In my eyes CM Punk should of main evented mania and was a big reason he left since he saw it was never gonna happen
no disrespect to list and all legends in their own right but alot of the choices in this poll were mid carders in their respective eras
CM Punk was the a huge star and a true main eventer and was #2 guy in the company only just behind John Cena and sold alot of merchandise for the WWE
- he was the longest reigning wwe champion in the last 25 years - this pretty much says it all

- only man besides John Cena To Face The Rock twice on PPV since he returned - this is a big feather in his cap not triple h,not brock,not daniel bryan,not batista and not orton but wwe saw him as a such a true main event star they let cm punk face a such a gigantic star in The Rock on PPV twice

- Faced The Undertaker at Wrestlemania - when they do this it usually means they value you a ton and see you as a top star since the Streak at mania is one of the top drawing matches on the PPV
- Even gave him Lesnar at Summerslam in one of the biggest main event attractions on that card at the time of the Summerslam match only Triple H and Cena faced Lesnar since he returned

they presented him as a huge main event star with big ppv matches with rock,cena,jericho,undertaker,brock and cm punk has held virtually every other championship in wwe from tag ,ic,ecw,world heavy weight championships and a 2 time mitb winner
they even gave him his own DVD and put him on the cover of a wwe video game
with all of what he has done and been presented as it is a damn shame he will of never main evented a Wrestlemania