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2010 Mock WWE draft

MVs Prodigy

Dark Match Winner
I know its a little early and we still have a few months left but I want to know how the WWE could spice things up in the draft. Here please state all the draft picks and how they will be used when going to the brand


Christian: I want Christain to get off of ECW, he has awesome talent and when on TNA he showed he can headline a show. If he goes to Raw have him win the MIITB then cash it in to become the WWE champ.
CM Punk
He is doing great on SD and what they are doing with him now upsets me. Stop his new midcard gimmick send him to RAW to freshen things up.
Maybe if healthy have him win the Rumble, then win at Mania. If back after mania have him feud w/ Jericho then moved to RAW when the draft occurs.


I want to see how he could work as th face of a brand, and ECW would gice him the perfect chance. He is great in the ring, maybe not give him the title but have him feud for it, now thats cool.
I hate how he is being used on RAW, I hate him as a face period. Move him to ECW and turn him heel. Make him champion, and it will show how he could be main event talent when not being used as a face.
If khali returns to the ring have him go to ECW. Have him dominate the roster there then have him get beat to push someone over. Because I dont see him getting a World Heavyweight title reign again any time soon. So give him the ECW belt.
Rey Mysterio
Some of you may disagree but just as Khali I dont see him getting a WHC title reign or shot anytime soon. Have him go to ECW for a year and refurbish his career as a main eventer.


I believe Sheamus would do better on SD because it usually produces talent way better than RAW, have him midcard first though then get a push by beating down Taker or Kane.
William Regal
Regal has above average skills in the ring, and before his suspension on RAW he was getting a huge push by becoming king in the ring. Now move him to SD to become an uppermid carder by becoming IC champ or have him form a tag team and challenge for the titles.
Here is another one that I know alot of you will disagree with. But HBK on RAW = no title reign again, but on SD I believe he could become the main champion once again.

I know you guys have your own opinions, so please voice them. Explain how you think the mock draft should go.
id like to personally see mvp turn heel cuz i just dont believe him as face...he used to be better than you...but now hes floundering in raws dead midcard...either make him heel or send him back to smackdown..same goes for swagger either push him or switch him and give him the spotlight on smackdown..id also like to see carlito back on smackdown in the main event...he have a better chance against the next top face cuz he cant beat taker...which is y i think rey should be given another reign to put over up and coming heels...undertaker is like the only face in the main event..and its quite stale cuz he does the same thing...id rather see him become the badass to freshen his feud with batista...which would be better and more interesting..christian needs to be on smackdown as the number two face behind taker...zack ryder should be on raw if they decide to acknowledge to the midcard...he would fit perfectly with rosa on raw cuz he doesnt need ecw anymore to grow in the current role hes in unless he fights shelton for the title...ziggler should be on raw...i dont wat happened with him..so much potential and now hes not even on smackdown...btw eric escobar needs to go away i still dont like him and he is average in the ring....average lookin guy needs ecw...
I like some of MVs Prodigy's pick's, but I think one guy that should move is Undertaker to Raw, and Cena should be moved to FCW yes you saw it right, he is boring and used up, time to move on, Christain to Smackdown with Edge and a Big feud with Jerishow would be great, Kofi and other high flyers should be on ECW, a draft and a change will still not help WWE against the Storm of TNA and Hulkamania is going to do to the WWE in 2010, but to end this, WWE needs the young guys to take over and move the old boring guys out like Cena, Mark Henry, Batista, Cena's "Time is up, TNA Time is Now" WWE you cant see TNA...HAHAHA!
Good thread... I have actually been thinking about this lately

Since in 2010 ECW will have a totally new format, new name, new wrestlers etc... I would have to say, send Eric Escobar, R truth, Rey Mysterio and maybe Drew Mctyntire

Raw - Vladimir Kozlov, it's time he got another better push to be at the top

SD - Christian, Regal and maybe some of the new talent coming in...

Hmmm.. can't really think of any other big ones right now... but i have a lot more thought up, just can't remmber them...
Kofi and Rey to ECW? Are you guys kidding? Kofi is over huge right now and has the potential to be WWE champ some time next year, so he should probably stay on Raw, possibly move to Smackdown but no way go to ECW.
As for Rey, yes he may not be World champion again but he is one the most popular guys in the entire WWE plus an excellent mid-carder, keep him where he is.

I agree with most of the others though, Carlito to ECW because he is pointless on Raw at the moment and has the potential to be the face of ECW. I wouldn't move MVP to ECW but he needs to turn heel, then he would shoot straight back up to a high mid-carder or possibly main eventer.
I would be surprised if Christian is still on ECW after the draft, he gets one of the biggest pops in the company at the minute so deserves a bigger push, I would personally prefer to see him on Smackdown.

Other people I'd like to see move are The Hart Dynasty, so they can face new opponents instead of Cryme Tyme for the 100th time, I would like to see Natalya get apush for the Divas title as well. Also, possibly Jack Swagger to Smackdown as I think he could do better on there, he could have some great matches with Morrison and even get a push at the World title in a year or so.
RAW gets: The Undertaker, CM Punk, William Regal, Dolph Ziggler (if the mid-card shapes up in time)
ECW gets: MVP, Mark Henry, Rey Mysterio, The Great Khali (tired of seeing this guy on my favorite show), Carlito, Primo, R-Truth, Kane, Drew McIntyre....my plan is to make ECW look like winners in the 2010 draft.
SD! gets: Christian, HBK, Jack Swagger, Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, Gail Kim
My Picks
Zack Ryder- His talent is being wasted on ECW and would fit good in midcard.
CM Punk-Would bring someone entertaining to Raw
Undertaker-If WWE does decide to bring back the American Badass it would fit better on Raw
Matt Hardy-Is doing shit all but gets a pop and would put over the miz, kofi, etc. and the rest of the midcard

ECWFirst i would like to say that WWE should bring back the Cruiserweight title and take it to ECW so every brand has a second title and all the cruiserweights doing shit all well get a chance.
Now to the actual drafts
Jimmy Wang Yang- all cruiserweights should go to ECW
MVP- Has to go backto ECW and get back over with the fans
Mark Henry- either has to be released or put on ECW
Finlay- Jobbing on Smackdown needs to go back to ECW and re-invent the belfast brawler.
Chavo- chavo is a very good cruiserweight champion
Hornswoggle- Because hes wasting valuble time on Raw!!!!!
All cruiserweight (Including Rey because he is doing shit all and practically jobbing to batista.)

Christian-OK the way i see this is when edge comes back he is definately going to have a rivalry with Y2J and if he is still with the big show the numbers game will be to much and who will come to his aid.. his kayfabe brother= Storyline
John Cena- He has been in Raw for 5 years and becoming stale (more stale) requires a change of scenery
Sheamus- Smackdown just seems like a better place for the celtic warrior
Jack Swagger- his talents are completely being wasted and WWE can not afford that to happen i think he should lose the all american american gimmick and come to Smackdown with a better gimmick and do what they di with sheamus , make him go undefeated and then have him win a no. 1 contender match like sheamus by letting him go over cena or someone like that if morrison is not champ.
Carlito- Again he would be a better fit and i think he should have a rivalry with Morrison.
First, HBK does not want to be champion. Lol.

Now, for my draft picks. Normally there would be about 15 picks, including the supplemental picks. So, im going to choose 15 C=


Teddy Long
A bad pick, but once the whole guest host crap is over, RAW would need a host, and why not Teddy? He's good! And when he leaves Smackdown! Vickie can become the GM once again and wreck havoc on smackdown! I find it funny when she comes out and the fans boos her and she screams EXCUSE ME!!! And when she screams you can almost not understand her! LOL!

Chris Jericho
He is the best at what he does! And i hope him and big show retains the tag championship for a while, and at the draft he goes to RAW! and be a real tag team, i mean Big show at raw and Y2j at smackdown, wtf? How can you team up liddat? I know being the unified champion allows you to appear on any brand, but still... And i hope they would shape up RAW's Tag division!!

The Hurricane/ Gregory helms
I doubt this hero would ever become a world champion, but he would be a good united states champion! He's quite good in the ring and is decent on the mic!

The Hart dynasty! [ 3 picks for this]
They are a great tag team and should really be given the chance to get a push! Once at Raw, they can say that they never liked legacy and start a feud with them and get some high profile match with them, maybe bring in chris jericho and bigshow and make it a triple threat tag team no holds barred match for the unified championship! Now wont it be a good match!

Since ECW is going to be ore of a development brand, I will choose more youngsters C=

He is decent in the ring, but quite bad on the mic, but if he is given more on-air time, he would improve a lot! And going to ECW would definitely increase his chances of at least getting a match every week on TV.

He spits in the face, of people who do not wanna be cool! This fella, is like another primo, except he has great mic skills, and he can help himself and his brother by having another feud with him and maybe escalating to an I-QUIT match! Now wont that be cool?

Eric Escobar
Hes actually quite good, even though he just recently appeared, and letting him hold the ecw championship for a while would do his career wonders!

Dolph Ziggler
ATM i dun see him anywhere, maybe he is injured or something, but anyway, he is good in ring but terrible on the mic! Going to ecw may give him more on-air time to practice his mic skills and when ready, he can go and feud for the ecw championship.

Hes a GREAT performer, and i can only recall him being the US champion this past few years, and at ecw,not only can he OWN the brand, he can also help push the younger wrestlers and prepare them for RAW or Smackdown!


OMG! Vince you idiot, you may hate christian for going to TNA, but he is an EXCELLENT performer! And coming to Smackdown!, he can team with Edge(who is most probably turning face when coming back from injury) or feud for the World championship! I can see him main eventing WrestleMania 27 with The Undertaker!

Jack Swagger
For me, i think he is great in ring, and quite decent on mic, and going SmackDown! can increase his opportunities.

Evan Bourne
Same as Jack Swagger, but his mic skills suck. If he can brush up on it, on smackdown!, he can be under rey mysterio's wing and then betray him and get some good matches with rey and get into the upper midcard/main event status.

His quite good, except he needs a tan. He can draft to smackdown and say that he has destroyed ECW and RAW and its Smackdown!'s turn, and maybe The great khali can come out and chop his head!

Money in the bank~ switching brands for the world championship
John Morrison : I think that once he drops the IC Championship he's going to get a gradual push (winning more matches, etc etc.) And go on to wrestlemania and become Mr MITB, and cash it in on Raw's champion!

Well, thats all of my picks, comments? C=

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