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2 SmackDown Stars taking time off


iMPACT! Player From The Start
Former WWE Champion Batista has been telling people within WWE that he's looking to take an extended break from WWE following WrestleMania.

Those within the company expect Batista to take his leave of absence following the Extreme Rules PPV later this month.

Batista is scheduled to begin filming for the upcoming WWE Studio’s film “Killing Karma” this spring and the general consensus within the locker room is that Batista will not wrestler while he is filming.

Also as noted earlier here on the website, The Great Khali will be finishing up with WWE, for now, on Friday's Smackdown. Khali told people at the tapings Tuesday that he would be taking some time off, and returning to India. As of right now, there is no timetable for him to return to the company.

I'm really hoping this leads to a release for Khali. The guy brings nothing to the company whatsoever. And of course just when I start to enjoy Batista he takes time off. Just my luck
i also just read on twitter that jerihco has six weeks jury duty and wont be back till may, it should be intresting to see who steps up on smackdown with all these missing guys. maybe a mat hardy push eh thatll never happen wishfull thinking. i was thinking the same thing about batista finaly not borista and break time
Not only those two guys but probably the Undertaker will be taking some time off soon so expect the younger guys to show if they have what it takes to main event. I read a statement that John Morrison said that his time will come and that "Yeah, I think my time is coming. I'm rounding the corner right now in the main event parking garage, where all the spots have been taken for a really long time."
So Smackdown! will be dominated by young stars for a while which I think is good because many have been complaining about how stale the main event scene has been for the past couple of years.
As for the Great Khali, hope he doesn't come back anymore because he is not a good wrestler, not a good speaker and the Khali Kiss Cam is really corny. As for Batista, I feel you man because just when he was starting to interest me he goes on a break. -_-
Former WWE Champion Batista has been telling people within WWE that he's looking to take an extended break from WWE following WrestleMania.

Those within the company expect Batista to take his leave of absence following the Extreme Rules PPV later this month.

Batista is scheduled to begin filming for the upcoming WWE Studio’s film “Killing Karma” this spring and the general consensus within the locker room is that Batista will not wrestler while he is filming.
"Killer Karma"? As if to imply that there's any other kind worth mentioning.

Unfortunate to see Dave go just when he's really starting to hit his stride as a heel. The feud with Mysterio didn't go well as their chemistry isn't the greatest (either that or because Rey was continuing his trend of not having any decent matches with non-Undertaker big men in recent years). However his promos, his look, his entrance, and his attitude were all coming together well and making him a hotter commodity than he'd been in years. I understand he's been on the road since fall and he's due for his semi-annual sabbatical, but he's going to be leaving a greater void than usual this time around.

Also as noted earlier here on the website, The Great Khali will be finishing up with WWE, for now, on Friday's Smackdown. Khali told people at the tapings Tuesday that he would be taking some time off, and returning to India. As of right now, there is no timetable for him to return to the company.

I'm really hoping this leads to a release for Khali. The guy brings nothing to the company whatsoever.
In what world is being the poster boy for WWE in a growing market classed as "nothing"? The dude does well for WWE in India. Until they have someone else from India that they're willing to put time and effort into getting as over as Khali, I can't imagine why they should get rid of him.
In what world is being the poster boy for WWE in a growing market classed as "nothing"? The dude does well for WWE in India. Until they have someone else from India that they're willing to put time and effort into getting as over as Khali, I can't imagine why they should get rid of him.
Yes he is their poster boy for India but what is he to everyone else? Crap in the ring, and a chance for a bathroom break or to go make something to eat? The guy brings nothing to the table as I said before. He's taking up space and money that could be used to give to someone who actually can walk to the ring without being in immense pain. They will find someone else. Hell I just heard they signed someone by the name of Tiger Jeet Singh.
Yes he is their poster boy for India but what is he to everyone else? Crap in the ring, and a chance for a bathroom break or to go make something to eat?
Are you really speaking for everyone else? Sounds like you're busy spouting off about what you and the minority that is the IWC think is best. I'm sorry, but that's representative of the majority of the WWE's audience. If it were, Batista would have been getting booed out of arenas for years and Bryan Danielson would be getting Rock-like reactions. Fact is, the people like Khali. He is a unique attraction, can bring great energy to the show through comedy or a pairing with another over babyface, and is very usable as a former World Champion who can give people a big win or a guy who can tell the ever-enduring David vs. Goliath story.

So... you're wrong.

He's taking up space and money that could be used to give to someone who actually can walk to the ring without being in immense pain.
Why do that when they've already invested hours of TV time, squashes over The Undertaker, and a World Championship in getting him over?

They will find someone else. Hell I just heard they signed someone by the name of Tiger Jeet Singh.
Good luck getting as over or as established as Khali.
It's a real shame that Batista is taking time off. Like most others, I have been very impressed with his promos over the past few weeks, as well as his Mania match. The last time I was this interested in Batista was five years ago during the evolution break up. I'm just wondering how neccessary it is for him to take time off. He has missed enough of his in ring career due to legit injuries and it seems a waste for him to not compete whilst uninjured. However, I suppose Batista knows his capabilities better than anybody, so if he feels he needs an extended break, that's what he should do. Shame though.

Regarding Khali taking time off, it's not a big loss to WWE as he just isn't needed on TV regularly anymore. However, like Coco said, he definitely wont be released from the company as long as he's as big as he is in India. Apparantly, Khali is making tons of cash for WWE from the Indian market. From WWE's viewpoint, he is just as useful in India promoting the WWE and pushing his merchandise as he is on WWE television. Also, as long as he continues to get a strong face reaction from the live crowds, he will be somewhat useful to WWE.
I personally think Khali should stay. He is undoubtidly the most inmovable object aroun, and if he really tried, he could pin or tap anyone on the roster out. he just needs to get more focused at the job at hand.
Are you really speaking for everyone else? Sounds like you're busy spouting off about what you and the minority that is the IWC think is best. I'm sorry, but that's representative of the majority of the WWE's audience. If it were, Batista would have been getting booed out of arenas for years and Bryan Danielson would be getting Rock-like reactions. Fact is, the people like Khali. He is a unique attraction, can bring great energy to the show through comedy or a pairing with another over babyface, and is very usable as a former World Champion who can give people a big win or a guy who can tell the ever-enduring David vs. Goliath story.
So... you're wrong.
No it's my oppinion and oppinions can not be wrong no matter how much you disagree with them, therefore I'm not wrong. You seem to still be bitter about the whole sig thing a while back. Deal with it, it's my oppinion and I can guarantee you that you ask all the WWE fans and more will say he's boring and waste than will say he is entertaining. If you entertains you, great have fun dancing to his music and watching him kiss hogs but I'd rather watch wrestling.

Why do that when they've already invested hours of TV time, squashes over The Undertaker, and a World Championship in getting him over?
Did you really enjoy his squashes over Taker? Did you enjoy his World Title win? Because myself and man many others thought it was ridiculous and unwarranted. People want to bitch about Sheamus & McIntyre comming in and getting wins and titles they don't deserve what did Khali ever do? Appear in an Adam Sandler movie? That's David Arquette thinking if I ever saw it.

Good luck getting as over or as established as Khali.
Never said he would but what gets Kahli over? His size. If he were not as tall what does he offer? Sure he is big in India but where else?
I'm not sure if Batista should have taken time off, straight after WM, straight after he lost the title, he will lose mass momentum.
Kahli, I'm not sure, I'm sure the Indian fans will be a little iffy about it, I mean, he is extremely popular over there. I wonder if he will come back as a heel or not. Be all like, I'm serious about winning my titles, and to keep his punjabi playboy gimmick, he should pick up a couple of hot valets
Never said he would but what gets Kahli over? His size. If he were not as tall what does he offer? Sure he is big in India but where else?

I'm sorry what? He's only over because of his size? Yeah um, I'm pretty sure everyone knows that. It's the same reason Big show is employed and Andre the Giant is in the Hall Of Fame. Like Andre, Khali is a special attraction. He draws in a lot of fans, and is immensely popular, as you can hear from the pops he gets every week.
I'm sorry what? He's only over because of his size? Yeah um, I'm pretty sure everyone knows that. It's the same reason Big show is employed and Andre the Giant is in the Hall Of Fame. Like Andre, Khali is a special attraction. He draws in a lot of fans, and is immensely popular, as you can hear from the pops he gets every week.
If he gets pop's then I'm not hearing them. Maybe it's because of my incredibly lethargic feeling I get whenever his music starts or the fact they plug them in for them (you know WWE isn't above doing it). Difference between Show & Khali is that Show is actually a good wrestler and good promo man, that's why he is employed.
Not to go off on some wild tangent about the Great Khali, but the guy is invaluable. Sure he might not be as over in the US as other guys on the card, but from everything I've read, he's huge in India. India happens to be the 2nd most populated country on the planet with over 1 Billion people. So only viewing him from an American point of view is only seeing the small picture. It's the reason why guys like Guerrero and Mysterio stay on Smackdown, because Smackdown apparentely does better with the Latin crowd.

On to the big dissapointment, Big Dave Batista. I drank the Batista hatorade for years and stand by it for a face Big Dave Dudd. However, this recent heel run has been incredible and I would hate for the big man to leave when it seems like he's starting to hit a stride. Oh well, I'm guessing he'll be back in time for Summerslam to start the feud over again, and probably get a Hell in a Cell match with Cena at the end of the feud, so big picture it might be a good thing.

As far as the Jericho Tweet about Jury Duty, it's still April Fool's Day, so ask me again tomorrow.
If he gets pop's then I'm not hearing them. Maybe it's because of my incredibly lethargic feeling I get whenever his music starts or the fact they plug them in for them (you know WWE isn't above doing it). Difference between Show & Khali is that Show is actually a good wrestler and good promo man, that's why he is employed.

No, it may be because you're ignorant and clearly have some random hate of Khali. He needs to take a break, rehab his knees, and then return to the 'E. I can't believe you can waltz around and say he isn't a draw when he draws fucking HUGE in India and gets pretty decent pops from the crowd when he shows up in the arena.

He's put on pretty decent matches over the years, especially with Undertaker. The only thing I have to gripe about is when Khali fought Rey Mysterio. Sure the David-Goliath storylines can be interesting, but how the fuck is it logically possible for someone like Rey to spend anything over 10 seconds with Khali? Khali even had trouble adjusting to Rey because of the height class.
No it's my oppinion and oppinions can not be wrong no matter how much you disagree with them, therefore I'm not wrong.
No. This defense only works when you haven't opened your argument with a completely disprovable statement, such as the one you made about Khali bringing "nothing" to the company. It can, and has, been disproven by everyone who has seen fit to address it in this thread.

You are, in fact, wrong.

You seem to still be bitter about the whole sig thing a while back. Deal with it,
I'm bitter because you sent me multiple PMs complaining about a red rep I gave you? Ha. That'd be the fuckin' day. Get real and stick to the issues at hand. We're talking about wrestling. Don't distracted from the discussion.

it's my oppinion and I can guarantee you that you ask all the WWE fans and more will say he's boring and waste than will say he is entertaining. If you entertains you, great have fun dancing to his music and watching him kiss hogs but I'd rather watch wrestling.
You can't guarantee that. The fans who cheer for him on a weekly basis cast doubt on your theory, as if I needed a reason not buy into your certainty.

Did you really enjoy his squashes over Taker? Did you enjoy his World Title win? Because myself and man many others thought it was ridiculous and unwarranted.
Who cares what I think? The point is that Khali has gained heat and credibility from these things. Squandering that because you and the IWC don't like the way he wrestles is bad business.

Also, I enjoyed those things very much.
This is too bad. Batista was on a fucking roll heading into Wrestlemania, showing the best stuff he has had in building a storyline since he took on Triple H.

I hope it is just a month off, to let the body rebuild, because he can play an important part in storylines. At his age, I think he should start taking more and more houseshows off to keep his body in good condition.

As for Khali, it is a shame, because that is one of the men you need on your roster, so that when people beat, they get instant cred. Anyone who doesn't think Khali's absent wont be missed, you are just choked up on his lack of aerial assaults.
Thank goodness the Y2J was just an April Fool's joke.

But as far as Batista goes, he shouldn't be thinking about a break just now. He's on a freaking roll right now with this heel thing. I think this is his best acting right now. Did anyone see Wrong Side Of Town? Uhh..Don't quit your day job Dave. I think wrestling is his stronger point. :p It'd be better believing John Cena as president of the United States if Batista thinks movies are his thing, Batista should take a clue from the Stacy Keibler career path. :lmao:

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