Call of Duty: Elite

This fall, Activision will launch Call of Duty: Elite, a subscription service meant to supplement the Call of Duty multiplayer experience by providing a better way to connect to Call of Duty players and improve your game.

With the Elite subscription plan, players will be given one profile that will be used in any Call of Duty game that has Elite support, starting with Black Ops, then Modern Warfare 3 and continuing throughout all future Call of Duty games.

Elite consists of four ideas that will make up your profile: Career, Connect, Compete, and Improve.

Career: Here you can view a summary of every Call of Duty match you play. You'll be able to analyze details from individual matches as well as your entire career, spanning all of the games supported by Elite.

Connect: This is a social network for Call of Duty. Elite will allow for very specific match making and group creation. For example, if someone wanted to play against other members of the WrestleZone Forums, just type “WrestleZone…” If a WrestleZone Forum group already exists, it will auto fill and you can instantly join. If it hasn't been created, yet, it will be once you hit return.

Anyone can create a group. No one monitors them – it's all automatic. So when the last person leaves a group, it is automatically disbanded. From a player's Elite card, you can see all the groups they are a member of.

Elite is also going to support private clans.

Compete: Competition is what multiplayer in Call of Duty is all about. The Compete tab will be where you enlist in a constant stream of official Activision events, such as take part in screenshot contests, and even win prizes both real and virtual.

Improve: There will be tutorial videos for every weapon and every map, explaining how to take advantage of your preferred tools and terrain. You'll also find tips on how to improve your kill streaks and earn those perks.

According to Activision, Elite will contain some free features, but complete Elite experience you'll need to have a premium membership. The cost of the Elite subscription plan has yet to be officially announced, but Activision claimed that it would be “less than any comparable online entertainment service”. Included in your subscription will be all future downloadable map packs. Non-subscribers will have to pay the $15 or whatever the packs cost, but subscribers get them at no extra charge.

Call of Duty: Elite allows players to form groups and clans, compete online for both real and virtual prizes, film sharing, study maps and weapons, stat tracking, and additional features. Elite members will be able to access the service from your computer, from within Call of Duty games, and from a mobile phone app.

Elite will be in Beta this summer.


How do you feel about the Call of Duty: Elite Subscription Plan

Along with the sixty dollar initial purchase for the Call of Duty game, are you willing to spend additional money on this plan?

How much are you willing to pay for this plan?
How do you feel about the Call of Duty: Elite Subscription Plan?
Something smells fish about it. Adding these services to the game is a great addition, that's for sure, but I don't like the idea of a subscription plan at all. Call of Duty is likely the richest gaming franchise in the world right now- what makes them incapable of implementing this on there own just as a good grace to the customer?

Along with the sixty dollar initial purchase for the Call of Duty game, are you willing to spend additional money on this plan? Not the money they're asking for. I wouldn't subscribe to it. If it were a one-time payment, sure. But this looks to be an attempt at grabbing more money. Some on yahoo have pointed out that there are online games that offer similar services for free, and they don't have nearly the same resources COD has. Why would we have to subscribe for it after spending $80 on their product already? (Map packs)

How much are you willing to pay for this plan?
I'd pay a 1-time fee of 15 bucks tops. I wouldn't pay anymore than that. Anymore than that, to me, is highway robbery.

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