100 Man Gauntlet Match


Lord And Master
Staff member
Inspired By stingerlegends World War 3 Thread here is the 100 Man Gauntlet match.

1)Other than 1 specific Superstar, a stable or tag team counts as one collective unit.

2)Wrestlers can re enter at any time but stables cant (variations are acceptable).

3) Pinfall or Submissions, DQ and count out rules are still implied.

4) Match ends when somebody remembers to count to see if there have been 100 men/women/stables/tag teams/aliens/Vince Russo, eliminated.

Ill Kick it off, and get rid of this match-up

Entrant #1 Randy Orton
Entrant #2 Triple H

Orton bashes Triple H with a sledgehammer before the bell rings, Triple H was distracted cutting shameless DX plugs. Orton punts Triple H... 1...2...3 !!!

See ya later Triple H, go bang Steph for while... Or Vince, just don't show or tell me about it.
Entrant #3: The Mean Street Posse (stables count as 1 entrant, right).

The bell rings, and the MSP try to jump Orton, but he is able to fight them off 1 at a time. MSP regroups, Rodney distracts the ref, and Joey Abs attacks Orton with a Steel Chair to the back of the skull. then puts the chair around the neck of Orton and stomps on it, making Orton cough up blood. Joey Abs gets rid of the chair, Rodney stops distracting the ref, and Pete Gas pins Randy Orton.

Entrant #4: The Legacy (Orton Included)

Orton rolls out of the ring as Rhodes and DiBiase come in. Pete Gas runs at them and attacks as Rodney and Abs keep a close eye. As Rhodes and Dibiase get the upper hand Abs and Rodney join the fray, but suddenly Randy Orton manages to punt Rodney who bumps heads with Pete Gas. 1...2...3... They are gone.

Joey Abs looks scared and turns around and runs into a combination Spinebuster Neckbreaker... Ouch. They just dump Abs outside... He doesn't get up.
Entrant #5

Zack Ryder saunters to the ring, confidently, throwin up the L.I.

he gets in the ring while Legacy laughs at the thought of Ryder doing it alone. Well, the bell rings, and ryder goes crazy, beatin up all 3 members of legacy (including the injured Orton). The ref gets knocked out because of an errant clothesline by Rhodes, and Ryder goes outside, and grabs a lead pipe, and hits the Zack Attack on all 3 members of Legacy, with the pipe on his leg. All 3 members of legacy are KOed, and before the ref comes to, Ryder repeatedly hits Orton, Rhodes, and DiBiasi with the pipe, until all 3 are rendered unconscious. Ryder then puts his foot on top of Orton, waits til the ref comes to, and when he does, he counts to 3, and ZACK RYDER wins, beating all 3 members of Legacy. The EMTs come out, and they take Legacy to the hospital, where they will be laid up for a few days.

Legacy ELIMINATED at the hands of ZACK RYDER. YOU KNOW IT!
OK? It seems nobody else is joining this fight... Anyway:

Entrant #6: Curt Hawkins

He comes in and attacks Zack but he manages to slip away. A charging Hawkins is caught by a leaping leg drop, Zack follows up with the Zack Attack. 1 2 3. Next Please...
Entrant #7: PMS Jacqueline, Terri, and MEAT!

Zack takes a double low blow from J and T. Meat sits in the corner and fondles himself through his tights as he watches. This attracts T's attention for a little while as this turns RATED R REAAAAALLLL QUUUIIIICK. Jacqueline continues to put the beatdown on the former Edgehead, then stops Terri from exposing Meat (no one wants that). Meat picks up Ryder and dumps him unceremoniously on his noggin on the cement floor.

Zack Ryder eliminated by PMS w/ MEAT!
damn, this is the second time I type an elimination, but someone else beat me to it.

Entrant 8: Kai En Tai

Kai En Tai run to the ring, TAKA Michinoku hits the Michinoku driver on Terri, and pins her.

PMS eliminated by Kai En Tai
Entrant number 9: Kurt Angle

Kurt Runs in and immediately Hits a Double belly to belly suplex on both member of kai en tai, then Hits 600 German Suplex's on them then finishes off with an angle slam and a double Ankle Lock. Both Members Tap at the same time.

Kai En Tai eliminated by Kurt Angle.
Entrant Number 10: Mae Young

Mae Young sneaks up behind a celebrating Angle, and when he turns around, plants a sloppy kiss on him, causing Kurt to pass out from the pleasure. Mae drags him into the corner and gives him a Bronco Buster for 30 minutes, until she gets HER pleasure, then pins him. She motions to the gorilla position......WHO'S NEXT?

Kurt Angle eliminated by Mae Young!
Entrant 11: Viscera/ Big Daddy V

Viscera runs down to the ring (well walks) rolls in and runs straight into Mae Young who stars to have a Heart Attack, Big Vis then Splashes her and pins her. Then Celebrates by humping her.
Entrant 12: Hornswoggle

Hornswoggles music hits, Big Daddy V starts to laugh, thinking about hurting the midget. Hornswoggle comes from under the ring, the ref doesn't see him, he hits a low blow on V, then DDTs him, hits the Tadpole Splash, and pins Big Daddy V

Big Daddy V eliminated by HORNSWOGGLE! Hornswoggle has to win, because nobody can beat him.
Entrant #13
Chris Benoit runs frantically through the crowd, hits the ring hits the Triple Germans and puts Horny in the Crossface. The resilient little leprechaun refuses to tap. Benoit pulls harder, and Horny's head pops off!!!!!!

Benoit looks around, scared.....A fiery hole in the ring floor opens behind him, and a demonic hand reaches out, grabs Benoit by the foot, and drags a kicking and screaming into it. The last thing we see of the Rabid Canadian Wolverine Crippler is his left hand reaching into the sky, as it inexorably gets pulled into the abyss.

The ref starts the countout as Horny didn't tap. Chris Benoit is eliminated by count-out!!!!

And poor Hornswoggle's headless body lies prostrate in the ring.
Entrant 14: Drew Mcintyre

Drew Mcintyre comes and see Hornswoggle in the ring, he then grabs a mic and starts talking in his crappy accent then says he is a future world champion whilst doing that Hornswoggle sits up and puts his head back on and School boy's Drew.
Ah, you people are sick, Horny's winning? Its Chavo Swoggle all over.

Entrant #15: David Arquette, Vince Russo is behind him. Arquette cracks a terrible joke and Hornswoggle begins to tremble, suddenly he blows up.

Entrant #16
Wha Wha Wha Wha Wha Wha BOOM! You know I gotcha....yeah

Y2J comes down to the calling Arquette a poser champ, displays his Heavyweight Titles, and talks about beating Stone Cold and the Rock in the same night...blah blah blah. Arquette nails Jericho with the Heart Punch and flaps his gawdy cape as he celebrates. The idiot didn't even try to pin Jericho, so Jericho low-blows him from behind then hits the Lionsault....1..2...3.

Arquette eliminated
Entrant 17: Finaly

Finlay comes down looking for Arquette but see's Jericho has beat him angry Finlay Beats him to a bloody Pulp with his shelalaigh, then throws him outside and hits him with the celtic cross through the announce table. Finlay leaves with a smile on his face.

Finaly Eliminated by DQ
Entrant 18:
we see security guards knocking on a locker room door, and Goldbergs music hits. BUT NOOOOOO, IT'S GILLBERG!

Gillberg gets to the stage, with the crowd chanting "GILL-BERG! GILL-BERG!" Gillberg gets to the ring, where he is destroyed in a quick squash match against Jericho, who ultimately makes Gillberg tap to the Walls of Jericho.

Gillberg eliminated by Chris Jericho
Entrant 19: Goldberg

Goldberg runs down to the ring, goes straight after Gillberg, He spears him then hits him with a massive Jack Hammer, Jericho Sits in the corner Laughing, Goldberg thinks its about him so runs at him for a spear but Jericho moves and Goldberg goes straight into the ring ring post, Jericho then rolls him up for the three count.

Goldberg Eliminated.
Entrant #20:...

He's Back!!!
The Missouri Viper :p jumps Y2J from behind, he then IEDDT's him and follows with the punt kick. Jericho staggers and the Missouri Viper coils... R...K...O...
In an act of dominance Randy throws Jericho out of the ring...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...9 and a half...9 and 3 quarters...9 and 278/279...10 !!! You're out. NEXT!
Entrant 20... Edge

Edge Runs down with another Money in the bank briefcase and wacks Orton over the head with it, goes for the pin but Orton kicks out, Edge Set's him up for a Spear but Orton with an RKO out of know where, Orton with a pin but Edge Kicks out, Orton sets up for the punt but Edge hits a spear but Randy manages to get a shoulder up, Edge Sets another one up but Orton moves and Edge hits the ref, Randy then hits him his inverted neck breaker, He gets out the ring and picks a chair up, gets ready to level Edge with it but out of no where, Edge hits Orton in the head with a Brick. Randy Falls down and Edge pins him for the three count.

Randy is eliminated as edge celebrates with his briefcase.
Entrant #21

Christian was waiting in the front row, dives into the ring, hits the Killswitch and the pin.

Edge eliminated.

Chritian is laughing. "who is the ultimate opportunist now?"
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Entrant 22: Abe Knuckleball Schwartz

Abe Knuckleball Schwarts comes to the ring, and Christian is confused, because he has no clue who in the hell he is. Christian doesn't care, and the Killswitch is Engaged, and Christian pins Abe Knuckleball Schwartz.

Abe Knuckleball Schwartz eliminated by Christian.
Entrant # 23: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

A perplexed Christian begins to fend them of and hits the Killswitch on Michaelangelo who roll out of the ring. Christian fights of Donatello and Leonardo gets disqualified for pulling out a lethal weapon(his katanas). Donatello whips out his bo but Christian ducks and it accidentally knocks Raphael, Christian pins Raph and Donny is DQed. While the ref is distracted getting rid of Raph, Michaelangelo slips in with the nunchaku and nails Christian, but instead of going for the cover he kneels at the corner. As Christian gets up Mikey delivers what appears to be a Spear. 123. Christian is out... But wait... Mikey seems to be undressing (cover your eyes kids)...:wtf: WAIT! IT... IT... Its Edge, Edge is back in control! !
Entrant 24: Nunzio

Nunzio comes into the ring full of optimsm that he's gonna win but immediately he gets hit with a spear. Edge pins him for the 1 2 3.
Entrant 25: John Cena

John Cena runs to the ring, and proceeds to get completely destroyed for 55 minutes. There are times that children in the stands are crying because it looks like Cena is dead, but all that worry is for naught, because Cena magically is healed, hits the 5 MOVES OF DOOM, and wins the match

Edge ELIMINATED by John Cena

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