2 Cold Scorpio released

WWE has come to terms on the release of Charles Scaggs (Too Cold Scorpio). We wish him luck in his future endeavors.

Well there goes a great wrestler who could have taught the young guys a lot. Sad.

Sorry if this was posted already. I didn't see it.
Nah I was going to post it but then I got caught up with uploading some vids onto the internet.

Honestly, I didn't even know 2 Cold was with the WWE right now, I figured those ties has been seperated long ago. Why again hadn't the WWE used him at all to my remembrance in the last...what eight years? He's a damn solid wrestler and I've always been a huge fan of his, nobody pulls out a better 450 Splash I think.

Well...theres always the TNA possibility, if 2 Cold still wants to wrestle after all these years and possibly do some good programs.
Apparently Booker T was a big influence on them signing him. He worked in DSW as Flash Funk, which was going to be his gimmick again when he was brought up to the main roster, which looked to be on Smackdown. I honestly don't know why the WWE does this. Signing a guy, not using him then releasing him. It doesn't make any sense to me really. If you sign someone, use them. Hell, they could have put him on ECW, since he is an original.
While it would have been good to see 2 cold Scorpio back and in ECW, wasn't he also in the J.O.B. Squad, anyway it obviously means that they couldn't come up with anything that would work for him in WWE storylines in the near future. So it makes sense for them to drop him after about a year in OVW and has had a lot of experience with the main roster, maybe he requested his own rlease so he could work in the Indies.
Wow, who knew that 2 Cold was even on the roster? It's not to big of a deal, he wasn't going to make an impact. I think he would be nice in TNA, but unfortunatly, Scorpio is starting to get up there, so I 'm not sure how well he would perform anymore considering his style.
Great. I was looking forward to him coming back and after Booker wanting it I was expecting it. I never did understand why the :wwf: hires people, buries them in OVW or somewhere and then cuts them. This is going to turn some off of coming to :wwf: because of this. Don't hire them if you don't plan on using them.
^I completely agree. This is why most indy workers don't like signing with WWE. You're not getting a push, and you'll be lucky to be on the main roster. It's getting worse and worse for their reputation when it comes to signing pure wrestlers. I wish they would stop focusing on whether or not someone has charisma. Whoever has charisma should cut promos. Whoever doesn't, shouldn't have to. You shouldn't be have to cut 'A' promos to be a top guy. It drives off more and more people and less people are thinking about signing with them.
I agree with that, WWE is going to dig themselves a hole eventually if they keep sign guys that can't work or who aren't willing to work and guys who have limited experience compared to guys who could make them alot of money and be really popular with the fans.

And athough 2 cold was a little older he would have been a great addition. Look at flair, he wrestles and is able to give back to the younger generation, and I bet 2 cold could have done the same.
I mostly disagree with what most of you are saying. First... one person said he was wrestling as Flash Funk in DSW. In case you didn't notice, DSW doesn't have ties with WWE anymore. Maybe they didn't have room for him in OVW and if you get rid of a farm you have to consolidate your roster. It was possibly a cost cutting move or just the fact that they didn't have enough room for him with more talent going to less territories.

Also, maybe what they wanted to do with him just didn't pan out? They might've had the intention to use him in a certain role and based on the everchanging nature of WWE's plans (and this week was proof of that), maybe it just didn't pan out. Or maybe he wasn't as good as he showed in his tryout. Obviously when you're trying out for a job you make yourself look better.

And you just don't know how he had been used while he was under contract so you can't really comment on the nature of his release.
I think the reason WWE hires guys and then doesn't use them is simply because they relize that if they don't sign them some other promotion like TNA or ROH will, and instead of letting other promotions sign talented guys they figure they can just sign them to a devopmental contract and keep them off the market for a couple of years, then when they figure the demand for that wrestler is no longer there they can release them, it's not a bad move buisness wise, although a bit underhanded, and bad from a fans point of veiw, as for 2 Cold Scopio, I think that WWE never really had plans for him, and really didn't know how to ultilize him in the right way, so they just signed him because Booker pushed for it, and they figured that maybe he could help some of there young talent down in OVW or something, I could really care less about his release, I suspect that he will probably go to Japan or Mexico now
Meh. I was in no hurry to see the return of Flash Funk. He's talented but when he signed I never expected him to be anything other than a jobber. Release him and let him go back to NOAH.
I've been a huge fan of 2 Cold for a long time (probably the first WCW run). One of my favorite matches from the early nineties is 2 Cold taking on Benoit at SuperBrawl III. I was pissed when they misused him back in the late nineties in Stamford and its obvious nothing has changed. This guy, Scaggs, who has been able to work with the best of them for a long time is supplanted on the card while I get to watch The Great Khali stink up another f*cking Raw? This is ridiculous. McMahon has a veritable pick of the litter and he can't disseminate his ass from a hole in the pavement. Scaggs isn't the best option in the world for my taste, but he's a hell of a lot better than a schlep like Chris Masters. I mean, if steroid use equaled wrestling talent, Masters would be better than Bret Hart. Same for Khali. If height equaled wrestling ability, he'd be Lou Thesz.
They should've given him a run on ECW at the very least.Vince has to stop this crap and start keeping some quality wrestlers on the roster.
Vince is letting WWE become crap. He won't care about any of the other wrestlers, there is only one thing he cares about -


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