Your Top 5 Greatest Wrestler's Of All Time


CM Perfection
Here's my Top 5 greatest wrestler's of all time.....

(5) HHH

He's simply the greatest Heel of all time and one of the greatest wrestler's as well

(4) The Rock

The Greatest Mic Talker of all time (In my opinion) and one of the entertainer's to have ever stepped into the WWE

(3) Stone Cold

Quick simply but he gave the kids who grew up watching the WWE back in the late 90's ( like himself) the best Era in Pro Wrestling history the Attitude Era and saved Vinces ass as well.

(2) HBK

He's properly the best wrestler to have ever stepped into a WWE ring and the Greatest Wrestler of all time, He was the first and only wrestler to have won any special WWE match ( Hell in a Cell, Iron Match, Ladder, Elimation Chamber etc) And he is Mr Wrestlemania and in my opinion HBK vs Undertaker WM25 was the greatest match in the history of the WWE hands down.

(1) The Undertaker

The reason why the undertaker is number 1 for me is because my every first I ever saw was Undertaker vs Mankind on Raw back in 1996. And I loved everything about him his moves his character and costume and Enterance. And he is properly the most respected wrestler in the WWE. And has the greatest streak that know living human being will ever match or live up too 19-0 at Wrestlemania.

So who is your Top 5 greatest wrestler's of all time??

And u have to say why they are your favourite and in your Top 5???

Thanks :lmao:
Who do I think is the best all around 5 guys to ever walk into a ring and entertain?

In no order... Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Undertaker & HBK

Thats considering influence on the "sport", longevity, domination, innovation and actual wrestling skill (almost everywhere but Hulk) overall these 5 men made you love them, hate them and watch them even when they're matches sucked (which is rare)

Sting is the only one I'm willing to debate because he's never been a heel which is why I'll put Bret Hart over him with Bret's career ending presumably early.

Best technical wrestlers I've seen
1. Chris Benoit
2. Bret Hart
3. Kurt Angle
4. Mr. Perfect
5. Taz

Best Talkers/Promo Guys
1. Vince McMahon
2. Hulk Hogan
3. The Rock
4. Chris Jericho
5. Steve Austin
5. The American Dream Dusty Rhodes - he laid down the foundation of what a true genuine promo should sound like. He is the original artist in this format.

4. Jake "the Snake" Roberts - sinister...nuff said

3. HBK Shawn Michaels - he broke all barriers when it came to in-ring style, set the bar to near unreachable heights in near perfect matches, and is the greatest entertainer to ever grace the squared circle

2. Eddie Guerrero/Chris Benoit - tie here because nobody can match them when it came to technical "pure" wrestling

1. Ric Flair - he is the blueprint for every heel to ever be made, 16x World Champ, he has it all
1. Christian

I'm a Peep. He is great at everything. His technical abilities, his mic skills, his look, even all his entrance themes have been awesome. I'm a Christian mark! I've loved this guy throughout the years, from E&C, The UnAmericans, Captain Charisma, The Instant Classic, ECW to WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He's had an incredibl;e career, may it continue! :D

2. Stone Cold Steve Austin

The greatest wrestler of all time. Hands down.

3. The Rock

Nobody was more entertaining during the Attitude Era than The Rock. The promos, the segments, the fueds, the catchphrases, everything. SCSA gets most of the credit but i view both of them as equals during the Attitude Era.

4. Triple H

The greatest heel in professional wrestling history(imo). Unlike Rock, Austin etc Triple H is incredibly gifted in the ring as well as on the mic. A student of the game. He has undoubtadly earned his place as one f the all time greats. So many angles of entertainment have been created thanks in large part to Triple H. Marrying Stephanie in Vegas, The McMahon-Helmsley Regime, D-Generation X, Evolution, His fueds with Shawn Michaels, Rock, Austin, Orton, Undertaker....

5. CM Punk

The day he showed up on ECW, we all knew we were in for something special. From ECW, To his debut match at Wrestlemania 23, winning the Intercontinental & Tag Team Championships, 2-time Mr Money in the Bank, 3 World Title reigns, his fueds with Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, Randy Orton were all great. Now he is the WWE Champion and has cemented his place as the Best Wrestler in the World today.
1) The Undertaker - to me this is the man right here, the best there ever was. The Undertaker may not be the biggest draw ever but the man did a hell of a lot. He is the bar every big man from now till eternity will be measured, he is a man who will do whats best for the business, has beaten every big name there is and a wrestler who in my opinion embodies what a wrestler should be, a larger than life character, charisma, x-factor, in ring skills, promo skills, the Undertaker had it all. When you look at taker, you know you are looking at something special and its ironic the dead man will have an undying legacy in this business.

2) Hulk Hogan - The biggest name in the history of the business and was one of the 2 men responsible for changing the face of wrestling forever (other being vince). Honestly you don't even have to make a case for him.

3) Stone Cold Steve Austin - The man who was the most popular among the fans. Hogan gets a spot higher for what he did for wrestling but Austin did alot too. If it wasn't for him the WWE may not exist anymore, although there were a lot of great things about attitude era programming those eyes were initially drawn by Austin, without him RAW could of been a great program no one watched. Had probably the biggest feud in wrestling history and I can't think of any wrestler who was ever more popular than Austin at his height.

4) HBK - although HBK wasn't a big draw he was the best overall wrestler in history. Had more great matches than anyone, could wrestle a stack of bricks and make it entertaining and always gave it his all. Great character and great mic skills as well and no matter who he was with, he always carried his weight and could make any match better with his presence.

5) The Rock - Another big draw in the WWE. Was the #1 guy in the best year WWE ever had and was the only one that became so popular he could actually leave wrestling for good based on that popularity. Probably the best mic worker ever and probably the most charismatic as well.
5 Kurt Angle

He brought amateur style and worked it into his matches

4 The Undertaker

First big man to move like that, one of the most over gimmicks ever

3 Ricky Steamboat

Worked a style ahead of his time

2 Shawn Michaels

The biggest star at a time when the "big guys" still were being pushed

1 Ric Flair

THE MAN!!!! Best talker ever, best wrestler ever. He showed what a true art form the wrestling business is. Simply the best ever.
I am sure it's easy to see who #1 will be on my list, but I will list them anyway.

#5 - "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes -- promo, could work, was over (and was able to get the polka dots over, which is incredible in it's own right).

#4 - Hulk Hogan - promo was always great, psychology was unparelled (except by Flair), and did more for wrestling than anyone before or since.

#3 - The Rock - I've seen him live multiple times and it truly is electric. You get chills going along with his sing-song catchphrases.

#2 - "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels - Shawn was next in line to succeed Flair was the one who encompassed all the necessary attributes that it takes to be "the greatest of all time." Ring work, promo, etc. He had it all.

#1 - "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair - None better. Quite simply, the most complete package when it came to a pro wrestler. Mic work? The best ever, hands down. Ring work? Could have a 5 star match with a broom stick and get the broomstick over. Flair was over, a huge national and international draw. He is, was and always will be "THE MAN"! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
5. Eddie Guerrero- excellence both in the ring and on the mic. Sad to see him go so soon

4. HBK- Might have been a controversial backstage figure, but no one can deny his talent.

3. Undertaker- Out of all the comic-y gimmicks of WWE's earlier days, Taker is one of the only ones left standing; that alone deserves some respect

2. Stone Cold- Practically ushered in the Attitude era

1. The Rock- To me this is a no-brainer. Rock is a household name and cuts the best promos professional wrestling will ever see.

Honorable Mention-

6. Hulk Hogan fcked up his image but was truly an icon back in the day
7. Booker T- highly underrated but still one of WWE's most decorated superstars
8. Kurt Angle- see Booker T
9. Sting- Speaks for itself
10. Mr. Perfect
First off, I was born in '94, so i don't know too much about 70s and some 80s stars. Secondly, to be in my top five, you have to have the total package (no pun intended to Lex). By that, I mean wrestling skills, mic skills, ect. So let me go ahead:

5) - Kurt Angle - 1996 OGM, multiple time world champion in two top companies, mid card championships, can make the crowd love him or hate him, and is a MF'N wrestling machine!!!

4) - Shawn Michaels - I'm not a big HBK fan at all (I have my reasons), but I'll give the man credit where it's due. He has been in the biz for 20 plus years. He's been involved in some of the most memorable and controversial moments in WWF/E history. Multiple time champ, WM headliner, RR winner, etc. Not to mention the factions he's been involved with. I don't really like him, BUT I RESPECT HIM!

3) - Macho Man Randy Savage - "Ooooooh Yeah, the tower of power too sweet to be sour, funky like a monkey, too hot to handle too cold to hold!!!" 'Nuff said, he got on the mic with that raspy voice and started waving his fingers in the air, he had the flashy colored ring gear, very charismatic, the flying elbow, smh Man I miss him!!! R.I.P MMRS!

2) - The Rock - no doubt, he would be my #1, but he's only been in the biz for a total of 8-9 years. He has TOOOO many catch phrases, cares about the fans, hilarious as hell, can ELECTRIFY a crowd till grown ass men jizz their pants. The Rock IS "it". Point blank period!!!

1) - The Undertaker - the most dedicated, passionate, respectable, hardworking wrestler EVER. If he retired today, i wouldn't be mad. Taker owes us nothing, he's done it all, and seen it all. He was here during the good times (98-01) the bad times (95-96) and has been through everything, and he never jumped ship once. He is dedicated to Mcmahon and the WWE brand. That's why he is so highly respected.

Notable mentions (sorry I gave my personal top 5, so i just didn't have room)

Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mic Foley, Ric Flair, Hogan, Cena, Bret Hart, HHH

you're probably thinking, "those are the most important ones" lol:wtf:
5 - Mr.Perfect Curt Hennig - A Hall Of Famer, and he deserves it, he had probably the greatest gimmick in wrestling history in my opinion, he could talk, he had unlimited talent and potential, it's a shame he was never a world champion back in the WWF/E.

4 -Bret "Hit Man" Hart - The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.. well not really, but one of the very best non the less, he had natural charisma, he didn't need to talk to get cheered by the crowd, he was very original in his ring gear, and he's one of the best technical wrestlers of all time, his feud with Shawn Michaels and the Montreal screwjob are one of the most talked about subjects in wrestling, what I wouldn't give to see Bret Hart Vs Kurt Angle both in their prime.

3 - The Rock - Good in the ring.. but what really made The Rock a huge star in the wrestling world was his electrifying mic skills, personality, and his comedic insults towards his opponents, the most charismatic wrestler of all time? I think so.

2 - "Stone Cold" Steve Austin - He was the face of the Attitude Era along with The Rock, he was known for being a total badass who raises hell and had the middle finger as his taunt, Austin was also very good in the ring before his neck injury, and still was good after it, what really drove me to Austin's character back in the Attitude Era was his feud with Vince McMahon, the greatest feud in the history of the WWE in my opinon.

1 - "The Heart Break Kid' Shawn Michaels - Easily the greatest of all time in WWE's mind, he's also considered by alot to be the greatest of all time, including me, Shawn had charisma, a great talker.. when he talked everyone cared about what he had to say, and he was great in the ring, from chops to piledrivers to moonsaults to flying forearms to atomic drops to crossfaces to elbow drops to superkicks.. the guy could pull it all off and put on an amazing match, his accomplishments and memorable moments are countless, simply the greatest of all time, "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels.
After nearly 26 years for watching wrestling and attending events, My list read similar to others. The downside is WCW was a major player until way down the road.

#1 Hulk Hogan - I don't care who you are, or where you live, or even if you have ever seen a wrestling video or match, You know who Hulk Hogan is hands down the biggest icon in wrestling ever.

#2 Undertaker - My 10 years spent in the Navy traveling to other countries only one other superstar was seen in even the poorest of countries and that is the dead man.

#3 Legion of Doom(road warriors)- As a team this two guys control the tag team division for years, you can look back and see them winning the title in ever company that had wrestling.

#4 Bret Hart - Even though Shawn Micheals was my favorite wrestler of all time and Bret was always a problem for Shawn. Bret still had mic and wrestling skills before both were so important. Now a days all my picks are washed up, But watching old video reminds people of the greatness.

#5 Charles Wright Aka Godfather - Since wrestling is scripted, my final choice is going to the man who always took his gimmicks to the next level. Papa Shango was a force when feuding with the ultimate Warrior and Undertaker. Then as Kama he was a force in the nation of domination similar to all the other that try to be power houses ( Batista,Manson Ryan etc) Finally as the godfather who swapped from pimpin hoes to not and back to pimpin again.
The Undertaker - He is dedicated to Mcmahon and the WWE brand. That's why he is so highly respected.

Well, never technically jumped ship from WWE to WCW during the Monday Night Wars but he did jump from WCW to WWE in the early 90s after teaming with Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey (back when Teddy Long was a great manager and not a cringeworthy GM).

I'm with you on HBK though, never was a fan although unlike yourself, I have never been able to figure out what people like/d about him. His promos, his matches......they all screamed "average" to me. Controversial I know but hey, we all have opinions, right?
It's difficult to leave this as a "Top 5". But, from a fans point of view... well my own sense of being a fan... here goes.
Taker, Bret Hart, HBK, Stone Cold, The Rock

5. Bret Hart- To me, one of the best technical wrestlers. He took pride in the simple fact that he never injured the men he worked with. Also, he was a genuine good guy... his heel turn was by the crowd's doing at the time. But nevertheless, he was a great technician and his Sharp shooter is still an amazing submission move.

4. The Rock- If anyone can talk trash... it's this man. He is truly entertaining. His matches always delivered. He became "The People's Champion". He has the size, the speed, and the charisma to stay firmly planted as a top talent.

3. Stone Cold Steve Austin - Like everyone else has said, this man saved the company. I was in junior high during the attitude era and I remember flipping back and forth between the two shows. It was always difficult trying to decide which show to watch until me and friend started recording the shows for each other so we could see WCW and WWE. But Stone Cold really is that guy that everyone just loves. He's easy to relate to.

2. HBK- Mr. Wrestlemania himself. As soon as he kicked Marty Jannety (spelling on the name), he launched himself. He has always found new innovative ways to be flashy. His showmanship is next to none. He's had incredible rivalries. His top rivals are Bret Hart, HHH, Chris Jericho and The Undertaker... who wouldn't put this man in their top 5 with credentials like that?

1. The Undertaker- Simply put... The streak. Of course it's all scripted. I know that, but Vince didn't know early on that this man would have the Wrestlemania streak he has today. He could have easily decided to make him lose early on but as time went on The Undertaker proved that this was worth holding onto. He has had incredible rivalries, gave birth to great storylines and has had matches (most notably HBK and HHH recently) that make people stop and get excited.

I'm definitely writing my list from a fan's perspective. I didn't try to use sales or statistics... I just go by what I enjoyed.

Honorable Mentions:

HHH- Quite simply put, he is The Game. He accomplished what only a select few can and that is making the crowd love him no matter his affiliation. He can be a heel... we love him or love to hate him or he can be a face.

Kurt Angle- Amazing technical wrestler that can make ANYBODY look good in a ring with him. It's no surprise he's trying for Olympic gold again.

Eddie Guerrero- I don't know anyone who didn't enjoy Eddie. His mocking of his opponents by lounging across the top turnbuckle. His "three amigos" move or his signature "Viva La Raza" and "I lie, I cheat, I steal". It was a very sad day when they announced his passing away cause the WWE was finally running with him.
For me it comes down to certain things. If this is about actual wrestling ability. For me it would go

1: Bret Hart
2: Mr Perfect
3: Ric Flair
4: Chris Jericho
5: Kurt Angle

Now im not saying that Benoit, Eddie, HBK or others are worse than those 5, But im not just talking about technical ability. Im talking about all round wrestling ability. Psychology of matches and how to tell a story. Wrestling basics. Keeping your colleague safe, which i believe both Bret and Perfect done throughout their whole careers.

In terms of having the whole package. Wrestling ability and Promo/mic skills and Character

1: The Undertaker
2: Ric Flair
3: Shawn Michaels
4: Chris Jericho
5: Kurt Angle/Stone Cold Steve Austin

Best in terms of Drawing power

1: Stone Cold Steve Austin
2: Hulk Hogan
3: The Rock
4: Ric Flair
5: The Undertaker

Best Technicians

1: Kurt Angle
2: Bret Hart
3: Chris Benoit
4: Mr Perfect
5: Dean Malenko
I hate top 5's haha!! It is so hard to pick, there have been so many great stars throughout the years.... my picks will be slightly biased as I started watching around 1988 and was mainly a WWF/E guy (then again I guess everyone's picks will reflect their age/preference of company). Here goes:

5. "Macho Man" Randy Savage- killer promos, amazing in the ring. Colorful, larger than life, a villlian, a hero... and kick-@$$ slim jim commercials haha.

4. Bret "Hitman" Hart- my all-time personal favorite, but there is no denying what he did for WWF and wrestling in general from 92-97. He was the man in WWF... sure it was a down time, but that is why he is not #1. 5 time champ, face, heel, 2 of the greatest Wrestlemania matches ever (12 and 13), made his opponents look like stars, WORLD famous... It makes me angry sometimes that people either forget his contribution to WWF or are just too young to remember him and believe the WWE machine.

3. The Rock- legendary promos, decent in the ring, from a family of wrestlers, and a hollywood star. His run was short, but he accomplished things during his short WWF run that few could ever hope to do.

2. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin- after Hogan, no one could (and in my opinion ever will) touch SCSA. He revived the industry, created an era, and was also good in the ring (if you think that kinda thing is important haha). Almost #1, but I have to give that to....

1. Hulk Hogan- not the best in the ring, but, c'mon. People to this day, including kids, recognize this man's name. We always look at history through modern eyes, but if you can remember, he was THE man. Bigger than Austin, Rock, Cena, etc....actually WAY bigger than Cena. Hell, seriously, people from my grandma (70 years) to my niece (10 years) who aren't even wrestling fans know who Hogan is. That says something.

*actually, as a kid, my favorite wrestler was Marty Jannetty... my twin brother and I loved the Rockers...he was Shawn and I was Marty....obviously, i picked the weak link back then and now that I am older I can see that Marty has no place on my list haha!
here's my list of the 5 greatest superstars of all time in my opinion
#1. Shawn Michaels this one I just feel fit's in the #1 spot cause he wrestled for almost 25 years with the WWF\WWE and he just deserves this spot
#2. Stone Cold Steve Austin he was sorry IS the greatest superstar of the attitude era with his insults attitude taunts mic skills he was also very good in the ring.
#3. The Rock next obvious choice he was definitely the 2nd greatest superstar of the attitude era his promo's were better than anybody to ever say A word on the mic he just blew people away with what he did inside and out of the ring.
#4 The Undertaker i don't know why i chose him as 4 because the way he is he's either 1 or 100 because he was a great superstar with a 20+ year long career with tons of title reigns and winning the royal rumble but his gimmick to me was good until about 2001when he became the biker he should have stayed biker or quit WWE cause I didn't even like his gimmick and the fact that he randomly changed back is stupid so your opinion on Undertaker is prob different than mine but yeah
#5 Bret Hart he should definitely be #5 he deserves it a member of one of the greatest wrestling families in the wrestling world a numerous time world champ wrestled in WWF WCW WWE ETC he was the 1990-1996 era until shawn michaels took over after winning his 2nd royal rumble which stood out for people but he gave his best as a tag champ and his best as WWF champ and he deserves this spot just as much as Mr.Mcmahon loves John Cena.
So this is my opinion. Thanks for reading
1. Kurt Angle- Brilliant Technical Wrestler but can adapt to many styles. Angle can also do any position on the roster, from taking squash matches to doing comedy spots, to a serious Main Event Level.

2. Brett Hart- I have always enjoyed Bretts work, especially back in the 90's. Brett has always been a tremendous wrestler and when I think pro wrestler I think Brett!

3. Shawn Michaels- Really The Show Stopper! The HeadLiner!, The MainEvent! A great athlete and performer!

4. Triple H- Great Heel, Face, Tweener, Wrestler! HHH is a true great of the game (pardon the pun)

5. Chris Jericho- Based his entire younger life around honing his craft and becoming the best Pro Wrestler!

My 5 Greats, I tried to order them but shuffle them as you please.
It's nearly impossible to narrow down to five wrestlers without focusing on specific criteria, so I'll you give you a top five using this categorical method:

The Best Heel Ever: Ric Flair

The guy is as good as anyone ever to step in the ring, as good as anyone to pick up the mic, a household-name, and in his prime could have had a four star match with a broomstick.

Closest contenders: Guerrero, Jericho, Lawler, Piper

The Best "Face" Ever: Steve Austin

It doesn't matter if the guy's a babyface or a tweener, all that matters is that he is/was the "face of the business" or the number one star in a national company(or a large regional one depending on the era). Guys like Rock, Hogan, Goldberg, Cena, all fall into this category but Austin clearly wins for having the best wrestling chops of the bunch.

Closest Contenders: Sting, Foley, Rhodes

Best Technician Ever: Chris Benoit

This is the closest one to call, perhaps comes down to personal preference. The greatest pure wrestling match I ever saw live was wrestled by Benoit(against Regal at a Pillman Memorial event- check it out on youtube if you get the chance). Even I could change my mind in five minutes on this category.

Closest Contenders: Steamboat, Misawa, Angle, Brett Hart, Arn Anderson, Daniel Bryan, Malenko- you couldn't go wrong with any of these guys.

Best "Flyer" Ever: Shawn Micheals

This could also be labeled as best innovator. HBK was just as influential as some of his contemporaries(ie. Ultimo Dragon, Jushin Liger), but his personality set him apart. He is the closest thing to Flair when it comes to the full package.

Closest Contenders: Liger, RVD, Dynamite Kid

Best "Monster" Ever: Undertaker

Of course we're talking giants and powerhouses for this category. Undertaker has the best move-set of any near seven-footer ever. His in-ring style is still highly watchable, his longevity is rare for a big man, and the gimmick is iconic.

Closest Contenders: Andre the Giant, Vader, Bigelow
5.) Sting- Does it have to be WWE? Sting can talk, he can perform and he can take a character to the next level. He was the only reason I watched WCW as a kid until the NWO came along.

4.) Kurt Angle - Quite Possibly the best wrestler to step into a ring. Plus the man could play the goofy villian, the hard ass villian or the patriotic face. The guy was an amazing talent to say the least.

3.) Jericho - Did you know he once defeated Rock and Stone Cold on the same night? Ask him he'll tell you. Another guy who could perform inside the ring as well as get the crowd behind him or against him on the Mic. The man maybe one of the best all around performers.

2.) Bret Hart - My favorite wreslter and quite possibly the most important wrestler in the early to mid 90's in the WWF. His in ring story telling is unmatched. his ability to make anyone look like gold inside of a ring is legendary. Could cut a decent promo when he wanted, but one of the first few guys to make wrestling seem real and less cartoonish.

1.) The Rock - Why above the great technical wrestlers? The Rock may have been one of the only guys who could electrify a microphone and a ring without breaking a sweat. But the thing that stands out with the Rock, was he never worreid about his spot and was never afraid to put someone over. He made Goldberg seem legit, first major guy, and at the time only one willing, to put Lesnar over clean. Really cemented Mick Foley as a real contender and champ. This trait is rare with top guys who think they can book themselves who hold on to every spot they get. Rock understood it didnt matter if he won or lost, had a title or not, he was The Rock and nothing could make him seem weak.
I'm a bit confused from the OP. At the top he asks for the best of all time, but then he says tells u why they are your favourites...

So with the first question I'd say

1/ Hulk Hogan- for many years was the biggest draw on the planet. Wrestlemania was built around him and then went from the biggest hero in the world to the baddest villain of all time and took over the wrestling world a second time with the nWo. He transceded the sport and is known the world over.

2/ Ric Flair- no one works the stick like Ric, not even Rocky. The jet flyin' etc. worked all the teritories and defended the belt almost 24/7 365 and always made everyone he worked against look great.

3/ Randy Savage - if we are talkingt he total package it was Randy- one of the very few to transcend the sport, alot of people know exactly who the Macho Man is and his catch phrase is oooh yeah!

4/ Mitsaharu Misawa - This guy is arguably inside the ring the greatest of all time. Some may say Dave Meltzer's 5 star match list is flawed but this guy has over 20 maybe 30 to his name. A Japanese legend and a hero of puro and pro-wrestling

5/ El Santo - he was so big and so influential he starred in 50 movies playing himself! Huge draw in Mexico and transcended the sport, and brought Luch Libre to US audiences, to world audiences...

If we are talking who I think are the best (favourite)

1/ Kenta Kobashi- he has a few of those 5 star matche sof his own. Hard hitting no nonsense in ring gladiator. Just a tank inside the ring and took and handed out the sickest bumps.

2/ Sting- he was and still is my hero. Today I think he is poving age is just a number as he is out entertaining everyone in the industry right now who's name isn't CM Punk. If you looked up the definition of IT factor in the dictionary there would be a picture of the Stinger. Big guy, face paint, brought high flying inot the heavyweight ranks duringa time when no one had seen it before. Just awesome energy. Reinvents himself to remain relevant.

3/ Christopher daniels- the best technical wrestler I've sen in the US. His array of moves reads like an encycolpedia. The most underrated wrestler of our time. Just an amazing perfomer and promo man. Maybe if he was 2 inches taller he would be a multiple world champion by now.

4/ Bret Hart- he just brought this legitamcy to the sport. He wasn't the biggest guy, he didn't fly around, he wasn't flashy. But the way he methodically moved in the ring made you believe he could take down a giant, tie him up and make him submit.

5/ Macho Man - see above

5.Bret Hart
one of the greatest in-ring talents to ever step inbetween the ropes and had some of the greatest matches in history.

4.Randy Savage
one of the greatest pure athletes in wrestling history, great on the mic, great in the ring, great matches. should be in everyones top 5.

the greatest worker of his generation. great on the mic, supergreat in the ring, and the measuring stick

2.The Rock
this could easily have been HBK (cant go wrong with either one of them), but the rock was a huuge superstar and probably surpassed hogan's mark for being the most mainstream in his generation. he was great in the ring, great on the mic and could make this upcoming the biggest draw ever.

1.Ric Flair
"spacemountain may be the oldest ride in the park,but its got the loooongest line". the greatest heel ever, the greatest talker ever, made 2,000 stars (more than half were bums), greatest matches of all time (flair carried half of the top 10). and influenced some of the best of alll time. the post should be called "The next four after Flair"
Who I think are the best?
1: Hogan - The Immortal, The Hulkster, the biggest name in wrestling ever.
2: Austin - Along with The Rock, he spearheaded a resurgence that brought wrestling to heights never before achieved.
3: The Rock - The most charismatic man in wrestling, ever. Not even a good technician, but no one gives a crap because he compensates so well that the match is still 5 stars.
4: Savage - The most well rounded superstar of all time. He's in the running as the best world champ ever, the best IC champ ever, the best behind the mic, the best in the ring, the best high flier, you name it, his name is in the mix. Savage is set the high standard that only the very best ever could beat in one category or another, and to this day no one is better than him in more than 1 category.
5: Andre The Giant - 25 years ago Hulk Hogan was a man on the way up with a massive following, but Andre was the man on top, and if you never got to see him live to see what an amazingly likable superstar he was, go rent The Princess Bride and that will give you a clue as to how lovable he was. You simply couldn't help but love Andre, and when he was in his prime he could wrestle with the best of them.

Now if you're talking about my favorites?

1: Macho Man Randy Savage - This is the guy that made me a fan. There was no better story teller ever, watching his matches were incredible. No one will ever convince me that there has been a better high flier than the Macho Man. Watching him drop the double axe-handle off the top rope was a work of art. For so many wrestlers, that move is "high risk" move done on special occasions when the opponent is knocked off his feet. Savage was so fast and fluid he made that move a part of his regular attacks. He could punch you in the face to stun you and then in 3 seconds be in mid-air about to drop the axe handle on you. Savage was lightning fast, HBK was never as fast as Savage. Watch WM3 and you'll see more proof of how fast Savage was. Another one of Savage's trademark high flier moves was the move where he'd grab you by the hair, and drag you with him as he'd leap over the top rope and clothesline you on the top rope. In WM3 you can see him do this move to Steamboat, and before Steamboat has even come to a standstill after falling backwards Savage was back in the ring, and had the leg hooked to try a pin attempt. THAT is fast. And for me, nothing is more iconic than Savage dropping the elbow. He made that look good, he made it look like he was floating, and then as the downward arch began he picked up so much speed you swear he'd knock the teeth out of his opponent. Best high flier ever, absolutely hilarious behind the mic, and he was the originator of the 3 i's. Intense, insane, incredible.

2: The Rock - I'm a pretty old school fan, and I was pretty surprised to see someone from what I considered the new generation of wrestlers (the attitude era guys) could really draw my attention. The Rock got be back to watching the WWF after I had firmly decided WCW had it all over the WWF. Austin never really was a draw for me, but The Rock, that promo against Billy Gunn, "But my name's Billy - IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!" Holy crap that made me cry I laughed so hard the first time I saw it. Then came WM19, that final match with Austin is to me, as iconic as Hogan vs Warrior or Warrior vs Savage. One of the best matches I've ever seen, it was funny, it was awesome, thoroughly entertaining, and it wasn't hardly a wrestling match, it was just flipping each other off and punching each other in the face. And as classic as Hogan promos used to be, The Rock's promos are the best ever.

3: Mr. Perfect - Mr. Cool IMO. I loved his vignettes where he was showing off all his athletic abilities, it didn't matter that obviously he couldn't catch his own pass 50 yards down the football field. It was the statement he was making; that he was the perfect athlete and wrestling was just a part of it, and if you fought him, you couldn't hope to best the perfection that was Hennig. His face turn was the best thing I've ever seen on WWF/WWE television. Prime Time Wrestling had it all over Raw when they had the roundtable discussion forum going between matches, and I'll never forget Perfect drenching Heenan with a pitcher of water and calling him a wet weasel.

4: The Undertaker - Not the "deadman" we have today, definitely not the American Badass, or the emo ****** with the tear under his eye, the zombie. Taker with Paul Bearer and the urn. The Undertaker that felt no pain, but could still get stunned or sent reeling. He was always on the offense, with his hand drawn back a few seconds from delivering a blow to the throat, but sometimes too slow to keep his offense going. You could pick up the tempo of the fight and outpace him and absolutely crush the guy or flatten him and pin him, but all you'd do is stun him for a time before he sat back up again like a zombie from the grave and came back at you again. When he won his first world championship, watching him walk to the ring with the title was eerie, he just held it limply at his side like he couldn't have cared less about the stupid belt, but maybe it could be used to club Hogan over the head. And then at Summerslam 92, arriving on the back of the hearse. F**king awesome. The original deadman was better than anything I've ever seen, I just wished they have kept that specific style of his gimmick going.

5: The Immortal Hulk Hogan (Hollywood Hogan can rot) - Back in the day, I was actually not the biggest Hogan fan, I liked Savage, Slaughter, & Taker fan. I hated Hogan's heel turn, despite loving the nWo (that was because of Hall & Nash, not Hogan). He was always the big guy on campus and I never really appreciated that when I was little. Then, Hogan made his return when Vince decided to bring back the nWo, and all I could think was it's great to see Hogan again, and when he finally turned face, and showed up in the yellow with Real American playing. Biggest mark out moment ever for me, and I think for countless other fans like me. "The Hogan ovations" of 2002 have never been rivaled by anyone, nor I dare say, will they ever. Deafening, and unrelenting. I remember Raw introducing The Hulkster, out he came and they went to commercial with him in the ring looking at the crowd stunned, and when we came back from commercials it was still going just as loud and strong, and then for the majority of that segment it was just more of the same, Hogan trying to get them to calm down long enough for him to talk, and them just chanting him down, and eventually he broke into tears and the crowd chanted even louder, and finally just before commercials again Hogan was allowed to cut his promo. And I loved every second of it. Austin will never get that, The Rock will never get that, Cena will never get that. Hogan is the best ever, and the hogan ovations are the best indicator that I'm right. Ever since his 2002 return, I can't help but smile and mark out seeing him, despite what little professional respect I have for the guy. He is still one lovable goof.
1- The Rock: In only 6yrs, he's done it all, and he was only 30yrs old. His ring showmanship and amazing athletic ability were more than enough to put on some of the greatest matches of all times, and he's without a doubt the greatest talker ever.

2- Kurt Angle: IMO he's one of the most underrated superstar of all time. The guy was amazing in the ring argubaly the greatest ever in that area, he can counter ANY move to his angle lock submisson. On the mic, he can make you boo him, and he can make you cheer him as well. His heel run 00-mid 01 late 01-02 was legendary.

3- Austin: Arguably the greatest superstar ever. He's very good in the ring and great on the mic. Austin's 97-99 face run was the main reason why the wcw are outta the business.

4- RVD: Just like his theme music said "One Of a Kind". His uniqe in-ring style is just..unbelieveable, you just can't get enough of his in ring creativity. His cool, calm, collected persona is also one of the reasons why he's on my list. Claiming that he 's "just being me, R V D!"

5- Undertaker: no need to explain.
1. Chris Jericho- the most complete wrestler of all time

2. Undertaker- One of the best workers ever

3. Kane- Masked Kane was my favourite when i was younger

4. SCSA- The greatest Superstar of all time

5. The Rock- Great mic worker
First off I dont degrade or disrespect anyone's posts here because it's an opinion thread a "YOUR FAVORITE" thread not a Best Ever thread, that being said here are my Top 5 Favorites of All Time:

The Rock, has been my favorite from the moment I first watched WWE programming, the best on the mic and greatest of all time. He has been the best wrestler to go into movies and do his thing there, he totally has the fans in his hands be it 99, 2002 or now, he hasnt lost it, he's still got it, still The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment and he cant be touched in being the greatest entertainer of all time in the sport

Trish Stratus, greatest Diva of all time easily takes the number two spot on my list as my top guy and girl wrestlers, Rock and Trish are at the very top. Trish has everything a Diva should have, looks, personality and in-ring ability, she's the total package of stratusfaction. She surpassed Moolah by far in so many ways who had a totally ridiculous reign, in a time of totally ridiculous reigns. Trish, the 3 time Babe of the Year, 7 time Womens Champion, the best damn female wrestler ever.

Stone Cold Steve Austin, well how can I not have a rebel figure on the list like this, I love being a rebel and Austin is just that character you wanna be in life. Do what you want when you want and dont take shit from no one.

Shawn Michaels, a ladies man like this is definately a guy to look up to. He's cocky, he's brash, he kicks a lot of ass in the ring where he backs up being the best and gets the girls and outperforms via the ring work, entrances, attire, segments, here's a guy who goes all out for the fans and who you can rely on to create 5 star classics, likely more than any other wrestler in history. He truly is The Show Stopper

The Undertaker, the coolest gimmick of all time totally appealed to me more in the late 90's but the fantasy of this guy, it leaves you in awe. The things they can do with his character that they just cant with others. He has you watching a real time horror movie at times live in the arena and it's epic

I love the hell out of CM Punk and Chris Jericho equally I'd have them in a top ten, it was harder choosing a Top 5

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