#1 contenders


Dark Match Jobber
Assuming no titles change hands at Extreme Rules, who do you think or want to be the champs next challenger?
Here are mine:

Wwe championship- Punk will definitely win as Jericho is leaving and likely he will go on to face either Christian or Lord tensai, however I believe Daniel Bryan should be his next opponent they have history together and the matches would be incredible, I also think the fued would be great as Punk is great on the mic and Bryan getting better.

World heavyweight championship- Sheamus will win probably win and it looks like Del rio is next in line unless Wade Barrett is ready, Again i have my own opinion of who should be next and that is Cody Rhodes who is clearly ready to step up to main event level he generates a lot of heat is great inring and his mic work is top notch.

thanks for reading my opinion and i will enjoy hearing yours ;)
On Raw, it does look like either Lord Tensai or maybe Christian is next in line for a WWE Title program with C.M. Punk. It's been reported that Tensai will have a program with Punk, and maybe starting that up right now on the heels of Tensai going over on Cena to further the Cena/Lesnar angle is the route they will take. Personally, I'd like to see Christian have a run at Punk for a while, especailly for the revenge factor. If Christian ever gets back to 100 percent, it'd be a great program. The promos would be epic.

On Smackdown, Sheamus will likely keep the strap over Daniel Bryan. Unless they plan on furthering that feud any, look for Alberto Del Rio to be the next in line. That'd be an interesting feud. Wade Barrett is still out injured, so that may be a while coming. I think Cody Rhodes needs to stay in the IC title picture a bit longer before stepping up to be the main heel on Smackdown.

But, with the draft approaching, you never know who will be switching programs, so all of that may go out the window.
WWE Championship- For this I predict it will be one of J.Ls boys, Ziggler, Tensai, Christian, Henry. Hell Maybe a mix of a few of them.
Heavyweight Championship- I imagine either Sheamus will move on to Del Rio or will continue his fued with D-Bry. Im also not counting out the Big Red Jobber Kane for a title shot
Enough with Punk/Bryan matches. Punk should face either Brock Lesnar or Lord Tensai

Alberto Del Rio needs to win and then have Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio vs Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan at WWE Over the Limit.
It's probably safe to say that neither the WWE Championship or World Heavyweight Championship will change hands at Extreme Rules.

As far as CM Punk's next opponent, I think all signs are pointing towards Lord Tensai. The fact that he's already been in a Raw main event, coupled with a win over Cena, makes it look like WWE is positioning him as the guy Lauranitis will use to go after Punk next. I don't see Christian, or Bryan entering in to feuds with Punk, as Bryan is still in the WHC picture on SD, and i think it's likely Christian could have a mini-feud with Punk, but will end up back on SD.

Lesnar's feud with Cena will not be coming to an end at Extreme Rules, so you can rule him out too.

As for Sheamus, you can almost take your pick at this point. WWE has made both Bryan and Del Rio look like safe bets for feuds with Sheamus, and there is always Christian as well. I wouldn't be surprised if Miz somehow got a possible match with Sheamus as well.
I thought this thread might be about how the term "#1 contender" seems to have disappeared from the WWE. D'oh.

The only problem I can see with Tensai feuding with Punk right now is this: Tensai hasn't really sparked a big reaction out of the crowd just yet and giving a guy with only small reactions the belt usually doesn't work. And if Punk goes over him, it probably kills any chance has of Tensai building up legitimacy in order to get those reactions. I think that feud needs to wait a bit.

On Smackdown, I think it'll almost assuredly be Sheamus and Del Rio, with Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, and maybe even Kane lingering on the periphery. Maybe they'll be a four-way match or something for the title.
I thought this thread might be about how the term "#1 contender" seems to have disappeared from the WWE. D'oh.

I thought the exact same thing. Other than the Royal Rumble, and other rare occasions, I dont' recall many times there's been a legit #1 contender, for instance, if Jericho challenges at WM, and loses, the next in line should go up, not Jericho again (kayfab of course in reality there is no "line"). But they seemed to have dropped it mostly, just whoever steps up and says "my turn".

On topic however, I see The Miz being next in line for the WWE Championship. It will be JL's way of rewarding him for winning the WM match, and the "big thing" he has in store for him, and like many people said Tensai is NOT ready as far as crowd reaction. You can't have him in the ME of a PPV with people chanting a different name (Aaaaalbeeerrrrtt). He needs to get over. Cena and Brock are out, Rock isn't here, HHH isn't there, R-Truth is a sure fire No, Ziggler is out with him doing a program with Brodus Clay, and if we are speculating that Y2J isn't next in line again, to me that really only leaves Miz, depending on when the draft is.

For WHC, my preference would be to somehow keep Daniel Bryan in the picture, while he has so much momentum and is so over with the crowd, I'd want him as near that thing as I can keep him, and a good way to do that after he loses (again) at Extreme Rules, is a 4-way Match. Keeps him in the picture, no weird odd reasons as why he gets yet another match (Christian will be back after all), and it even gives the chance of him winning without beating Sheamus. I would include Del Rio and maybe Cody Rhodes.
I thought the exact same thing. Other than the Royal Rumble, and other rare occasions, I dont' recall many times there's been a legit #1 contender, for instance, if Jericho challenges at WM, and loses, the next in line should go up, not Jericho again (kayfab of course in reality there is no "line"). But they seemed to have dropped it mostly, just whoever steps up and says "my turn".

I think a lot of people would probably disagree, but I liked those days. I'm always reminded of the In Your House pay-per-views where the challenger would be different almost every month (the Undertaker defending against Faarooq is the one that always sticks out to me). You'd have Vader, Sid, Diesel, Yokozuna, British Bulldog, Mankind, Ken Shamrock... all these guys getting shots. I think longer lasting feuds are a good thing, but it was refreshing to not have the same primary challenger in the scene for six months. And anyway, it is possible for, say, CM Punk to be feuding with Jericho without wrestling him at every pay-per-view. I think modern booking is a little too narrow-minded with the whole "this guy is in an isolated feud with this guy" type thing. I mean, if there's a roster of competitors, shouldn't they all be out for a championship match? It just seems logical that the #1 contenders spot would rotate more, regardless of existing feuds.
For me Tensai on raw looks more likely the next challenger for punk after ER!! While Tensai has not really gotten over with the crowd they still chant Albert for us older folks i think its funny. Tensai though really has improved iMO! Moves better in the ring and just the fact he looks like a Samurai warrior i think its a cool gimmick. I think after a few weeks Tensai will be legit enough for a feud with punk.

Del Rio on the smackdown roster will be next in line for Sheamus. We all see it coming and i think Del Rio goes over at sheamus at some point. SHeamus run as champion so far IMO hasnt been impressive. Thats not to say that del rio would fair better but sheamus to this point really has not gotten over. Orton is still stuck in his feud with Kane if Christian can ever get healthy i wouldnt mind seeing him with the title!!
WHC- Im kind of hoping that at over the limit it will be a championship scramble type match (not asking for a championship scramble match but something that could work with 5-men). Sheamus-Bryan-Continuing their fued, Orton-Kane them 2 will transfer their match into a WHC match but neither will win it, ADR- Because he is guarenteed a title shot and is not in a fued.
WWE Title- I hope Y2J will go over punk at extreme rules thanks to an interfernce by Tensai then at over the limit punk beats Y2J in a last man standing or I quit match. Then tensai v punk at MITB. And maybe a rematch at no way out then we move into a ziggler vs punk fued in which ziggler goes over, then punk wins back, then loses title to lesnar, by interference from Austin then we have match set at wm29 lesnar vs rock wwe title, punk vs austin.
I think that after Extreme Rules, Cody Rhodes will be drafted to Raw and he should attack Cm Punk on his first night on Raw thus setting up a feud between the two of the over the Wwe Championship. Then at Over The Limit Cm Punk will defeat Cody Rhodes by DQ thus retaining the Wwe Championship, then a rematch is set up for Money In The Bank where the two will met in a Ladder Match for the Wwe Championship, where The Big Show comes down halfway through the match and goes to his a knockout punch on Cody Rhodes but he ducks out of the way and Big Show Knocks Cm Punk out thus letting Cody Rhodes climb the ladder and win his first Wwe Championship, on the next Raw Cm Punk will come out and demand a rematch with Cody for the Wwe Championship at No Way Out in a Steel Cage Match Cody Rhodes accepts, but at No Way Out as Cm Punk is making his way to the ring Cody Rhodes attacks him and smashes him head first into the cage, Cody then throws Punk into the ring and the bell rings Cody Rhodes then hits his finisher on Punk and climbs out of the cage to retain the Wwe Championship, The Next Night on Raw Cm Punk comes out and demands a rematch saying that what happened last night was not fair and he wanted a rematch- TONIGHT, Johnny then comes out and says Punk will get his rematch in a Chicago Street Fight. Then at the end of the match Johnny comes out and hits Punk in the head with a chair Cody Then pins Punk and holds onto the Wwe Championship for another five months.
I think that is is likely that we will not see the title's change hands at Extreme Rules ... so it makes sense for there to be a solid new feud coming for each champ.

I would love to see CM Punk get into a good feud with Kane. I don't know why. Just seems like it would be interesting to me. Punk and all of his running his mouth (which I like) and Kane and his speaking with actions. I don't know if it would work right, but it would be pretty fresh I think. I also would not mind a feud with Alberto Del Rio. I think they are about to push Del Rio back up to the forefront and this would be a good spot to do it.

For Sheamus, I think that the Daniel Bryan feud is going to extend a little longer. But I would not mind him getting pushed a little by Randy Orton. I know the IWC thinks Orton has gotten stale. While I don't think he should go full-fledged heel, he could easily go "don't give a shit" face in a feud with Sheamus where he is all about the title and nothing else. It would also make sense to put him in a feud with someone like Christian who is already a solid heel.
I think that after Extreme Rules, Cody Rhodes will be drafted to Raw and he should attack Cm Punk on his first night on Raw thus setting up a feud between the two of the over the Wwe Championship. Then at Over The Limit Cm Punk will defeat Cody Rhodes by DQ thus retaining the Wwe Championship, then a rematch is set up for Money In The Bank where the two will met in a Ladder Match for the Wwe Championship, where The Big Show comes down halfway through the match and goes to his a knockout punch on Cody Rhodes but he ducks out of the way and Big Show Knocks Cm Punk out thus letting Cody Rhodes climb the ladder and win his first Wwe Championship, on the next Raw Cm Punk will come out and demand a rematch with Cody for the Wwe Championship at No Way Out in a Steel Cage Match Cody Rhodes accepts, but at No Way Out as Cm Punk is making his way to the ring Cody Rhodes attacks him and smashes him head first into the cage, Cody then throws Punk into the ring and the bell rings Cody Rhodes then hits his finisher on Punk and climbs out of the cage to retain the Wwe Championship, The Next Night on Raw Cm Punk comes out and demands a rematch saying that what happened last night was not fair and he wanted a rematch- TONIGHT, Johnny then comes out and says Punk will get his rematch in a Chicago Street Fight. Then at the end of the match Johnny comes out and hits Punk in the head with a chair Cody Then pins Punk and holds onto the Wwe Championship for another five months.

I didn't know Josh Isenburg posted on the forums too. This is the most ludicrous, asinine post I have ever seen on this site. Not only did you pick some delusional imaginary storyline that would happen, you picked one that would be illogical, uninspired and unentertaining. And would put the belt on one of the few wrestlers on the roster even worse than CM Suck. What's next, you're going to say Zack Ryder is going to win the WHC?

Please stop posting on this site, effective immediately.
the WWE title feud i would like to see next is Lord Tensai, but with a little turn at the end of the feud. Lets say Punk beats Tensai at the MITB PPV. Imediately after the match we find out that Johnny L has finally decided to give The Miz his reward for giving J.L. control of raw and smackdown.... MIZ wins and the feud goes from there with CM Punk trying to win his belt back. People were alot more invested in Punk when he was chasing after the belt so i think with The Miz as champ and Punk as challenger it could be a good series of matches.

the WHC title i would like to see Sheamus continue his fued with Bryan for a bit, but the best angle i see is have Orton turn heel, everyone wants him to anyway. Orton v Sheamus feud just with face and heel flip flopped.
First of all, NOT Brock Lesnar. He needs to feud with the big dogs like Cena but stay out of the title picture for a few months. My next challenger would be Tensai, just to kill time. He can be Johny Ace's big brute and Punk can miraculously overcome the odds.
Christian should take the title at SummerSlam or the PPV before (so Punk could have his rematch at SS).
I'm not sure about the WHC. I'd probably leave Del Rio to take the IC title off Big Show and have Del Rio challenge the next face champion after Sheamus. For now, I see a few more matches between Sheamus and Bryan before Cody Rhodes makes an unsuccessful push for the title. Eventually, Barrett will beat Sheamus.
If Christian is fit I think a short feud with Punk while they wait to see if Tensai actually gets over would be wise, because right now I think Tensai is struggling to connect or gather any interest.

I'm actually hoping they put the belt back on Bryan but it's unlikely, so I guess he will move onto Del Rio after Extreme Rules, or it may be a three way feud for a bit.

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