Zeb Colter in limbo????

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
Zeb Colter , a manager in a world of wrestling at really lacks managers right now. There's a dozen wrestlers that could benefit Zeb as a heel or face manager right now, yapping it up and creating drama for his client. Guys who would benefit most IMO would be the passive mic guys on the roster. Maybe Cesaro, Reigns or even Kevin Owens. K.O is o.k on the mic but Zeb would elevate him as well. A heel Zeb Colter would be pretty awesome with K.O and they'd click.

The last time we saw Zeb was when Rusev attacked him a long time ago and put him on the shelf. Now we saw how extremely fast Jack Swagger fell in the toilet in Zebs absence. So where the heck did he go anyway ? He's still listed on the website. He's probably one of the most experienced characters the WWE has right now ...he's been in the business close to 40 years ! He has to pass on what he has learned to today's stars.

Come on back Zeb....I for one miss your zany character.
Zeb was awesome. Was the only reason to not change channel when swagger appeared onscreen
To the best of my knowledge, he legitimately needed surgery, and that's why they did the Rusev attack angle. As far as I know, he'll be managing Jack Swagger again when he's 100% and is able to come back.
Zeb was awesome. Was the only reason to not change channel when swagger appeared onscreen

I could never change the channel when Jack Swagger is on, I know I'm always in for a good match. He's one of the best things WWE has going right now in my book.
I can't see the ideal situation for Zeb to return. The whole Swagger thing is stale. I guess seeing him manage a NXT talent would be nice. Or maybe he could elevate Rose and Maddox as a tag team.
.....said no one ever! :lmao:

The fact that you don't think Jack Swagger can deliver IN THE RING proves how little you know about wrestling. Just because he doesn't do suicide dives with a dozen flips on his way down, he's a bad wrestler? Nope. Swagger is easily one of the top ring workers in the company.
He could be a great addition to a lot of the wrestlers especially those who are not so good at talking, Having such a legendry person on the roster I don't understand why they don't utilise him a bit more it seems a waste. Its one thing I believe is missing in todays wrestling is the lack of managers, So many guys they could bring back in manager roles like Ted Dibiase or Ric Flair for example.
Now we saw how extremely fast Jack Swagger fell in the toilet in Zebs absence.

He did, but I don't know whether Swagger fell because of Zeb's absence .....or whether Swagger's stock dropped by itself, having nothing to do with Zeb.....and Jack's demotion made it unfeasible to bring back Zeb.

Could Zeb be an asset to other wrestlers? Sure, he could. He's an old-time manager....and we can use a few people like that to work with today's performers.

The thing is, Zeb's extreme pro-American gimmick worked well with Swagger's standing as an All-American wrestler. If WWE is to place Zeb with someone else, they might have to find a new line of schtick for him to espouse.....and that might not be as easy as it sounds.
The Swagger & Coulter pairing is a large part of what's wrong with the WWE midcard these days. Two guys who got over more than they were expected to and who weren't allowed grab any of those brass rings Vince likes to talk about. It was obvious then, and it's even more obvious now, that Swagger was meant to be a stepping stone for Rusev to get to Cena at Wrestlemania and nothing he or Coulter did was ever going to change that.
I loved Zeb and Jack together. Hope to see him back soon. I think it's sad how they're treating Jack now. Honestly, I'd love to see him as world champ again
I think Zeb could work wonders with a tag team at the moment. New Day and Prime Time are the only guys you really here on the mic at the moment. And that's not a good thing. Unfortunately, the left overs are guys that wouldn't fit Zeb's character mold, given his heavy patriot theme. There aren't a lot of single's wrestlers either. Their best bet, might to get Zeb to bring up someone from NXT. The man is a talented mic worker. They need to use him with someone. It's a shame Jack didn't work out. Though that's more his own doing than anything- given the DUI.
I think Zeb could work wonders with a tag team at the moment. New Day and Prime Time are the only guys you really here on the mic at the moment. And that's not a good thing. Unfortunately, the left overs are guys that wouldn't fit Zeb's character mold, given his heavy patriot theme. There aren't a lot of single's wrestlers either. Their best bet, might to get Zeb to bring up someone from NXT. The man is a talented mic worker. They need to use him with someone. It's a shame Jack didn't work out. Though that's more his own doing than anything- given the DUI.

Swagger ruined that for himself when he got busted for pot at the beginning of his mega-push before Mania against Alberto. I would never entrust him with even handing the Diva's belt to someone, let alone carry a world title.
Jack fell because of the crappy Bo Dallas feud, which was just as damaging to Bo as it was to him. That turned him into a respectable midcard Jobber,but he just kept losing and now has been regulated to Main Event...with that said, Zeb was out for surgery and might be coming back soon- as I've seen Swagger more within the past few weeks (primarily on main event) than I had in awhile. I was surprised when he fought Big Show and kicked out of a chokeslam.

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