Your fantasy Wrestlemania 32 Main Event storylines

That N Word

Actively evolving
We are more than a year away from WrestleMania 32. WrestleMania 31 hasn't happened yet but so far it has been a pretty boring road that doesn't have the RTWM feel to it. So that is why I have my fantasy main event storylines for WM 32. What are yours??? Here are mines!!!
WrestleMania 32 Main Event:
John Cena vs. Roman Reigns (The Torch is On The Line)-
John Cena's road- WWE has been going with a similar story they did with Taker/Cena in '03 with Cena/Rusev so far. It is the old legend vs. the new rookie. So far it has been pretty decent thus far. But if they are going the route of Cena "being a washed up old hag who needs to retire" (even though he will only be 38 this year.) This is what should happen. Cena should lose to Rusev at Fast Lane in a one-sided match with Rusev making him pass out to the accolade. Cena should then come out questioning whether or not he still has it and whether or not it's time to hang it up. Rusev can come out and talk stuff about how he ended Cena's career. Cena can then bascially say I wasn't about to say i'm retiring. He then say's I was about to say I do still have it and will prove it against you at WrestleMania. Lana can then say silly Cena,you don't call the shots around here we do. Lana denies him the challenge. Rusev can basically keep turning Cena down for a rematch at WrestleMania and saying you can't fight the future Cena. Cena becomes even darker and darker (not a heel but heel like.) Cena sneak attacks Rusev backstage and beats him brutally and puts him through the wall. Cena say's "Give me my damn Mania match. Your the future well you have to go through me at WrestleMania." The next week have Rusev snap and finally accept and say he has to put his career on the line though. Rusev can then beat Cena at Mania and retain his title by making him tap out. It would be almost as shocking as Taker's streak ending last year. Then, Cena "retires" the next night on Raw but becomes desperate for WWE to "re-sign" him but they keep denying him. So then have Cena finally get signed to a contract again for "one last chance" at Rusev. At Summerslam Cena loses again and say's he will not retire and he needs to leave to find his mojo. At Survivor Series, Cena can stand by in the locker room (in his grey hoodie) and watch on a monitor as Rusev get his first loss against Roman Reigns . He can look frustrated throw the chair around the locker room he is sitting in watching on a monitor. Cena can return on Raw the next night in the same hoodie and hold the microphone to his mouth and then drop it without saying anything and leaving. Cena returns at Royal Rumble and makes the save for Reigns doing a world title match between Reigns and Wyatt. Reigns is defending the belt against Wyatt in the match and it is no DQ who has reformed the Wyatts and have them attacking Reigns. Cena then returns with no salute or smile in his grey hoodie walking to the ring slowly with no music beats up Harper/Rowan before AA'ing Roman FINALLY turning heel. Cena then finally breaks his silence the next night on Raw and say's he took out a man who was able to do something he couldn't twice and will prove he never lost it by beating Roman at WrestleMania. He say's the reason he was failing because he was steady worried about who was cheering or booing him. He lost against Rusev because of the boo's (if he get's booed) , he lost to Bryan because of the boo's , He lost to guys like Punk,Lesnar,Rock because of the boo's and he is so damn sick of hearing "Cena Sucks" and he doesn't give a damn what you people think. Roman comes out accepts his challenge and say's your right I am the future and your right i'm taking your torch. But I am not waiting around for you to pass it...I'M SNATCHING IT!!! " Cena yell's "The Future has to go through me" and the brawl is on from there.

Roman Reigns road- Roman can beat Bryan at Fast Lane who shakes his hand after the match out of respect. At WrestleMania 31 Roman def. Brock. Mid-match when Reigns is dominating we see Heyman walk out in disappointment. He can then come out post-match during Reigns celebration with Rollins saying "Ladies and Gentleman the night is not over yet... because my client Seth Rollins will get the job done. Seth steps in the ring and smirks. Paul ask Brock to F-5 Roman, Brock just stands there before Heyman yells at him. Brock then get's in Roman's face before F-5'ing Seth. Heyman continues to yell outside the ring before Brock throws him in there and Roman spears him. Brock raises Roman's hand up and walks down the ramp and looks on clapping at his performance and on the mic say "you earned my respect." The next night Roman calls Seth out for a title match. He say's Seth doesn't even have to put his briefcase on the line. Roman wins by DQ and Seth continuously assaults him with a chair and goes to cash in before Dean makes the save and holds to his promise,only to turn heel on Roman. Seth is smirking on stage but Triple H (who Seth assaulted backstage earlier) comes out and pedigree's Seth on stage. This would lead to Dean/Roman and Seth/Triple H at Extreme Rules. At Payback Seth cashes in after hitting Dean with the case after he hits his finisher for the dq and then curb stomping Roman to take the title. I would then have Dean cash in after winning the case at MITB on Seth at Battleground after a match between Seth and Roman ends in a draw. At Summerslam we have a Shield Triple Threat with Roman losing after an assault by Rusev. Roman then feuds with Rusev until Survivor Series in which he wins at NOC by DQ and then at HIAC, Rusev wins. At Survivor Series Roman becomes the first man to defeat Rusev. At TLC he wins a #1 contenders match which mean at RR he will face new world champion Bray Wyatt. Cena returns at Royal Rumble and makes the save for Reigns doing a world title match between Reigns and Wyatt. Reigns is defending the belt against Wyatt in the match and it is no DQ who has reformed the Wyatts and have them attacking Reigns. Cena then returns with no salute or smile in his grey hoodie walking to the ring slowly with no music beats up Harper/Rowan before AA'ing Roman FINALLY turning heel. Cena then finally breaks his silence the next night on Raw and say's he took out a man who was able to do something he couldn't twice and will prove he never lost it by beating Roman at WrestleMania. He say's the reason he was failing because he was steady worried about who was cheering or booing him. He lost against Rusev because of the boo's (if he get's booed) , he lost to Bryan because of the boo's , He lost to guys like Punk,Lesnar,Rock because of the boo's and he is so damn sick of hearing "Cena Sucks" and he doesn't give a damn what you people think. Roman comes out accepts his challenge and say's your right I am the future and your right i'm taking your torch. But I am not waiting around for you to pass it...I'M SNATCHING IT!!! " Cena yell's "The Future has to go through me" and the brawl is on from there. At Fast Lane Roman/Cena team up kinda like Rock/Cena at SS in 2011. After the match Roman would go to shake Cena's hand and get AA'ed and the feud picks up from there.

Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt II (WWE Hvt. Championship) After defeating Undertaker and Sheamus/Ziggler respectively at WrestleMania 31 the two stars go on to having dominate years. At Survivor Series Wyatt wins his first world title by defeating Ambrose,Rollins,Bryan,Cesaro,Ziggler,Sheamus in a Elimination Chamber match. At TLC Wyatt would defeat Rollins (Face) to retain the title. At RR Wyatt defeats Reigns with help from Cena and The newly reformed Wyatt Family. Bryan wins the RR and Wyatt say's I finally get to finish you off for good and laughs during the celebration. This feud get's personal picking up from their 2014 rivalry.

The Rock vs. Randy Orton- The Rock returns to Raw to announce his retirement stating how he beaten everyone there is to beat and has done everything there is to do in the WWE. Randy Orton would sneak attack Rock and RKO him turning heel for the final time in his career. The next week Randy say's how there is one man you haven't beat Rock and that is the greatest third generation superstar of all-time. He say's he has always hated Rock with a passion and he was so worried about Cena when he came back and he should have been worried about him. Rock would then return at Fast Lane when Randy makes a open challenge for WrestleMania. Rock would lay the smackdown and point to the WrestleMania logo.

Triple H vs. Dean Ambrose - I would have Sting beat Triple H and after H shakes his hand turning face. The next night Triple H can come out to apologize to the fans before Rollins interrupt him and the two feud until BattleGround. At Payback Triple H is taken out by Seth Rollins and Seth moves on to his MITB cash in later on. At TLC Triple H returns to end his feud with Rollins in a TLC. Dean would interrupt the match and beatdown Triple H and say's he wants to prove he is the "new cerebal assasin" an will put the old dog down once and for all and challenges Triple H to a match at WrestleMania. The Game finally returns and accepts his challenge. The week after Dean goes a step farther by kidnapping Stephanie and telling Triple H to come fight him in the alley if he wants Stephanie back. Triple H comes to the alley and beats up Dean before going to save Stephanie. During that moment Dean would take advantage and hit H in the head with a beer bottle and hits dirty deeds and throw him in the dumpster. Triple H makes the match a Mania a "No Holds Barred Match."
I would like to see a triple threat match between the former shield members. Reigns will be better placed to be accepted in the main event by then providing he can recover from his horrible booking from this year, Ambrose Will have spent a year getting built up and Rollins is ready for the belt anytime from now in my opinion. Not sure about the specifics of the build up but a heel reigns and face Rollins would be cool. It would be a great match, the build up would be awesome given the chemistry they all have, and it would have a big time feel, especially with their history together. would maybe mean 3 triple threat main events in a row at mania though if that is how they go this year which they might yet
Brock Lesnar vs The Rock
Next year's Wrestlemania will be the biggest ever, with 105.000 people in attedance, so it needs a big main-event with lots of mainstream appeal.

Dean Ambrose(c) vs Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns, triple threat for the WWE Championship
Wrestlemania 31 gets booked like WM10. Lesnar first defends the title against Reigns, however Lesnar retains. In the main event Lesnar faces Bryan. Roman Reigns runs in and superman-punches Lesnar. Bryan the delivers two consecutive running knees and pins Lesnar to win the WWE Championship. Lesnar, being pissed, F-5s Bryan. Rollins comes out and cashes in to become the champ.
Reigns and Bryan both chase the title and finally, at Battleground, Reigns win the Elimination Chamber match to finally become the champ. Lesnar comes back and demands his rematch against Reigns at Summerslam. After a hard-hitting match, Reigns wins. After the match, Lesnar beats the hell out of Roman Reigns. All this, lead to a Hell in a Cell match between the two competitors at the HIAC PPV. Durings the build-up, Lesnar gives Roman various "serious injuries". At Hell in a Cell, Reigns beats Lesnar to end their feud, but in the end, having taken all that damage, he can't get up.
This leads to Dean Ambrose (Mr. MITB), to come out and help his "brother". However, Dean cashes in. Reigns then gets off TV for a couple of months.
Ambrose defends the title against Bryan and Cena and walks into 'Mania as the champ.
Mainwhile, Rollins wins the Rumble by last eliminating Reigns. How?
Last three men are Rollins, Bryan & Reigns. Rollins eliminates Bryan and then Reigns throws Rollins over the top rope. However, Rollins lands with on foot on Daniel Bryan & the other on the floor! He's never eliminated, so, he jumps right in and eliminates Reigns.
During the build-up, Reigns put his career on the line, saying that he either beats Rollins and goes to 'Mania, or loses and leaves for good. Reigns wins and so we have the triple threat.

Cena vs Daniel Bryan
Before the Royal Rumble PPV, Bryan comes out and says that he knows that Cena is going to beat Ambrose at the event and he knows that he's going to win the Royal Rumble. So, he guarrantes the fans that he's facing Cena at 'Mania and that he's gonna beat John Cena and finally capture the gold. But Bryan, as stated above, gets eliminated. At Fast Lane, while Cena is facing Ambrose in a Street Fight, Bryan jumps in and costs Cena the match.
Daniel Bryan's frustation has finally caught up to him. He says that he needs to beat Cena at 'Mania, he needs to find his former self and prove to everyone that he's the best.

Sting vs Undertaker (optional)
If both men can still go, then have them face each other in a farwell match, accompanied by an Undertaker HoF induction.

Other matches are:
Triple H vs Bray Wyatt (No Holds Barred match)

Orton vs Sami Zayn

Rusev(c) vs an up-and-coming face
Ruseb goes into 'Mania still unpinned and unsubmitted and still U.S. Champion, after 450+ days in order to put over the face, and finally move up in the ME scene.

Divas match & Andre Battle Royal III
Haha lets book WM 32 before 31 even happens! :)

Main Event:

Seth Rollins Vs. Dean Ambrose Vs. Daniel Bryan WWE Championship Match.
Rollins goes in to WM 32 as the WWE Champion after successfully cashing his MITB on the RAW prior to the MITB event. Ambrose wins the MITB this year and says no matter who the champion is at WM, he is cashing in his briefcase to be in the main event WWE Championship match in advance. Daniel Bryan finally goes on to win the Royal Rumble in 2016 and challenges for the title. This storyline can easily be done without the Ambrose factor, I'll have another match for Ambrose listed below.

Co-Main Event:

Brock Lesnar Vs. Randy Orton in a Showcase Of The Immortals
I really liked the idea of Randy Orton RKOing Brock Lesnar. Someone stated that these two could feud by having Brock says he's done all thats to be done here and finished every legend in the WWE and he's going back home so he can hunt some real animals. Out comes Randy Orton who says Brock forgot, there is a legendary animal living in the WWE and thats the Viper Randy Orton. The match is Ortons quest to redeem himself and earn back the respect he feels he has lost after suffering defeat at the hands of Seth Rollins earlier in the year and Rusev later on.


Dean Ambrose Vs. Bully Ray in a Hardcore Match.
If the WWE title match above doesn't intrigue you than heres an alternative storyline for Ambrose. Ambroses wild style of wrestling has gotten him many wins throughout the year including capturing both the IC & US titles once during the year. He also won the MITB ladder match. Bully Ray comes out and says he's taken notice of the future. He says the future isn't Roman Reigns, it's not Daniel Bryan, it's not Seth Rollins -- The future is the Lunatic Fringe Dean Ambrose. Ray says he has respect for all the insane things Ambrose can do but he's no ECW guy. Bully says leave the big toys and jobs for the professionals. Dean takes offense and says to be the best you have to beat the best and what better place to do so at then the show which is the best.

Next Match On The Card

Bray Wyatt Vs. Sami Zayn
Once Sami Zayn debuts he will probably be made to look like the complete underdog. Fans will want to cheer him and he'll somehow pull out the win. Bray Wyatt attacks Sami Zayn in his IC Title match at Fast Lane. Sami Zayn is defending the IC title against Luke Harper at Fast Lane when Bray Wyatt comes out when the referee is down and hits the Sister Abigale on Sami Zayn. From here you have the storyline where Bray torments Zayn to awaken the monster within and then it happens, Zayn attacks Bray. This leads to a match up at WM which Sami Zayn loses in a great back and forth match.

Next Match On The Card

John Cena Vs. Kevin Owens
I don't see Owens being in NXT for too long. I think he will move up to the main roster in the next year and make a grand impact in his debut match.
John Cena will have had a darn good year even after facing defeat at the hands of Rusev at WM31. Cena is in the WWE title match at the Royal Rumble when Kevin Owens debuts and annihilates John Cena. Owens says he only fights to be the top dog. He doesn't have personal issues with anyone. It's just that John Cena was the top dog and well, it's a dog eat dog world in the WWE.

Next Match On The Card

Roman Reigns Vs. Cesaro
After winning the WWE Title, Reigns has had a bit of a troubled patch. He lost the title to Seth Rollins after Rollins cashed in and failed to win it back in the rematch he had. Roman also failed to win the Royal Rumble match up this year and had a poor showing at MITB. This leads to an eventual Roman Reigns heel turn. Cesaro is the complete opposite of Roman Reigns. After capturing the tag team title with Kidd, Cesaro quickly started to pick up the victories. Kidd turned on Cesaro however which turned Cesaro face. Cesaro made short work of Kidd, who now teams with Alex Riley. After this feud is over Cesaro moves up the ranks and wins the US Title from Rusev and thus breaks his undefeated streak at Summerslam. Roman Reigns attacks Cesaro claiming that last year, Roman was the one who Reigned and now he wont stand by and watch Cesaro take his spot as the next top dog. Reigns returns in the Rumble match after being eliminated and pulls Cesaro out as well, who was having an impressive showing. This leads to a match at Fast Lane which never really even starts due to both men brawling uncontrollably prior to the start of the match. Reigns lays out Cesaro after dropping backstage equipments on him. The rematch occurs at WM with Cesaro going over but also making Reigns look strong.
Not the best at making things up off the top of my head, so im going to try to keep it as simple as possible.
The Rock vs Randy Orton- something as simple as to see who is the greatest 2nd/3rd generation superstar.
Reigns(c) vs Cena- like your idea (except for the world title changing so much)
Rollins vs Ambrose- restart their rilvalry and make it even more personal, causing them to face off at Wrestlemania in a 3-stages of hell match.
Kofi Kingston(w/woods) vs Ziggler(c) vs Cody Rhodes Ic title match- See who is the greatest modern day iC champion.
The Usos(c) vs ?/? (W/Big Show) vs Ascension(w/Kane)- tag title match----all starting after The Usos beat Show and Kane in 3 back to back PPVs. Have The Usos say that Show and Kane aren't as good as they once were. Then Have Show and Kane start a mentor type storyline with two other tag teams.
Paige vs Charlotte vs Naomi vs Natayla(or AJ)(c)- divas match
Some nostalgia match involving Taker/Lesnar/Triple H, etc
Pre show
Ryback vs Big E(w/woods) - this feud combines with IC match some how. Maybe New Day vs Ryback/Ziggler w/Rhodes as special ref. Some time before Wrestlemania or even a 6-man match at some time
Down for this. I'll make it quick, and only book my top match.

The Rock vs Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns beats Brock Lesnar at Mania 31, but Seth Rollins cashes in the MITB and becomes the NEW WWEWHC. Next night Roman comes out all cheesed off that he was screwed out of his Mania moment, and tells Rollins to get his ass down to the ring. Rock's music hits instead. Rock comes down, gives Roman a little pep talk, trashes Rollins, the usual. Rollins comes down and gives Reigns a shot at Extreme Rules. Rock reveals he will be at ringside for that match. Reigns somehow gets screwed at ER giving Rollins the win. Rock says it's ok, everybody gets knocked down, pick yourself back up, blah blah blah. Rock leaves for a while. Reigns gets screwed twice more at the next two PPV's. Summerslam rolls around and Reigns finds himself with another shot at the WWEWHC after winning #1 contenders match. Rock returns and is back at Roman's side. During the match, Big Show comes down to attack Reigns but Rock makes the save. Rock Bottom to Show. Rock turns around, Rock Bottom to Rollins. Reigns gets DQ'd. Reigns get cheesed. BY GAWD ROCK BOTTOM TO REIGNS WHAT THE HEALLL! Rock comes out next night, talks about how he supported Reigns through it all, how he stuck by him even when the fans told him not to, and how Reigns let him down. Everyone was right. There's nothing special about Roman Reigns, in fact he sucks. He can't get the job done and that's what separates Roman from his cousin. Roman comes down and challenges Rock to a match. Rock says, you don't deserve to lace my boots jabroni, and walks away. Build from there.

Jeez that took a while...
Brock Lesnar vs The Rock
Next year's Wrestlemania will be the biggest ever, with 105.000 people in attedance, so it needs a big main-event with lots of mainstream appeal.

Dean Ambrose(c) vs Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns, triple threat for the WWE Championship
Wrestlemania 31 gets booked like WM10. Lesnar first defends the title against Reigns, however Lesnar retains. In the main event Lesnar faces Bryan. Roman Reigns runs in and superman-punches Lesnar. Bryan the delivers two consecutive running knees and pins Lesnar to win the WWE Championship. Lesnar, being pissed, F-5s Bryan. Rollins comes out and cashes in to become the champ.
Reigns and Bryan both chase the title and finally, at Battleground, Reigns win the Elimination Chamber match to finally become the champ. Lesnar comes back and demands his rematch against Reigns at Summerslam. After a hard-hitting match, Reigns wins. After the match, Lesnar beats the hell out of Roman Reigns. All this, lead to a Hell in a Cell match between the two competitors at the HIAC PPV. Durings the build-up, Lesnar gives Roman various "serious injuries". At Hell in a Cell, Reigns beats Lesnar to end their feud, but in the end, having taken all that damage, he can't get up.
This leads to Dean Ambrose (Mr. MITB), to come out and help his "brother". However, Dean cashes in. Reigns then gets off TV for a couple of months.
Ambrose defends the title against Bryan and Cena and walks into 'Mania as the champ.
Mainwhile, Rollins wins the Rumble by last eliminating Reigns. How?
Last three men are Rollins, Bryan & Reigns. Rollins eliminates Bryan and then Reigns throws Rollins over the top rope. However, Rollins lands with on foot on Daniel Bryan & the other on the floor! He's never eliminated, so, he jumps right in and eliminates Reigns.
During the build-up, Reigns put his career on the line, saying that he either beats Rollins and goes to 'Mania, or loses and leaves for good. Reigns wins and so we have the triple threat.

Cena vs Daniel Bryan
Before the Royal Rumble PPV, Bryan comes out and says that he knows that Cena is going to beat Ambrose at the event and he knows that he's going to win the Royal Rumble. So, he guarrantes the fans that he's facing Cena at 'Mania and that he's gonna beat John Cena and finally capture the gold. But Bryan, as stated above, gets eliminated. At Fast Lane, while Cena is facing Ambrose in a Street Fight, Bryan jumps in and costs Cena the match.
Daniel Bryan's frustation has finally caught up to him. He says that he needs to beat Cena at 'Mania, he needs to find his former self and prove to everyone that he's the best.

Sting vs Undertaker (optional)
If both men can still go, then have them face each other in a farwell match, accompanied by an Undertaker HoF induction.

Other matches are:
Triple H vs Bray Wyatt (No Holds Barred match)

Orton vs Sami Zayn

Rusev(c) vs an up-and-coming face
Ruseb goes into 'Mania still unpinned and unsubmitted and still U.S. Champion, after 450+ days in order to put over the face, and finally move up in the ME scene.

Divas match & Andre Battle Royal III

Love it. Make Rusev's opponent Finn Balor. His Wrestlemania debut, huge entrance, huge push.
Rusev V Kurt Angle (submission match) - A returning Angle takes on the Russian if Rusev wins Angle Retires if Angle Wins Rusev denounces his Russian citizenship and has to become an America.

Divas Match - Paige V Lita - the 2 "Anti-Divas" if they can't get Lita back for one more match than Paige V anyone in a Divas championship match.

NXT Ladder match - for a WWE main even contract. Way to expose some of the NXT talent to the main fan base and to promote one of them to the main roster.

NXT Championship match - This could be the pre-show but if NXT keeps putting on good shows and getting publicity then they will have no choice but to have at least 1 or 2 NXT matches at Mania next year.

Undertaker V Sting in a dual retirement match.. After this years Mania Taker comes to the ring and announces his retirement saying he's done everything and there's no more mountain for him to climb when Sting comes down and tells him it's the last "dream" match and challenges him to one more match so they can both retire knowing who is the better man -- the Icon of WWE or the Icon of WCW

Rollins / Reins / Ambrose triple threat for the championship with Rollins champion - this one is the easiest one to book and they can promote it as battle of the shield to see who was the true main event star of the group.

Heel Cena vs Bryan (Know it won't happen) but Cena getting tired of the boos FINALLY turns on the fans and is confronted by Bryan and they settle the score at Mania..

HHH V Randy Orton - after a year of Orton being a thorn in HHH side they settle the score at Mania.

Bray Wyatt V Bo Dallas -- play off their real life brothers when Bo tells Bray he Bo-Lieves he was Sister Abigails favorite brother and Bray has been a disgrace to the family.

Ziggler (with Zigdow in his corner) (US Champ) v Miz (intercontinental champ) to unify the championships

The Rock V HBK - HBK says "after talking to Undertaker they have decided Mr. Wrestlemania has one more match in him if the right opponent comes along" after weeks of people challenging him he says while it's nice everyone wants to face him he's beaten them all or they aren't worth risking injury for then "if you smell" plays and out comes The Rock setting up HBK last match being in Texas..
WWE Championship Ladder Match
Seth Rollins(c) Vs Dean Ambrose Vs Roman Reigns

Triple H Vs Randy Orton

John Cena/Hulk Hogan Vs Bray Wyatt/Kevin Owens

The Rock Vs The Miz

Kurt Angle Vs Rusev(Submission Match)

Intercontinental Championship Fatal Fourway
Cesaro(c)Vs Daniel Bryan Vs Dolph Ziggler vs Sheamus

Divas Title
Charlotte w/ Ric Flair Vs Natayla w/ Bret Hart

Cruiserweight championship
Finn Balor(c) Vs Adrian Neville
Ok I'll have a crack at it

WWE Title Main Event
John Cena vs Roman Reigns

We all know Cena won't be out of the main event 3 years in a row. This will be the passing of the torch and hopefully by then the fans will accept Reigns as the new face of the company.

Undertaker vs Sting

The dream match, and most likely a retirement match for both involved

Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton

How has this not happened yet? Besides a squash match when Orton was a rookie we have not seen these 2 battle and I have no clue why! The intensity from both would make for an incredible match!

Ambrose vs Rollins Ladder Match

This can be a #1 contenders match and would be amazing! Give them 30 minutes to destroy each other

Triple H vs Bray Wyatt

Could be a great match. Have Bray Barely lose to taker this year. And Taker pass his "powers" on to Bray. Have Bray terrorize the WWE for all of 2015 even holding the title for a while until Cena wins it at the Rumble. Bray just starts attacking any and everyone till TRIPLE H decides to take matters in to his own hands and faces Bray at Mania. Bray Wins and receives the huge rub

Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan (unless it happens this year)
My Wrestlemania 32 Fantasy Card:

- Career vs. Career: Sting vs. The Undertaker

- WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Roman Reigns vs. The Rock

- No Holds Barred: Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs. Dean Ambrose

- Ultimate Submission Match: Daniel Bryan vs. Rusev

- Dolph Ziggler vs. Triple H w/Stephanie McMahon & Corporate Kane

- John Cena vs. Kevin Owens

- Ladder Match: Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho

- Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt

- [Kick-Off Show] 32 Man Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Ryback vs. The Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow vs. The Miz vs. Bad News Barrett vs. Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger vs. Luke Harper vs. Erick Rowan vs. Sami Zayn vs. Finn Balor vs. Hideo Itami vs. Adrian Neville vs. Tyler Breeze vs. Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Mark Henry vs. Jimmy Uso vs. Jey Uso vs. Sin Cara vs. Kalisto vs. Konnor vs. Viktor vs. Big E w/Xavier Woods vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Curtis Axel vs. Fandango w/Rosa Mendes vs. Bo Dallas vs. Leo Kruger vs. R-Truth vs. Zack Ryder

The story-lines for the main events would all be pretty straight forward & simple. Bryan/Rusev would be all about technical wrestling & seeing who could could make the other man submit the most times, if at all (& I'd have it so Rusev had lost a match or two but he had never submitted up to this point). I could see either man going over, with either Bryan finally making Rusev tap out or if WWE was still behind Rusev then he could get the huge rub from submitting Bryan. Lesnar/Ambrose would just be a straight up war, with Ambrose holding his own thanks to foreign objects & the no holds barred stipulation. I'd love to see Ambrose get a huge win over a guy like Brock Lesnar at WM. Reigns/Rocky would be a continuation of this year's debacle. Reigns could turn heel later this year after winning the WWE Title at some point & Rocky could come back & start an entire family, respect, I tried to help you get over last year, etc. story-line. Then they could pull a double turn where Rock starts acting more & more like his jerky Hollywood persona & Roman slowly starts being more of the cool badass again. & pinning The Rock to retain the WWE Title at WM could be the defining badass moment Reigns needed this year to help finally make him into "the guy". Lastly the main event would be Sting/Taker with both of their careers on the line. I'd have them beat each other senseless to the point of where neither man could physically compete even though their spirit is willing. Then both men could ride off into the sunset & be inducted into the HOF the following year.
No offence buddy but, this is the 745th time you are introducing that John Cena idea which is pure garbage. I never liked this idea of yours. Even if John Cena turns heel he is not losing that much frequently. You are asking him to lose and that even by tapping out. If there is so then, Brock Lesnar will be the only guy to beat Rusev. Anyways,lets book Wrestlemania 32.

Shield triple threat :- Its very simple, Reigns wins at Wrestlemania 31, Rollins cashes in at some point and Ambrose wins the Royal Rumble. Reigns - Rollins feud reignites at Royal Rumble 2016 by any means and we have Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns for the WWEWHC title.

John Cena vs Finn Balor :- Finn Balor has already stated that his dream opponent is John Cena. He will step up to the main roster this year. He states that he wants a big match at Wrestlemania. John Cena answers his challenge,offers a handshake and puts Balor over at Wrestlemania.

Kevin Owens vs Daniel Bryan :- Owens says he came here to fight everyone and he will fight everyone. Next day he interferes in Daniel Bryan's match against anyone and demands a match against Bryan.

Rest of the card will be
Sting vs Undertaker
Cody Rhodes vs Dolph Ziggler(for IC championship)
Ryback vs Bad News Barrett (for US championship)
Charlotte vs Natalya vs Paige (for divas championship)
HHH vs Wyatt

Pre show
Divas Battle Royal
No offence buddy but, this is the 745th time you are introducing that John Cena idea which is pure garbage. I never liked this idea of yours. Even if John Cena turns heel he is not losing that much frequently. You are asking him to lose and that even by tapping out. If there is so then, Brock Lesnar will be the only guy to beat Rusev. Anyways,lets book Wrestlemania 32.

Shield triple threat :- Its very simple, Reigns wins at Wrestlemania 31, Rollins cashes in at some point and Ambrose wins the Royal Rumble. Reigns - Rollins feud reignites at Royal Rumble 2016 by any means and we have Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns for the WWEWHC title.

John Cena vs Finn Balor :- Finn Balor has already stated that his dream opponent is John Cena. He will step up to the main roster this year. He states that he wants a big match at Wrestlemania. John Cena answers his challenge,offers a handshake and puts Balor over at Wrestlemania.

Kevin Owens vs Daniel Bryan :- Owens says he came here to fight everyone and he will fight everyone. Next day he interferes in Daniel Bryan's match against anyone and demands a match against Bryan.

Rest of the card will be
Sting vs Undertaker
Cody Rhodes vs Dolph Ziggler(for IC championship)
Ryback vs Bad News Barrett (for US championship)
Charlotte vs Natalya vs Paige (for divas championship)
HHH vs Wyatt

Pre show
Divas Battle Royal

I honestly don't care about your opinion. And the whole point of him tapping out and losing his mojo is because it slowly breaks down the "HLR" charactar and it makes Cena realize he needs a change of persona to remain at the top. Also Lesnar wouldn't be the one to beat Rusev,Reigns would. With the story being Reigns being able to do with Cena failed to do beating Rusev,Lesnar,and Bryan. It would basically be Cena telling Reigns to be the man you have to beat the man and you have yet to beat me. Other than that nice card but let's be real there is no way in hell that Balor will be facing Cena next year. Reigns or Bryan or the two most logical choices to face Cena next year in the passing of the torch. Owens on the main roster I may be able to see but it would likely be against a legend like Orton or something. But still great card.
I will try and be realistic and make my card be believable rather than fantasy. I am pretty sure Lesnar is leaving WWE and will return to MMA so looks like he is done for the time being. I do see The Rock returning to action for this one - 105,000 people present, it needs a huge Main Event so I think WWE will pull out all the stops to get Rocky involved.

Wrestlemania 32

WWE TITLE - Roman Reigns (c) vs The Rock

I would love to see Reigns win the title at Mania 31 with the help of Heyman and go on a monster heel run throughout the course of 2015. Rock could return at Rumble 2016 and win it. He doesn't have to appear every week and can fit this run in with his schedule - he has done it before and he can do it again. Rock challenging Reigns to 'end his streak' would create a huge buzz.

Undertaker vs Sting

Two Texans, one by trade, the other by nature. This is a match fans have wanted for years and with both involved in the WWE it is as close to happening as it ever has. Taker will wrestle at Mania 31 and 32. Every year we hear how he is 'beat up' and 'may not make it'. What a crock of shit - it is simply the dirt sheets wanting to fill column inches and every single year they are wrong. Sting wants him and Sting will get him and this could possibly be the last time either steps in the ring.

John Cena w/Nikki vs Daniel Bryan w/Brie

Two top superstars going at it and they can tie it in and make it personal by involving the Bella Twins. They had a great match at Summerslam in 2013 and I would like to see them go at it again in the rematch here.

Randy Orton vs Dean Ambrose

These two could have a great feud. Both can be sick and twisted characters so I think it would tell for a great story seeing them collide. Ambrose works heel here.

MITB Ladder Match - Seth Rollins vs Adrian Neville vs Sami Zayn vs Fin Balor vs Hideo Itami

Triple H could announce that Mania 32 will feature for one time only a NXT MITB match. It features 'the future' of the WWE contesting for that contract. Cue Seth Rollins who thinks he is the future and a former MITB contract holder etc etc. The story rights itself. This match would be something SPECIAL though.

Seth Rollins (c) vs. Dean Ambrose (RR Winner) w/ Mick Foley as Special Ref

-Rollins has lengthy title run, Ambrose wins RR, Foley gets involved somehow to add an old school name to the match. go back to the promo b4 HIAC.

Tag Match

Daniel Bryan w/Stone Cold vs. Kevin Owens w/HHH

-gotta fill AT&T stadium somehow, Austin may not want to wrestle a 1on1 match but he can do this. Owens can enter as HHH's new protege or whatever, monster heel stuff. Bryan will be more over than ever with Austin in his corner along the way. Owens can win as long as a few stunners are delivered afterwards

Career vs. Career

Undertaker vs. Sting

-both men's last match, booked the night after WM31

Passing of the Torch

John Cena vs. Roman Reigns

-pretty simple concept.

Grudge Match

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

-give both guys something to do, 2 big names, Orton as face, Sheamus as heel

Grudge Match

Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Balor

-I really want to see these entrances, and also it would be a great match.

Rookie vs. Veteran

Chris Jericho vs. Sami Zayn w/ Edge

-heel Jericho vs. an up and comer like Zayn, put Edge in Zayn's in corner to add star power.

IC title

Cesaro (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

-opening match, sets the bar for a great WM
My WrestleMania 32 card

Icon vs Dead Man (Sting vs The Undertaker) (Main Event goes on last)

WWE World Heavyweight Championship- Seth Rollins (c) vs Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose (2016 Royal Rumble Match winner) (Shield Triple Threat)

Daniel Bryan vs John Cena II (SummerSlam 2013 Rematch)

The Rock vs Triple H (Grudge Match)

Rusev vs Chris Jericho (Grudge Match)

Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton (Grudge Match)

Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler (Grudge Match)

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal (32 superstars)- Winner: Ryback

WWE Divas Championship (Fatal 4-Way)- Charlotte Flair (c) vs Natalya vs Paige vs AJ

Kick-Off Show: WWE Tag Team Championship (Tag Team Turmoil)- Cesaro & Kidd (c) vs The Usos vs The Ascension vs The New Day vs Kane & Big Show
I'll give it a go. I'll try to be realistic but I'll also add some fantasy booking as well.

Randy Orton (C) vs Rusev for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. I see Randy Orton regaining the title (perhaps from Rollins) he really never lost at some point his year. Most likely by the end of 2015 and Rusev will be the winner of the 2016 Royal Rumble.

Undertaker vs Sting Career match. Give both these men one last hurrah right after being inducted into the H.O.F

Bray Wyatt vs Brock Lesnar I can see Bray Wyatt defeating the Undertaker this year. Then he goes out searching for the 1 in 21 to prove he can also beat the guy that ended the streak.

Triple H vs Seth Rollins Tensions could get heated between Rollins and the rest of the Authority once Rollins eventually loses the title, culminating to Wrestlemania 32. I would book this if Batista is too busy to do that retirement match.

The Rock vs Roman Reigns This could possibly help Roman more so.

MITB Match involving Sheamus, DB, DZ, John Cena, Wade Barrett, Ambrose.

Charlotte vs Paige(c) Diva's Title Match.
Here are just a few of the matches I would book for Mania 32, and the stories I would use to build them up.

Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
I'd like to see this as the culmination to a year's worth of build. It won't be, because that's not how things work, but this is fantasy booking. Reigns is going to win the belt at Mania 31 and Seth Rollins will eventually cash in his MITB against him. Ambrose and Rollins have unfinished business from Hell in a Cell so he can get thrown into the mix as well. There's so much history there with these three guys, as the former members of the Shield, that I think this would be a huge angle. I can see PPVs being headlined by Ambrose vs. Rollins, Rollins vs. Reigns, and Reigns vs. Ambrose. At WrestleMania, we get all three guys competing in one match against each other and I think it would be awesome.

John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan, if Cena loses his career is over
The crowd would be so hot for this match, especially in a WrestleMania atmosphere. The angle going into this one would be Cena trying to prove that he's still the man. The perfect opponent for him is Daniel Bryan because he's so popular as a babyface and one of the best wrestlers on the roster. Cena would want to prove himself against the best, and would view Bryan as the best. You need a big moment for Mania 32, and this match would provide that moment, because this is when I would pull the trigger on the Cena heel turn. Bryan is the ideal person for Cena to turn heel against because he is unanimously loved as a babyface. The story of the match would be that Cena can't put Bryan away, then he finally results to decking Bryan in the head with a chair and hitting the AA. Cena finally crosses that line, and does what he has to do to keep his spot. I think it would be a great story to see.

Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Balor in a No Disqualification Match
Finn Balor is probably the best babyface in NXT right now, and I can't wait to see him get called up. I love his body paint entrance and I think the fact that he plays mind games with his opponents would lead to a cool feud with Bray. We usually see Bray playing mind games with people, I'd like to see Balor sort of flip that around for this feud. I'd book Balor sort of like the crow Sting, stalking Wyatt from the shadows. The lights go out during Bray's matches, ominous videos on the titantron, shit like that. It would be a great opportunity for Balor.

Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental Championship
The other two top guys from NXT. I see Zayn getting the call up soon, and I think he'll be a solid midcard babyface. It makes sense for him to eventually win the IC Title. Then I'd have Kevin Owens follow suit, make the move to the main roster and have him go after Zayn. He could resent Zayn for getting the main roster spot before he did, like how he resented Zayn for getting offered a developmental deal first. I really like the idea that Owens is a family man, and will do whatever it takes to support his family. I think it's a interesting idea for a heel, because it's a villain that truly feels justified in his actions. Owens can say that Zayn ran from him in NXT and now he's here to finish what he started. At WrestleMania I'd probably have Owens dominate most of the match, then Zayn steals a win with a roll-up. After the match Owens would destroy Zayn and even though he loses the match, he'd be the man that walks out.

Charlotte vs. Ronda Rousey for the Women's Championship
The daughter of the legendary "Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. the leader of the Four Horsewomen of the UFC. Charlotte is probably the best female wrestler in the WWE today. When she finally moves up form NXT I think she should dominate the divas division. I'd have her win the Divas Title, retire it, and bring back the Women's Championship. Ronda Rousey is a legit badass, a huge PPV draw as a fighter, and a wrestling fan. I'd love to see her step into a WWE ring for WrestleMania and I think it would get a lot of media attention. This would be a women's wrestling match people would actually be interested in. Celebrities are a big part of the WrestleMania legacy, especially fighters like Mike Tyson and Floyd Maywhether. Having a female fighter compete at Mania would be really cool.
I'll give it a go. I'll try to be realistic but I'll also add some fantasy booking as well.

Randy Orton (C) vs Rusev for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. I see Randy Orton regaining the title (perhaps from Rollins) he really never lost at some point his year. Most likely by the end of 2015 and Rusev will be the winner of the 2016 Royal Rumble.

Undertaker vs Sting Career match. Give both these men one last hurrah right after being inducted into the H.O.F

Bray Wyatt vs Brock Lesnar I can see Bray Wyatt defeating the Undertaker this year. Then he goes out searching for the 1 in 21 to prove he can also beat the guy that ended the streak.

Triple H vs Seth Rollins Tensions could get heated between Rollins and the rest of the Authority once Rollins eventually loses the title, culminating to Wrestlemania 32. I would book this if Batista is too busy to do that retirement match.

The Rock vs Roman Reigns This could possibly help Roman more so.

MITB Match involving Sheamus, DB, DZ, John Cena, Wade Barrett, Ambrose.

Charlotte vs Paige(c) Diva's Title Match.

Actually I might also add instead. Daniel Bryan vs Samoa Joe. I forgot Samoa Joe is no longer with TNA and who knows what could happen should he join WWE.
Roman Reigns (C) vs Dean Ambrose (MITB winner) vs Seth Rollins (Royal Rumble winner)
Roman wins this year, drops the title later in the year. Regains it at Survivor Series. Ambrose wins MITB. Rollins wins Rumble. The next night Ambrose announces he will cash in at Mania in a triple threat.

Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton
A match which we should have seen this year. The legend killer wants to kill the legend of Lesnar forever

John Cena vs Daniel Bryan (No.1 Contender)
Simple, two top guys in a decent match

Bray Wyatt vs Finn Balor
Wyatt tries to bring out the monster in Balor, he does!

Chris Jericho (Intercontinental Champion) vs Wade Barrett
Jericho wins title in ladder match at RR. Puts the title and his career on the line.

Paige (Divas champion) vs Charlotte
Charlotte wins the gold on the biggest stage. Handshake after. Make a big deal about how they are graduates from NXT

Rusev (US Champion) vs Ziggler vs Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston
Let him keep going with the belt. I unfortunately struggle to see Ziggler or Sheamus being top top guys. This could be a fun opener.

Andre The Giant Battle Royal
Kevin Owens wins.

Cesaro vs Sami Zayn
Maybe a pre-show match. I just want to see this again.

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