Recent content by The Holy One

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    Fantasy Football - Age Of Empires dynasty league

    Now my first and probably second picks are not for sale but anything after that, send an offer and we'll go from there.
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    Jack Swagger Released

    Eh, only the few Swagger fans will miss his presence. Swagger had his moments in the early 2010's but the past few years a lot of superior talent has come in and overshadowed him, case in point, Cesaro when they were the Real Americans. There's not much you can do with Swagger other than fodder...
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    Why We Can't Have Strong Heels

    Yeah those are two great examples of heels actually being heels. :icon_neutral: :confused:
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    RAW 12/5

    Charlotte and Sasha have been feuding since June I believe and they keep finding ways to make it interesting. That was a great closing segment despite the "What?" chants.
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    Fantasy Football - Age Of Empires dynasty league

    Been a real awful year, but misery loves company and may I drag Nick to my level of despair.
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    Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

    Damn good movie, can't wait for the next one
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    SmackDown LD - 20/09/2016 - The Cenation enters the Ambrose Asylum

    Well at the start of the Shield split up, Ambrose was pretty much concentrated on, in his own words, "beating up scumbags". In his feuds with Rollins and Wyatt, it seemed like he didn't even care of winning the match more than actually just hurting them. It was only around the IC ladder match at...
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    SmackDown LD - 20/09/2016 - The Cenation enters the Ambrose Asylum

    Funny, seeing how before the Usos were tag champs, people were clamoring for them to get an opportunity. The Usos were pretty over as the top face team and up until they returned from injury while being dethroned by the New Day, Enzo & Cass, and AA did they really need a character change. If you...
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    SmackDown LD - 20/09/2016 - The Cenation enters the Ambrose Asylum

    Man if there is one thing I can't stand, it's the old adage of turning heel will somehow make them better. Ambrose has been excellent as a face and there is really no reason to turn him heel. And let's say if for some horrible reason he does turn heel, who is there to take his place? Cena is...
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    SmackDown LD - 20/09/2016 - The Cenation enters the Ambrose Asylum

    And Bryan just suggested the No DQ match, yes
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    SmackDown LD - 20/09/2016 - The Cenation enters the Ambrose Asylum

    Who was the last person to actually kick out of the Dirty Deeds? Brock?
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    SmackDown LD - 20/09/2016 - The Cenation enters the Ambrose Asylum

    It's funny, two years ago Cena and Ambrose had a match against each other because they both had issues with Rollins. Now they have a match against each other because they both have issues with Styles.
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    SmackDown LD - 20/09/2016 - The Cenation enters the Ambrose Asylum

    Natalya had Nikki in a quick Sharpshooter to start the match but Carmella grabbed Nikki out of it and took her outside and then beat the shit out of her till the ref called the match.
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    SmackDown LD - 20/09/2016 - The Cenation enters the Ambrose Asylum

    Carmella really hates Nikki Bella, damn. I could see their match at No Mercy getting a No DQ stip put on it. Also, Cena/Ambrose is getting some time, great!
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    SmackDown LD - 20/09/2016 - The Cenation enters the Ambrose Asylum

    I feel like they've gotten Roman right in the past few weeks. He rarely talks, such as in the sit down before the Fatal 4 Way, Owens and Rollins were antagonizing him throughout it, he proceeded to punch them in the face. With Roman, less is more, he doesn't need to talk just destroy.