100 Man Gauntlet Match

Entrant 55: Triple H

Triple H comes down and demolishes Fake Undertaker with his sledgehammer, the ref calls for the bell but Stephanie Mcmahon comes down and gets her tits out for the ref, the ref manages to re strain himself from looking just in time to see Triple H pedigree the Fake Undertaker and pin him.

Fake Undertaker Eliminated.
Entrant 56: Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon comes in the ring, and Triple H refuses to hurt his wife, so he lays down.

Stephanie pins HHH, BU NO! HE KICKS OUT AT 2! Triple H then grabs his wife, and pedigrees her. He then goes under the ring, and grabs his trusty sledgehammer, and Smashes Stephanie repeatedly, causing a DQ. Steph wins, but is left lifeless in the ring.

Triple H ELIMINATED by Stephanie McMahon (via DQ)
Entrant 57


My God, Kane is back...And masked !

Steph freaks out remembering the time Kane had her over his head and threatened to throw her.

Stephanie eliminated!
Entrant 58: Jeff Jarrett

Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring, Kane starts going to work on Jarrett, but Jarrett out of nowhere gives Kane a Stroke, and pins him.

Kane eliminated by Jeff Jarrett
Entrant 59: Rhyno

Rhyno runs straight into the ring and Jarret try's to hit Rhyno with his guitar, Rhyno ducks under it and hits Jarret with the gore. Rhyno pins Jarret

Jeff Jarret eliminated.
Entrant 60: Cody Deaner

Cody Deaner runs into the ring and gets speared with the Gore. Rhyno pins Cody Deaner.

Cody Deaner is eliminated by Rhyno.
Entrant 61: The Sandman

As the familiar chords of "Enter Sandman" blare through the arena, Sandman appears at the top of the crowd, beer and cane in hand. He drunkenly staggers to the ring while the crowd sings his song, and nails Rhyno with the cane, over and over again. The ref is having too much fun marking out to The Sandman's entrance to care that he used a weapon as he counts the three.

Rhyno Eliminated By The Sandman
Entrant 62:

Russo orders Sandman to lay down for his boy. He's so wasted that he just falls down.

Sandman eliminated
Entrant 63: Vince Russo

Vince Russo slides in the ring, and orders Arquette to lay down. Arquette does so, but instead of pinning him, Russo grabs a baseball bat, and starts destroying Arquette (IT'S A SWERVE!). The ref is standing there watching this, and calls for the bell, disqualifying Russo. He doesn't care, he is relentlessly beating Arquette with the ball bat.

Vince Russo eliminated by David Arquette via DQ.
Entrant 64: Drew Carey

Drew enters the ring annd grabs the microphone and starts to do a stand-up comedy routine. Arquette screams in agony in what he is hearing and runs to the back with blood dripping from his ears.

David Arquette eliminated by Drew Carey via Countout.
Entrant 65:
Pete Rose
Oh, wait... Whats Kane doing!? Its a Tombstone!! A Tombstone on Pete Rose!! What else is new. A scared Drew Carey runs off but trips on Pete...1...2...3!!!

Pete Rose Eliminated
Kane takes Drew Carey to the back and starts to beat the living crap out of him. Drew Carey is eliminated via countout.

No entrants are in the ring. Match official signals for entrant 66 and 67 to make their way to the ring to restart the match.
Too Cool enters the ring as 66 and 67

They start dancing. They keep dancing. More dancing....Fuck this is boring......more dancing.....are they gonna do something other than dance???

Rikishi comes out and squashes them both gives 'em stink faces and lays Scotty on top of Sexay for the 1 2 3.

Grandmaster Sexay eliminated.
Entrant 68: Dolph Ziggler

Dolph enters the ring with a microphone and starts telling really bad one-liners to the crowd. Scotty 2 Hotty gets angry from the jokes and starts to fire up. He gets jickie with it and does the worm on the canvas, knocking himself out. Dolph puts his foot over for the pinfall. Drew Carey comes out and congradulates Ziggler for his excellent stand-up comedy routine. Kane comes out and chases Drew Carey again to the back.

Ziggler is left standing.
Entrant 69: Kenny, Mitch, Johnny, and Mikey

Kenny, Mitch, Johnny, and Mikey comes out, and Dolph looks at him puzzledly, and says "Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler." Kenny says "NO YOU'RE NOT! Your NICKY! Ziggler: "YOUR RIGHT! READY....... OK!" They then start to do some stupid cheer, and the crowd is bored out of their mind. Ziggler has been eliminated, but Nicky is back, and the Spirit Squad are 5 again.

Dolph Ziggler eliminated, but is still in the match part of the SPIRIT SQUAD!
Entrant 70: The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, Lacey von Erich, Angelina Love, Moose and Kip James)

The Spirit Squad look confused and challenges the BP to a cheer-off. Half way through the SS's performance, Sky and Love go to the ropes and do their signature entrance. All five members stop and stare at the site. Moose knocks out Mitch, Kip James delivers the Fame Asser to Johnny, Lacey von Erich chokeslams Kenny, Madison Rayne dropkicks Mikey to the floor and Sky/Love do the Makeover to Ziggler.

The Beautiful People eliminates The Spirit Squad.
Entrant 71: The Big Show

The Big Show gets in the ring, and slaps each member Of the BP and each one's breasts pop, the woman all cry which leaves Kip James alone with The Big Show, because Kip is a jobber Big Show Decimates him and Big Show chokeslams him easy.

The BP eliminated.
Entrant 72: Every RAW Guest Host and their friends

They order the Big Show to leave the ring otherwise he will surrender his tag team title belt to Chris Jericho, where Jericho has to defend the titles by himself. Show agrees and walks out.

Every RAW guest host and their friends eliminate Big Show.

For the next 4 hours, the audience is subjected to random segments of attempted humour and comedy. It is mainly a hit or miss concept where various superstars come out to the ring and help them get over but do not enter the match.
Entrant 73: Vince Mcmahon

Vince grows tired of these people ruining RAW so he steps into the ring and makes each of the kiss his ass, then tells them to eliminatem them selves or they're FIRED!!!!, The guest hosts then go onto say that they dont work for him then go onto to beat him, they then leave the ring.

Guest Hosts eliminated.
Entrant 74
ME !!
On my way to the ring with a paintball gun in hand, which I use to shoot the ref in the leg, and since refs get knocked down by anything... He's down. I go back to the gorilla position and re-emerge with a baseball bat and begin whacking away like a maniac. McMahon takes a deep breath:"STOP IT!""Who the hell are you?". I look around and answer: "I'm your pimp and you're my bitch". I nail him over the head, and bang him ala Sandman, leaving him a bloody mess. After several hours the ref wakes up. 1...2...3!

I eliminate Mr. McMahon !!

Have mercy on me...
The ring is cleared due to a fan known as Robert Morales interfering in the match and causing the entrant numbers to become stuffed up. Match is restarted:

Entrant 74: John Cena
Entrant 76: Randy Orton

Both men fight for 18 hours in the ring, with the fans leaving half way through to go to bed. Early in the morning as the fans enter the arena, Cena/Orton release their elbow tie up with Orton going for the RKO. Cena immediately gets up and hits the Attitude Adjustment that breaks Orton's feet, arm and head... but not his back.

John Cena eliminates Orton
Entrant 77
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Oh Hell Yeah !! Austin hits the ring calls for some brewskies and then zips them down.
After a while Cena gets annoyed and stops Austin: "Who do you think you are? You can't drink beer here, this is a kids show"

Austin:"Well... My name is Steve and I like beer, so I drink it. I drink 1 beer (WHAT?) I drink 2 beers (WHAT?) 3 beers (WHAT?). But for me, the question is... Who in the blue hell are you?"


Cena Eliminated

Entrant 78: Ric Flair

He styles, he profiles, & he shows Austin why he was a 16 time World Champ.

Stone Cold Steve Austin eliminated
Entrant 79: Shawn Michaels

Shawn shows why he was the man to retire Ric, by having an outstanding match with Ric that see's Shawn pin by hitting three Sweet Chin Music's.

Ric Flair Eliminated.
Entrant 80: The Hart Dynasty

The Hart Dynasty make their way to the ring, and they want to destroy Shawn for their Uncle Bret (Hart). They get to the ring, and HBK squashes them in about 5 minutes. HBK then grabs a mic and tells them that he was better then Bret, Bulldog, and Jim Neidhart put together, and the Hart Dynasty scurries to the back, defeated.

The Hart Dynasty eliminated by HBK, Shawn Michaels

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