2011= The Year Of Pushes


from January to now, alot of underated talent have gotten decent pushes, some have gotten world tittle runs, some have come close.

Pushes of 2011: Alberto Del Rio(its time for a push into a grave now that he has gotten vince mad). Christian, R-truth, Mark henry, Zack ryder, , CM punk, Cody Rhodes, Rey mysterio(even though he didn't need it). ECT.


In my opinion my favorite push so far has to be MARK HENRY, this guy went from being in a tag team with hornswoggle and dancing stupidly to breaking bones and careers and now WORLD HEAVY WEIGHT CHAMPION.

And for the next push, i think Daneil Bryan is next in line for a push. He won the money in the bank and suprised all the doubters (i thought he wasnt gonna win). and i think he gonna get a push between TLC and Royal rumble and then cash in at Wrestlemania.
Cody rhodes the guy struck gold by getting his nose broke ( I thought it was kayfabe but i read an interview where he said it was legit). a blessing in disguise, we have had the pretty boy and its a great way of getting heat but ive never seen it develop into a mannkind-esque character. His promos are great, the way he talks makes him sound like a manical monster yet not put on.

I also feel daniel bryan should be pushed. it would be brilliant if mark henry push went from strength to strength and bryan ended, he would have to start winning on smackdown and not cash in at wrestlemania (no one wants to see henry in whc match at wrestlemania.)
It was rumored before his push henry was planning to retire so thid could be a good way for him to go and bryan would be known as the man who finally defeated the unstoppable monster with the bad hair .
My favorite push this year by far goes to Captain Charisma himself, Christian. Christian has deserved a world title reign in the WWE as early as 2004 but was always looked down upon by Vince because he wasn't as big (physically) as Edge. He was just as over as a heel as Edge was as a face and I think he's always been better on the mic than Edge was so it was great to see him finally get 2 title runs this year.

As for who do I think is next? it's hard to pick anyone but Daniel Bryan. He is the Money in the Bank winner so he's basically guaranteed to be a World Champion soon. I'd rather push JoMo or A-Ri but I think WWE Creative is really behind Bryan so that's who I tihnk is next line for a major push. Then maybe we'll see Punk/Bryan for the title
Oh hands down it has to be Christian for me! A guy with more all round talent than 99% of the locker room, lived in the shadow of Edge for most of his WWE career, and maybe it was through the misfortune of his best friend that his push came about, but if you can tell me a guy who is more deserving ill be surprised.

And when the opportunity presented itself, he grabbed it with both hands, unlike so many others, he upped his game and went to levels he had never attained and has stayed there, when so many where writing it off as a short term arrangement so Vince could cash in on the E and C angle before dispatching him back to mid card mediocrity!

Forget Cena v Punk, his feud with Orton was a classic, feud of the year without doubt IMO, and his programme with Sheamus has all the hallmarks of another great feud. I except to see Christian with the gold again before Mania, I don't think his stock has been higher and the only regret is that they didn't push him sooner.
you forgot to include the iwc fans favouirte the guru of greatness, the soon to be world champion despite of his mediocre mic skill..... John Morrison!!!

listen i am solidly in morrison's corner, i enjoy him as a wrestler and he entertains me; however you guys need to wake up and realize he will never be a top guy in WWE.
and i will bet my balls to a biscuit that he will never win the big one. its just not in the cards. if mcmahon AND trips dont like you as a top guy,then forget about it.
onto the topic, as we can all see sheamus is in the middle of a big push right now and i could not be happier about it. he out-pops punk a lot of the time from my vantage point, not to mention orton. it is his time. i am torn between him or bryan getting the WHC match at WM; maybe they will both face henry in a triple threat.
as for rhodes, i am one of his top supporters, but no hurries. i believe in the next draft he will be traded to raw and be given a good spot so i am sure he will do great but i will be patient there.
as for who needs to join the main-event scene promptly: ziggs and swaggs.
hell let them feud for a while, even up to WM 28, i am sure we will get some mat classics out of this. just put more of a star emphasis on their feud, hell let them even get some wins over top faces, wont hurt anybody.
these guys are the future, might as well make them the present.
besides, punk is a full face now (i like him much better as a heel but whatever) and we all know the crowd is going to turn miz face sooner than later, (he is just too likable, they already want to cheer him now), so its time to make a couple more top-line heels for RAW, because we will need them soon. del rio can die in a fire for all i care. he just bores me to death lolz.
How can you not pick CM Punk as your favorite push? Sure, a lot of people knew he had it in him but he's blown up bigger than so many of us could have predicted. He cut a legendary promo, arguably the greatest worked shoot promo I can think of, and he got an almost completely clean win over John Cena for the title. If that's not the push of a lifetime by today's standards, then I don't know that would constitute as a push, anymore.

Now, let me tell you why R-Truth's push has been my favorite. :icon_neutral:
Seriously, though, R-Truth was a strong candidate for my least favorite performer, after Wrestlemania 27. He was so lame, his wrestling sucked, and that song was possibly the most annoying thing about the company, to me; more than Michael Cole, and more than the anonymous GM. "What's up?" was probably my least favorite staple of the show.

But, when he turned heel and attacked John Morrison (sadly ending Morrison's current push,), it was brilliant. His motivation was a little flat, but the actual heel turn was great. The traditional beat down of the baby face, the smoking of the cigarette, the silence when he hit the ring...they were a 180, which is very much what Truth needed. He's become more of a comedy character, anymore, though. Little Jimmy and conspiracies is pretty ridiculous and lame, but it's at least funny what he's doing with Miz. Basically, they took my least favorite performer and turned him into someone I can appreciate. That's a pretty good push, if I can say so myself.

I'd say DBD is going to get the next push, though I'd almost rather see it go to Dolph. I feel like Dolph is getting very close to a big break, and I'll look forward to it. He's a great wrestler, I think he's progressing very quickly in the story telling department, and I think he'll deserve it when he finally gets his big push.

CM Punk: First thing, he deserved it. His talents both in ring and on the mic were finally recognized to be great and fitting for a top star in the company. Of course he has had main event pushes before but they never lasted and WWE didn't realize the full potential he could have had. He has been in the business for 10 plus years working his way to the top through hard work and without ass kissing. I think he was the most deserving out all of all the people pushed this year given the work he puts in.

I have my eye on Dolph Ziggler. The man can wrestle and wrestle hella good for that matter. I liked his mic work on Monday and thought he has definitely improved in that area. He does need to be given more time on the mic and have Vickie do all the work because that is going to do him no favours in the long run and I am keen to see Vickie step aside and let us see some more Ziggler promos.
favorite push so far would have to be MARK HENRY.. it was long overdue. the guy is a natural heel and shoulda been pushed way back when faaroq(Ron Simmons) was taking bets on the guy.

hands down i would have to say THE USOS AND THE WHOLE TAG TEAM DIVISION!!!! the tag team division needs a big push. and the usos could be a good step. get a good run with them and airboom. or even titus o'neil and percy watson once they end this season of nxt. PUSH THE TAG TEAM DIVISION!!!
Hi OP.

My favorite pushes so far this year have been R-Truth, Mark Henry, and Cody Rhodes.

R-Truth's heel push has been brilliant. Give him a tag team with The Miz, and the two are part of one of the best (arguably) storylines in recent WWE history. He makes being a heel funny, yet can still back it up in the ring.

Mark Henry, perhaps the best push of the entire year. He is the most dominant big man in the 'E right now, has a "Hall of Pain" (which I don't know why but it reminds me too much of Lesnar saying Here Comes the Pain) and he has become the World Heavyweight Champion.

Cody Rhodes push is also great. The paper bags, utilization of the mask and using heel tendencies. I see Cody being a singles competitor and in the mid card title picture for another year at least, before main events.
honestly my favorite push this year was Mark Henry... and the person I'd like to see pushed next.... a heel Kofi... all hands down... i'd die to see heel Kofi... i love heel R Truth but his criminal record wouldn't permit him to gaining the big win (wwe championship or whc), so I say heel Kofi...new music, bad attitude... kinda like the almost thug attitude he had when he trashed the car that Randy got from Ted jr.
I have to say I loved the CM Punk promo but I have a bad feeling that they are going to make a Super Punk. I also think the Mark Henry and Christian pushes was way over do. I also like the Cody Rhodes push because I think he has great potential, I would like to see Cody Rhodes and Ted rivalary go on and have a good build up to Hell in the Cell where you have Rhodes win but then you should have a rematch at Survivor Series where Ted will have the upset and then have Rhodes go on to the World Title picture.

I would like to see Zack Ryder get a good push where he either starts at the United States or Intercontinental (sorry for spelling) and then he gets a build into Survivor Series where he will put on a great match and win the title. I think if you have Zach Ryder start at one of those titles he could become a great world champion one day.
I think the obvious choice for best push was CM Punk, but I've really enjoyed seeing Christian and Mark Henry win the WHC.

I see Daniel Bryan getting the next big push, kinda by default though if they're going to do anything with him before Mania. After him, Ziggler would be next in line.
Definitely Cody Rhodes for me. I have been a fan since day one. Sure, he was bland as water for the first little bit. But after his heel turn and alliance with Orton/DiBease it was inevitable. As soon as I saw him become "Undashing" I began seeing the IC title around his waist, and behold! He is champ now. His ring work has improved drastically- that Beautiful Disaster knee is SICK! Honorable mentions go to R-Truth and Mark Henry. I thought these two people would be getting buried in TNA by now, their respective heel turns have definitely helped. "Little Jimmy" is hilarious!
As for Mark: finally! He gets used. He busted his ass for 15 years and never quit. Good to see him as a champ: a monster heel champ.

Next push: the obvious choice goes to Daniel Bryan because of MITB

Ziggler could be a main eventer by this time next year and Zack Ryder could be a "real" champ by years end. He did score a non-title win over Ziggs; the torch is passed: Ryder goes to the mid card and Ziggs to the main event.

Honorable: Swagger *after a face turn only. and Tyson Kidd: WWE dropped the ball with that whole manager angle; perhaps re-hash it ? Bobby Roode style
Favorite push of 2011 was CM Punk. Down to earth dude that cuts hard promos.

I also like seeing Mark Henry with the strap. It's a great heel gimmick and its even better that whoever beats Henry and wins the title will be put over huge.

I'd like to see Samoa Joe get a push in TNA or come over to WWE and have a run.
Cody Rhodes has been my favorite so far. Two years ago he was probably the weakest link of Legacy. Last year he was a "Dashing" comedic wrestler, but this year he's restoring the integrity of the Intercontinental championship. But the title aside he's gotten himself extremely over with his slow promo style and his deliberate movement inside the ring. His bag on the head gimmick is funny, but he comes off as dead serious about it which gives the bags almost a creepiness. He's just a really cool character that seems to be gaining steam instead of losing it, so there's my vote for best push of 2011.
Favorite push: Mark Henry is by far my favorite push this year. Anyone who can go from jobbing to getting incredibly over without the help of John Cena is someone with true talent. I am sure there is a post around here where I doubted Henry's abilities when he first turned heel. I hated how everyone wanted the guy to be champion just because he was loyal to the WWE. Henry had put very few people over during his career and did very little. It wasn’t until Henry showed determination to become something bigger then he was that I started to take interest. He didn’t deserve a World Title reign because of his long and boring career - he deserves a World Title reign because he got over, made himself relevant, and actually showed motivation for the first time in his career.

Next push: Daniel Bryan. I have been very outspoken about my feelings about Daniel Bryan. He's a great competitor and one hell of an athlete. However, I have always said he's made for the Indies. Daniel Bryan lacks charisma in the WWE. I’m not saying it isn’t there, I just believe its untapped. I remember watching NXT and seeing him cut that promo on Cole and I loved that. However, I haven’t seen any of that intensity from Daniel Bryan since then. Maybe he isn’t comfortable or maybe it is the way he being booked but Daniel Bryan just doesn’t seem like he'll be a huge star like Randy Orton, CM Punk or John Cena. With that said, I will mark out just as hard as anyone if he happens to win the World Heavyweight Championship. It’s always fun to see wrestlers before they came into the WWE now winning the world title. Show me more Bryan so I can jump on your bandwagon again.

Last is Dolph Ziggler. I often see mixed reactions towards Ziggler on these her forums; I for one like him. He can entertain me from start to finish. I think what Ziggler needs is some type of feud with someone who is hugely over. His matches with Randy Orton and John Cena were fucking amazing and proved he can hang with two of the best the WWE has to offer. Give him some sort of program with someone like Orton or Cena and watch the crowd instantly take interest. Once the crowd gets behind this talented, young wrestler, Ziggler can become some huge in the WWE.
My favorite push thus far has to be Cody Rhodes. For two main reasons. First, I persoanlly never cared at all or Rhodes...in any capacity, and anytime a wrestler can change people's opinions about him so swiftly, there has to be something to it. He went being touted as Legacy's Jannetty to one of the WWE's brightest young stars. He made people forget how awkard and scranwy he was, which bring up my second reason. Just how well he portrayed his character. Honestly, how many of the other superstar on the roster could've carried a gimmick as potentially silly as the one Rhodes is making work? Not many. He took the gimmick seriously, and strayed away from overracting or going to far. Not just the gimmick, but his promo presence and ring abiity has seen an enhancement as well. Cody seems to be getting a nice, steady push going over main events and being the IC chamption. Hopefully the push continues.

And next in line (and it seems like he already is) should be Ziggler for a myriad of reasons. He has a look that stands out, but also gives him creadbility. He's growing much more comforabtle on the mic...he still speaks a little too fast, but he's demonstrated tremendous growth. And his in-ring ability goes without saying. He's one of the few superstars who could potentially have a great match with anyone. Every crop of main eventers needs that one guy who can make anyone look good, be it a win or a loss, and Dolph can fill that void. Once this whole "reality era" business settles down, I belive Dolph will be the one to get a legitimate push.

p.s. Morriosn has TNA written all over him at this point. This guy went from the title match at a PPV to squash matches. His awkard promos and shallow move-set just doesn't seem to be working out.
I agree, we have seen allot of the younger talent being pushed aswell as some of the old veterans who have not really been relevant over the past few years, but they have also lost allot of the big names since they have had to retire due to age, or were not happy with their position or just felt it was their time to go and take a break etc...so really they have not really had much choice in pushing them tbh...it's about time they started to push some of the fresh talent and the new gen of superstars because they won't be able to keep the same guys at the top forever, and i think everyone knows who i'm reffering to. Cena, Orton etc...they have been on top for years and will still be on top for the next few years but not forever and I think that WWE are beginning to come to terms with that FINALLLLLYY.....we have seen the rise of guys such as Danial Bryan,Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, Wade Barrett and other veterans such as Christian, Mark Henry, Kane Big Show...the only guy who is still far away from retiring is Christian because he is only like 36 and still has a while to go yet. WWE are desperate and are grabbing at straws at this point to find main event superstars. Other than that they are starting to push some of the new gen because they have no other choice, long term, the only to survive is to evolve the company and keep it running with new face every 10-15 years or so or the WWE would die. They need new faces and are starting to realise this.
ok since this thread is about what superstars should be pushed to the main event level in 2011 or in the near future only 1 person comes to my mind..CODY RHODES...out of all the young superstars in the wwe right now he is the best,i especially think his mic skills are better than cenas and ortons mic skills and his wrestling skills are good as well,if u ask me cody rhodes is the guy wwe needs to push to the moon right now...dolph ziggler and wade barrett are 2 other superstars wwe needs to push even more
i love how cody is beeing pushed i wish they didnt have so many matches with randy orton already that could've been saved for survivor series or even wm 28 to be a great match.
mark henry's push is good too the best push i think right in front of cm punk. henry will hold the title for a while i dont see them taking the title off of him just yet. have him fued with orton till like vengeance have henry face christion, orton and sheamus. at survivor series have him face either sheamus in a no dq or orton or even push someone like mason ryan or big zeke to take down henry. take the belt from him at royal rumble or elimination chamber so while henry is dominating till then bryan is getting his push have orton win elimination chamber and do orton vs bryan or even bryan vs punk if punk wins the championship or royal rumble.
Punk's push has bby far been a great one. hes main evented 3 ppvs in a row ever since his promo shoot in june the wwe has turned sideways but not completely upside down JUST YET. if punk keeps breaking the fourth wall every once in awhile and keep his wrestling good like it is we will likely be seeing a new era just from punk saying a few harsh words about the wwe. by next year i see punk completely changing the whole business and finally seeing him vs stone cold next year at wm 29. 28 is too early it'll shine over rock vs cena
I am very glad to see the Mark Henry push, since the Nation, he has just sorta bounced around the WWEbeing used for not alot, and seems to have been content with that. This wake up call, and Hall of Pain is great, and like someone else has said in another thread, he seems very real, and comes across with a sad look that makes you want to side with him, while he is smashing up all of your favourite charachters.

The Miz and R-Truth are embroiled in the biggest storyline at present, but i want to see them get pushed harder. The 2 bounce well off each other, and will be great leading a faction. Despite the 2 getting along well, you can feel the tension there too, so the eventual split could be of Megapowers proportions!
My favourite push so far this year is Punk, for many reasons. Some reasons are that he deserved it, the push started a great storyline and the most important one; he's my favourite wrestler on the roster. But I also liked Henry's, Christian's, Truth's and Rhodes', all for different reasons.

As for who I think will be next in line for a major push, I don't know. Maybe Daniel Bryan, he won the mitb briefcase so that's a pretty solid bet that he's going to get a push, or maybe Dibiase. He recently turned face and I can see him being pushed if he gets over as a face.

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