$2,000 Vacuum


[This Space for Rent]
My Mother is apparently a moron. True Story. :lmao:

She not only allowed a salesman into her home, but she willingly conversed with them (yes, them, as in 4 they travel in packs now) for roughly 3-5 hours. YES!

The end result was the purchase of a new $2,000 vacuum. It apparently has tons of features, and can somehow spray paint too. LOL

I tried explaining the only problem with buying a vacuum, be it expensive or shitty.. is the person USING IT would actually still need to use it on a regular basis. To which, I assure you all.. she doesn't, and won't.

Majorly Epic Fail. Discuss the stupidity.
I agreed with you up until the spray painting bit.

But I can't tell you how many times I've been vacuuming and thought, "Man, this house could really use some color."
:lmao: I pissed the salesmen off. My reply to them asking if "I" wanted to purchase one was this..

"Unless the fucker can do the job itself, and fly me around, then it's not worth $20.00 let alone $2,000. You're out of your rabid minds to think I'm that stupid."
My Mother is apparently a moron. True Story. :lmao:

She not only allowed a salesman into her home, but she willingly conversed with them (yes, them, as in 4 they travel in packs now) for roughly 3-5 hours. YES!

Well they say there is stength in numbers, and given that they talked about vacuums for 3-5 hours...well you prolly need for guys to accomplish that casue lets face it how is any one self respecting male gonna be able to talk about vacuums for 3-5 hous on his own?

The end result was the purchase of a new $2,000 vacuum. It apparently has tons of features, and can somehow spray paint too. LOL

She does know that you can bargin with them right, my parents bought a vacuum from a salesman like 15 years ago, that was suppose to cost around $1000 they manged to get him to demonstrate how it works on the whole house then talked him down to like $300

I tried explaining the only problem with buying a vacuum, be it expensive or shitty.. is the person USING IT would actually still need to use it on a regular basis. To which, I assure you all.. she doesn't, and won't.

Majorly Epic Fail. Discuss the stupidity.

Very true, which is why I don't own a vacuum, I figure in the rare occasion I might actuelly wat to vacuum I'll just borrow one from someone else
Well they say there is stength in numbers, and given that they talked about vacuums for 3-5 hours...well you prolly need for guys to accomplish that casue lets face it how is any one self respecting male gonna be able to talk about vacuums for 3-5 hous on his own?

The truly stupid part is.. I think my Mother really has lost her fucking mind. I mean, one of the morons had to "call his boss" to make sure he could "give her all the extras, for free" ;) and whilst "on the phone" he told his boss.. and I QUOTE..

"Look Boss (yeah, he called him boss) I think our policy sucks, and Bonnie (her name is actually Connie) is a really nice lady and I just wanna make sure she gets a great deal. (rip off) So I don't care what you think, I'm gonna do this and if it costs me my job, then so be it."

YES, he actually said this. And sadly, I truly believe my Mother believed it.

I asked him if I could call his "boss" back, and he wanted to know why. I continued to be a jackass in saying.. "Well, my guess is a job opening just came up, because I'm sure no 'boss' would allow their employee to talk them down like you just did." He claimed his Boss was a push over.

She does know that you can bargin with them right, my parents bought a vacuum from a salesman like 15 years ago, that was suppose to cost around $1000 they manged to get him to demonstrate how it works on the whole house then talked him down to like $300

:lmao: Epic LAWLZ coming up...

My Mother's "barginning skills" aren't exactly what you'd call.. proper.

The original vacuum price was UNDER $2,000.00 but when all the "free" attachments came into the picture.. the "tax" caused the price to go up another $300.00+. LOL

Now the "catch" that she agreed to was only paying like $78.00 a month, for.. oh I don't know.. life. lol Seriously though, $78.00 a month was the set-up plan. And it was well over $2,000.

Very true, which is why I don't own a vacuum, I figure in the rare occasion I might actuelly wat to vacuum I'll just borrow one from someone else

My Mother just likes having tons of cleaning supplies around the house. She rarely uses any of them.. but they're here if she randomly gets bored and decides to.

I love her to death, but I swear at some point within the past year.. her brain melted.
Did your mother purchase a Rainbow vacuum by any chance? My friend gave that company my name a few years ago, so I let the guy come give his presentation. I knew I wasn't going to buy it because it was $2,000 but I got a free carpet cleaning out of it.
Did your mother purchase a Rainbow vacuum by any chance? My friend gave that company my name a few years ago, so I let the guy come give his presentation. I knew I wasn't going to buy it because it was $2,000 but I got a free carpet cleaning out of it.

No, I think it's a Kurby, or Curby. Something similar to that.

And adding onto the stupidity.. my Mother didn't even have the guy do a full room. Just ONE SPOT. (At which point, in my opinion, it didn't look like it did anything better than a regular cheap vacuum.)
No, I think it's a Kurby, or Curby. Something similar to that.

And adding onto the stupidity.. my Mother didn't even have the guy do a full room. Just ONE SPOT. (At which point, in my opinion, it didn't look like it did anything better than a regular cheap vacuum.)

Holy shit....bless her heart.....she should have at least gotten the whole downstairs done. On a side note, I have a $200 vacuum and it works wonderfully.
My mom bought one of those $2,000 vacuums. Twenty-five years ago!! She gave it to me when I moved out on my own, and it still works like a champ. It is a Kirby. That thing is amazing, it has a motor designed by Porsche and will clean anything. I can vacuum, steam clean, clean the drapes, mow the lawn, paint the car, and change diapers with it.
Holy shit....bless her heart.....she should have at least gotten the whole downstairs done. On a side note, I have a $200 vacuum and it works wonderfully.

:lmao: I don't have a vacuum cleaner, and my upstairs portion of our house is just fine. Mind you I "borrow" vacuum cleaners from downstairs, but I likely won't even be touching the expensive one.. because I don't trust it.

Anything that costs that much, when you can buy an alternative for 2 of the 4 first digits, is likely the devil.

My mom bought one of those $2,000 vacuums. Twenty-five years ago!! She gave it to me when I moved out on my own, and it still works like a champ. It is a Kirby. That thing is amazing, it has a motor designed by Porsche and will clean anything. I can vacuum, steam clean, clean the drapes, mow the lawn, paint the car, and change diapers with it.

:lmao: On second though, I may remember this for the apparent diaper changing ability.
Unless it's the WALL-E model, not interested. My mom bought hers 22 years ago for 600 dollars. Still works very well indeed. 2000 is a lot of money though for an appliance. Does it come with a house to vacuum?
Did your mother purchase a Rainbow vacuum by any chance? My friend gave that company my name a few years ago, so I let the guy come give his presentation. I knew I wasn't going to buy it because it was $2,000 but I got a free carpet cleaning out of it.


"Allll Riiight":lmao:

I'm sorry but I couldn't resist, lol
I've got a very special thread saved for July 4th actually. It involves rescinding Americas independence. Tongue in cheek you understand. But not everybody would get that.
I've got a very special thread saved for July 4th actually. It involves rescinding Americas independence. Tongue in cheek you understand. But not everybody would get that.

I'm American, expect me to barge in on your thread all angry like. My sense of humor is obviously too feeble.

It's more for noobs and for Irish to think I'm being serious. He'd do a big list of things that America has done for the world since they got their independence. Titanic being one, stopping slaves farming tobacco being one of the others.
We also did that thing were we forced Native Americans to all but completely abandon their culture.

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