrong, because he has "it". Whatever "it" is, he does have it. He is talented in the ring, his promo skills are more than adequate, and he is a good heel. This 3MB must stop, it is ruining him. Bring back the old, aggressive and fun Drew McIntyre please.

2. Wade Barrett - Again, a guy I'd like to know what wrong-doing he has done to deserve what he has been given. Yeah, he is a 3x Intercontinental Champion, but come on, that means little in today's age, especially when his runs are lackluster. His run as leader of the Nexus was one of the most enjoyable story's of the past few years, and he looked to be in line for a WWE Championship reign. This of course never happened, and since, he has been struggling to get anywhere. Why? He has the potential to be a top heel and World Heavyweight Champion if the WWE Championship seems a bit of a stretch. He has talent, why not utilize it?

3. Hunico - I don't know why but something clicked when I saw Hunico first debut. He has a unique character, and with his background, as well as being associated with Camacho, I thought this "ganster" like character from the streets would be an interesting turn of events, especially as we are generally accustom to lucha libre wrestlers being just that, e.g. Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara. Anyway, I feel he has good in-ring talent, and they could make something out of him. Bring in Camacho, use Primo and Epico, and Rosa can tag along, make some sort of heel faction based off the character Hunico plays. That could be unique. Now we have the Shield and the Wyatt Family, but I don't care, just fantasy I suppose.

4. Justin Gabriel - This guy has something special and attracting that makes him quite popular for an undercard guy. The crowd always seems to pop for him, and after every match he has, you can see why. To call this guy talented wouldn't tell the full story. I love the 450 splash, and he does some great things in the ring. He is unique, and I want to see more. He was the popular guy in the Nexus and the Corre, so he must have some sort of connection with the crowd. Use that.

5. Natalya - I do wonder why this woman isn't the face of the divas division. Yeah, AJ Lee has a great character, but Natalya is great in the ring. You cannot deny this, and with her Hart family background, she could be pushed as a great face or heel. She possesses the ability to play both characters well, and she could bring some attention back to the division. The WWE have the talent in the division, and Natalya epitomizes what a WWE diva should be, yet WWE fail to capitalize on the opportunity.
1. Drew McIntyre This guy is number 1 on everyones list. The greatest fall of grace in the last 10 years IMO. He is a brilliant talent and let his wife ruin his career BUT at least he is still on television and that keeps him in peoples mind but for him to break away from 3MB he must turn on his team mates, cut a promo about how the chosen one was held back by these losers. Then allow william regal to become his manager. Fixes the communication issue that some people have with Mr McIntyre due to his thick Ayr accent and as im scottish i cant understand them sometimes also. Anyway McIntyre Will be a World champion sometime.

2. Justin Gabriel Gabriel just oozes talent. Might not be brilliant on the mic but is special in ring and bring him back as tag team partner with Tyson Kidd, you have a special team. If that isnt something that can happen, please God bring back the Cruiserweight division as there is so much small talent in the company that it would be foolish not to consider it.

3.Wade Barrett Believe it or not, i think this guy could be a good face. I met the guy at the Glasgow WWE house show and he was a sound lad. Whether or not they could think of a decent gimmick or not remains to be seen but he is brilliant as a heel, i still believe he would be good with another faction as he just looks the part of a tyrant.

4.Titus O'Neill Woof.Woof.Woof. I love this guy, he has talent in the ring and on the mic he is hilarious. He has the physique Vince loves so i wouldnt be surprised if he breaks away from PTP soon. A IC title reign would do wonders for him.

5.Natalya Nat has talent no doubt. Shes over aswell because of who she is. A divas title feud with AJ would do wonders for her career as both can put on a good match and even a submission match which is uncommon for divas but with the Black widow and Sharpshooter being there respective finishing moves it would be interesting.
For me, it's:

1) Wade Barrett- While I'm not a major fan of him, I do think he has potential to be a top guy in the business. His mic skills are very good and he's good in-ring. The problem lies in the fact that the WWE will not give him anything consistent. I don't know why, but I do know Barrett has all the potential in the world right now and it's being wasted. At 32, Wade Barrett isn't getting any younger.

2) Drew McIntryre- Ah yes, the chosen one. McIntyre had a problem with a woman and now he's in 3MB. At least he's getting TV time. But there might be another purpose to 3MB: To see if he can handle a ridiculous gimmick. Still, McIntyre has the look, the charisma, and the skill to be a top star. And he's just 28.

3) Justin Gabriel- I feel like this guy has a solid amount of charisma. If he's given the right gimmick, he could be a world champ. Interestingly, in my WWE 13 game, Gabriel's become a world champ within 3 years in every run through Universe mode. It didn't surprise me. It didn't jump out at me. Gabriel has potential, even at 32. And he's very good in-ring.

4) Heath Slater- Laugh all you want, but Slater's paid his dues BIG TIME. And he's got some in-ring skill. His mic skills aren't bad, either. I'm saying Slater also deserves more than 3MB. Give him a real gimmick, and I feel like he could be at least an Intercontinental Champ, if not more. I saw a thread awhile back in the forums about "Heath Slater will be a World Champ by 2013". I laughed then, and while the 30-year old wont be by the end of the year, I'm not laughing now.

5) Sin Cara- Okay, here comes the hate. First of all, unless the WWE signs another Mexican luchador, Cara's going to be pushed regardless. The guy may have botched, but have you seen much botching lately? And once Cara learns English, things'll be easier. But on to the point. I'm not saying Cara's gonna be a world champ or anything, but he's gonna get a push because he's a luchador. The 30-year old's the next, albeit less useful, Rey Mysterio. And one final thought, remember that RAW, I believe it was, where Ziggler interfered on the Del Rio-Cara match? Did you notice how Cara came out on top there? I don't think that was an accident.
1) Wade Barrett - it is ridiculous that he hasn’t been a world champion yet. He puts on great matches; can speak and has different gimmicks. He has shown that he is an all-round superstar and the sooner he gets a push the better. How Del Rio is a world champ over Barrett is beyond me.
2) Drew McIntyre – Everyone is in agreement. It is actually been so long since he has in a solid singles feud that I have forgotten how good he could be. He has the skills in the ring and being the “chosen one” was a great gimmick. Moreover, he is Scottish.
3) Titus O’Neil – The Prime Time Players are actually a very good tag-team but Team Hell No/The Shield have obviously taken the limelight. With The Usos, The real Americans and the Wyatt Family the WWE are alright with tag-teams. The PTP can split and O’Neil will show how good he is. Tons of charisma and the ability to put on great matches. It is enough to be a solid mid-carder.
4) Tyson Kidd – Some of the matches he puts on are incredible. He really needs a spot on TV. Give him a manger if needs be but just let him do what he does best.
5) Evan Bourne – Same as Kidd. I know he has some problems out of the ring but the WWE are capable of looking beyond that (Orton, Swagger, RVD)

Generally, there are a lot of guys who can put on great matches and some who have the mic-skills to back it up. The problem is that now there is just one massive roster it becomes difficult to give new guys time on TV.
1. Wade Barrett - I don't know if Wade Barrett has got heat on him backstage or if WWE officials simply cooled on his ability to be a star in the long term. Wade Barrett is someone that, generally speaking, has had a pretty shitty 18 months or so. He was in the middle of a good streak heading into WM 28 last year but an elbow injury puts him on the shelf for the next 7 months. As a result, he misses WM in which he was reportedly penciled in to with the MITB match at the event. This would have restructured MITB back to its roots as a WrestleMania special attraction in which there's only one MITB contract that can be cashed in for either the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship. It also would have ended the MITB ppv, at least for last year. So had Barrett not gotten injured, the odds are extremely strong he would have been World Heavyweight Champion at least once. He comes back and gets his footing and winds up winning the IC title. People are excited and hopeful for this 2nd go around with Barrett as champ and things go really well for the first month until the night after the Royal Rumble. Barrett loses clean to Bo Dallas in his debut match on Raw and things just continue to go south for Barrett throughout the peak of WrestleMania season in which he's used to mostly job out to bigger stars like Sheamus & Randy Orton while he's still IC champ. He then loses the title during the WM pre-show, wins it back the next night on Raw in what as a damn good match, goes onto keep losing more non-title matches before finally dropping the title at Payback. Barrett has all the tools to be a major player and, in my opinion, he's much too talented to have been shafted during the WrestleMania & post WrestleMania season.

2. Antonio Cesaro - Antonio Cesaro has already earned a reputation as one of the best in-ring workers on the WWE roster. Cesaro is someone that has great in-ring chemistry with damn near anybody. For instance, in my opinion, the matches he's had with Sin Cara are the best Sin Cara has worked since coming to WWE. That's saying quite a bit when you consider that Sin Cara has had good matches against guys the caliber of Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan. Cesaro & Kofi Kingston have torn the roof off in a couple of matches they've had. One they had earlier this year on Main Event is one of the best of the year and almost as good a match as you'll see on free television. Cesaro has a great look and the "throwback" aspect of him is appealing. He can brawl, he can mat wrestle and I've even seen him go to the top a few times and hit some awesome looking spots. If that isn't enough, he's someone that's genuinely very tough. After all, during his US title run, he worked for several months with either torn ligaments in several fingers on one of his hands or they were broken. I can't remember exactly which but that's dedication that you can't be taught. I admit that he's not the best on the mic but when you consider the relatively limited character he's been given, I think he's done pretty well. He might not ever be a charismatic force on the level of someone like Punk or Cena, but I honestly think something big can be made of him.

3. Kofi Kingston - Kofi Kingston is somebody that, and I've said this a lot of times, I think has a lot of untapped potential. We've seen glimpses of greatness from Kofi several times over the years. He's been a consistently over and entertaining mid-card wrestler that fans have been interested in for years. His matches are well paced, entertaining and pretty damn athletic. Kofi has had this same character for years now and I honestly think that an overhaul of his persona could elevate him to another level on the roster. He's also solid on the mic, not exactly a dynamo but he's someone that's shown that he can rally fans behind him if he's able to let out that passion the way Daniel Bryan has. I can understand if there's reluctance when you consider how well Kofi has consistently been in the mid-card. He's delivered as a mid-card wrestler for years and I think he could deliver if given spot as a main eventer at some point down the road. As I said, in my opinion, the potential is there and could be brought out with a little work.

4. Drew McIntyre - In my eyes, Drew McIntyre is a perfect example of someone that's worked extremely hard to improve himself in just about every way. He was given a big IC title push right out of the gate and I agree with those that say he wasn't ready for it. At the same time though, he worked hard & did his best during the "Chosen One" phase of his career. After that ended, he worked really hard to improve himself in the ring and it showed. Even though he was mostly relegated to Superstars, McIntyre often had high quality matches that were often much better all in all than most of his matches were when he was IC champ. As part of 3MB, again, McIntyre has put a lot of effort into his character. He doesn't piss & moan backstage or on Twitter about his spot, he just does the best he can with what he's been given. He's young, he's got a great look, and can go in the ring. He's also definitely paid his dues in WWE and personally, I think there's a lot of upside to him.

5. Natalya - For quite a long while now, Natalya has been, arguably, the best Diva inside the ring on the WWE roster. Natalya had the misfortune that's been suffered by a good number of talented female wrestlers in WWE over the past decade or so: they haven't been treated as a priority. Now I do understand the point some made about women's wrestling not being a draw and, in the grand scheme of things, it's not. However, if you're going to feature women's wrestling on your program at all, why not try to make it as good as you can? When Natalya & Beth Phoenix did the whole "Divas of Doom" thing, I was pretty excited to be honest. But, like so many promising situations we've seen when it comes to the Divas, Vince let it slide. However, as people have noticed, things SEEM to be on the upside for the Divas Division as a whole. Over the past 6 weeks or so, something has happened that we haven't really seen in quite a while. Kaitlyn & AJ have been given an honest to goodness feud with a coherent storyline and have been given a solid amount of time to deliver two good wrestling matches on two consecutive ppvs. Also, Diva matches altogether have gotten better and The Funkadactyls and Bella Twins seem to have a bit of a feud with a storyline going. True, the storyline is connected to their roles as part of the Total Divas show and isn't the stuff dreams are made of, but at least it's something. Natalya might not be overly charismatic, though I think she could be if they altered her character to some degree. I don't think they can make her any less charismatic, so what's to lose?
Unfortunately they didn't make my cut but I would like to say Hunico and Heath Slater should also get pushed.

I like slater, even if you'd rather ignore it but he touchs the fans and has a jobber gimmick a la Santino. They should give him a serious persona and an I.c. title shot.

Hunico could make an awesome TV heel, let him unleash as a vicious "gangster" heel. Maybe hunico and Camacho get break back into television as 2 gangsters Del Rio hire to take someone out. After that hopefully they will take out Del Rio and snatch up Ricardo as their manager. PS Ricardo Rodriguez is awesome lol...
Cody Rhodes was being pushed for so long as Intercontinental Champion, that for him to progress he really needs to enter the World Heavyweight Championship scene. I think he needs a gimmick refresh, and a strong feud with a top level star who can make him.

Antonio Cesaro is benefitting from the Real Americans association. I'd like to see the two wrestlers win the IC and US titles simultaneously rather than the tag team belts. It would probably serve both wrestlers better to not hold tag gold or lose competing for it.

Alicia Fox is a natural heel, and a solid female wrestler. She also looks flawless, so give her a gimmick! She needs a entire character to portray, bit right now she is wasted as a jobber.
Alicia Fox is a natural heel, and a solid female wrestler. She also looks flawless, so give her a gimmick! She needs a entire character to portray, bit right now she is wasted as a jobber.

She (Alicia Fox) would be the only diva I would be interested in. Well A.J. has a pretty solid character and the Bella's are alright but the rest of the division bores me.
Heath Slater - he was my favorite of the original Nexus besides Skip Sheffield. I like his ring style, he sells like a pro and he has a wacky charisma that I really get a kick out of.

Tyson Kidd - great technical and high-flying skill, always a blast to watch.

Wade Barrett - I have no idea why he's been on such a downward spiral. Disheartening to see, as I believe he deserves a place near the top. Love his rugged brawling style, and his mic skills are terrific.

Antonio Cesaro - an all-around great wrestler, superb physique, superior strength. His best matches usually take place on Main Event. A great reason to watch that show.

Jinder Mahal - not many seem to like him, but I think he's underrated. He's had some solid matches in NXT, and I think he could be a great heel if booked correctly.
1- Drew McIntyre. This guy is solid in the ring and had a great thing going when he was The Chosen One. After the fight between him and Tiffany, he hasn't had any push. He rarely wrestles anymore on Raw or Smackdown and he only make appearances as member of 3MB.

2- Alex Riley Seriously, why isn't Riley getting pushed? He is still very over with the growd at house shows, I was just at one a couple months ago and he got a great pop. He showed how well he worked when he was feuding with The Miz and then faded into obscurity soon after for no reason.

3- Kofi Kingston He has the athleticism in the ring and is fairly decent on the mic. He showed he can be a serious character when he feuded with Randy Orton a few years back, but his push was stopped for whatever reason.

4-Tamina Snuka This girl can go in the ring, but yet gets no chance to show it. She only comes out for a match on Raw or Smackdown if we are lucky once a year.

5- Wade Barrett This guy is a great wrestler and a great leader for stables. Look at how well he led The Nexus. Nexus only went down the drain when CM Punk became their leader. He is golden on the microphone and in the ring. He should have been WWE or World Heavyweight champion by now.
1.) David Otunga. He's a picturesque WWE superstar and given a good feud or two he could work as an IC, US, or maybe World heavyweight Champion. Work his law degree into his character, have him leverage things on the GM to get stipulations in his favor for his matches.

2.) Natalya. Have her return to her heels days when she was with Beth Phoenix and start making chicks tap. She's a Hart and she can put a sharpshooter on anyone, maybe even some of the guys.

3.)Justin Gabriel. There's a lack of high flyers in the title pictures nowadays and he can certainly bring some excitement to a match just look at his IC title match with Barrett a few months back. Really all of the original 7 of Nexus should be on Raw and Smackdown.

4.) Zack Ryder. Get the broski back in the hunt for a title. He's a Tag champ and a US Champ and he's one of Edge's boys. He's not as goofy as he was when he beat Ziggler for the US title and dropped it to Swagger and I'm sure he'd be eager to run with almost any storyline that would get him back on TV.

5.) Alicia Fox. Man she's improve din the ring based on her matches on Main event and NXT. She's pulling suplexes out of her back pocket, athletic moves left and right, and she's improved as a seller.
Ted Dibiase - First he was Cody Rhodes' bitch, then he lost three consecutive matches to Cody. After that, he started jobbing to people like Jinder Mahal and Hunico. Seems like he's had some injuries in the past year or so. He should've been the one to dethrone Cody for the IC title. They should bring him back as a Paul Heyman guy.

Kane - I don't want to see the Kane that jobs to the Shield and acts like a human. I want the Kane we had three years ago that was World Heavyweight Champion. He deserves another run on top.

Ezekiel Jackson - Bring him back as a heel. He could be Heyman's bodyguard when Brock isn't around or Vickie's bodyguard. The guy looks like a beast that could rip your arms out of the sockets and beat you with them. It's time he starts getting booked as one.

Wade Barrett - WTF happened to him? He was my pick to win MITB, but that clearly didn't happen. He's not much higher up the ladder than some of the other Nexus members - Slater, Gabriel, Darren Young and Otunga.

Christian - One more match for the World Heavyweight Championship! Christian was gold as a heel a couple of years ago. Give him another run on top.
I'm not suggesting all of these could/should be main eventers, my list is just made up of people I'd like to see getting a bit more.

1. Antonio Cesaro - Unlike many I'm not a fan due to his tag team work on the indies, truth is I didn't really see any of it and when I was watching him in ROH he was a goofy comedy character who was feuding with Colt Cabana over the ROH Pure title.

I am a fan of his 2013 WWE work, I love his unique blend of power and skill, I think he has a good look and I love watching him wrestle. He's not much of a promo but I'd put him with Heyman as I don't see the Coulter gimmick getting anywhere, I think he can at least reach Del Rio's level.

2. Tyson Kidd - I know he's not due back until next year but I really think he could be a great addition to the mid card scene. I thought he was doing pretty well when they gave him the big bodyguard and he started cutting solid promos, but then he just fell back to the 3rd tier shows.

3. Natalya - Just have her snap, rant about her mistreatment and start wrecking Divas like the Bellas and other heel model types, setting her up as a feud for AJ.

4. Naomi - The Funadactyles have run their course, WWE have a great heel as Divas champion right now and she needs face challengers, enter Naomi to add to Nattie.

5. Drew McIntyre - Mainly because Sally loves him! ;) Seriously though he's paid his dues in 3MB and busts his ass to make faces (Or Lesnar & Henry) look good every time they are fed to someone, he's a decent wrestler with enough potential to warrant another crack at the mid card and to see where things can go from there.
1. Justin Gabriel. He's much better than a low mid card feeder jobber. 2. Jack Swagger. He needs a serious push with his current We The People gimmick. At least the tag belts with Cesaro. 3. Wade Barrett. Showed traces of brilliance as Intercontinental champ and Nexus Leader. 4. Cody Rhodes. Need I say more? 5. Drew McIntyre. This guy is just better than 3MB jobber.:band: Honestly the writers surely should be able to do SOMETHING meaningful with him. :taijiri:
ok i know this is not on subject, but i see a few people naming Cody. am i wrong but isnt the word coming from the inside is that the plan currently IS for this to be Cody's push? its said that Sandow didnt win the case for him to go on as champion, Cody is supposed to take it from him.

As for who needs to be pushed.

1) Justin Gabriel. obviously a popular pick amongst us, however i feel like he is THE guy as far as who needs to shine. amazing wrestler, charismatic as hell, and a great guy that the fans never seem to get tired of. he might need some work on the mic but iv seen him on twitter quite a bit and the man has a funny and creative side that could work well with his 'warewolf' claim if they put it to good use.

(the rest of these are not in any particular order)

2) The Usos. yes i know, they are getting a bit of a push now, but i feel as if it will not last. it was reported months ago that THEY would be the team to face the shield after Team Hell No so im glad that came thru, but they need to be the team to BEAT the shield at some point. not saying now, but when its all said and done, they should be champs. the guys are money in my eyes.

3) Kofi. i dont think much needs to be said here. when i picture Kofi in the WHC/WWE title picture, i picture Rey vs Big Show. who can be Kofi's Big Show is the question, but i think if Kofi stopped smiling and showed some killer instinct he could take off.

4) Seth Rollins. yea yea... the shield, i dont own a rock large enough to live under. however, iv always loved Seths work as a singles guy. my half assed idea, give Gabriel his push and let him some way swindle the swindlers themselves and come away with the US title. have Seth as the eventual dethroner to Gabriel, therefore starting friction in the shield

5) Sin Cara. if he has gotten english down and isnt half bad on the mic (none of us will ever know until hes actually handed one...) then i say give the man a REAL push. nothing worse than whats already happened to him can come about right?
To me it's all about pushing the tag division

1) Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes (these 2 struggle on their own, so put them back together again).
2) Titus O'Neill with Big E Langston (this could become a powerhouse duo lead by none other than AJ Lee)
3) Christian and The Miz (both have become stale in the storylines but both work the mic well and would make a nice face tag team.

For Singles Pushes
4) Wade Barrett - he should be taken off TV for about 2 months and then come back with a renewed focus and get a major push for the World Heavyweight Championship
5) Justin Gabriel - a great high flyer and should be pursuing some mid-card gold (I-C Title maybe???)
Like what others have said I would say Wade Barrett and Drew Mcintyre had the biggest "de-pushes" in the history of de-pushes, but I am surprised no one has mentioned Batista 2.0! Mason Ryan, where the hell did this guy go? I really enjoyed his last run feuding with Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger but what happened after that? He was in the survivor series tag team elimination match that year but just disappeared right after.. He was in line for a repackaging in January of 2012 but idk what happened. He is main event talent hes got the talent and the potential but still gotta work on his mic skills but other then that he could be a great top face like Sheamus(don't like sheamus at all tho..)
Dean Ambrose - I dont know if you consider him undercard or not at this point but I have become a total mark for this guy and im not ashamed to admit it. Ill be the first one to tell you that I have only been watching wrestling for 6 years or so. The first thing I saw was Hardy swanton bombing Orton from the Raw set right before they switched to HD. Anyways this guy is gold, he has already made the United states title seem like a credibls title for the first time I personally think since Matt Hardy had it right before his ECW run. He is the leader of a strong faction in the shield and I havent seen a bad match from him yet. I hope they let him keep the US title but move him up to the IC title shortly after axel loses it.

Drew Mcyntire - I just wanna see what Vince saw in him. If he really was the "Chosen One" then what the hell happened because 3MB is a joke. He seems good in the ring I guess, I really don't know though as he has been set up to fail.

Sin Cara - I think if he really buckled down and sharpened his skills mix that with a meaningful fued with someone along the lines of Rey Mysterio or Chris Jericho let him get a few wins take a few bumps and come back to win. Make him look credible and vince mcmahon will have his new mexican star.

Mason Ryan - Where did he go? I know he went to NXT bla bla bla but why hasnt he been at least the IC champion yet? He should have won the World Title way before somebody like Jack Swagger was even givin the chance to fight for it. Batista 2.0 but with a hole different dimension, give him a chance maybe he could even be better than Batista?

Kofi Kingston - Do I really need to say anything? Dude can go. Let him have a meaningful fued, havent seen one of then in a long time except for Cena/Punk/Triple H yes these 3 can all sell a PPV but its always good to have ten guys that could sell it so its worth buying.
Drew Mcintyre - Obviously talented and am sure he'll get another push after 3MB!
Curt Hawkins - Right, where is Hawkins anyway? Should he not be in 3MB?
Heath Slater - He just has that something, and you want to kick his ass!
Justin Gabriel - He's pretty decent in-ring with some high flying moves, but he just needs that little bit extra, mic work maybe?...hair cut?....grow 5 inches? lol
Jinder Mahal - infact all of 3MB are better than jobbers and can see all 3 as players in Mid-card and up!
Alex Riley- Always liked the guy. Don't know why. Push him as an underdog or something.

Hunico- I once heard he gave a great promo in the dark matches of Smackdown.

Drew McIntyre- I was really hoping for a push at 2011... I don't know where it went wrong... Wait, Taryn Terrell...

Ted DiBiase Jr- Come on, guys... He can be great. I really want to see this guy as a major player.

Zack Ryder- You know it.
I'm gonna try to come up with some names that haven't been mentioned yet or ones that haven't been mentioned enough IMO...

Ted DiBiase Jr. - not sure what happened with him. Maybe an injury I'm unaware of? I know his face turn didn't really go too well but I remember his in-ring skills were at least as good as many of the mid-card guys now. Not sure if he wanted to shed any "Million Dollar Man" gimmick tie-ins but that is a missing element right now. Last time we had an angle about a millionaire throwing money around it was JBL "owning" HBK. Been a long time.

Brodus Clay - I know he has become somewhat of a punch line but a heel turn could really benefit a monster like him. Unfortunately for Tensai I think his ridiculous pairing with goofy Funk Clay has shot any credibility he might have but if Brodus turned on the fans and the gimmick viciously I think he could fill the mid-card big guy heel very well.

Rosa Mendes - Most attractive Diva on the roster. I have no idea if she has any in-ring skills at all but to not have her as the valet for a superstar or two that actually gets on TV is a travesty.

Summer Rae - Should get into the mix in the Divas division. Showed enough in-ring ability in NXT that it should work and her entrance would be another chance for them to push that Fandango theme song ::::rolls eyes::::

Kofi Kingsto - They have to do something to shed his happy-go-lucky nice guy persona. They tried with that Orton feud a year or so ago but it didn't work. Not looking for a heel turn but something more serious for Kofi who is one of the best athletes in the WWE.

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