100 Man Gauntlet Match

Entrant 26: The Rock

John Cena Hear's The Rock's entrance music and immediately gets pumped, everyone is waiting for him to come down the ramp but from the crowd Rock runs into the ring turn's Cena Round and hits him with the spine buster, bounces off the ropes and hits the people's 5 knuckle shuffle, Rock with a pin but Cena kicks out, so Rock gets up and wait's for Cena to get up and hit's with a Rock Bottom, but Cena kicks out once again.

After a while Rock has hit a total of 66 Rock Bottom's, Cena is still kicking out, so Rock goes out of the ring and grabs a green rock, Its Kryptonite!!!, Rock open's Cena mouth and makes him swallow it, Cena then falls to the floor whilst The Rock pins him for the 3 count.
Entrant 27: High Chief Peter Maivia

The Rock's grandfather comes down to the ring, and The Rock is stunned. He doesn't want to fight his grandfather, so once the bell rings, he walks out of the ring, and decided to quit wrestling and make movies. The Rock gets counted out.

The Rock ELIMINATED by High Chief Peter Maivia
Entrant 28: Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio goes down to the ring and goes face to face with High Chief Peter Maivia. Peter pushes him and rips Mysterio's mask off but Mysterio is wearing another one underneath!!, Mysterio runs underneath High Chief's legs bounces off the ropes and drop kick's High Cheif into the ropes then hit's him with a 619!!, one seated senton later and High Chief Is out.

High Chief Peter Maivia Eliminated.
Entrant #29: Awesome Kong

Kong heads to the ring and just stands in the middle of it, looking around like if she was lost. Mysterio grabs something from under the ring... Its the ladder Hornswaggle used in WM 23. He heads to the ring, sets the ladder and climbs it. Why? To stare Kong eye to eye. Kong laughts at the thought of fighting some body smaller than the TNA Knckouts, but she laughts so hard that she accidentaly inhales poor Rey Rey. She chokes and collapses with Rey on top. 1...2...3 !

Awesome Kong eliminated.

They try to pull Rey out of Kong's mouth but the EMT's are unsuccessful so they take him and Kong in a stretcher with Rey still inside.

EMT: Do you want some water Mr. Mysterio?
Rey: Jackass ! !

Rey Mysterio Eliminated. Now What?
Entrant #30 - Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Roberts pulls out Damien who swallows Kong whole. Sadly the girth of Kong kills Damien :(

Kong eliminated by Roberts and Damien but Damien eliminiated by Kong.
Uh... Kong was already eliminated, there was nobody in the ring. I guess Roberts is in alone.
entrant 31 - batista

Jake puts steroids on the floor, batista beds down a to pick them up and jake hits a ddt for the 123

Batista eliminated
Entrant 32: Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy comes to the ring, and the bell rings. Before the combatants can go at each other, a masked man comes to the ring, slides a bag full of cocaine in the ring, and both Jeff and Jake dive for it. Unfortunately, they bash their heads together going for the illegal drugs, and knock each other out.

The masked man grabs the cocaine, leaves, and the ref starts to count both wrestlers down. The ref gets to 10 without either wrestler moving a muscle, so the match ends in a double countout.

Jeff Hardy AND Jake Roberts eliminated by cocaine.
Entrant 33

Its the masked man

Entrant 34

Another masked man... Apparently they are working together.

Entrant 35

Reys back! And covered in slober! (euh!) Before anything happens the masked men offer Rey Rey some of their substances.

-Rey: OK... But I'm gonna need prescription.
They give him a tissue with stribble which he misplaces.

Rey Mysterio Eliminated via Wellness Policy... See you in 60 days !
Entrant 36: SAMU & FATU w/Paul E. Dangerously

Entrant 37:
Eric Young

The SST demolish Eric Young for 10 minutes while Paul E. stands on the ring apron with phone in hand and a big smile. He gives the signal & they mercifully finish him.

Eric Young eliminated
Entarant 38 - Madison Rayne
Madison enters and goes to work on SST. Total squash match and a double chokeslam for the 123

SST eliminated
Entrant 39: KANE

Kane walks down then the fire blasts off and goes into Madison Rayne's face and blinds her, Kane steps over the rope and hits a massive Chokeslam through the ring, Kane picks her back up and Tombstones her.

Madison Rayne Eliminated.
Damn you, i was waiting to enter kane last so he could win. anyway
Entrant 40 - Main event mafia

they all come to the ring but as joe runs at kane he falls in the hole created by madison rayne, booker t gets tired of tna and leaves, Kevin nash dies of old age, steiner shoots live and gets fired and angle gets pinned clean.

Main event mafia eliminated
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Entrant 41: La Resistance

They walk down to the ring, singing their crappy national anthem so kane hits a moonsault!!! of the top rope onto all three members, throws Rob Conway through a barricade, smashes Sylvan Grenier with the steel steps then tombstones him onto them. He takes Rene Dupree and hits him in the head in a television monitor then Chokeslams him through the announce table. Rob Conway gets back into the ring and Kane Chokeslams him for the 1,2,3.

La Resistance eliminated.
Entrant 42 - World elite

world elite enter and the action starts but then

Entrant 43 - imagration officer

An immagration officer tells world elite there visa has ran out and security take them out. Kane then gets acused of being an imagrant as he was born in spain but he chokeslams the officer for the 123

Imagration officer elimantes World elite
Kane eliminates Imagration Officer
Entrant 44: Bobby Lashley

Bobby Lashley comes down with everyone cheering for him, he gets in the ring and spear's Kane, Lashley then goes outside and grabs a microphone, he starts speaking and the crowd gives a massive boooooooo, Kane then sits up and hits him with not one, not two but three Chokeslams

Bobby Lashley eliminated.
Entrant 46: The Big Show

The Big Show comes in and hits Kane with a knock out punch straight away, Big Show who thinks Kane is down and out starts shining his bald head whilst Kane sits up and hits Big Show with a huge chokeslam. Kane pins him for the 1,2,3.

Big Show eliminated, Kane is still on a big roll.
Entrant 47 - Chris jericho

Jericho cuts a promo towards the 'sicko' fans and calls them all hypocrites but little does he realise robin hood is in the crowd who takes offence to this a jericho receives a arrow to the face courtacy of hood. Kane takes advantage with the 123

y2j is eliminated. Kane still on a role.
Entrant 50: R Truth

R Truth starts saying Whats up to the fans who start to sing along he says Whats up to Kane, Kane replies saying you and drops him with a huge chokeslam. Kane eliminates another person.

R Truth eliminated. Damn Kane might win this.
Entrant 51 - The rock

The crowd goes wild as the rock walks down to the ring but suddenly his phone rings and its walt disney offering the rock lead in his new film.

Rock gets counted out and is eliminated.
Entrant #52: Maven

Maven comes out of nowhere and kicks Kane over the top rope via Undertaker RR 2002. Kane is shocked and forgets to climb in the ring as he is counted out.

Kane eliminated.
Entrant 53: Undertaker

The Undertaker see's what Maven has done to Taker's brother so Undertaker Demolishes him and Last Rides him from the top rope for the pinfall.

Maven Eliminated.
Entrant: 54

But, they are dressed exactly alike, so ref & the commentators can't tell them apart. He destroys the real Undertaker in every way imaginable. The real Undertaker makes a huge comeback. The match turns into a back and forth struggle and both men go down. They get up, one of them finally gets the upper hand delivers a DEVASTATING Tombstone. But, the other sits up. He regains control & delivers a tombstone of his own. Now the other one sits up. They are now stand toe to toe slugging it out. Kane comes back down to the ring with a confused look on his face. He can't tell them apart either, so he choke slams them both & pulls one on top of the other. Paul Bearer comes out & gets into a pushing match with DiBiase. Kane choke slams both of them for this as well.

An UNDERTAKER is eliminated.

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