5 guys you despise

Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D.

Dog The Bounty Hunter
List 5 guys in wrestling you despise. Any reason is a good reason for me, their looks, character, or even personal life.
Also it can be from any time period and any organization in wrestling history.

The Miz- I can't say the exact words I want or else I will be docked points for using prejudiced remarks. So I'll say this- he sucks, he's garbage, a disgrace to wrestling. Terrible performer. I don't care that I know nothing of his personal life but I despise the guy.

That's all I got right now. I'm sure when this starts rolling I'll think of a few more.

I have a more than 5 but it's because I really dislike them, so apologies all around...

Shelton Benjamin: Boring, overrated, given every opportunity to triumph and always failed.

Tyson Kidd: "Hey Tyson, it's awesome that you can do 5 different variations of pinning combinations, but can you help us care about you or your matches?"

Jeff Jarrett: Just always rubbed me the wrong way.

Rob Van Dam: Overrated, no mic skills, no ring psychology, never altered his character. Seriously, Cena should have beaten him at ONS just to see that ECW crowd flip out.

Mr. Kennedy: Another case of a guy who thinks he was held back but he just sucked and WWE realized that later on.

Gail Kim: Oh, I'm sorry you can't get over because you're boring. Apparently, you think it's because they hold you back, but no, it's because you're a bland wrestler. Seriously, AJ should teach you how to get over.

Vince Russo: For many reasons, but mainly for the Attitude Era.

Jeff Hardy: Because he made me feel like an ass. Didn't like him before 2008, then late 08-09, guy starts to win me over and has a solid feud with Punk. I finally think the guy is getting his life straight then the minute he leaves, he becomes Pinkman. Bastid.
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The Miz: Just annoys me on every level. Doesn't look tough, crap finisher, stupid taunts and should never have been world champion.

Hornswoggle: I hate midget wrestling. it isnt funny, never was, and the fact he was Cruiserweight champion makes me die inside slightly.

Eric Young To remain on TNA's roster for a decade when everything you do is boring, unfunny and annoying is impressive. But holding a womens title for so long just pisses me off.

Big Show Please just retire, you have been appalling for about 8 years. And grow your hair back, you look like a fat egg.

Jesse Godderz A recent addition to this list, and I am sure you all know why. I would love to punch him in the nuts. Lucky bastard.
I have a more than 5 but it's because I really dislike them, so apologies all around...

Shelton Benjamin: Boring, overrated, given every opportunity to triumph and always failed.

Tyson Kidd: "Hey Tyson, it's awesome that you can do 5 different variations of pinning combinations, but can you help us care about you or your matches?"

Jeff Jarrett: Just always rubbed me the wrong way.

Rob Van Dam: Overrated, no mic skills, no ring psychology, never altered his character. Seriously, Cena should have beaten him at ONS just to see that ECW crowd flip out.

Mr. Kennedy: Another case of a guy who thinks he was held back but he just sucked and WWE realized that later on.

Gail Kim: Oh, I'm sorry you can't get over because you're boring. Apparently, you think it's because they hold you back, but no, it's because you're a bland wrestler. Seriously, AJ should teach you how to get over.

Vince Russo: For many reasons, but mainly for the Attitude Era.

Jeff Hardy: Because he made me feel like an ass. Didn't like him before 2008, then late 08-09, guy starts to win me over and has a solid feud with Punk. I finally think the guy is getting his life straight then the minute he leaves, he becomes Pinkman. Bastid.

Fuck ring psychology. All they do is pretend fight. It isn't a sport.

Doing athletic moves > Fake punches
Fuck ring psychology. Wrestling is fake. All they do is pretend fight. It isn't a sport.

Actually there is such a thing as ring psychology - it's the act of making the "fake sport" believable. It would be pretty redundant for pro wrestling companies to out and out declare that their product is all false.

Wrestlers who are said to have good ring psychology are those who can act and perform their role well enough to make the audience believe that they are watching a real sport. This includes knowing how to sell moves convincingly, working the crowd appropriately (depending on if they're a face or a heel), using the physical ring to your advantage (e.g. turnbuckles, ropes), and most important of all, having good chemistry with your opponent.

Regarding that last one, see the staredown between Rock and Austin during the 2001 Rumble match, if after that you still don't think there's such a thing as ring psychology, then you don't belong here.

Back on topic...

1. The Great Khali - great lumbering buffoon can't carry a match to save his life. He's probably even worse than Gonzalez, and that's saying something.

2. Kelly Kelly - I'm glad she's gone, because she epitomises the downfall of women's wrestling, and I hold her personally accountable for ruining what was once a respectable division.

3. Zack Ryder - only during his entrance and in backstage segments though, in the ring he's fine, but the rest the time he's just plain annoying.

4. Matt Striker - the way he just lingers around in dark corners backstage waiting like he's some fucking flasher or something.

5. R-Truth - not him personally, just the whole Little Jimmy gimmick. He was hot for a couple of months last year as conspiracy Truth, but this whole mentally ill Truth has undone all that build.
Randy Orton tops my list. I just can't stand the man he is awful in every aspect. He is boring in promos and in matches. The way he moves around the ring looks ridiculous, his shaved head looks stupid, his garbage tribal tattoos are ******ed. He is a absolutely horrible person in real life going AWOL from the Marines not once but twice. Has spit on fans and been just a total jerk to others. I just don't like anything about him.

Alberto Del Rio, again he is so one note and boring and gets no real heat no matter what he does. I don't see what is supposed to be appealing about the guy, he does nothing for me at all.

Rey Mysterio, and this is not all his fault but more about how he is booked. Rey should never come close to beating the guys the size of Kane or Big Show but has on numerous occasions. Even in a fake sport him winning those matches is beyond stupid. Also the 619 is the worst move in wrestling and I hate it.

RVD, never liked the guy. He was more one note than Cena ever was. Stalest character in all of wrestling if you ask me. He has gotten by doing the same match for almost two decades now.

Hulk Hogan, just retire already please.
Tyson Kidd: "Hey Tyson, it's awesome that you can do 5 different variations of pinning combinations, but can you help us care about you or your matches?"
People care just fine relative to his place on the card.


Bo Dallas: I can't explain it. I've just hated him since the first moment I saw him. Stupid smiling fool.

R-Truth: A man who's failed to have good matches with Cena, Mysterio, and Punk is a lost cause.

Mr Anderson: The gimmick is too much for me. Perhaps I'm a prude. Rise Above Profanity.

Chavo Guerrero: I try not to let who's getting pushed in a wrestling company bother me too much. But seeing him trounce Christopher Daniels every week because he's Eddie Guerrero's significantly less-talented nephew really boils my noodle. His push is representative of TNA's worst instincts.

Kofi Kingston: He's been afforded opportunity after opportunity but he's just not that good. Sorry, but he's the kind of guy who ought to be kept in the midcard until the day he retires.
People care just fine relative to his place on the card.


Bo Dallas: I can't explain it. I've just hated him since the first moment I saw him. Stupid smiling fool.

R-Truth: A man who's failed to have good matches with Cena, Mysterio, and Punk is a lost cause.

Mr Anderson: The gimmick is too much for me. Perhaps I'm a prude. Rise Above Profanity.

Chavo Guerrero: I try not to let who's getting pushed in a wrestling company bother me too much. But seeing him trounce Christopher Daniels every week because he's Eddie Guerrero's significantly less-talented nephew really boils my noodle. His push is representative of TNA's worst instincts.

Kofi Kingston: He's been afforded opportunity after opportunity but he's just not that good. Sorry, but he's the kind of guy who ought to be kept in the midcard until the day he retires.

Has R-Truth ever had a good match in the WWE? Were his ones with John Morrison worth watching?
What are your reasons for disliking Michaels, Undertaker and Angle?

There are very few I enjoy watching in the ring more than those 3, would be interesting so see why you hate them so much?

Most people think that HBK is God's gift to wrestling and I believe he's overrated in that aspect. I just don't see from an in-ring perspective what separates him from guys like Jericho and Benoit who I've seen had more great matches on a consistent basis than HBK and don't get me staed on all of his Match of the Year awards.

One of the most important things I look for in a wrestling match is psychology especially when it comes to wrestlers using submission moves. That is why I like guys such as Del Rio and Flair because they actually go after the body part that is beneficial to their submission maneuver. I just hate how Angle never focuses on the ankle during a match and applies it fifteen times during a match.

The Undertaker was boring, slow, and unmotivated from 1998-2003. He had one great match with HHH in 2001 but he was just horrendous to watch. He faced Rock, Flair, Austin, Hogan, and HHH in five straight PPV's and his best match was with Flair. I love Flair but that shouldn't even have been the case. He couldn't sell an injury if his life depended on it and one guy immensely helped his career (Mankind) and one more than people realize (Batista).
Most people think that HBK is God's gift to wrestling and I believe he's overrated in that aspect. I just don't see from an in-ring perspective what separates him from guys like Jericho and Benoit who I've seen had more great matches on a consistent basis than HBK and don't get me staed on all of his Match of the Year awards.

Curious, do you despise Michaels or just people's opinion of him? If you just watched wrestling and didn't go on a forum where people praised him so highly would you still despise him?
Miz - He lived his dreams. Worked hard for it. Manage to wrestle with his wrestling idols. In theory fans should love his story. Maybe it is jealousy? Maybe it is because he won the title but never looked like a champion? I don't know but I just can't like him.

Edge - See above. And cheated with his best friend's girl and using it to rise to the top.

Jeff Hardy - Never understood his appeal. I always find myself rooting against him even when he is the face. I might be the minority that wanted Taker to beat the crap out of him in that overhyped Raw ladder match.

Kevin Nash - Understands the business is about making money, and understood the business of himself too well to the detriment of the overall product. I never understood how he kept getting title matches in the 2000s in any promotions when he was clearly on one leg for the majority of the matches.

Christ Benoit - Murder-suicide.
Compared to Jericho and Benoit HBK has:

He has a killer finishing move
He is a little more athletic
He is a little taller

When combined his moves just looks better. It also helps that he didn't brutally murder his kids and wife.
I don't really despise anyone, I do however can't get into...

Mr Anderson- I dug him three/four years ago, but he's been doing the same promo for the past five/six years, no growth whatsoever, and his ring work isn't much better.

Garett Bischoff- Even if he wasn't Eric's son he's bland boring and nothing stands out at all. Stick him in a tag team and I could probably deal with it.

Dolph Ziggler- I just don't see anything that special about him, yet people act like he's the bee's knees.

Alberto Del Rio- JBL meet's Eddie Guerrero doesn't work for me. Tweak the gimmick and I'd probably get into it more.

Most of the Gut Check contestants- I know I'm going out on a limb but none of them showed any thing that stood out. If you're going to send them to OVW anyway what's the point of putting them on tv.
Compared to Jericho and Benoit HBK has:

He has a killer finishing move
He is a little more athletic
He is a little taller

When combined his moves just looks better. It also helps that he didn't brutally murder his kids and wife.

Yeah, I don't care about that last part when I'm talking about wrestling.
Despise is such a strong word... Here's who I dislike:

  1. Dolph Ziggler. Overrated as fuck.
  2. D'Angelo Dinero. Same as above. He's a midcarerfo lyfe, dawg.
  3. Crimson. Ended up being a waste of time.
  4. Jeff Hardy. I never got into him except when he faced Randy Orton at the Royal Rumble and it was only because Orton attacked Matt.
  5. Garett Bischoff. Easy answer, I know, but when you're in a match against Kid Kash and he threatens to break Owen Hart's neck and you still can't get over, then you suck.
Do they have to be wrestlers? If not...

Mike Tenay
Dixie Carter
Mark Madden
Ed Ferrara
Bubba The Fat Ass Sponge

If it has to be wrestlers then...

Jinder Mahal
Robbie E
Bo Dallas
Brad Maddox
Matt Striker
benoit-was one of my favorites but had to go crazy and kill his family.

john cena*waits for someone to bi**h cause i dont like their hero*-iv'e never been a fan and glad my opinion hasn't changed unlike everyone else.

chavo-from the sh** he says on twitter and milking eddie's name.

garrett bischoff-lucky to have his daddy.

jeff hardy-ever since showing up high to a ppv and gets to be champ anyways.
Despise is too strong of a word and there are very few wrestlers that I hold true grudges against. That said, here's a list of guys that I really don't like.

Kevin Nash- A decent enough performer, but hardly worthy of any top 20 list. Worse, his booking decisions made WZCW a mess, and he wound up killing what could have been one of the greatest stories ever in Goldberg simply to feed his massive ego.

Dolph Ziggler- Dolph Ziggler is a lot like a Jackson Pollock painting: some people look at it and see art, others look at it and see a mess. However, unlike Jackson Pollock, Dolph Ziggler isn't doing anything unique or original. He criminally oversells and can't work a match for crap.

Mr. Anderson- Vastly overrated and I don't think he realizes it. He still believes his own hype, and that annoys the shit out of me.

Batista- Terrible human being. Not a bad performer, but I can't get over the fact that he was such a scummy person.
Despise is too strong of a word and there are very few wrestlers that I hold true grudges against. That said, here's a list of guys that I really don't like.

Kevin Nash- A decent enough performer, but hardly worthy of any top 20 list. Worse, his booking decisions made WZCW a mess, and he wound up killing what could have been one of the greatest stories ever in Goldberg simply to feed his massive ego.

It was actually not that. They were going to have Goldberg rampage and destroy the entire NWO on the way to killing Hogan for the title, but the next week on Nitro, they did a (fucking ******ed) spot were Goldberg punched through a car window, accidentally severing tendons and blood vessels in his arm. Rushed to the hospital, now on injured reserve for 6 - 8 months. So what do you do after that? fuck yourself, is what lol
It was actually not that. They were going to have Goldberg rampage and destroy the entire NWO on the way to killing Hogan for the title, but the next week on Nitro, they did a (fucking ******ed) spot were Goldberg punched through a car window, accidentally severing tendons and blood vessels in his arm. Rushed to the hospital, now on injured reserve for 6 - 8 months. So what do you do after that? fuck yourself, is what lol

This is actually not true. That happened at the end of 1999. After the NWO reformed again with Bret Hart, Nash, Jarrett, Hall, Steiner, and The Harris Brothers. Then he was out for half of 2000 until he came back only to turn heel against the Millionaires Club.

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