Your top (insert # here) Video Games


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Well since I hate solid numbers in these things, just give your list of favorite video games, but with reasons obviously. Don't list without reasons, it'll be deleted, you'll get an infraction, you'll complain, we'll laugh, it won't get over turned, and you'll end up banned for keeping it up.

Onto my list.

10. Metal Gear: Solid
This game was the first game to utilize the rumble controller for the PS. This game was solid from start to finish. I remember beating this game straight through on several occasions. It can be done in about six hours or so. A tremendous storyline and compelling characters make this game a damn god one. The attitude of Snake makes the game worth the price.

9. God Of War
Simply put, this is the best original game to come out on the Playstation 2. Holy shit the gameplay, the graphics, the puzzles, and the pure bad ass attitude of Kratos. Some will say the Grand Theft Autos are better for the PS2, I highly disagree, they are good, but God of War became the attitude in which games with Mature ratings will be made from now on.

8. Halo
Probably the best game, at least most important, to come out for the X-Box. It instantly turned the Xbox into a legit threat to Sony. It officially made the first person shooter the "it" genre again.

7. Resident Evil
I was torn on this one. I think Resident Evil 2 is much better as far as action goes, and the story is really good as well, but Resident Evil set the tone. I like the less is more approach this game starts off with. It doesn't rush you into the action by any means. It has wonderful pacing to it and makes it a can't stop playing it game.

6. Doom
Ahh, a game I spent hours and hours of my life playing mindlessly. Not the best first person shooter, not the first, but simply the one that kicked the door down for that genre and ran with it. Violence, hell, and Big Mother Fucking Guns, Spiked Knuckles, a Chainsaw, what else could you ask for in a game?

5. Mortal Kombat Trilogy
How many hours of my life did I waste playing this game. It didn't matter that I had a nice new Playstation 2 with nice new games, this was the one game that stayed in that machine for quarters on end at College. Many drunk nights of 20 people hanging out wanting to take turns to kick the others ass in that game. Every character, every level, and every finisher from the first 3 Mortal Kombats in one game, quite possibly the most amazing thing ever.

4. Mega Man 2
Let me say this, I love Mega Man. Sonic, pshh, Crash, blah, Mario, pussy. Mega Man kicks all of their asses. I can say proudly that I owned all 6 Mega Man games for the Nes. While a lot will say 3 was better, which it was pretty kick ass and a tough choice between the two, 2 was just so much damn fun, and I can't explain why. It's a shame that the Powered Up version that came out for PSP didn't do well in Japan, because they aren't going to remake this game now. Why not remake the best of the series?

3. Silent Hill
Holy Shit. I'll tell you one thing, no game, no movie, no anything, has ever scared the shit out of me like this game right here. This game was terrifying. No light, a crappy hand radio, zero visibility. This game had it all. Plus the fact that the school was an exact model of my elementary school added more shivers. I can't rave enough about how great this game was.

2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time
Mario maybe the mainstay of Nintendo, but Link is the workhorse. Ocarina of time had everything. It had a big movie feel to it, but not over bearing and long enough to lose interest in this game. The Puzzles are challenging but not over bearing. The characters are as intriguing in this game as in any other. This game is truly the game that captures the story of Zelda the best. The ending battle is freaking amazing and intense as hell.

1. Final Fantasy VII
I simply don't know where to begin with this one. Hands down and bar none, this game is the greatest game ever made (Square better remake this game). I've played this game through twice, the first time 60 hours, the second tiem completing everything possible in 90 hours. Simply put, I was and still am obsessed with this game. A lot of hardcore FF fans despise this game, I don't understand why. This game showed the potential power of where video games were going to go to.

This game made RPG's cool to play. Yes, the graphics are dated (the ingame graphics, the FMV's are still damn good). The characters are fan fucking tastic, and the storyline is amazing. The end of Disc 1 is probably the most emotional moment a video game can produce. I simply can't find a flaw with this game. Not to mention that this produced the character that is to video games as Darth Vader is to Movies, Sephiroth. No video game villian in history makes you want to kill him like this guy. An amazing character and an over all, fantastic game.

Honorable mentions go to
God of War II, Gears of War, Super Mario 3, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Grand Theft Auto, Goldeneye, Shadows of the Empire and dozens of other games I've wasted my life playing away.
For me it's a short list, so I'll go with top 6.

6.) No Mercy. This was the greatest wrestling game I have ever played bar none. The story mode was good, the create a wrestler was ahead of its time, and the whole thing just simply worked. Big Show being included would shoot this to the top 3.

5.) God of War 1. Nothing here but straight up violence. A good story helps things out a lot, as well as the controls a ton of attacks and magic. As Luther said, it's just simply the best original game for the system.

4.) Goldeneye. Best first person shooter I've ever played. The missions make perfect sense, it follows the movie to the letter. Great assortment of weapons, great multiplayer mode, and huge level of replayability.

Now to the all time best.

3.) Ocarina of Time. Zelda had been doing nothing save for the pretty bad Link's Awakening since Link to the Past, but it roared back to life with this game. The world is huge, there are tons of characters and weapons to kill things with. It's still one of the funnest games there is, a full 11 years later.

2.) Kingdom Hearts 1. Started playing it at 5pm, stopped at 1pm the next day. It is the most addictive, well thought out, creative story I have ever seen. Mixing Disney characters with FF characters may seem like a horrible idea, but it could not have been done any better I don't think.

1.) Link to the Past. While I think Ocarina may be a better game overall, this game was made in 1992, and still totally kicks ass today. I throw it in once in awhile and find myself getting drawn back into the world that I loved as a 5 year old. There is not a single flaw anywhere in here. The story builds perfectly, as you never see Ganon until the final battle, and at that point, you want him dead for all the stuff he's put you through. Picking up the triforce still gets to me every time.
Despite having played games since before the SNES, I claim that the latest games are indisputably the best. Yes, the old ones are classics, but the new ones blow them out of the water. The four that immediately spring to mind are these. More to come.

God of War I, II, Chains of Olympus

I've played the first two extensively, though never personally owned them. I finally got the one for the PSP (read the damn thread, please!) and was blown away. This is an action game as it should be - a Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry purpose-built for a Western audience. Set the standard for many games that followed, but few have really compared. Just please, no more quick time events!


Gun porn, plain and simple. How Jack Thompson never got a hold of this one is beyond me. Brutal gun play for the sake of it, every cheesy action movie blended together to form this kick ass FPS with the loudest guns known to man. The final shoot out is the stuff of legend to the initiated. Call of Duty fans, this is Modern Warfare before Modern Warfare was Modern Warfare. Only more trigger-happy.

Resident Evil 4

A game with staying power. Any game that has me yelling "on the flo'!" at one in morning has got to be good. Like God of War, it's since spawned a lot of copycats in one way or another - I'm convinced Gears ripped it off in one way or another. For existing fans of the series and new ones, hell, for anyone, this is a must have. You get to use a riot shotgun on monks. Monks. Riot shotgun. Decapitation. President's daughter. Sheer, unadulterated awesome.


Game of the forever. Mixed guns, action, graphics and game design into a near perfect cocktail. The most satisfying game you'll ever play. An FPSRPG that bitch slaps Oblivion's overrated, bloated, dull experience with the best story ever told in a game. It's just a fact. The ending was a bit, y'know, mental though.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare- In my personal opinion the best first person shooter game there is to this point in time. And its even better on live for x-box or online in general. If you havent played this game you should definately get on it you wont be dissapointed.

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time- Easily the best game there was for the Nintendo 64 game console. Its storyline is fantastic and you actually feel w/ the characters. Im such a *** for playing this game...Check out the Twilight Princess for Wii or Gamecube too.

Super Mario 64-Mario and Peach do it at the end check it out
Ok will start at 1 and work backwards until i run out of games

1. Final Fantasy VII - Simply put the best game i have ever played (Well obviously) I spent hours upon hours playing that game and never got bored. From chocobo breeding and racing to finding and killing all the weapons (Except for ruby, never understood that one) there was always a way to pass a couple of hours, oh and that cool minigame where you have to protect the tower thing and you could have catapults and a rock roller. But above all it had the best storyline EVER

2. The rest of the final fantasy games - I could make a list simply of them but i have already posted those reasons in the final fantasy thread so i wont repeat here.

3. Metal Gear Solid - Again another one of those games with a compelling storyline and box hiding. Yeah and i agree with Uncle Shocky about the controller - The bit where you go against the psychic guy and he tells you to put your controller on the ground and he will move it with his mind. FREAKED THE CRAP OUT OF ME.

4. Grand Theft Auto - Vice City, for me this was the best game of the series, well thought out missions, not too big mapwise so it was easy to remember where everything was and then buying the shops and doing the drug runs in the ice cream van was always fun. Better then SA IMO because the story made more sense and had a more logical feel.

5. Super Mario Kart - Solid, addictive kart racing that had tons of replay value and yeah just a great little gem.

6. The game for me that started my love of games and the first game i owned technically - Alex the Kidd the one that was built into the master system. I have no idea how many times i played that game, even the other night i was thinking for some strange reason "Up is paper down is scissors" that is what i would say to myself during the paper scissors rock contest that you would have with the bosses. From what i remember it wasnt all that and a bag of chips but was just a good way to pass an hour.

I am sure there are more but i am outside on the laptop and i think my brain is freezing over.
Alright here we go top ten. Starting with number ten...

10.) Diablo II (PC): Diablo II was probably one of the most addicting... I don't know if we want to call it an adventure or an RPG, or whatever you want to call it. Diablo IIs online mode was awesome as you basically went through the single player mode, but with other people along with you. The one downside was that if you didn't use your character in a certain amount of time it got deleted...

9.) Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (N64): Probably my favorite flying simulator of all time. Numerous ships available from X-Wings to Tie Interceptors to the Millenium Falcon. The missions never got old, espically bombing runs with the Y-Wing

8.) Super Mario 64 (N64): Lets all face it. Mario 64 completley revolutionized the gaming world. It did it with an all new style for Nintendo's flagship character and forever changed the face of adventure games.

7.) Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES): My favorite Donkey Kong game ever. Classic side scrolling with no time limit and it was, and still is a very good challenge. It's really a shame that the Donkey Kong series has really fallen apart from the glory days of the SNES.

6.) Command And Conquer: Red Alert 2 (PC): RA 2 was my favorite Command And Conquer game. It's expansion pack "Yuri's Revenge" was rather annoying though and for me killed a lot of the love I had for the game.

5.) Super Smash Brothers: Brawl (Wii): Even though the game has only been out for a short time. Already it has dashed up to number 5 on my top ten. Reason? Well play it and I'm sure you'll figure it out for yourself.

4.) Kirby: Nightmare In Dreamland (GBA): Nightmare In Dreamland is a remake of Kirby's first console game Kirby's Adventure. The game offered all new minigames, boss mode, and a mode that you play as Meta Knight.

3.) Star Wars Battlefront II (PS2): By far the most amazing mass war game I've ever played. Completley chaotic and yet required a lot of stradegy amongst the chaos.

2.) Age Of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties (PC): AOE III is set in the revolutionary war time. The game followed rather acuratly to it's time period. I made a thread about it a while back, and I still suggest checking it out.

1.) Starcraft: Brood War (PC): My favorite game of all time is finally getting it's sequal. Released in 1998 it still has a massive following.
Shenmue for the Dreamcast is probably the greatest game I've ever played. Well ahead its time. I still find how incredible it is, despite being released in 1999. Pretty much a unparalleled interactivity and freedom, weather systems, QTE's, & Free Battles all indulged in a huge, captivating storyline with endless possibilities and hundreds of side stories which just complement the greatness of this game.

The sequel, Shenmue II was just as good, and both are probably my all time favourite games, but I'd choose the first one simply because I find how all this started and the early stages of this game to be more entertaining than its later stages. I really hope a third one is released.
1. Diablo 2 (lord of destruction) Pretty much my all time favorite RPG.Its got A great variety of charachter classes with fun skills and attributes to build up and use and thousands of different items. Its really the only rpg I could play online because I have dial up and its only slightly laggy. It held the record about 7 years ago for the fastest selling videogame of all time for a reason.

2. Quake 2-3-Quake is an FPS by ID, the creators of Doom. I could sum it up by saying, Completely Original runnin and gunnin action. It was some what of a graphic spectacle back in its time but the AI is still good and the gameplays fun, another thing to remember is ID were the pioneers of the FPS.

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