5 Things That Need To Happen At Wrestlemania 31


Occasional Pre-Show
1 Sting- Nobody deserves a legend's send off more than him. I don't care who he wrestles it just needs to happen and he needs to win. Sting can still go better than half the roster so I would love to see him have one more run like Wrestlemania to Summerslam but if he only wants one match than so be it.

2 Establish Dean Ambrose- I love Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns. All 3 have a very bright future in the WWE but Ambrose has that "it' factor. A Dolph Ziggler heel turn in the next few months leading to a intercontinental title match against Ambrose at Wrestlemania would be great. Give them around 20 minutes with Ambrose winning not only boosts Ambrose's career but brings prestige back to the title.

3 End the Daniel Bryan Experiment- The whole Daniel Bryan debacle has been an embarrassment to every one involved. It doesn't matter if he's cleared to wrestle or not. He should lose to a comedy act in under a minute and then give Bryan a job backstage as a agent or something.

4 Establish Bray Wyatt- If Brock is really leaving after Wrestlemania then Bray should be the new number 1 heel heading into next year. I think a rematch with John Cena with Wyatt winning clean could really set the tone for a big year for Wyatt.

5 Embarrass Ric Flair- Flair has embarrassed himself, WCW, and WWE far too many times so now it's Flair's turn. Here are two scenarios.

1 Have a segment with Hogan and Flair where Hogan calls out Brutus Beefcake. Hogan sits on Flair while Beefcake shaves Flair's head

2 Have a segment where Flair gets slop dumped all over him. If they go with this scenario they shouldn't tell Flair what's going to happen which would make it that much funnier and he might even slip and fall down.
1 Sting- Nobody deserves a legend's send off more than him. I don't care who he wrestles it just needs to happen and he needs to win. Sting can still go better than half the roster so I would love to see him have one more run like Wrestlemania to Summerslam but if he only wants one match than so be it.

2 Establish Dean Ambrose- I love Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns. All 3 have a very bright future in the WWE but Ambrose has that "it' factor. A Dolph Ziggler heel turn in the next few months leading to a intercontinental title match against Ambrose at Wrestlemania would be great. Give them around 20 minutes with Ambrose winning not only boosts Ambrose's career but brings prestige back to the title.

3 End the Daniel Bryan Experiment- The whole Daniel Bryan debacle has been an embarrassment to every one involved. It doesn't matter if he's cleared to wrestle or not. He should lose to a comedy act in under a minute and then give Bryan a job backstage as a agent or something.

4 Establish Bray Wyatt- If Brock is really leaving after Wrestlemania then Bray should be the new number 1 heel heading into next year. I think a rematch with John Cena with Wyatt winning clean could really set the tone for a big year for Wyatt.

5 Embarrass Ric Flair- Flair has embarrassed himself, WCW, and WWE far too many times so now it's Flair's turn. Here are two scenarios.

1 Have a segment with Hogan and Flair where Hogan calls out Brutus Beefcake. Hogan sits on Flair while Beefcake shaves Flair's head

2 Have a segment where Flair gets slop dumped all over him. If they go with this scenario they shouldn't tell Flair what's going to happen which would make it that much funnier and he might even slip and fall down.

1. I agree. Sting needs to happen at WM. Would love to see Sting/Taker no matter how old any of them are. Or Sting/HHH or Sting/Cena.

2. Ambrose needs to be established well before WM. He needs a big win over Wyatt after basically getting zero wins over Rollins in their entire feud. He NEEDS the win badly or he will end up middling like Ziggler or Barrett did. They really need to start putting him over since he's their #1 face at the moment whether they like it or not. And yes, Ambrose should have a BIG WM moment.

3. It hasn't been embarrassing for anyone. Bryan got hurt at the wrong time. That's all there is to it. You apparently dislike Bryan and that's fine, but guess what.. you're in the minority. Bryan vs Rollins should happen at WM and steal the show.

4. Bray Wyatt does need a big win over someone big. Maybe Orton.

5. Why? Flair is barely on TV. He will have nothing to do with WM. Sounds like you just dislike him for no good reason.

One other thing needs to happen at WM... and that's get the title off Lesnar. If he's not going to be around because you can't afford him, take the title off him.
1 Sting- Nobody deserves a legend's send off more than him. I don't care who he wrestles it just needs to happen and he needs to win. Sting can still go better than half the roster so I would love to see him have one more run like Wrestlemania to Summerslam but if he only wants one match than so be it.

2 Establish Dean Ambrose- I love Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns. All 3 have a very bright future in the WWE but Ambrose has that "it' factor. A Dolph Ziggler heel turn in the next few months leading to a intercontinental title match against Ambrose at Wrestlemania would be great. Give them around 20 minutes with Ambrose winning not only boosts Ambrose's career but brings prestige back to the title.

3 End the Daniel Bryan Experiment- The whole Daniel Bryan debacle has been an embarrassment to every one involved. It doesn't matter if he's cleared to wrestle or not. He should lose to a comedy act in under a minute and then give Bryan a job backstage as a agent or something.

4 Establish Bray Wyatt- If Brock is really leaving after Wrestlemania then Bray should be the new number 1 heel heading into next year. I think a rematch with John Cena with Wyatt winning clean could really set the tone for a big year for Wyatt.

5 Embarrass Ric Flair- Flair has embarrassed himself, WCW, and WWE far too many times so now it's Flair's turn.
ok you got my attention let's see what you have here
1) i agree. Give Sting a big time match, i would try it vs. the Undertaker.....let them have a great legends match
2) why wait to establish Dean Ambrose?? he should be established as a big time player BEFORE Mania. he's too talented in the ring and on the mic. he's an excellent WWE performer. establish him before then, have him in a big time match vs. a big time WWE heel.
3) here's where you REALLY lose me. Firstly, Daniel Bryan is hurt, how has he embarrassed anyone?? if anything, WWE is already embarrassing Bryan by having the heels referring to him as a B+ player which also hurts Triple H because he lost to that B+ player....WWE shouldn't end the experiment. IF and that's a big IF he's healthy (Which i don't think he sadly will be) they need to have Bryan go after the title claiming that he never lost the title (which is true) and should get a title shot. just because you don't like Bryan doesnt mean he's an embarrassment, he's not good, he's GREAT in the ring. a 5 star match waiting to happen is what Bryan brings to the table, why have him job to a comedy act? if that's how they will treat Bryan, then he should just quit WWE and go to a company that actually appreciates how great he is and i doubt WWE will do something THAT stupid. what i would do (if cleared and he doesn't fight for the title like i know he won't) is have him wrestle Triple H in a re-match where if he wins, Triple H has to publicly admit that Bryan is A+
4) AGAIN, he should be established BEFORE Mania. Wyatt is way too talented to not be established before Mania. his character is unique and he's good in the ring. i would have him as a huge monster heel type. i would prefer to see HIM face Reigns, won't happen, but i wouldn't mind seeing it. another idea for Wyatt is for Wyatt to face Orton.
5) Why waste good PPV time??? so on the biggest event WWE has, they should have Bryan lose to some guy like Santino or Hornswoggle in seconds and embarrass a legend like Ric Flair on the same show!!!??? that would really stink. i don't mind having Flair beat up (as a manager of a heel wrestler), but why embarrass him?? i would not do that, if Flair embarrasses himself, that's on him, but why should WWE waste time like that?? honestly, if he's not a heel manager by WM then i would just have him backstage partying in a segment.
1 Sting- Nobody deserves a legend's send off more than him. I don't care who he wrestles it just needs to happen and he needs to win. Sting can still go better than half the roster so I would love to see him have one more run like Wrestlemania to Summerslam but if he only wants one match than so be it.

I have to hold onto hope that Sting is going to make an appearance at WrestleMania but I honestly have no idea why I want it so much. People say that he is the biggest name to never wrestle for WWE and I have to agree with that. However, I just cannot put my finger on why it means so much to me to have him wrestle at WrestleMania?

Still, I'd love to see it. I honestly believe that the reason Undertaker put Brock over last year was so that he could face off against Sting next year and it wouldn't be over-shadowed by The Streak and all that comes with. This way, it allows Sting and Undertaker just to have a great match and get the respect of the fans when it is all said and done. What a goodbye that would be to two of the biggest legends that ever plied their trade in the business. And what better way to do it. The though alone gives me goosebumps.

I just think that it needs to happen. The WWE owns his image rights and they have did a pretty good job of reminding us of that fact recently. If you have that luxury, surely you have to cash in on it and give him a chance at WrestleMania? If not, I will be sorely disappointed.
1 Sting- Nobody deserves a legend's send off more than him. I don't care who he wrestles it just needs to happen and he needs to win. Sting can still go better than half the roster so I would love to see him have one more run like Wrestlemania to Summerslam but if he only wants one match than so be it.

2 Establish Dean Ambrose- I love Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns. All 3 have a very bright future in the WWE but Ambrose has that "it' factor. A Dolph Ziggler heel turn in the next few months leading to a intercontinental title match against Ambrose at Wrestlemania would be great. Give them around 20 minutes with Ambrose winning not only boosts Ambrose's career but brings prestige back to the title.

3 End the Daniel Bryan Experiment- The whole Daniel Bryan debacle has been an embarrassment to every one involved. It doesn't matter if he's cleared to wrestle or not. He should lose to a comedy act in under a minute and then give Bryan a job backstage as a agent or something.

4 Establish Bray Wyatt- If Brock is really leaving after Wrestlemania then Bray should be the new number 1 heel heading into next year. I think a rematch with John Cena with Wyatt winning clean could really set the tone for a big year for Wyatt.

5 Embarrass Ric Flair- Flair has embarrassed himself, WCW, and WWE far too many times so now it's Flair's turn. Here are two scenarios.

1 Have a segment with Hogan and Flair where Hogan calls out Brutus Beefcake. Hogan sits on Flair while Beefcake shaves Flair's head

2 Have a segment where Flair gets slop dumped all over him. If they go with this scenario they shouldn't tell Flair what's going to happen which would make it that much funnier and he might even slip and fall down.


I can't even comprehend the amount of idiocy in this post.

1 - No. Sting hasn't had a good match in about 15 years, and even in his prime he was nothing special.

2 - No. None of the former Shield members are anywhere near ready for main event status, and the only people they should be facing at WrestleMania this coming year are each other in a Triple Threat Match. You want Dolph Ziggler fed to Dean Ambrose? Why? If we're talking raw talent or crowd reaction, Ziggler is light years ahead of Ambrose.

3 - No. Just no.

4 - Bray Wyatt has been given opportunity after opportunity against the best talent WWE has to offer, and not one person has been able to get anything good out of him. Not Daniel Bryan, not John Cena, not Chris Jericho. Wyatt has proven one thing only, and that is that he doesn't have what it takes to make it long-term in WWE.

5 - Why embarrass Ric Flair for no reason? He's on TV 3 times a year to do some promotional work and that's it. Sounds like you're just blindly hating for no reason.

Bottom line - you're an idiot.
Sting- Nobody deserves a legend's send off more than him. I don't care who he wrestles it just needs to happen and he needs to win.

It depends on who he faces. If he's only working one match and he "has" to win it, then I'd rather it be against another veteran. Seeing him work with one of the newer wrestlers could be cool but Sting would need to lose to help put over the future star.

Establish Dean Ambrose- I love Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns. All 3 have a very bright future in the WWE but Ambrose has that "it' factor. A Dolph Ziggler heel turn in the next few months leading to a intercontinental title match against Ambrose at Wrestlemania would be great. Give them around 20 minutes with Ambrose winning not only boosts Ambrose's career but brings prestige back to the title.

Many said that Dean would make the US Championship awesome too. Remember how that ended up going? I like Ambrose as much as the next guy, but if WWE don't properly book him as champion with several strong title defenses then this scenario would do nothing good for him or the belt in the long run. I'm not against an Ambrose VS Ziggler match for the Intercontinental Championship though. I do agree with you that Dolph should be the heel if they feud. Ambrose should win and get an actual decent reign.

End the Daniel Bryan Experiment- The whole Daniel Bryan debacle has been an embarrassment to every one involved. It doesn't matter if he's cleared to wrestle or not. He should lose to a comedy act in under a minute and then give Bryan a job backstage as a agent or something.

That is one of the stupidest things I have ever read on here. If you don't like Daniel Bryan, that's fine.... but you need to understand that he has a huge fanbase. They wanted to see him win. This would un-do everything that happened during the 2013-2014 schoolyear. Bryan's road to Wrestlemania from Summerslam leading up to the epic ending of Wrestlemania 30 was something I as a fan will never forget and I very highly doubt I am alone in that. Why would you have him lose to a comedy jobber and ruin his career when he is in a place where he can permanently be in the World Heavyweight Championship tier, where he belongs!? All it would do is leave the WWE with one less potential top guy while also ruining the career of one of the most legitimately talented wrestlers in the world.

Establish Bray Wyatt- If Brock is really leaving after Wrestlemania then Bray should be the new number 1 heel heading into next year. I think a rematch with John Cena with Wyatt winning clean could really set the tone for a big year for Wyatt.

Not really interested in seeing that. We saw it just a year ago. Wyatt should be fine. Let's see what happens, I am sure WWE will find something good for him. Keep in mind it's only November. A lot can happen between now and March. A LOT.

Embarrass Ric Flair- Flair has embarrassed himself, WCW, and WWE far too many times so now it's Flair's turn. Here are two scenarios.

No. Just no. To both of your ideas regarding this. It made me upset when Flair wrestled again after the big send-off he got, but he does not deserve this. The man is a legend, and even legends make mistakes.
1.) I agree Sting deserves to be a part of this WM but I think if he wrestles, who he is booked with will actually matter quite a bit. & if he ends up wrestling a younger talent, I'd actually like to see him lose.

2.) I agree with CrucifiedRaven, Ambrose should be well established before Mania & then go on to have a really big WM Moment to further establish his name. I'd like to see him get a solid win over Bray at TLC or the Rumble to end their feud & then go onto WM & get a big win over a well established name like Triple H.

3.) I couldn't disagree more. If Bryan is healthy come January, I hope he returns to win the rumble, beat Lesnar & regain the World Title he never lost.

4.) Same deal as Ambrose, they really need to get Bray established before mania & give him a big WM moment along with Ambrose & Reigns. I think Bray should get the first win over Ambrose at Survivor Series via dq, count out or some other cheap tactics but then eventually go on to lose in the overall feud. WWE could still make him look incredibly strong throughout & when that wraps up he could also get involved with a well established name like Sting or a returning Batista.

5.) Why? No Superstar, especially a Legend or Icon, should be made fun of just for the heck of it. It just devalues their overall legacy. Even the times it's already been done in the past, it's been stupid. So doing it even more for no apparent reason to a guy that isn't even really around right now is completely unnecessary.

Boy U sure know how to piss off the IWC!!!

I actually agree with everything You said except of embarrassing Flair. Why? Just officially retire him.

As everyone knows I said that the Bryan experiment was TERRIBLE from day One. He just doesn't sell or look the WWE part. PERIOD!

He is the most non marketable champion EEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRR and honestly NO ONE MISSES HIM NOW!!!

NO ONE.....

Just the IWC.

Him getting hurt is NOT unexpected because he is a LITTLE DUDE.....

Sting does deserve his moment.

I will admit I was WRONG on Ambrose and him becoming IC champ would be nice. I actually think he might bring some edge to the title again especially if he actually defends it.

I actually see great things in Wyatt but they have to decide to give him some direction. He needs a purpose. Whether it's winning titles ruining lives, mind control whatever. He just needs something. Overall I like your WM ideas
1 Sting- Nobody deserves a legend's send off more than him. I don't care who he wrestles it just needs to happen and he needs to win. Sting can still go better than half the roster so I would love to see him have one more run like Wrestlemania to Summerslam but if he only wants one match than so be it.

If he's healthy enough to wrestle, can put on a competitive looking match and not look like a total embarrassment, I'm all for him having a match. Otherwise, I'm of the opinion he should be kept out of the ring.

2 Establish Dean Ambrose- I love Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns. All 3 have a very bright future in the WWE but Ambrose has that "it' factor. A Dolph Ziggler heel turn in the next few months leading to a intercontinental title match against Ambrose at Wrestlemania would be great. Give them around 20 minutes with Ambrose winning not only boosts Ambrose's career but brings prestige back to the title.

I like Ambrose, but putting the title on him just for the sake of him having it won't do it or any of the fans any good. WWE dropped the ball with him as United States Champion, so if they have no real intention of having him defend the title on a regular basis, play hot potato with an opponent or two or ultimately just carry it around, I say keep it off him.

3 End the Daniel Bryan Experiment- The whole Daniel Bryan debacle has been an embarrassment to every one involved. It doesn't matter if he's cleared to wrestle or not. He should lose to a comedy act in under a minute and then give Bryan a job backstage as a agent or something.

I get and appreciate that you don't like Bryan. However, the problem is that pretty much nothing you said there is an actual fact and really can't be quantified as an opinion because there's no solidity behind it. Bryan's popularity is second to none in WWE, people WANT to cheer for him, they LIKE cheering for him, he sells a lot of merchandise, helps sell a lotta tickets & ppvs and his matches & segments are usually the most watched portions of Raw. Even during WrestleMania season this year, Bryan's segments usually outdrew segments featuring The Undertaker. As has been stated, he suffered an injury, or rather he started to feel the effects of a highly physical style he's wrestled for 15 years, and it could happen to anyone. Look at Roman Reigns. He's a big guy, yet he's been on the shelf for a few months himself with an injury that, comparatively speaking, is nothing compared to Bryan's neck issues. Like it or not, Daniel Bryan's money and making money is the ultimate goal of WWE.

4 Establish Bray Wyatt- If Brock is really leaving after Wrestlemania then Bray should be the new number 1 heel heading into next year. I think a rematch with John Cena with Wyatt winning clean could really set the tone for a big year for Wyatt.

I wouldn't mind seeing a rematch between them. The problem with Wyatt's feud against Cena is that Vince has, for all intents & purposes, sabotaged Wyatt by insisting that John Cena be booked to be damn near unbeatable. Vince has it in his head that if Cena goes for too long without looking unstoppable that fans will stop "believing" in him.

5 Embarrass Ric Flair- Flair has embarrassed himself, WCW, and WWE far too many times so now it's Flair's turn. Here are two scenarios.

1 Have a segment with Hogan and Flair where Hogan calls out Brutus Beefcake. Hogan sits on Flair while Beefcake shaves Flair's head

2 Have a segment where Flair gets slop dumped all over him. If they go with this scenario they shouldn't tell Flair what's going to happen which would make it that much funnier and he might even slip and fall down.

Of all the things that DON'T need to happen at WrestleMania XXXI, this may be the one that should be avoided the most. This is pure garbage and doesn't seem the least bit entertaining. To be honest, it sounds like the sort of petty idea that the most ardent Vince McMahon haters would accuse Vince of masterminding at some point. It serves no purpose whatsoever and, frankly, I'd rather see a lousy 2 minute Diva match any day than this.
I totally agree, especially with the Daniel Bryan part. I'm happy he's not on T.V. and would be more happy if what you said about him comes true.
1 Sting- Nobody deserves a legend's send off more than him. I don't care who he wrestles it just needs to happen and he needs to win. Sting can still go better than half the roster so I would love to see him have one more run like Wrestlemania to Summerslam but if he only wants one match than so be it.

2 Establish Dean Ambrose- I love Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns. All 3 have a very bright future in the WWE but Ambrose has that "it' factor. A Dolph Ziggler heel turn in the next few months leading to a intercontinental title match against Ambrose at Wrestlemania would be great. Give them around 20 minutes with Ambrose winning not only boosts Ambrose's career but brings prestige back to the title.

3 End the Daniel Bryan Experiment- The whole Daniel Bryan debacle has been an embarrassment to every one involved. It doesn't matter if he's cleared to wrestle or not. He should lose to a comedy act in under a minute and then give Bryan a job backstage as a agent or something.

4 Establish Bray Wyatt- If Brock is really leaving after Wrestlemania then Bray should be the new number 1 heel heading into next year. I think a rematch with John Cena with Wyatt winning clean could really set the tone for a big year for Wyatt.

5 Embarrass Ric Flair- Flair has embarrassed himself, WCW, and WWE far too many times so now it's Flair's turn. Here are two scenarios.

1 Have a segment with Hogan and Flair where Hogan calls out Brutus Beefcake. Hogan sits on Flair while Beefcake shaves Flair's head

2 Have a segment where Flair gets slop dumped all over him. If they go with this scenario they shouldn't tell Flair what's going to happen which would make it that much funnier and he might even slip and fall down.

How about you stop posting on Wrestlezone because, bar two points you have provided nothing but and idiots view into how the WWE should run its biggest show of the year.

I know you are doing this for attention and your overwhelmingly negative reputation really does speak for itself. Stop posting, go troll reddit or something because this kind of idiocy belongs somewhere else.

How much toilet paper do you use for all that shit that is pouring out of your mouth?
1. definitely agree that sting deserves a wrestlemania moment so I agree with this.
2. I personally would prefer a match with ambrose vs HHH or ambrose vs rollins in a last man standing match to truly settle their feud.
3. This is just wrong. Daniel Bryan is too popular with fans to take this seriously
4. I would like to see Bray Wyatt vs Ziggler for the IC belt or perhaps Wyatt vs Luke Harper. could be an interesting scenario.
5. NO NO NO. I want to see Ric Flair at Mania. but I would prefer to see him in pipers pit or a meaningful scenario.
1 Sting- Nobody deserves a legend's send off more than him. I don't care who he wrestles it just needs to happen and he needs to win. Sting can still go better than half the roster so I would love to see him have one more run like Wrestlemania to Summerslam but if he only wants one match than so be it.

2 Establish Dean Ambrose- I love Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns. All 3 have a very bright future in the WWE but Ambrose has that "it' factor. A Dolph Ziggler heel turn in the next few months leading to a intercontinental title match against Ambrose at Wrestlemania would be great. Give them around 20 minutes with Ambrose winning not only boosts Ambrose's career but brings prestige back to the title.

3 End the Daniel Bryan Experiment- The whole Daniel Bryan debacle has been an embarrassment to every one involved. It doesn't matter if he's cleared to wrestle or not. He should lose to a comedy act in under a minute and then give Bryan a job backstage as a agent or something.

4 Establish Bray Wyatt- If Brock is really leaving after Wrestlemania then Bray should be the new number 1 heel heading into next year. I think a rematch with John Cena with Wyatt winning clean could really set the tone for a big year for Wyatt.

5 Embarrass Ric Flair- Flair has embarrassed himself, WCW, and WWE far too many times so now it's Flair's turn. Here are two scenarios.

1 Have a segment with Hogan and Flair where Hogan calls out Brutus Beefcake. Hogan sits on Flair while Beefcake shaves Flair's head

2 Have a segment where Flair gets slop dumped all over him. If they go with this scenario they shouldn't tell Flair what's going to happen which would make it that much funnier and he might even slip and fall down.

1 - I would love to see Sting wrestle in a WWE ring but I dont think he deserves this privelige. I do hope WWE are not 'bending over backwards' to make this happen because the way I see it, Sting had a chance to enter the WWE in 2002 and again in 2011. And probably many times before this. The sad fact is the WWE has missed Sting in his prime and that is Stings fault and nobody elses. For what it is worth, I see Taker vs Sting happening.

2 - I hate this 'brings prestige back to the title' malarky. When Barrett won it it 'brought back prestige' and so on and so forth. The same is said with the US Chmpionship time and time again. Can you remember Ambroses US Title run? It was an utter shambles but through no fault of his own. Ziggler and Ambrose would be a decent feud, but I think Ambrose is above mid card now and has bigger fish to fry. As for Mania 31, Ambrose vs Triple H, Ambrose vs Daniel Bryan, Ambrose vs Chris Jericho, Ambrose vs John Cena all appeal more to me.

3 - I am not Bryans biggest fan, but he can wrestle, he can talk and he is over. I think you are trolling.

4 - No interest in seeing Bray vs Cena again just now or next year at Mania 31. Bray vs Brock would be a very interesting fued, but I think that spot has Reigns name written on it.

5 - LOL
2 - I hate this 'brings prestige back to the title' malarky. When Barrett won it it 'brought back prestige' and so on and so forth. The same is said with the US Chmpionship time and time again. Can you remember Ambroses US Title run? It was an utter shambles but through no fault of his own. Ziggler and Ambrose would be a decent feud, but I think Ambrose is above mid card now and has bigger fish to fry. As for Mania 31, Ambrose vs Triple H, Ambrose vs Daniel Bryan, Ambrose vs Chris Jericho, Ambrose vs John Cena all appeal more to me.

I agree that I hate the "bring prestige back to the title" bull$h!t. It's been said a million times. The guy doesn't make the title, the title makes the guy. But your point about Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler is backwards. Ziggler is the one who is far beyond where Ambrose is, not the other way around. Ambrose is 2014's current "fad", not a legitimate star. His reactions are no bigger than Big E last year, Ryback the year before that, Zack Ryder the year before that, and so on and so on. Ziggler is a consistent and legitimate star who has been getting those reactions for years on end. If Ambrose is still this over in 2017, THEN you can say he's on Ziggler's level.

I can't even comprehend the amount of idiocy in this post.

1 - No. Sting hasn't had a good match in about 15 years, and even in his prime he was nothing special.

2 - No. None of the former Shield members are anywhere near ready for main event status, and the only people they should be facing at WrestleMania this coming year are each other in a Triple Threat Match. You want Dolph Ziggler fed to Dean Ambrose? Why? If we're talking raw talent or crowd reaction, Ziggler is light years ahead of Ambrose.

3 - No. Just no.

4 - Bray Wyatt has been given opportunity after opportunity against the best talent WWE has to offer, and not one person has been able to get anything good out of him. Not Daniel Bryan, not John Cena, not Chris Jericho. Wyatt has proven one thing only, and that is that he doesn't have what it takes to make it long-term in WWE.

5 - Why embarrass Ric Flair for no reason? He's on TV 3 times a year to do some promotional work and that's it. Sounds like you're just blindly hating for no reason.

Bottom line - you're an idiot.

Agreed. Let's throw slop on Flair? Shenanigans!

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