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Yoshi Tatsu, the next Evan Bourne or Kofi Kingston?


WZCW Veteran
Now tonight, the guys from ECW have signed with their brands, and one of the guys who I was some what worried about was Yoshi Tatsu. Yoshi has still yet to develop much of a character similar to Kofi Kingston when he joined Raw. However, Kofi was a few months behind Yoshi when he joined Raw, giving him more time to work on these skills.

Yoshi I feel will become lost in the shuffle known as Monday Night Raw. He has no gimmick besides being some Japanese guy who is very respectful to all.

Do you feel Yoshi is the next Evan Bourne, or will he become the next Kofi Kingston?
Evan, if that. The guy has a great energy but he's too small and too happy to be taken seriously. This guy is no Tajiri and look what WWE did with him. He's good, don't get me wrong, but the guy would need a massive character overhaul and maybe a stable to work out well.

I think a Yakuza style stable could work, although it did fail last time they tried. This song would work nicely if they were to be taken seriously (disregard the windmill): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnfFTVjRpLI
Actually, I'm going to be optimistic about this and hope that something good can come out of it for both Tatsu and Bourne. We saw them team with Kofi tonight, so it's not so ridiculous to think they could end up being a tag team, is it? After all, they do both have great energy (see: crowd response when Evan goes for the SSP).

That's me being hopeful, though. They both need to see their characters developed and Bourne needs to shed the "jobber" label. :banghead:

Here's an idea: perhaps we finally see the return of the Cruiserweight Championship. Especially with all of the extra talent coming in from ECW. Many of them would need something to do. Again, though, just a thought.
I'd say he is another Bourne. He has no gimmick and he has a lot of talent. He is the same type of guy as Evan Bourne. However Evan Bourne had some what of a gimmick. Bringing back the cruiser weight title would be nice but still too many championships. What they need to do is separate the brands at PPV's again. They could add the title and send all the cruiserweight title to SD and have them there. They would have 6/7 matches giving enought time for the WHC the US title The cruiserweight title and the Divas title. Three more feuds. MAbey have the Tag titles defended on PPV and get rid of the Divas title. Either way Yoshi is the next Evan Bourne.
I believe all those guys are lost on any show. Unless they bring back the cruiserweight title. Which they probably wont, the wwe has never been high on smaller guys (except Rey Mesterio) I'm a huge fan of these guys, and want to see them do well, but there just getting lost without A storyline or a title to fight for.
Evan, if that. The guy has a great energy but he's too small and too happy to be taken seriously. This guy is no Tajiri and look what WWE did with him. He's good, don't get me wrong, but the guy would need a massive character overhaul and maybe a stable to work out well.


I find it extremely unlikely that Tatsu will really go anywhere without a better mastery of English... Tatsu definitely makes me think of a sort of "Tajiri Jr."--not quite as good in the ring, not as interesting a character (via lack of green mist), not as accomplished outside of the WWE (correct me if I'm wrong)--and as axl626 said, Tajiri never went anywhere, really. Heck, Tajiri lost to a freaking commentator once (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4R1R40Zr4M).

So, yeah, realistically I see Tatsu following Tajiri's path even moreso than Bourne or Kofi. He'll keep doing goofy stuff with Goldust and then fizzle away. Oh well.
Well, Tatsu's been "given" two title shots by the higher ups, one for the ECW title, the other for the Unified tag titles. Bourne's only title shot was at Cyber Sunday 2008, where he was voted in by the fans to face Matt Hardy. In that sense, he's already surpassed Bourne.

Yoshi's problem is he has a gimmick that doesn't speak English whatsoever. He can in reality, but that's not here or there. His gimmick is what's holding him ack. If you can't speak English, you can't get over with the fans. Even if he does, his accent will hold him back.

Take Kofi for example. They got rid of the Jamaican accent, and look what happened. For awhile, his gimmick skyrocketed. He beat Punk and Orton at Survivor Series, captaining his team. Yeah, his push has cooled, but he's still a threat. Tatsu needs something like that. He needs a real feud that will allow him to beat credible opponents on his own.

But it's something I dont see happening. I don't think they'll change his gimmick, and his accent is quite poor. Without any sense of mic skills, he's not going to be a credible threat. He's another guy to job out to more established stars in random matches. In other words, he's Evan Bourne. Kingston has a bright future. Tatsu's a jobber, however talented he may be.
At this point is there really a difference between Bourne and Kingston? I enjoy Kofi much more than E.B. but thats not really saying alot. The best idea for Yoshi is to form a team with Evan Bourne. That would actually give them both something to do and a way to stay relevant. If not than Yoshi can look forward to a half hearted push for about 3 weeks[see.Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger,Chris Masters] before he is put into backstage skits with Santino and Chavo.
I'm gonna go ahead and be a little bold, and actually say.. please let him become another Evan Bourne.

Because.. first of all, I cannot stand the guy, I find him too boring, I don't like his music, I don't like his waaaay too over the top energized way of making it to the ring I don't like his finisher (because it doesn't seem legit to me.. people kick out of CM Punks kicks to the head, and Morrisons kicks to the head, and Rey Mysterio's kicks to the head..)

Secondly, he doesn't speak English as far as I've understood it from the few times I bothered to take a look at him, mainly when Christian was around, which I think will make him become just another roster filler, just like I don't like kozlov and Khali, because their promo's are completely impossible to understand, sure Khali has a translater, but that certainly doesn't make up for it.

And lastly, I just don't see him as some proper contender to any title.. any!.. to me he'll remain looking like a over the top jobber that wins a few matches here and there.

So as a "verdict" I say, keep him on the buttom thank you, because I do not want to see him in the title picture, the only time I might actually wanna see him in something properly, will be the MITB because he could probably serve as a fine "spot-monkey" (I believe they called it that.. right?)
Well im not so sure Yoshi will go on to become the next Evan Bourne or Kofi Kingston BUT Yoshi does have a lot of talent and I really hope Creative will let him get his feet wet on the flagship show in the next coming weeks. Remember this is a whole nother ballgame compared to ECW...RAW is the "A" show and its LIVE. My thing for Yoshi is that he and Evan Borune can be come a tag-team. Can you imagine the skills and high-risk moves we would see as them as a tag-team?....
I think Yoshi will be the next Even Bourne.He will be jobbed out and I don't see him going anywhere.

His gimmick as a japanese guy is weak and Chinese wrestlers have always been treated like jokes in WWE.He will get lost in the shuffle of Raw and I see him being jobbed out and not being used on TNA very often.He really needs a gimmick and as another user siad he is far to happy.Any wrestler that you take seriously has to look serious.Kofi has evolved into a more serious character and he wasn't taken to seriously when he was the happy-go-lucky guy.Yoshi has decent talent but I don't see him being successful on Raw without a gimmic,a makeover and some serious wrestling.
Sadly, I'm gonna have to say he's the next Evan Bourne. Don't get me wrong, I like him, but he can't talk and he's on RAW. He's practically begging to get lost in the shuffle.

Even if they throw him in a team with Bourne, they're just going to be a jobbing tag team used to fire up the crowd and make other teams look dominant.

All Tatsu has is his ring skills, if that. He is a small fish in a big pond, a small fish that doesn't speak English. Unless he goes through a mega gimmick change and receives a superpush, he'll never be anything more than a jobber with awesome music.
He better hope he isn't the next Evan Bourne. Bourne has enough skills to get himself out of the rut he is in eventually if creative lets him. Tatsu would be completely screwed. Anything he is good at, Bourne is better. If it's hard for the better of the two to find their place on Raw, the lesser of the two can do very little. He should hope to be placed with the comedy jobbers and get some air time.

People always saw at least something more in Kofi. His gimmick was just tweaked a little and people took him a little more serious. Can you honestly think of anything that would make Yoshi Tatsu more serious? Me neither. There is definitely a glass ceiling for Tatsu that there is no chance of him breaking.
Evan Bourne. Honestly, I have yet to find the appeal of Yoshi Tatsu. In my eyes he is just an attempt at a Tajri version 2.0 and not as good. I don't want to be overly critical but he really does nothing for me. I will concede he is a decent talent with some solid skills but he has shown me little character which will no benefit him, especially since he is a smaller guy. I hope he succeeds but currently I don't really see how he will be able to.
I agree with most of the others. Yoshi is the next Evan Bourne. I think he and Bourne should form a tag team, they have similar styles and it would be great. They probably won't win much, but they'd be perfect for opening matches to fire up the crowd. Unless something like that happens, or he ends up with the comedic relief characters, he's likely to get lost in the shuffle because he's on Raw, a show that relies on promo skills a lot, something Yoshi Tatsu does not have. He's in rather big danger of getting lost in the shuffle and I hope that he doesn't, tag teaming with Bourne is going to be his best option since they would be one of the best high flying teams in a while.
There's no hope for this guy...

No way in hell is he gonna do anything even close to relevant. And if he does I'll be very surprised. The most I see Yoshi doing is having a decent match on Superstars every so often. That's it. I mean come on, he can't talk, his attire is crap, and his song is kind of corny as well but that's not the most important thing.

I'll admit he's a good performer, but not enough to make up for the mic work and charisma that he lacks... I'm sorry to say that he'll be worse than Evan Bourne, hell he's going to end up worse than Primo.
I'd say a mix between the two.

The guy has LOTS and LOTS of talent,as energetic and athletic as the two.

The sad thing is the WWE probably won't take Yoshi Tatsu seriously.

Maybe a few U.S. or Intercontinental titles or maybe even tag titles but nothing big like WWE titles.

With a story or gimmick he may be a great mid carder.

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