200,000 Jobs Added In March

Of course. Mitt Romney -- the guy with an elevator... for his car -- is much more in touch with the American economy.
Clearly our country's economic policies are not working. We need less regulation for corporations and more tax cuts for the wealthiest people. If that doesn't turn this economy around, nothing will.
200,000 jobs added and most of my friends are still out of work.:disappointed:

I hear you. One of my boys moved back to NY in September and still hasn't found a gig. He says he has to move back down to Florida again. What's sad is he has an extensive resume and military experience.
Don't forget that Construction and Landscaping were two areas which took massive hits when Bush sent the economy spiraling downwards anyway. That they are doing better now is good news. Jobs are jobs, mmkay?
Forgive my ignorance here as I live in England but I read that the USA's national debt mathematically could never be paid off? This is due to your government getting its currency from the federal reserve bank therefor it is impossible to ever pay off the debt.

I know this is probably a very simplistic view and having never visited America (unfortunately) what I wrote above doesn't mean much to me but surely as American citizens you must feel shafted by your politicians?

Creating jobs in my opinion is just a vote winning exercise, once you've elected your next president you'll be in for more financial pain but with a different face to point the blame at.

It seems to me that America is being kept on life support by bankers and other countries such as China simply to bleed every dollar they can from your economy before Americas inevitable financial collapse.

Good luck with that one folks :shrug:

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