Your Favourite Wrestler's Of All Time (Top Ten List)

10.Rey Mysterio-His abilities in the ring are ridiculous. He inspires kids of all different races to be what they can be and that is why i respect him so much. His size doesn't matter and he has taken out stars twice his size on many occasions.
9.Kane-He has been in the WWE for 15 years and he still hangs around and doesn't get the credit or push he derserves. The creative team has gone the wrong direction in the career of Kane and he had so much potential.

8.Bill Goldberg -The streak!

7.Sting-The face of WCW for me. His attitude and charisma were great and even to this day they are. Wish he made his way to the WWE after WcW fell out.

6.Hulk Hogan-I don't think I have to explain this one...It's fuckin Hogan

5.Shawn Michaels-He has had some of the greatest matches of all time. He was the leader of DX, my favorite group of all time. He is well in his forties and still has the abilty to put on great matches even with what his body has been put through over the years.

4.John Cena-By far the hardest worker in the business today. A lot of the fans don't like him and i don't understand why. He has natural talent and does pretty good mic work. I know things are seeming repetitive in the career of Cena now so there needs to be some kind of change.

3. Chris Jericho-Y2J...He is a great athlete and great mic worker and he really has worked so hard to get where he is today and he deserves every bit of it. As much as i like him being face, he plays a pretty good heel and it seems to be working for him right now.

2.The Rock-You can't help but like The Rock, one of the best mic workers and natural athletes in the game. Even when he was playing heel he was doing it his way and the fans had to respect it. Also a great actor.

1.Stone Cold Steve Austin-By far my favorite wrestler of all time. He was the face of the WWF in the late 90's and had the most compelling feud in Wrestling history with Vince McMahon. His acting is pretty damn good too. his new movie(Damage) is a great flick and i recommend it if you like fighting movies.
Love this topic. I've been watching wrestling since I was 5 years old in 1977 so I've seen a lot of wrestlers. Some people may think my choices are strange but that's okay. They are MY faves.

10. Dusty Rhodes. I have always been a fan of the good guys and he was the ultimate always fighting for the underdog. Anybody teaming with him was instantly great and he helped make Magnum TA and Nikita Koloff get over and was always a main eventer.

9. Chris Benoit/Chris Jericho (tie). Couldn't choose between them but they will forever be linked as great rivals and teammates. Benoits win over the Nose and Hickenbottom at WM 20 is one of the greatest matches ever. Jericho is the consummate pro and his win over the Nose for the WWF title in 2000 had me on my feet screaming and had my hair standing up on my neck. And the tag title win over the two-man power trip (Austin/HHH) made them legends.

8. Bobby Eaton. Good singles wrestler but a legendary tag team wrestler. Eaton (wrestling wise) was The Midnight Xpress. He won world tag titles with Dennis Condrey and Stan Lane and was a World TV Title as a singles wrestler. He was innovative and underrated and I loved watching him.

7. Terry Taylor. Before his appendix surgery, this guy was the prototype for a wrestler. Good looks, great skill and charisma. And I'm talking before the Red Rooster gimmick. His run in the UWF/Mid South made him a hero to me, battling Akbar's Army, The Freeebirds, and Butch Reed and teaming (and feuding) with Ted Dibiase and Steve Williams. He would have made a great NWA champion to replace the overrated Ric Flair.

6. Ricky Steamboat. What else is there to say. The better half of the Steamboat/Flair rivalry. He could do it all in singles (WM 3 IC Title win, Chi Town Rumble 89 World Title win) and as a multiple time tag champion (Paul Jones, Jay Youngblood, Shane Douglas, Dustin Rhodes). I love wrestlers who can get it done in both singles and as tag performers. Steamboat is at the head of the class.

5. Kevin Von Erich. The last remaining member of the Von Erich dynasty and in my eyes, the best. David and Kerry got all the pub but Kevin was the most consistent and exciting in my book. Multiple tag titles with his brothers, a historic feud with the Freebirds and the Dynamic Duo, especially Chris Adams and a more than solid World Class Title run. I like reliable and Kevin proved he was the brother you could always count on.

4. Robert Gibson. The quiet member of the Rock and Roll Express but that's why I loved him. Ricky Morton talked and Robert backed him up. The four NWA World Title reigns when tag team wrestling was at its peak is proof of his greatness. He could mix it up in singles as well, having great matches with Tully Blanchard, Manny Fernandex and Midnight Xpress members.

3. Tommy Rogers. Another underrated Tag Team wrestler. The Fantastics were a great team and Rogers was a little guy who just always seemed to be able to hang with bigger guys. Had great matches with the Midnights as well as the Varsity Club and the Four Horsemen. Their feud with the Sheepherders (Bushwackers) however is the stuff of legend. Brutal, bloody matches that Rogers stood out in and proved this team was not just a couple of pretty faces. Rogers could have been a solo star but made his bones as part of a team and I respect the heck out of him for it.

2. Brad Armstrong. I first saw him as a rookie in 1980. I loved him then and still to this day. In my opinion, Armstrong was the most underrrated and underutilized wrestler on the entire decade of the 1980's. Women loved him, the guys respected his ability and toughness. He could brawl and wrestle you scientifically. I think he could have at least been a decent transitional World Champion. People complain about his mic skills but he came a long way from 1980 to 1989. He formed a solid team with Tim Horner (Lightning Xpress) and had a run as the UWF Tag Team Champions. He also won the Georgia Title and North American Title (among others) as a singles wrestler. He also teamed with his dad, Bob to make a great showing in the 1987 Crockett Cup. Finally, the matches he had teaming with Wahoo McDaniel to face Rick Rude/Manny Fernandez in the mid to late 1980's were terribly good. I'm just and have always been a fan of the guy and his ability.

1. Bret Hart. Simply the best wrestler in the history of the business. Guys like Flair, Michaels and HHH wish they were as good as Hart was on his worst days. He did it with the Foundation and as a solo competitor. Great matches all around and he carried the WWF when McMahon needed someone not roided up to be the flagship. I think of pride and professionalism when I think of Bret Hart. He's simply the best there is, the best there was and the best that there ever will be...and my all time favorite wrestler.
My Top Ten Wrestlers of all time:

1:The Rock-God was this guy entertainig or what!This guy's promo's were so blistering and in ring work was none too shabby.Hard not to like him or hate him as a face or a heel.

2:Steve Austin-This guy ushered in the Attitude Era.Great promo's with Mr.McMahon-he could make anything work,even a guitar!His in ring work was awesome and his promo's were great.Just awesome to watch in his hey day and he was so over.

3:Bret Hart-He is one of the best wrestlers of all time and he was just so smooth and slick in the ring and his character made him very likeable,espiecially after the storyline type Montrea'l screwjob.

4:Hulk Hogan-This guy lifted Andre',carried the Golden Era and now he's helping TNA.A true legend on screen but I don't think he's very nice off screen.

5:Chris Jericho-This guy is so equal at everything he does and even though now he's saying the same thing every week it's still watchable.This man is a true great of the business from WCW to now.

6:Santino Marella-This guy is SO underated.His jokes are funny and he makes a great comedy character.His in ring work is slick and he makes sure that he doesn't outshine the main's he jobs for.A perfect wrestler that every company would be blessed to get.May not get pushed so much but he is just great.

7:Mick Foley-This guy threw himself off so many balconies and took so many weapon shots to make himself Mr.Hardcore.His promo's were so good back in '95 and they still are now.He still wrestles and he has given his all to the business.

8:Kurt Angle-This guy is a true wrestling technician.The only Gold Medalist in Wrestling history and he deserved it.Has neck prblems but is still going on with blistering as we speak.His Promo's are underrated as well.

9:Rey Mysterio-This guy was such an awesome cruiserweight back in WCW but he isn't so good now.That is mostly due to the fact that he is wrestling bigger opponents who have no chemistry with him.He was just great and he revolutinized the cruiserweight division everywhere.

10:Triple H-This guy has held so many championships and he has always be great in ring and on the mic.Do I have to say anyomore?
10.The Rock : Dumped with a less than desirable gimmick when he first debuted but then became the comedic jock that is The Rock! He made his angle work as he was just like a funny guy in real life When he was a heel you couldn't laugh at his humor and he had some great episodes with The Hurricane. As a face his humor was great especially towards the Invasion alongside Chris Jericho and he always had the wrestling ability to back it up.

9.Scott Taylor/Scotty 2 Hotty : One of the most underatted stars in WWE. Whenever he was with Brian Christopher or Rikishi he would win matches but once those two went Taylor soon went to being a jobber. He was a great cruiserweight and deserved the cruiserweight title he never got maybe even more

8.Chris Masters : A guy i really enjoyed with his cockiness and his great "I'm better than you" heel persona. He was not the best wrestler but had some great matches one being with Shawn Michaels and if he had stayed off the juice i would think he would be a WWE title contender by now.

7.The Hurricane/Gregory Helms : This guy really got what he deserved. He won titles like every 3 years but he was happy to be where he was. He soon unmasked and became a juggernaut heel among all the other cruiserweights and held a great rivalry with Matt Hard. As the Hurricane he was comedic gold especially during his time as tag champs with Kane and his various segments with the Rock

6.Elijah Burke/D'angelo Dinero : A great guy with God-given charisma. Started off as the "Corner man" for some MMA fighter named Sylvester Terkay or something like that who was as dull as dishwater. He quickly became big once Terkay was released and had some great matches with CM Punk.

5.Paul Burchill : A guy who reminds me of a young William Regal with great Experience but little charisma. As the pirate he was over so well with the crowd but when Vince heard it was copied from a movie he had nothing of it. As a heel he was barely used and deserved better than what he got.

4.Dolph Ziggler : This guy is so goo i find it hard to believe he was once a member of the Spirit Squad. He uses a good finisher and has a good look(like a mix between Rick Rude & Mr. Perfect). He works well as a heel and has very well developed mic skills. He deserves the push he lost back.

3.Sheamus : A great wrestler with wrestling experience beyond his years. He developed his skills very well in FCW and in WWE he had great matches with the likes Goldust and Randy Orton. He works well as the dominant heel character he is & has future world title eigns ahead of him.

2.Kurt Angle : One of the most technically gifted wrestlers on the planet. He has had an excellent match at just about every wrestlemania he took part(minus 18 & 22). He is a multiple time champion in WWE and TNA and still has many years left.

1.Brian Kendrick : I remember when i first started watching wrestling in 2003 and the first episode of Smackdown i saw there was a backstage segment between Stephenie McMahon & some dude called Brian. Steph told Brian if he could last 5 minutes in the ring with WWE champion Kurt Angle then he would get a contract. The match i saw was one of the best TV matches I have ever seen and had the entire arena on its feet for this young up and comer to last with Angle and get the contract he desperately wanted and as the last few seconds dwindled away Angle locked the Ankle lock and whole crowd counted the last few seconds as Brian desperately founght trying not to tap out and as the time hit 0 Brian tapped and had gotten the contract he craved. As time went on Brian found his spot teaming with Paul London and soon the two would become the longest reigning WWE tag team champions of all time. Kendrick soon became a cocky heel so far as he deemed himself "The Brian Kendrick" which made me love the guy even more. Sadly due to the guys attitude he never got the push coming to him.
10. Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- One of those guys I appreciated much more after he retired than when he was active. I loved his character most during the Virgil feud in 1991.

9. Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig- There have been few wrestlers able to sell as well as Hennig, and his offensive arsenal was fantastic too. I thought he was one of the best right from when I first saw him early in his WWF run until his death in 2003.

8. Ultimate Warrior- This guy may be a real life lunatic, or a very intellgient political spokesman depending on who you ask, and he might be a terrible worker, but it was hard to not like him if you were a kid during the late eighties and early nineties. Even watching him now, you could see why he had such a great following. High energy, intensity, great look/build, very unique promos, and he really believed he was the Ultimate Warrior, which was great for the on screen character, but not so much for the person, Jim Hellwig, off screen.

7. Ric Flair- It took me a good ten years of watching him before I really appreciated the Nature Boy, but since then, I have nothing but respect for what some would say is the greatest professional wrestler of all time. I'd put him at number 2 on an objective list.

6. Scott Steiner- I was among the small group of loyal fans that still watched WCW from 1999-2001, and I agree with everyone else that it was hilariously bad for the most part, but Steiner was one of the very few bright spots. I liked his work with his brother Rick before that period and his WWE and TNA work since then, but it was that period when WCW was dying that vaulted Big Poppa Pump into my all time top 10.

5. Bret the Hitman Hart- Like Steiner, I give Hart a lot of credit for pretty much carrying a company through a cold spell. Along with Michaels and Undertaker, Hart kept the WWF above water from 1993-1997 and had some great moments from 1985-1992 as well, including the Hart Foundation tag team with Jim the Anvil Neidhart, and one of my favorite matches ever, his Summerslam 91 Intercontinental Championship win against Mr. Perfect.

4. Undertaker- I think it's safe to say Taker had and still has the best gimmick ever, and he played it to perfection. I hated the American Bad Ass/Biker Taker era, but from his debut until recently when injuries and wear and tear started to take their toll, his ring work steadily improved and his offensive moveset continued to grow, which is impressive for such a big man who's been around for so long. He is one of the major two reasons I continue to watch the WWE today.

3. Shawn Michaels- The other major reason I still watch the WWE, HBK is the best in ring performer I've ever seen, has had more quality matches than anyone I've ever seen, and he has had above average promo skills and charisma since his singles run started in 1992. Before his 2002 return, I always respected Michaels for his superior ring work but he would have never made my top 30, let alone top 10. But it's his run since Summerslam 2002 that has caused me to develop a whole new level of appreciation for him as an overall performer.

2. Macho Man Randy Savage- Delivered several of my favorite promos ever, most notably his pre-WWF 1980 promo on One Man Gang and Rugged Ronnie Garvin (look this up on YouTube if you haven't seen it, it's affectionately known as "Savage Freaking Out") and also his Wrestlemania 8 post match promo on Ric Flair (Just a Piece!). And of course he also contributed some of the greatest matches ever as a high quality, meticulous worker who could pretty much do it all in the ring, especially for an 80's-early 90's main eventer. His match with Hogan at Wrestlemania 5 is my favorite wrestling match of all time, and he also had awesome matches with Ultimate Warrior, Ted Dibiase, Ric Flair, and of course, Ricky Steamboat. The fact that he's not in the Hall of Fame is the biggest travesty this side of Bruno Sammartino.

1. Hulk Hogan- The greatest professional wrestler of all time. The Michael Jordan or Babe Ruth of wrestling. The best babyface of all time, and one of the best heels of all time. The most popular draw this industry has ever seen. These are just some of the praises heaped on the Immortal one himself, and you could add to that list that he is a 12 time world champion and is one of the most well-known names on the planet. He has revolutionized the business twice, and who knows, if this TNA thing goes well it could be three times.

I know that many Internet wrestling fans don't like him, but I can't understand why. He wasn't as terrible in the ring in his prime as some say he was. Watch his Japan work for evidence of this. Sure he's slowed up a lot in the last decade, but he had some good matches in his first WWF run and even during his WCW run, when he had to lead the match as a heel in the NWO. But defending his ring work is futile on the Internet, where so many fans have seen hundreds of tapes of ROH and independent promotions that feature super athletic spotfests, but unfortunately these guys are also uncharismatic, lifeless workers who could never draw a dime, which is all that matters in professional wrestling, like it or not. I digress.

Hogan is the most charismatic, entertaining superstar of all time. He had the perfect look, promo skills and even power wrestling style to bring pro wrestling into the mainstream in the mid to late 80's, and he has reinvented himself and stayed relevant for all these years. In the words of Jerry Seinfeld's mom about her son: "How could anyone not like him?"
Well, im a Worker who has been doing shows in the states for the past five years my life pretty much revolves around the ring, so i dont have any " favorites ". Id just say the best.

You want the best? Id say the best would be( not in any order ) Kobashi, Flair, Liger, Mutoh, Benoit, Steamboat, Ultimo Dragon, Taker, Bret Hart, Otani & Tsuruta.

Take a look at those guys and see what a real work rate is. Those guys are all legends and the best of the best. They have everything you need to be great. If someone want to be a worker, take a look at those to learn, theyre all you need. Those are the non-biased and honest Top-worker.
Ricky Steamboat is the best Babyface of all time. He was his entire career a Top-worker + Babyface. And i dont think i need to mention that he was a far better Worker. Hogan was terrible, even his Japan work wasnt good. He sure isnt one of the greatest of all time. Guys who bashing Cenas or HHHs Ringwork, need to take a look at Hogan or Steve Austin. I really dont understand how everybodys bashing Cena( Sure he is bad in the ring, but Hogan was not better either. Same goes for Austin. )
1: Goldberg- he is the reason I got so into wrestling, when I was 5 my cousins turned on the TV and they were telling me about Goldberg that night and there I saw Goldberg, and I dont think this guys the best wrestler ever, but he is my all time favorite.
2: Chris Jericho- As of right now he is the greatest wrestler in the WWE. Ever since he turned heel he has really showed how talented and how great of a wrestler he is.
3: The Rock- There is no one better than him at entertaining the fans.
4: Chris Benoit- I miss the guy, I think it was sick an disgusting what he did. But as wrestler i truly respect the guy! he was one of the greatest technical wrestlers.
5: Kurt Angle- The best damn technical wrestler. Hes true DAMN true
6: Edge- Hes just Edge. Thats why I love the guy.
7: CM Punk- I remember hearing from him when he was in ROH and i was like CM Punk, thats what WWE needs. Now that he is WWE i absolutley love his work on SmackDown! and he makes an amazing heel. He has an amazing martial arts skill as well.
8: Chrisitian- Back in the attitude era him and Edge where my favorite tag team. He is the biggest face of ECW, and top dog there.
9: Randy Orton- He is the leader of the new generation. He is young, talented, and an amazing natural heel.
10: Sting- c'mon hes the stinger! his face paint and the whole franchise thing in WCW was just so amazing. Now in TNA he is meh.

1# Bill Goldberg!? Oh please.....


Goldberg is one of the worst I've ever seen on a big stage to be sure. Id say a third of the workers in the promotion I work for are far better workers, not better bodies (no synthol) but psychology and pacing and creativity far exceeds.
And if you knew anything you'd know this dick didn't do house shows, he thought he was too good for them for some reason (which is an insult to the boys in the back, just ask them if you get a chance) so 1-he didn't get any good because he didn't get experience, and 2- he alienated himself from the boys, and 3-eventually his diva act wore thin and he got out because he wanted to be in MMA. All this worshipping pisses me off. Hes more overrated than the Ultimate Warrior and Steve Austin together.

Drinking the kool-aid doesn't make you a mark (even though you obviously do drink the kool-aid) it just makes you the worst kind of mark, kinda like scientology, you are OT lvl 5, lol, oh you marks will never learn, which is why goldberg had a brief career, cause marks think he's actually credable. I can watch his matches and just list off the technical and safety mistakes he makes, just sloppy and terrible work.


Goldberg isn't that strong at all cause he injects alot of synthol, which is an oil and not muscle and doesn't make you stronger, size is decieving and btw....Wrestling is a work! The opponent does most of the work! And fact (look it up) is Jericho beat up goldberg 2X in the back when goldberg started something, they've had heat since WCW.
I've never seen him have a good match and I don't think he knows the meaning of ring psycology....people, get your facts straight or shut up. And support good wrestling, it hasn't been good (except some indy work and japan) since the late 90s.
1-85% of wrestlers use steroids, my friend while in the developmental territory sat in on a seminar when hardcore holly showed up to tell them how to juice properly. And yes, Goldberg did, he also used synthol and gave some to one of the cruiserweights who inject it into the muscle, not above it, and was rushed to the ER! MY locker room had 5 dealers alone and only two of us weren't juiced.


The guy couldn't work his way out of a paper bag. Only thing that got him anywhere was all the synthol he injected into his traps. As a worker for 7 plus years it was painful to see this joke get a push like that.
Crappy workers don't deserve to get pushes, it is insulting to us who can work.

If anyone here is legit a worker then I'm sure they'd have a different outlook, but I find it disrepectful to actual workers that had to sacrifice for this clown to get pushed( everyone jobs out so he looks good, but he had no appreciation for those that did job out, even though he could have learned so much from them. )
Love this topic. I've been watching wrestling since I was 5 years old in 1977 so I've seen a lot of wrestlers. Some people may think my choices are strange but that's okay. They are MY faves.

10. Dusty Rhodes. I have always been a fan of the good guys and he was the ultimate always fighting for the underdog. Anybody teaming with him was instantly great and he helped make Magnum TA and Nikita Koloff get over and was always a main eventer.

9. Chris Benoit/Chris Jericho (tie). Couldn't choose between them but they will forever be linked as great rivals and teammates. Benoits win over the Nose and Hickenbottom at WM 20 is one of the greatest matches ever. Jericho is the consummate pro and his win over the Nose for the WWF title in 2000 had me on my feet screaming and had my hair standing up on my neck. And the tag title win over the two-man power trip (Austin/HHH) made them legends.

8. Bobby Eaton. Good singles wrestler but a legendary tag team wrestler. Eaton (wrestling wise) was The Midnight Xpress. He won world tag titles with Dennis Condrey and Stan Lane and was a World TV Title as a singles wrestler. He was innovative and underrated and I loved watching him.

7. Terry Taylor. Before his appendix surgery, this guy was the prototype for a wrestler. Good looks, great skill and charisma. And I'm talking before the Red Rooster gimmick. His run in the UWF/Mid South made him a hero to me, battling Akbar's Army, The Freeebirds, and Butch Reed and teaming (and feuding) with Ted Dibiase and Steve Williams. He would have made a great NWA champion to replace the overrated Ric Flair.

6. Ricky Steamboat. What else is there to say. The better half of the Steamboat/Flair rivalry. He could do it all in singles (WM 3 IC Title win, Chi Town Rumble 89 World Title win) and as a multiple time tag champion (Paul Jones, Jay Youngblood, Shane Douglas, Dustin Rhodes). I love wrestlers who can get it done in both singles and as tag performers. Steamboat is at the head of the class.

5. Kevin Von Erich. The last remaining member of the Von Erich dynasty and in my eyes, the best. David and Kerry got all the pub but Kevin was the most consistent and exciting in my book. Multiple tag titles with his brothers, a historic feud with the Freebirds and the Dynamic Duo, especially Chris Adams and a more than solid World Class Title run. I like reliable and Kevin proved he was the brother you could always count on.

4. Robert Gibson. The quiet member of the Rock and Roll Express but that's why I loved him. Ricky Morton talked and Robert backed him up. The four NWA World Title reigns when tag team wrestling was at its peak is proof of his greatness. He could mix it up in singles as well, having great matches with Tully Blanchard, Manny Fernandex and Midnight Xpress members.

3. Tommy Rogers. Another underrated Tag Team wrestler. The Fantastics were a great team and Rogers was a little guy who just always seemed to be able to hang with bigger guys. Had great matches with the Midnights as well as the Varsity Club and the Four Horsemen. Their feud with the Sheepherders (Bushwackers) however is the stuff of legend. Brutal, bloody matches that Rogers stood out in and proved this team was not just a couple of pretty faces. Rogers could have been a solo star but made his bones as part of a team and I respect the heck out of him for it.

2. Brad Armstrong. I first saw him as a rookie in 1980. I loved him then and still to this day. In my opinion, Armstrong was the most underrrated and underutilized wrestler on the entire decade of the 1980's. Women loved him, the guys respected his ability and toughness. He could brawl and wrestle you scientifically. I think he could have at least been a decent transitional World Champion. People complain about his mic skills but he came a long way from 1980 to 1989. He formed a solid team with Tim Horner (Lightning Xpress) and had a run as the UWF Tag Team Champions. He also won the Georgia Title and North American Title (among others) as a singles wrestler. He also teamed with his dad, Bob to make a great showing in the 1987 Crockett Cup. Finally, the matches he had teaming with Wahoo McDaniel to face Rick Rude/Manny Fernandez in the mid to late 1980's were terribly good. I'm just and have always been a fan of the guy and his ability.

1. Bret Hart. Simply the best wrestler in the history of the business. Guys like Flair, Michaels and HHH wish they were as good as Hart was on his worst days. He did it with the Foundation and as a solo competitor. Great matches all around and he carried the WWF when McMahon needed someone not roided up to be the flagship. I think of pride and professionalism when I think of Bret Hart. He's simply the best there is, the best there was and the best that there ever will be...and my all time favorite wrestler.


Guys like Flair wish they were as good as Hart was!? Oh come on, which color has the sky in your world, fanboy? Hart was never on the level that Flair was. Not much guys are close to Slick Ric.

Flair,when he was younger he was truly the best he put on great matches(doesnt really matter win or lose just matters how good the match is) and did it night in and night out. And those world titles he held were actual world titles he didnt just defend it against one roster of guys he went all around the world and put on great matches with a vast amount of different wrestlers. He wrestled up to an hour in ring.
He also started in the 70s so wrestling was a lot different with in ring matches not like today where its totally different in ring. But Ric flair paved the way for many wrestlers and really did help make wrestling not sports entertainment but actual professional wrestling big in the united states my friend. Jim Crockett built his entire promotion around Ric Flair as his top star and marquee attraction
With Flair as the Main Event (and frequent NWA World Champ) Crockett's shows sold out arenas all over the South as the fans flocked to see the "Nature Boy" in all his splendor and glory.
Flair feuded with a "who's who" of wrestling's greats throughout the 80's and 90's, including Piper, Steamboat, Terry Funk, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, the Von Erich brothers, and everybody else not in the WWF (Vince wouldn't allow his guys to wrestle in other promotions.


Flair traveled the entire country on his own, defending the NWA World Title in every promotion except the WWF and AWA (those two wouldnt allow it). He traveled to other countries,defending the Title against their top stars,too.
The Four Horsemen were created for Flair to lead A star of his magnitude deserved no less.Dont let the older Flair putting over new stars fool you.That is the same man who used to regularly wrestle for a hour each night,going hold-for-hold with the best in the Biz.
In the 80's and early 90's, Flair was the biggest wrestling star in the world not named Hulk Hogan. And Ric Flair was to the NWA what Hogan was to the WWF. It's biggest star, marquee attraction, and biggest revenue-generator and profit-maker. Make no mistake, Ric Flair is a bona fide "legend" and one of the biggest stars the wrestling business has ever had. Hart cant hold a candle to the Naitch.


Its not just about Wrestling-skills why Flair is one, if not the greatest of all time( And Flair was great in the ring! )but also includes showmanship, "style", gimmick, and mic skills. The whole "package" and Flair was better at it than just about anybody in history. His matches against Steamboat are one of the best of all time. Also those against Tsuruta, Windham, Race and Sting.
Just go back to the 80's and early 90's with Steamboat and him doing 60 minute broadways on the fly nightly, pretty amazing, and the best arm drags in the biz.


Bret Hart wishes he that hes " The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. " LOL.
@SteveAustinSucks...Dude, you need to calm down. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This is entertainment, not a life and death situation...treat it as such.

Before I start, in the interest of full disclosure, I admit that I am an unapologetic mark for the Hart Family. I started watching pro wrestling in '92 and was a Bret Hart fan from day one. In fact, I stopped watching wrestling entirely a little over a year ago, but when I heard that the Hitman would be returning to Raw, I couldn't resist.


1. Bret Hart--IMHO there is nobody who could come close to the in-ring ability of the Hitman. He and Shawn Michaels were the only two real draws in the company from Hogan's 1993 departure to Steve Austin's rise in early 1997. As champion, the Hitman was forced to defend against some pretty weak competition...Isaac Yamkem DDS, Hakushi, a well past his prime Bob Backlund, etc. Despite his competition, he was able to sell every match that he was in. When he had great competition, Bret really shined. His most memorable feuds were: Stone Cold Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, and...

2. Owen Hart--The only person I saw who could give Bret a run for his money in terms of in ring ability. He was one of the best tag team wrestlers in the history of the business, winning the title with Yokozuna, Bulldog, and Jeff Jarrett. I feel that WWE missed a great opportunity to give Owen a push by putting him against Shawn at the 1998 Royal Rumble (he didn't have to win, just being there would have done the trick). In the months after Montreal, Owen could have become one of the most over faces in WWE.

3. Chris Jericho--The BEST superstar I have ever heard on the mic (I know Rock fans are going to bust a blood vessel, but this forum is about people's personal opinions). Jericho was brilliant both as the comedic character earlier in his WWE tenure and with his current persona. Brilliant in ring as well.

4. Kurt Angle--The best combination of in ring and mic skills that I've ever seen. The overdone "American Hero" act (3 I's, etc.) was one of my favorite heel angles, it's's damn true. It's a shame that injuries have impacted his ability to work in ring.

5. Shawn Michaels--With Hart, Shawn carried the WWF through some of its toughest days. He and Bret were the only two in the company that could headline WM XII with an hour long ironman match. Hart and Michaels would have been nothing if not for each other.

6. Edge--He was a favorite of mine when he showed up on the scene entering and exiting the ring through the crowd. Part of one of the greatest tag teams of an era where tag teams were actually teams, and not just haphazardly put together. He was great as a face early on, but became even more believable after his heel turn/title run.

7. Curt 'Mr. Perfect' Hennig--Another great in ring competitor. Never had a bad match that I can remember. It's a shame that injuries had to shorten his in ring even bigger shame that his personal drug problems had to shorten his life.

8. Yokozuna--One of the most athletic men of his size. The first heel that I have memory of (I started watching in late '92).

9. Christian--Captain Charisma, everything goes the same as was said for Edge. He gets knocked for two reasons in my book. 1) Edge was the first of the two to get an ME push. 2) His biggest push came with TNA and was largely out of view of many.

10. Bob "Hardcore" Holly--I'm not really sure why I was always drawn to Hardcore Holly, but I was. He struggled to get past his "Sparky Plugg" persona, but finally found a place in the Hardcore division, and settled in as Hardcore Holly. He had some great matches, and even main evented a PPV or two.
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1. The Undertaker The Phenom, The Deadman, The American Badass, Big Evil, The Corner Stone of the WWE. He has been working for this company for 20 years. And what really makes him good is no mader what he'll do anything for the fans and the buisness. He really is Just like the Grandfather to everyone in the locker room. And he is the best big man in the wrestling business.

2. Shawn Michaels The best small man in the industry. Sure he had some demons to overcome in the 90's. But He overcame them and Now is a religious family man who at the age of 43 years old can still create something really speical in the ring.

3. Sting The Phantom of WCW. I respect Sting and how he's kinda stayed away from WWE. He is Considered the most sucessful pro wrestler to never work for Mr.McMahon. He Was great when he had bleach blond hair and was fan friendly. But The Storyline with Him in the rafters and Him hitting people with baseball bats. And The fans not knowing if he was WCW or nWo was just a great storyline that really got over.

4. Goldberg The Only star ever pushed through WCW's Eric Bischoff Era. He was like 175-0 or something like that and then Kevin Nash screwed over everyone when he booked himself in a match were he would beat goldberg. But he was actually a very athletic competitor. He could go out there and do backflips and press guys over his head. He truely was the full package.

5. Stone Cold He was actually a very athletic and pull off a competitive match, Just watch some of his old WCW matches. But When Injuried by Owen Hart He Couldnt do a lot of those unbelieveable moves he use to pull off. But he was the savior of the "attitude era" and whenever he kicked Vince McMahons A** it would entertain and draw big money. Which is really what turned WWE Around in the Monday night war and helped wwe take down WCW.

6. The Rock The Most Electrifying Man in Professional Wrestling History. He was hated as Rocky Miavia. Til He Joined the Nation of Domination and countinued to excell from there. He really Became himself and His Rivaly with Steve Austin was phenomenal and still to this day you put the rock on the tv screen and it will draw.

7. Ric Flair He was "The Man." In WCW he was a revolutionary champion who the people loved. He was also apart of one of the most famous and sucessful Factions in pro wrestling the Legendary 4 Horsemen.

8. Eddie Guerrero One of WCW's biggest missed potiental stars in my mind. He was brought into WCW as a luchadores from mexico. And He could really Wrestle He Could go on the mat. He go to the top rope. He truely was the total package. And Finally in 2004 He was acknowleged as the best in world. Which was right fully so destined for latino Heat.

9. Andre The Giant Andre was just one of those athletes who could draw. Weather he was facing a towel boy or hulk hogan people would come. And Not Only did he have the respect of the fans, but everyone in the locker room respected him.

10. Bret Hart -One of the few men in wrestling who through out his career, had kept loyal, kept his principles, kept his heritage. And All the while could entertain everyone. He Is one of, if not the most technical wrestler in pro wrestling history.
1. Bret Hart- When I first started out watching wrestling he was the guy I looked up to. I remember I was about 6 at the time and I had these pair of sunglasses and I acted like I was Hart lol.

2. Goldberg-The only guy to ever get a push during the time of Bischoff. He was pretty athletic and with his mathcess only lasting about 3mins he just seemed like a bad ass. Another reason he's #2 is his entrance music, it's just awesome.

3. Stone Cold Steve Austin-What can I say about this guy? He brought it every night and with his promo's he was the entire attitude era.

4. Chris Jericho-I've always loved the way he can work the mic and his skills are incredible. I remember wathcing Wrestlemania XIX and I thought his match with HBK was the best of the night and it should've been a main event match. Either way I've always respected his in-ring ability.

5. Sting- A true legend of wrestling. He was phenomanal and always gave it his all. His matches with Hogan at Starcade and Superbrawl are legendary.

6. Chris Benoit-What he was able to do in the ring with such a short stature was incredible. His matches with Kurt Angle are just awesome and it was unfortunate what happened to him but, that doesn't take away what he has accomplished.

7. Kurt Angle-What a great athlete. His mat wrestling skills are umatched. Angle was pretty damn good on a mic which was suprising. His feud with HBK and Benoit were incredible because the matches when he fought them were incredible.

8. Booker T-He flourished in WCW and showed what he was able to do. It took a while for Booker to achieve main event status in WWE but he finally got that chance at WM XIX. It took him too long to get a world title in WWE.

9. The Rock-What can I say about him other than the fact he was/is the most electrifying man in Sports Entertainment.

10. Shelton Benjamin-Ever since he started wrestling in singles matches I knew he could've been special. His athletic ability is unbelievable. His MITB matches where he has his usual spots are nuts.
#10: The Undertaker: What can anyone say that sums up this guy? He's simply been phenominal (no pun intended) for years now. Was hot back in the 90's and is argubaly hotter now.

#9: Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat: Some of his matches are absolute classics. His battles with Flair are legendary, his series with Savage was great and his bouts with Austin were also good. Also his entrance was actually very scary I mean no offence to taker but this guy would breath FIRE!

#8: Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage: Possibly the best all round performer ever. He's had so many great feuds and matches. His stuff with Flair, Roberts, Hogan, Warrior and just about everyone on the roster was brilliant. Also his promos were always memorable.

#7: ‘Million Dollar Man’ Ted DiBiase: Everyone has a price baby. He was the best wrestler to never recieve the World title (IMHO). His feud with Hogan was the stuff of legend as were his feuds with others. His later career was also great as a Tag Team Wrestler and as a manager. (Also, awsome laugh).

#6: Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart: He may have been slow on Sunday but back in the day He WAS the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. And that's all you have to say.

#5: Vader: I started watching wrestling, and vader was possibly the scariest thing EVER. I was only 3 but immediatley I was terrified of this great big lumbering beast who despite his size could do a frickin' moonsault. A terrific performer.

#4: Shawn Michaels: As I mentioned before, Vader was the villain of my childhood, well Shawn was my hero (until he turned heel in 97'). I loved watching him in the ring and out. of course this Sunday (and Monday) I wept. He was a part of my childhood.

#3: Eddie Guerrero: When Eddie arrived in the WWF in 2000, I thought nothing of it, but over the next year I began to understand the love people had for him. My admiration grew and grew over the years until Eddie passed away in 2005. It was the first time since Owen Hart that I'd cried over Pro Wrestling. His feud with Dean Malenko from ECW is my all time favourite.

#2: Kurt Angle: When he showed up in 1999 I thought he was the stupidest guy but over the next year I grew to love Kurt Angle because he was not only good but great. His feuds with Austin, Edge, Lesnar, Benoit, Joe and Eddie were all great. He's good on the mike and is brilliant in the ring.

#1: Chris Jericho: I actually didn't reralise he was my all time favourite until i thought hard about it. He's always been a favourite of mine because in 1999 I still didn't like the Rock because I still wasn't over him turning heel at Survivor Series 1998. Over the years he became one of the all time greats and in 2007 when he returned I was so happy.

Special Mentions: CM Punk, Randy Orton, Owen Hart, Dean Malenko, Ric Flair, Sting, Mick Foley, The Rock & ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin
1. STING- This man made me a fan of wrestling in the first place. I first laid eyes on Sting in 1996 and I was hooked ever since. Without doubt he is a true great and I have really enjoyed discovering his work pre 1996 when he was Surfer Sting. However, it is his work as The Crow that I'll always remember most fondly as the character was just so interesting that it made me a life long fan of wrestling. When Sting used to come out to Metallica's 'Seek and Destroy', there was no cooler wrestler to me and I cannot wait for WWE to give him the DVD treatment as it will be quite simply, amazing.

2. KANE- Kane made me a full time WWF viewer when he debuted in 1997 and his character was just so cool that I couldn't help watching. At times, I consider Kane my all time favourite but I think it has to be Sting. Nevertheless, while I like and appreciate on the mat wrestling, I loved (and still do love) Kane's smash mouth style. He simply arrives, beats the shit out of people and leaves. Ok so he isn't as relevant today as he once was but in my eyes he is still entertaining and I have so much respect for the guy for his professionalism and great attitude. I believe Kane had one of the greatest gimmicks of his generation back in the day and still does (to a lesser extent) today.

3. CODY RHODES- I realize I've ranked him very high considering he is still very young in the business but meh what can you do, eh? As my list demonstrates I'm a fan of the 'Rhodes' family and so when Cody debuted in 2007 I watched him with interest, I suppose when I see him it reminds me of Dustin and Dusty. There's no denying he still has a long way to progress but I find him entertaining and because he's a young guy he still has a long time to find his niche and to develop and I'll enjoy watching him evolve. Also there's just something about him when he wrestles that reminds me of Ric Flair and that is certainly no bad thing...

4. GOLDUST- The original Goldust was awesome in my opinion. I loved how Dustin portrayed this over-the-top, outrageous character and I have a lot of admiration for all the shit he put up with in his early days with the gimmick. Dustin deserves a lot of credit as Goldust is still around today, albeit in a frustratingly less relevant capacity.

5. DUSTY RHODES- I liked how Dusty didn't appear like your typical wrestling superstar yet when he stepped in the ring he was as talented as anyone in his generation and could go for long periods of time, which is quite the achievement given his size and physique. On top of that I enjoy looking back and seeing his common man appeal and some of his mic work is off the chain. He was a very talented and charismatic wrestler who made you forget at times that he weighed over 300 lbs.

6. RIC FLAIR- I can't really say much more that someone hasn't already said about Flair already in this thread so I'll just state that he was great to watch and his retirement match a few years back was one of the more emotional moments I can recall in recent memory. I'll always be a fan of Slick Ric...

7. SHAWN MICHAELS- A true great when it comes to in-ring action, I don't think I've ever seen Shawn Michaels be out-performed. He really was and is exciting to watch and his recent retirment was difficult to take in because there's few men I'd rather watch wrestle than HBK.

8. THE UNDERTAKER- This man is obviously a corner stone of WWE and to be perfectly honest it's his work post Wrestlemania 20 that has really wowed me the most. Nonetheless he is clearly one of the best the WWE has ever seen and I particularly enjoyed his work as the Bad Ass, I know a lot of people shit all over it but I thought it was a necessary change at the time and I liked that period of his career. Overall, he's a great performer and has had a career that most could only wish for and in a strange way he seems to get better with age.

9. ROB VAN DAM- This guy was a fantastic worker in the original ECW and I just recently watched his DVD again which reminded me just how good RVD is. I'll happily watch him compete any day as he's that damn good (yes the pun is totally intended so don't pardon it, please).

10. JEFF HARDY- in 2001 I was a huge Jeff Hardy fan, in fact I was a big fan of Team Xtreme in general. I think Jeff Hardy really appealed to the young rebel in me at the time and that is why I think Jeff is particularly popular with the younger fans. He represents the 'in' crowd and that's something all young people aspire to be a part of. Aside from being 'hip', Jeff Hardy is also a spectacular performer whose dare devil stunts have entertained me for years.

Others: Lita, Trish Stratus, Terri Runnels, Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Edge, Owen Hart, La Parka, Goldberg, The Rock, Scott Hall and a shit load more...
#10. Jimmy"Superfly"Snuka
Every time I saw this man I would absolutely mark out. To me, he was a pioneer for a lot of the high flyers that came after him.(to this day, his leap off the top of the steel cage onto Don Muraco freaks me out).He also had some really intense,(if nonsensical)promos that always made me think some serious shit was gonna happen when he got into the ring. I loved watching him work.
#9. Undertaker
Yeah, I always enjoy seeing this guy in the ring too. What makes him a favorite of mine is :#1 the astonishing quality of matches that he still delivers even at this stage of his career and #2, I still love his gimmick and his entrance is still a thing of beauty to behold.
#8. Killer Kowalski
the Killer was near the end of his career by the time I got to really see much of him, but dammit, he was the first guy that really scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. Even in his mid to late forties, he was still perpetual motion in the ring, unbelievable workrate. The first great ring villian I ever saw.
#7. Superstar Billy Graham
"the man of the hour,the tower of power, too sweet to be sour" , I absolutely was drawn in by Grahams' look and his rap on the mic. I know he was only average at best in the ring, but he absolutely sucked me in. Maybe he's the reason I never cared for Hogan all that much, because to me he was Hogan before Hogan was Hogan.
#6. Ric Flair
Growing up in the northeast, I really didn't get to see all that much of Flair until the advent of cable television in the early to mid eighties, but once I saw the "Naitch" It was hard not to keep watching. Flair's great atheticism and ability to have five star matches some bona fide stiffs got me into wrestling outside of WWF/E land.
#5. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine
Don't ask me why,but something about this guy always kept me glued to my TV. Perhaps it was the intense, serious look he always seemed to have on his face, or my belief that he was genuinely capable of really hurting someone, but I was definitely a mark for Valentine as a youngster. Even a couple of years ago, I saw him work at an indy show with some kid I never heard of , and at the end of the match, I couldn't keep myself from giving him a standing "O".
#4. Bret "The Hitman" Hart
Quite simply, I just never saw anyone as good technically in the ring as the Hitman. IMO, he was about the best inring performer I ever saw.
#3. Harley Race
Shooter. Legit badass. Toughest SOB to ever lace on the boots.
#2. Bruno Sammartino
As a kid in the Northeast growing up watching wrestling in the early seventies, there was only ONE man that was the champion, and that was none other than the "Living Legend", Bruno Sammartino. His look, the way he carried himself, his promos, everything about him just screamed CHAMP at me,and I unashamedly admit I worshipped Sammartino. To me he was a wrestling god.His Superman comebacks, the way he sold his opponets stuff was just awesome in my eyes.

#1 Andre the Giant

Around fall of 1972,or 1973,(I can't quite remember which now) My Dad took me to the Boston Garden to go see what he called. "wrasslin" for my birthday, and the main event that night was Don Leo Jonathan vs. Andre the Giant. As soon as I first laid eyes upon the Eighth Wonder of the World, I was forever hooked on wrestling. Now bear in mind tha tthis is a list of personal favorites, not who was actually the best, but in both cases Andre was, and still is in my eyes the single greatest wrestler of them all. In his prime he was a great in ring worker,not the least bit sloppy, and his use of ring phsycology in order to manipulate a crowd and tell his story in the ring was unparalleld. Effective as both the great equalizing face against a territories monster heel, or as the monster heel himself, Andre the Giant was THE GUY in this busines. Probably sold more tickets and put more asses in the seats than any other wrestler until Hogans' rise in the Eighties. I know that I used to watch WWF championship wrestling on TV every week hoping that Andre would roll into town.

Thanks for letting me vent guys, good thread, hope to see more responses.
Well Heres Mine, Say what you want :)

10- Santino Marella - Well how can anyone not like him, One of the best Comedy-Based Wrestlers Since...The Rock really!

9 - Too Cool - Okay, There's 3 of them but you can't really single out any of them. But when they lined up as one, they recieved such a huge 'pop' from wherever they went and electrified the fans.

8 - The Rock - Need i say more, paved the way in the attitude era and loved by millions, even people who didnt watch WWF/WWE knew who The Rock was.

7 - Kurt Angle - The only olympic gold medalist in Pro-Wrestling history...why? Because he is that good. he has a true knowlege of the ring and is the greatest wrestler in WWF/WWE History, End Of...

6 -Cody Rhodes - Has lived on the 'Legacy' (pardon the pun) of his father and brother extremly well for a wrestler who has still many years to go in his young career.

5 - John Morrison - Always liked him since his change from 'Nitro' to 'Morrison'. His team with The Miz was a match made in heaven, 2 'A-Listers' acting 'douchy' with a comedy element made morrison what he is now, a huge contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.

4 - Shawn Michaels - He dosn't need a description really...Enough Said.

3 - Jack Swagger - Angle 2.0, Athletic Background and hasn't just came into the sport because he's a rapper or film star. he has real talent, and finally WWE has realised that he deserves a push.

2 - Shelton Benjamin - Same as Swagger, however with the 10+ years that he has been with WWE, he hasn't had the chances that he really deserved, for example, check out ALL of his MITB matches, and then say he don't deserve a shot.

1 - The Miz - Hasn't been a time that i havent liked him, SD! Debut, ECW team with Morrison, and now his focused Title Reign on RAW, he is simply...AWESOME!
Hey Yo!
1.Scott Hall- Whatever this guy did in WCW was cool man, this guy although doesnt have the best technical abilities he knew how to entertain and talk with a mic in his hand when not drunk and missing shows this man was and is a valuable asset to any company, he just has that cool macho look that i love.

2. Goldberg- Seriously who didnt chant "Goldberg, Goldberg" over and over when this guy came to the ring, this guy always meant business and man that spear will never be matched and not to mention one of the most awesome entrances of all time.

3. Sting- much respect for this guy, never went to the WWE and he's still going on strong back in the days of his "crow" gimmick this guy had me hooked it was always special when Sting made an appearance.

4. Triple H- The Game, The Cerebral Assassin, this guy just screams bad ass i prefer him as a heel because he is the greatest heel of all time no doubt, this guy knows how to tell a story in the ring and is just awesome altogether and also a killer ass entrance.

5. The Rock- Just a joy to watch. this guy knew how to work the crowd and was just fun as hell to watch every week not to mention and forget his awesome one liners.

6. Stone Cold Steve Austin- Everything about this guy is just bad ass he did what he wanted when he wanted no questions asked.

7. Desmond Wolfe- The sole reason i watched TNA iMPACT before Scott Hall came along i just like how this guy handles things and not to mention his promos are awesome (Mr.Mangle) classic.

8. Kevin Nash- One of the greatest big men of all time i just loved how he always stirred up trouble back in WCW. Along with Scott Hall

9. Kurt Angle- A great wrestler, great character and his just an awesome all rounded guy that makes everyone look gold in the ring.

10. Randy Orton- I ve just always loved this guy especially when he was the legend killer, i always mark out when he delivers that sudden R K O.

That ends my list, if you haven't noticed i am a major Scott Hall mark, and WCW but hey thats just a guys opinion hope you guys like my list.
.Tha Wolfpac.
The Rock --- What also need be said about The Great One that hasn't already been said? From his pie eating habits to his candy ass whooping and wide plethora of antics, sayings, and misdeeds, The Rock may not have been the best in-ring performer of his or any other generation, but if there was one thing that he ultimate did better than anyone also was his mic work. He was entertainment in its purest, rawest and most refined forms.

Stone Cold Steve Austin --- Much like The Rock, there really isn't much about Stone Cold that hasn't already been said, and his presence in the Hall of Fame speaks for itself. Vince once said in an interview that The Rock was the best but there was one thing he wasn't, and that was Stone Cold Steve Austin. It is said you are only as great as your peers but that makes it very difficult to define either of these twos as better than the other. They completed each other and now serve as benchmark for generations to come. Will there ever be another Rock or Stone Cold? Sure. Why not? Never say never. But will they be The Rock or Stone Cold? Well, to that I guess we can say never. They were who they were, and no two people are the same.

The Undertaker --- If there is anyone person in the world who really defines his profession better than anyone also it is The Undertaker. The man is the embodiment of everything that is professional wrestling. In-ring, outside, behind the scenes, everywhere. Mark is a man of few words unlike some of his contemporaries from today and yesterday but perhaps that's what makes him what he is. He lets others talk the talk. The Undertaker? Well, he walks the walk. He goes the distance unafraid. If his last two WrestleMania performances weren't enough to showcase what this man is capable of, than I don't know what also will persuade you otherwise. But at the end of every match, victory and defeat are meaningless to The Undertaker. He has transcended the norms of sport and taking it beyond. Everything also? Well, I don't actually think there is anything also left for Taker to do other than a Hall of Fame induction and retirement. The rest is as they say, history.

Shawn Michaels --- I was never a fan of Bret Hart. I personally dislike the idea of calling him the best there ever was, is and always will be because while he was a true great, it was Shawn Michaels whom truly deserves to be remembered for his greatness throughout his career. Nobody is perfect and while Shawn was no role model, we're not looking at idealized people here. We are looking at real human beings. HBK was not given nicknames such as Mr. WrestleMania for no apparent reason. He earned them. The man reinvented himself every night for thousands of days on the road putting everything on the line time and time again for us injuring himself time and time again, but always coming back. I guess calling him The Comeback Kid is as good a nickname as calling him The Heartbreak Kid for all his happy returns. It is truly sad to see time undo a career that could have perhaps been better if that's even possible considering his accomplishments. Like The Undertaker before him, Shawn Michaels was a man who transcended the world of wrestling becoming a myth in the process the likes of which people can only ever dream of being like.

After these aforementioned four, it is hard to actually pick anyone also and hope to actually compare them anyhow to the greatness that came before, but I believe that there is much greatness still left in the world and future generations. Perhaps there will soon be someone to make these four seem petty and no more than memories of days past. But I do love many more Superstars and lets not forget the Divas! Edge, Jeff Hardy, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Christian, Rob Van Dam, Goldberg, Hulk Hogan, Batista, Randy Orton, Triple H, hell, even John Cena! These are great athletes in spite of any flaw they may have be it scripted or real.

My favorite active wrestlers are currently Edge, Randy Orton, Triple H, and The Undertaker. Jeff Hardy would be on this list if he were still in the WWE performing as he did during his early years and his final few years with the company. Worthy mentions include Chris Jericho, Drew McIntyre, The Miz and Batista.
1.Shawn Michaels - He wa the showstopper, the headliner, the main event, the icon, and mr. wrestlemania. He has had match of the year since 2003. He had match of the year for 5 years in the 90's(my opinion). He has had triple h, scott hall, kevin nash, undertaker, chris jericho, marty jannety, bret hart, kurt angle, john cena, and mick foleys best matches(and others). He was in one of the greatest tag teams, the rockers. He had my favorite reign in 96. He created the best stable DX. He retired ric flair. He even had 2 five star matches with john cena(which is a miracle). Pasted the torch to austin with a match where he had a ''carrer ending'' back injury. Funny as hell. And gold on the mic without cheap pops. Did I mention him having some of the greatest feuds, angles, and promos.
2-10 are also hbk
10.Kurt angleIn my opinion this guy is one of the greatest athletes in the history of wrestling. He rarely botches moves and he was one of the most entertaining heels when he was in WWE.

9.Matt HardyThe First Wrestling Match I ever saw was Matt hardy vs X-pac back in 1999 and I was instantly hooked. At the time it seemed like everybody loved jeff because of his insane high flying spots But I was the one rooting for matt because I felt that he was more of the underdog. Over the years he has proven to me and the rest of the world that he has what it takes to be a true star. I am a mattitude follower :)

8.Eddie guerrero I'll never forget the parts in his matches where the ref wouldn't be looking and he would hit his opponent with a steel chair and then lay down acting hurt making it look like the other guy did it, resulting in a DQ. Eddie was one of the most entertaning characters I have ever witnessed in the WWE.

7.Rey MysterioAlot of people write him off because of the whole steroid thing, But rey truly is a gifted athlete in my eyes. Suprisingly even to this day he's barely lost a step and he will always be one of my favorite cruiserweights.

6KaneThis is one of the most athletic big men in WWE history. The way he can still fly off the top rope and hit a clothesline at his age is astounding. Even though I really miss his old big red machine gimmick with the mask, I will forever be Kaneanite.

5.UndertakerThe First time I saw undertaker when I was 6 years old I was scared to death of him. There has never been anybody like him, he is truly a magnificent creation by the WWE.

4.Rob Van DamNothing really to say, He's just awesome. Extremely athletic and gifted athlete. RVD! RVD! RVD! RVD! RVD!

3.The RockHe may not be the most technical wrestler in the world, but rocky is one of the most charismatic superstars to ever step in the ring. His mic skillz are golden and I cant recall any match with him that I thought was boring. Rock PWNS.

2.Triple HRegardless of his relationship with vince, He will always be a legend in my eyes. The Matches he has been in have been epic and he can pull off pretty much any kind of gimmick you throw at him. All the way back to his "Blue Blood" days, to his early "DX" days, and his long standing "King of kings" Triple H is one of a kind.

1.Shawn MichaelsNuff said.......In my honest opinion he is the greatest performer to step in a wrestling ring.
Here's my list...and it may be just as eccentric as me..

10. John Morrison- without a doubt, this guy is one of the best acrobatic and flashy fliers I've seen live. Whether he's heel or face, this guy has talent, and is an incredible mic worker.

9. Roddy Piper- I grew up watching this guy with my dad. I remember the Saturday night fights, and his Piper Pits segments. This man was just beyond words out of control, you never knew what he would do next. Cracking a coconut over Snuka's head...!!

8. John Cena- I admit, I wasn't a fan of his at first, but he's slowly growing on me. I think seeing the more aggressive side of him is a factor in that. I've always been into the bad/bad-ass boys. Even though some of his moves leave a bit to be desired, you gotta love his passion for the biz.

7. Bob/Randy Orton- I can't choose because I grew up watching Bob with my dad, then watching Randy on WWE on my own. I remember dressing up in my dad's cowboy boots and cowboy hat trying to be like Bob. Then watching his son, the Viper/Legend Killer/whatever he goes by now. That family is born to do what they do. It is an inherent quality for devestating sports entertainment.

6. Chris Benoit- Ok, no judgment please. But this technical ability on this man is so freaking amazing. Watching him come down the ramp, go in the ring, do his thing. Lock that crippler crossface, then leave. That was true skill. You can't deny the appeal he 'had' (i say had to avoid trouble.) when his music came on and he walked out. He was a force to be reckoned with.

5. Lita- Whether she was Essa Rios valet, part of Team Xtreme, or Edge's girl, this girl was the definition of individuality. Made it cool to be redhead again :) Made it cool for chicks to be sporty, and feminine at the same time. Guys loved her, girls wanted to be just like her. Everyone loved her athletic moves, the popular moonsault, lita-canrana, her snap ddt. She was an extreme individual.

4. Chris Jericho- This man is indeed talented anywhere he goes. Mic work, ring work, anything. He was born to do what he does. Again, heel or face, his live work is amazing to watch. I quite enjoy the live shows and recommend checking him out if you can, the audience participation is great to see him work up a crowd.

3. Jeff Hardy- This is the ULTIMATE cinderella story. You see this guy and you know he's worked for what he has. He's the epitome of individuality. Whether it be his in ring performances, his make up, his style of moves in the ring. He prides himself on being real, and admitting to his faults, that is what makes the fans appreciate him even more.

2. Christian- I've always been a fan of this guy since the E&C days. This man knows how to play both sides of the fence. He's able to refresh himself, and was an innovator in the TLC matches. That is a big plus for me. :) I love his finisher killswitch/unprettier (whatever he calls it now.) The man oozes charisma and that is what keeps his cult following, also a super sweet person at TNA live as well!!

1. Jeff Jarrett- I admit, I didn't quite get this man at first when I got into TNA. Then the more I watched, the more I became interested. Then I got that DVD about him. King of The Mountain. I got a WHOLE new RESPECT for double J. This man works, sleeps, eats wrestling. He gives his all for this profession. He's been through hell and started up his own company. Plus he is one of the nicest people in person at a TNA live show. He is an absolute angel. I give this man my absolute props.

Some other people who I couldn't fit on the list. Kurt Angle, (also super nice in person at TNA shows), Edge (why not!?), HBK, Flair, HHH, RVD, AJ Styles (nicest guy in person at TNA live), Samoa Joe (super sweet in person at TNA live)

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