Zahra's Instagram is now public?

Also jojo is so pretty!

For a tiny tiny body she sure has a enormous ass and breasts. Mmm

Don't care that its the wrong jojo, this seems pretty appropriate still

You'd fuck a hole in a cardboard boxed greased up with Crisco, with eyes drawn on in Sharpie.

The real question is how long would it take before he starts trying to convince to the greased up cardboard box to sign up for Reddit.
The real question is how long would it take before he starts trying to convince to the greased up cardboard box to sign up for Reddit.

Thats a trick question because clearly there is already a reddit sub-forum for greasy cardboard glory holes.
Alright; it is now time for WrestleZone Forums' annual sexual harassment training. Settle down so we can get through this.

Women; if a man walks up to you and says something like "You have big breasts for such a little body.", he makes himself dead to rights and you have the full authority of WrestleZone to dip him into the official WrestleZone piranha tank. Or, you might be accosted by someone like Crocker who so barely qualifies as a man that his toilet seat is likely nailed down. The same rules apply.

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