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What they f*ck happened in the thread section here
What was the deal with this? I mean I know what it was (or do I! mehehehe) but what was its impact on pop culture and shit?

Discuss your experiences, enlighten me gents.
I actually used to frequent there about five and a half years ago.

The people there are very misjudged. I get a good kick out of a lot of the things that come out of there though.

Also /b/ is the only controversial part. The rest of the board is pretty normal.

The most messed up things though I've heard of are the people who say they're going to go shoot this place up, and they give the location and stuff, then the next day there's an article about how some guy did it...and usually they're encouraged by other people too. That's messed up.

But I also heard of stories of them tracking down animals abusers and stuff so really they're good and bad. It's like how motorcycle clubs do toys for tots and stuff, but they also run drugs and prostitution.
4chan is actually a sole user and he was the one who was behind the Fappening (source: FOX news).

They also tricked people into thinking an iOS software update included water resistance. Yeah, you heard me: they managed to trick people that a software update was able to update the phone hardware.

Plus, a lot of the internet's camaraderie can be traced back to 4chan. Memes; trolls; shit like that.

I'd also recommend never going to 4chan unless you are an internet specialist.
Was it them who started the whole cut for Justin thing or was it 9gag?
I've heard both sites blamed but never heard if either site took credit.
Most definitely 4chan.

9gag basically "steals everything" from 4chan, reddit and Tumblr and is considered to be the ruiner of the internet since most of the stuff on 9gag gets filtered into the social media outlets like Facebook.
/b/ is your go to place for pictures of boobs and mutilated bodies.

Also there was mention of the group on 4chan tricking people into testing their iPhones new software update by dunking it into water to show the update included 'water resistance'. Was quite funny with all the 'troubleshooting' and 'tech support' going on.

People are mean.

I once joined in on having many people delete 'System 32' on their computer so it'll run faster.

'My computer won't turn on, guys.' and 'All I get is a screen that says 'System not found' on startup' were my personal faves.

People are terrible sometimes.
Used to go on it a lot.

/b/ is pretty bad but you become desensitized to them being assholes after a while.
/v/ hates anything that is popular and is hypocritical as fuck, although they seem to b doing good to counter the zoe quinn thing.
/a/ is just a terrrible.
Like someone else said, a lot of funny and popular memes like Trollface, Yo Dawg, Rage comics, Bad Luck Brian, and Scumbag Steve originated in 4chan, and that is their main source of popularity. However, it's quite improbable to come across anything noticeably funny by visiting the site directly, since 4chan has over 700,000 posts daily (according to knowyourmeme), and most of them are garbage. A friend told me that I'll find good retro games discussion and porn there (especially porn), but I returned disappointed in that regard as well. Overall, their contribution towards making the internet a funnier place, is immense. However, I'd prefer finding their funny stuff from a secondary source, rather than browse through hundreds of un-funny jokes/memes and people insulting each other in the site, hoping to find something great. Also, the site doesn't load properly on my mobile, and that certainly doesn't help things.
I'm online only for a few hours a day, and for the longest time I was lucky if I could get in more than twice a week. That's way too little time to keep up with 4chan. Although some of my artist friends seem to hang around /d/.
What are these /a/ /d/ /etc/ you all speak of?

You have to know all this is new info for me.
What are these /a/ /d/ /etc/ you all speak of?

You have to know all this is new info for me.

4chan has gotten so massive that it's divided into many subsections based on topic.

If you go to 4chan, and go on a board, you'll notice the address is 4chan.org/?/ where ? is the letter or letters signifying the board you're going to.
So were you disappointed in the lack of retro games discussions, or the porn?

Yeah, the retro games discussion forum seemed like a total clusterfuck with no subsections (maybe I missed it) and everyone randomly dropping their two cents. I don't mind that in the porn though, as long as I get to see good tits and ass, but even then, both the professional ones and the user submissions were too ordinary. Maybe Tumblr set my standards too high. I heard 4chan is notable for porn featuring a certain age group, but I don't want to go to jail yet, so I had to return empty handed.

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