2013 Razzie Nominations

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
They're releasing the Oscar nominations tomorrow, but today is the the day for the worst of everything nominations:

After Earth
Grown Ups 2
The Lone Ranger
A Madea Christmas
Movie 43

Johnny Depp: The Lone Ranger
Ashton Kutcher: Jobs
Adam Sandler: Grown Ups 2
Jaden Smith: After Earth
Sylvester Stallone: Bullet To The Head, Escape Plan, Grudge Match

Halle Berry: Movie 43, The Call
Selena Gomez: Getaway
Lindsay Lohan: The Canyons
Tyler Perry: A Madea Christmas
Naomi Watts: Diana, Movie 43

Lady Gaga: Machete Kills
Salma Hayek: Grown Ups 2
Katherine Heigl: The Big Wedding
Kim Kardashian: Tyler Perry’s Temptation
Lindsay Lohan: In-App-Propriate Comedy, Scary Movie 5

Chris Brown: Battle Of The Year
Larry the Cable Guy: A Madea Christmas
Taylor Lautner: Grown Ups 2
Will Smith: After Earth
Nick Swardson: A Haunted House, Grown Ups 2

The 13 People Who Directed Movie 43
Dennis Dugan: Grown Ups 2
Tyler Perry: A Madea Christmas, Temptation
M. Night Shyamalan: After Earth
Gore Verbinski: The Lone Ranger

The Entire Cast of Groan-Ups, Too
The Entire Cast of Movie 43
Lindsay Lohan & Charlie Sheen: Scary Movie 5
Tyler Perry & EITHER Larry the Cable Guy OR That Worn-Out Wig & Dress: A Madea Christmas
Jaden Smith & Will Smith on Planet Nepotism: After Earth

After Earth: Screenplay by Gary Whitta and M. Night Shyamalan, Story by Will Smith
Grown Ups 2: Written by Fred Wolfe & Adam Sandler & Tim Herlihy
The Lone Ranger: Screen Story & Screenplay by Ted Elliott, Justin Haythe & Terry Rosso
A Madea Christmas: Written by Tyler Perry
Movie 43: Written by 19 “Screenwriters”

Grown Ups 2
Hangover III
The Lone Ranger
Scary Movie 5
Smurfs 2

I haven't seen every film on this list, but Movie 43 gets my vote for Worst Picture, easily. Jaden Smith is a shoo-in for Worst Actor, because After Earth features one of the worst cases of nepotism you'll ever see. If Jaden held his own in the leading role, you wouldn't hear any complaints out of me, but he couldn't. And to make matters worse, his character was an annoying and whiny brat.

Sandler receiving numerous nominations doesn't surprise me, because the Razzies target him every year, and I guess I'm one of the very few, who actually enjoyed Hangover III. I don't get Lady Gaga's nomination for Machete Kills. Her total screen MIGHT add up to five minutes, and she barely speaks ("hola, motherfucker" is the only line I remember). I guess a lot of people were expecting more from her for some strange reason.

The Lone Ranger had a lot of potential. Just shave 20 or 30 minutes off the runtime, and we're talking about one of 2013's best summer films.
The Lone Ranger shouldn't be anywhere near the Razzies. Decent film.

Lady Gaga was one of the only things that worked in Machete Kills.

What have they got against Sly Stallone? Did they not see any Bruce Willis films last year?

Movie 43 & Scary Movie deserve any awards they get.
I saw nothing wrong with Hangover III, either.

The Lone Ranger was a decent film. Not the best, but surely not Razzie material.

To be honest, quite a few of these are really grasping at straws. The only movie I've seen that I think should get it would be Movie 43, and even then it was meant to be intentionally bad.
The only movie I've seen that I think should get it would be Movie 43, and even then it was meant to be intentionally bad.

You don't have that many of the cast come out and say how bad the film is if it's intentionally bad, man.

The Hangover was pretty awful now that I remember it. Firstly it wasn't that funny and secondly, if I remember rightly, it was quite mean-spirited for what was supposed to be light entertainment.
What have they got against Sly Stallone? Did they not see any Bruce Willis films last year?

I haven't seen Grudge Match yet, but Bullet To The Head was advertised as a cheap thrills action flick, and that's what you got. Escape Plan was a true crowd-pleaser, with the necessary nostalgia kick from Stallone and Schwarzenegger as a team.

I guess The Cold Light of Day happened in 2012, but A Good Day To Die Hard is the weakest film in the series, and Willis was useless in the new G.I. Joe film. And with the exception of Anthony Hopkins' character, I didn't have any big problems with RED 2
You don't have that many of the cast come out and say how bad the film is if it's intentionally bad, man.

I know what you're saying, but it's just strange to me for any of the cast to come out and say that the movie was great when it had neckticles in it.

Looking at Razzie.com and so far the Hercules movie may be on the ballot for next year. I can understand that getting a Razzie because it wasn't meant to be a raunchy, gross flick like Movie 43.

Not defending it by any means. It's definitely my choice for the award. I just think a flick that's main thing was clips about sick humor getting an award for being shit is more ironic then deserving. I'd rather toss in The Host, or Oz The Great and Powerful than Movie 43. At least those didn't seem to try and be awful, but were.
I didn't think Grown Ups 2 was bad.
That being said it was the only movie I saw in 2013 of the ones listed here. I did see the first two sketches of Movie 43 and found it too stupid to continue watching.

Did there really even need to be another Scary Movie movie made? I didn't think those movies were popular anymore. Nor did I know there was a number 4 let alone a number 5.
Movie 43 deserves to win every award, including the ones they're not nominated for. One of the worst movies I've ever seen. Like Slash LN, I switched off and couldn't watch the rest of the film after the first 3 sketches. Just stupid, unfunny, and gross.

Scary Movie 5 was awful. A Haunted House is the real Scary Movie 5 for me. That wasn't a great film too but it was better than SM 5.
I know what you're saying, but it's just strange to me for any of the cast to come out and say that the movie was great when it had neckticles in it.

Looking at Razzie.com and so far the Hercules movie may be on the ballot for next year. I can understand that getting a Razzie because it wasn't meant to be a raunchy, gross flick like Movie 43.

Not defending it by any means. It's definitely my choice for the award. I just think a flick that's main thing was clips about sick humor getting an award for being shit is more ironic then deserving. I'd rather toss in The Host, or Oz The Great and Powerful than Movie 43. At least those didn't seem to try and be awful, but were.

Yup, I'd agree with this.

The flimsy plot of the story was to find the worst film ever imaginable, that was so bad it destroyed the world, so the stories had to get more ridiculous as it went on. Once I made peace with that, I was fine with it really.

The stories about the actors coming out afterwards saying how bad it was is kinda funny too; surely they would have read a script before filming started, no? When Richard Gere was standing next to a naked woman that was touted as a pleasure model, he could have voiced any concerns he had? I think the people involved knew what they were in for.
It's an anthology film, innit. They probably only read the segment they were in. Maybe they found amusement in that and expected it to come together as a whole. It was likely just a couple of hours work for them. Kate Winselt clearly had a brain fart somewhere alone the way though.
I dunno, she took the piss out of herself well enough in Extras. Halle Berry also took the piss out of herself at the Razzies in the year of Catwoman, the circle is complete.
I saw The Lone Ranger and while it didn't personally do much for me, it was better than the credit it's gotten. I knew it'd be a commercial & critical flop, however, because almost any & all things Western just don't have that zing to it anymore. Most modern audiences just aren't into Westerns.

I didn't really have any issues with Grown Ups 2 as it's exactly what it is, just a decent way to turn your mind off for a couple of hours. But critics panned it, of course, because it's mostly "low brow humor." You know, stuff that your average person can get a chuckle out of rather than the intellectual bullshit humor that critics love.

It's time for Tyler Perry to put the Madea franchise on hold for a while. The first couple were really good, in my opinion, but there've been too many Madea films packed into too few years. Plus, the last few of them, including this one, come off almost as parodies of itself.

Movie 43 just sucked ass all around, but I enjoyed The Call. It's one of the few movies that WWE Studios has made that I thought was genuinely good. It's hard to believe that Halle Berry is 47 years old. Certainly doesn't look it. I'd still plow that 'til the Fourth of July.

I get why Stallone keeps getting hate from the Razzies in some ways. He's still trying to play the same kinds of roles he would have played in the 80s or 90s. You know, the near invincible, usually one dimensional action hero. That's bad enough itself, usually, but it's hard to suspend disbelief and take a 67 year old man seriously in that sort of role, at least for me it is. Stallone's someone who can genuinely act, the first two Rocky movies and the first Rambo movie proved that, but he keeps picking these shitty action roles that follow the outdated formula that made him & Arnold such major stars in the 80s.

Not at all surprised to see Kim Kardashian get a nomination here. She's a perfect example of someone that's become a household name without having a shred of talent beyond being *********ory fodder.

All in all, it's easy to see how After Earth, Movie 43 & Madea got so much "love" from the Razzies this year.
They announced the winners yesterday:

Worst Picture
Movie 43

Worst Actor
Jaden Smith - After Earth

Worst Actress
Tyler Perry (in drag) – A Madea Christmas

Worst Supporting Actor
Will Smith - After Earth

Worst Supporting Actress
Kim Kardashian - Tyler Perry’s Temptation

Worst Screen Combo
Jaden Smith & Will Smith - After Earth

Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-off or Sequel
The Lone Ranger

Worst Director
The 13 people who directed Movie 43

Worst Screenplay
Movie 43 (written by 19 “Screenwriters”)

Looking around in comment sections on other places, a lot of people are confused (or pissed off) about Adam Sandler's lack of wins this year. Usually, Sandler is a big target for Razzie wins, but he escaped without a trophy this year. Personally, I don't care one way or the other, because I try to ignore anything with or from Sandler now a days.

The wins for After Earth don't surprise me at all. It's one of the worst cases of nepotism you'll ever see, and there's a good chance After Earth is the final nail in the coffin for M. Night Shyamalan's career.
Again, I think that the writers behind Movie 43 should count their "wins" as an actual win.

This is actually a beautiful joke that I hope people will appreciate in the future; a film about a mythical film that is seen as one of the worst things to have ever been unleashed on mankind, wins several awards that no-one wants to win.

It has managed to create a whole new punchline now!

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