I would like to start this post by saying that I didn't even think it would be needed. I can't see how people would even consider putting Smokey and the Bandit over and all time great like Chinatown. Think about that before you vote. You have one of the greatest films ever, possibly the greatest mystery movie in existence, going against a "fun" little film. It is difficult to even put up an arguement as to why Chinatown is so much better because there is a very large gap in quality. Chinatown is probably one of the top three films in both the decade and the entire tournament. You watch that movie and tell me how a simple action/comedy/romance can match the complexity and mastery that is acheived in Chinatown. Chinatown may not be a film you enjoy, especially not at first; but it is a phenomenal film(I loved it from the first viewing). The acting is superb, you have some of the greatest scenes in movie history, amazingly haunting trumpet solos, and a fantastic plot. This movie has a quality that will trump almost all competition. If you want to argue that Chinatown is the lesser movie, you can't. That is simply because Chinatown is the superior movie. The only films in this tournament that deserve to knock Chinatown out, though I think that Chinatown deserves to win, are Star Wars and The Godfather. Even then I would like to see Chinatown pull through.
Bottom Line: Chinatown is on a whole different level than Smokey and if you haven't seen this movie, watch it.