1980s Bracket Round 4, Match 1-3)Die Hard vs. 17)Terminator

What is the better movie?

  • Die Hard

  • Terminator

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The Wrestlezone Movie Tournament, 1980s Bracket,
Round 4, Match 1

Die Hard



Die Hard = Generic action movie that is just a little better than the average, but that's not saying too much, as the average generic action movie is just a series of explosions and gunshots mixed with a bland rock soundtrack like "Click Click Boom".

Terminator = Much deeper story, much bigger impact on pop culture, more complex execution in it, etc etc etc.

The Terminator.
Oh this is an easy choice here. Two movies from the same set up, with one being a set up of explosion, and one being an amazing storyline with explosions. Terminator takes it here, and I would like to see who would argue against this. A man sent back from the future to protect a woman who is going to bare the child of resistance to kill the machines which are killing humans in the future, only to be attacked by one of those machines sent back itself. Way better than a normal day cop who fights some terrorists. Terminator wins here, and it will "be back".
nice gimmick matchup here. Action Testosterone buffs love this match up. Die Hard is arguably considered the greatest action movie of all time, I don't agree with it,b ut I've seen enough polls to suggest most do. Then you have Terminator, a movie that launched the career of Arnold into the stratosphere. In one movie, you have a lot of sizzle, but little substance. The other has a lot of sizzle, and a good enough amount of substance to sink your teeth into. Both are movies I enjoy, but the Terminator film is the better choice.
The Terminator all the way. This movie LAUNCHED Arnold into the stratosphere. It's easily quotable and everyone has seen it. Die Hard was good, but like said, there was no substance. It was just explosion after explosion. In Terminator there was explosion, plot, explosion then some plot. It is the all around better movie and it gets my vote here.
Actually, Arnold was already quite well known, and had several film credits to his name. If anything laucnhed him into the "stratosphere", it was T2 (or Kindergarten Cop, I've never been able to pinpoint it.)

Die Hard, however, DID launch Bruce Willis into the A-List stratosphere. John McClane is a classic American hero, and not even close to the stereotypical hero. He doesn't do what he does because he wants to. He does it because there's no one else that can do what needs to be done. And I think people are forgetting how great the plot to Die Hard actually is. Most action films up to that point were either
A) Terrorists take over _____, hero kills them, or
B) Hero stops villains from accomplishing a heist of ____

Classic villain Hans Gruber's plan is ingenious; Pose as terrorists to distract the cops and FBI from their actual target; hundreds of millions of dollars in bonds. The film is very original, and re-wrote the book on action films, which had, at the time, been dominated by Rambo and Death Wish wannabes, with no substance and a flimsy plot. And THAT's why Die Hard is considered to be the greatest action film of all time, and is definitely better than Terminator.
Even though these are two of my favourite films, its easy for me to decide. My vote here goes to The Terminator. Both movies are great, but I think that Terminator's plot is better here. Pose as terrorists to distract cops from their real target, like Shango said, or send a man from the future back to protect the woman from who is going to bear the child from the robots who will save the future from the robots. It sounds complicated, but it is actually an ingenious plot. And while Die Hard had that plot, imo it didn't really elaborate on it. John just killed everyone in the building, a few massive explosions, and that's about it. In Terminator, they still findtime to have a few cenes to talk about the future, and further the plot, which Die Hard didn't do. But to me, its close.
Terminator vs die hard

Both of these film are in my top ten, But for me Die Hard takes it, As Shango said the plot was just fantastic, And more importantly, for me anyway, It wasnt an action film that had the hero killing for the sake of killing, The movie was like a hybrid action/survival film, And rewrote the law for action film.
I didn't post in any of this round's threads because I thought i'd do as Shocky is in the tag tourney and say my thoughts afterwards.

For this match, the right choice, but I think the margin is a bit high. Terminator is easily the more famous film, but Die Hard is no slouch in its own right. People want to talk about how it has a generic plot, and now it does, but back then, this movie blew people's minds. All there had been were war movies. This was terror at home. However, Terminator is that much better. Arnold was a great villian, with a great nude scene on top of it. It has better lines, other than Yippey Kayay, which is one of my all time favorites. In the end though, too much Terminator for Bruce to handle.
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