30 years of PCs and Incredible Upgrades in Technology


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And manufacturers still can't find a way to make it easy to work with the hardware inside a computer. Fucking *****.
What and make it easy so any average Joe could do it? That's a bread and butter earning job, don't take that away from me.
What and make it easy so any average Joe could do it? That's a bread and butter earning job, don't take that away from me.

I should not have to spend 20 minutes installing a second hard drive. No way. That was pissing me off. I mean, they could make it easier and just not tell anyone. It's not like the average Joe would dare mess with it. Or if they did, they'd probably fuck it up and you'd make even more money.

See? It's a win-win situation.
Damn, how small of a case are you working with? A typical ATX Mid Tower should provide ample space to get a hard drive in. Those mini towers on the other hand....

And upon further thought, when I work with customers for tech support and I have to remind them where exactly the space bar is , and by tell them where it's at I mean tell them to look on their keyboard, I have faith that the computer technician field will be just fine.
Damn, how small of a case are you working with? A typical ATX Mid Tower should provide ample space to get a hard drive in. Those mini towers on the other hand....

That seriously depends. I can't fit another harddisk into my computer due to it being blocked by my graphic cards.
Fitting a hard drive into a pre-built computer that probably doesn't have good wiring isn't easy. Also, Sly, do you know any site that has a good basic tutorial on how to build a computer? I'm gonna be help a friend build one soon, and I can't find the Maximum PC tutorial.
Damn, how small of a case are you working with? A typical ATX Mid Tower should provide ample space to get a hard drive in. Those mini towers on the other hand....
In fairness, I do have a DVD-RW and Blu-Ray Drive, 8 GB RAM, an additional place for some kind of stupid HP Backup thing, and a decent power supply. So, the problem is mostly just cables going everywhere. But to putting in the new hard drive is an unnecessarily difficult process. They have the current hard drive mounted, not sideways as what used to be the norm, but up and down, and behind some kind of metal contraption, whose purpose I've yet to determine.

I'd take a picture, but then I don't really care that much.
Fitting a hard drive into a pre-built computer that probably doesn't have good wiring isn't easy. Also, Sly, do you know any site that has a good basic tutorial on how to build a computer? I'm gonna be help a friend build one soon, and I can't find the Maximum PC tutorial.
I don't. I've never really been big into building computers, because I firmly believe you can buy a kickass system cheaper than you can build one.

Ty might have something though.
All right. I might be able to find the Maximum PC one later. Also, if I am building a system would an OEM version work fine? I know it's tied to the mobo, but it's a lot cheaper.
That whole OEM thing is bullshit, I've transferred OEM licenses from different computers before with no issue. Now that being said, they may have tightened those rules up with Windows 7 because I read somewhere they want to discourage people buying OEM and push them towards getting retail versions.

In fairness, I do have a DVD-RW and Blu-Ray Drive, 8 GB RAM, an additional place for some kind of stupid HP Backup thing, and a decent power supply. So, the problem is mostly just cables going everywhere. But to putting in the new hard drive is an unnecessarily difficult process. They have the current hard drive mounted, not sideways as what used to be the norm, but up and down, and behind some kind of metal contraption, whose purpose I've yet to determine.

Ah ok, you got a case like that. I've never been a fan of those types of cases, I prefer the standard brackets myself, but I do know that Dell and HP have come out with computers in the past like that. It has to be the dumbest idea for saving space inside a case I've ever seen, so I understand exactly the issue you're going through.

As far as a tutorial NOAH, I checked MaximumPC and they don't really have a step by step process in there, just a couple FAQ's for first time builders. PCMech has an older tutorial, as it still deals with IDE drives, but if you're knowledgeable to skip over parts you don't need, here's the link: http://www.pcmech.com/byopc/

Also here's a 8 video tutorial that's a little more up to date I believe: http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2845,2324281,00.asp
I'd love to add stuff to my PC to make it better but I dont trust myself at all. I wouldnt know where to begin.

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