Yo, it's me! It's DDP!

The Doctor

Great and Devious
Staff member
Super Moderator

Have you done your yoga today? It'll make you feel pretty damn good about yourself. I know I feel pretty damn good about myself, because helping you is a positive thing. And I'm about to do just that! :D

Now, I've noticed that there's really a lot of negativity going around today! :icon_eek:

People are making tons of topics about depressing things, like death, and others are making fun of each other all over the place! :(

But wait - That's not a bad thing. That's a good thing! :D

You see, with all this talk about death and people running each other down, eventually some people will get it in their heads to kill themselves! :D

As evidenced by several threads on the board, there are some people we could all live without. Well, the time is ripe to run down those people and force them to shuffle off this mortal coil! :D

All your problems will be solved, thanks to the negativity you guys introduced to this place! Everyone will live happily ever after! :D

Well, except the ones who are dead. :(

So look at the positive side of every situation, and you'll see - just like me, DDP - that I like me, you like me, and I'm going to help YOU like YOU! :D
No, Doug. That would be a bad thing. :(

You see, the only person in the wrestling world more charismatic than Action Saxton is me - D! D! P! :D
Haha Doctor your post actually made my day better. I was smiling and laughing while reading it. that's one way to get rid of all the morbidity going along here. If morbidity isn't a word right now I will push to male it one.
April Fools?

I remember last April Fools, Ellisman came into the Prison and posted in my second There's this girl thread. Scared the shit outta me. I thought it was an April fools joke, it was fucking creepy.
DDP needs cleansing.

First off the man had the words 'Self HI-5' in his theme song, clearly alluding to *********ion. Then he had the audacity of a making a pussy on camera and then shifting it near his crotch and 'Banging' it. Why would you bang a pussy on camera?
There are kids above 16 watching your show.

Clearly, this man needs yoga. He's more filthier than the whole Attitude era put together.

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