WZCW Presents: Lethal Lottery III

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

The Lethal Lottery opens to a sold out crowd in the Orleans Arena, Las Vegas. People are in discussion and chatter as they display their signs before cheering. Truman Harrys is standing in the ring.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome into the arena, the WZCW Roster!

The crowd cheers in unison as the entire locker room empties out, from referees to Chuck Myles to wrestlers like Sam Smith and Ty Burna, everyone is in attendance. They are all silent and all are wearing black armbands on their right arm which will be worn during the entire show. Copeland, Cohen and Connor and standing at their announce table, wearing the same black armband. A number of different people are trying their best to stop themselves from crying.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, please join us in celebrating the life of a friend of the WZCW, C.M. A man from this great city who was dedicated to everyone who knew him, nothing bad could ever be said about him, nor would he ever say bad words. In tribute to the memory of C.M., we would ask you to please stand in silence as toll the bell ten times.

The crowd gives random shouts for C.M until the bell starts to toll ten times to complete silence. Once the bell has been rung ten times, everyone stands in silence for another minute until everyone starts applauding and clapping their hands in appreciation. The fans shout “Thank you C.M.!” as the roster nods in acknowledgement until they slowly make their way to the back, except for the World Champion Ty Burna who stands in the middle of the stage and raises his belt high up, pointing to it and then the sky. He then lays the belt on the rampway and walks away to join the others in the bad. The cameras focus on the belt as the fans continue their chant before fading out to black.

The Road to Kingdom Come begins tonight...

Shots of the pryos opening Kingdom Come

...But first, one must rise...

Shots of The One Big Will and Titus celebrating

...Where nineteen will fall...

Shots of various WZCW competitors being thrown over the top rope

...Your fate is beyond your own hands...

Shots of various WZCW competitors in deep thought

...Even the gold is not set in stone...

Shots of Ty Burna, Gordito and Barbosa

...Only one thing is certain...

Various WZCW Superstars celebrating victory

...Two men will be destined to meet...

Fading shots of the World Heavyweight Championship

...Ready to take center stage...

The shots speed up between each other until a bright flash makes it disappear into darkness

...At the expense of all others.

And now, Meltdown and Ascension present



The camera pans around the arena to view all the signs as the crowd are worked up into a frenzy until it arrives at the announce table.

Copeland: 2011 has arrived at the WZCW and what a way to kick start off the New Year, with none other than the Lethal Lottery! Hello again everybody, I'm Sebastian Copeland alongside Jack Cohen and Cat Connor, I hope both of you kept your New Year's Resolutions so far!

Cohen: Sort of Seabass, fortunately I gave her the wrong number!

Connor: Mine was simply to call the best matches in the WZCW, I am keeping to that!

Copeland: The excitement throughout the entire arena is electric, we got title matches, we got grudges, we got Mayhem, we got entrant spots to be determined and of course the Lethal Lottery itself. But enough chatting, let's get straight into the action with Truman Harrys in the centre of the ring!
Harrys: The opening contest of 2011 and the Lethal Lottery PPV is scheduled for one fall, where the loser of this match will enter the Lethal Lottery match at number 1!


The lights go out as the music hits and are replaced with bursts of orange lasers throughout the arena. When they come back on, we see Everest on the stage with the crowd going wild for the veteran.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds... "The Pinnacle Of Perfection" EVEREST!

He quickly makes his way down to the ring, clapping the hands of fans. He enters the ring and does a quick pose before getting ready for his match.


The arena goes out again as the music hits, with the crowd booing heavily for the man about to enter the arena. As the bridge hits in the song, a single spotlight shines upon Big Dave who stands at the start of the ramp, staring at Everest. The camera switches back to Everest who does the same. Dave slowly makes his way to the ring not taking his eyes off his rival.

Harrys: And his opponent, from London, England, weighing in at 268 pounds... BIG DAVE!

Copeland: What an excellent way to kick off the first show of 2011! This should be an epic bout between two of the best stars in the business today.

Connor: Indeed. Both Dave and Everest know each other like the back of their own hands, so neither of them will take the other lightly.

Cohen: It's the least we'd expect in a heated rivalry that these two are going through. Whoever loses tonight will have lost the moral victory and be knocked down in pride. If Everest was in his prime, that'd probably be Dave walking shamefully. However, with Dave on the rise and Everest floating about... the future legend doesn't stand a chance.

Dave is in the ring standing toe to toe with Everest and a cocky smile, who haven't removed their focus from each other. The referee does his best to separate them and eventually does, then proceeds to check each others gear for any foreign objects. He rules both of them clear and signals for the bell.

Everest is poised in the middle of the ring as Dave walks towards him slowly, pointing at himself and giving heated words to him. As Dave continues, Everest becomes more frustrated with Dave's choice of strategy. Dave points around the arena and points to himself, which the crowd begins chanting for Everest. Dave looks around in, as well as Everest, who tells Dave some words that strike a nerve with Dave. He becomes irate at one thing Everest says and goes for the wild swing, but Everest ducks and hits Dave with a devastating short arm clothesline, which the crowd cheers for. Everest hits another, and another... the crowd cheering louder than the last. Everest whips Dave across the ring and hits him with a spinning wheel kick, knocking down Dave and sending him to the outside. Everest immediately follows Dave and goes after him. He picks him up and smacks his head into the apron, then rams him into the security barricades. Without wasting time, Everest whips Dave into the steel post who knocks his head silly. Everest assists Dave getting up and whips him into the steel steps, flipping over as his legs make contact. The crowd cheers as Everest picks up Dave, who is dead weight at this point due to the frenzy of attacks. He rolls him into the ring and goes after him with a cover... 1... kick-out by Dave, who tries to get up but Everest has his hand locked around the waist of Dave. He attempts fighting out but Everest pops the hits and delivers a belly to belly, with a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Dave again. Everest attempts for another suplex of the same nature, but Dave begins fighting out of it. He goes for an elbow to the head of Everest, but he ducks and switches the lock and hits a German suplex on Dave. Everest keeps his grip on Dave tight and forces Dave back to his feet, delivering another German before Dave can prevent the suplex. Some of the fans react late and chant "2" at the plex. Everest still has Dave gripped, and begins bringing Dave up to his feet. Dave flails around and walks in a circle trying to grab the ropes, but Everest doesn't let him and hits another German.

Crowd: 3!!!​

Everest is not looking to let go of the hold as he uses all he has to bring up Dave. This time, Dave is close enough to grab an arm on the ropes to prevent him from suplexing. Everest tries a couple of times, but to no avail. Dave holds on for dear life but Everest somehow kicks the arm of Dave off the ropes and hits another.

Crowd: 4!!!​

The referee checks on Dave as Everest takes a short break by using his grip as a submission. Dave grabs the referee's shirt and tries using him as a distraction, but the ref escapes his grasp and Everest brings Dave back to his feet. He lifts him up and crashes Dave to the mat.


Connor: How is Big Dave still conscious after five consecutive German suplexes, let alone prior to this?

Cohen: Determination, CC. Everest is teaching the youngster a lesson in respect, but Dave is willing to take all the punishment just to gain the eventual victory.

Copeland: He better think of something quick, Everest isn't letting up with these Germans.

Everest gets Dave to his feet and just before he goes for another, Dave attempts an elbow to Everest's head but he ducks. Dave tries with the other elbow, but doesn't connect. Dave tries a double elbow, but that gives Everest momentum to lift for another German.


Both men are depleting in stamina at this point and slowly make their way to their feet, Everest clutching Dave more loosely now. Once to their feet, Everest waits for a response by Dave to block the attack, but Dave just exhaustively yells "Please sir, may I have another?" Everest shrugs and gives Dave another one because he asked so nicely.


Dave admits to himself that was a little stupid as Everest forces him to get up again. Dave scavenges around with his eyes on a way to escape, and sees his opportunity as Everest hits another German.


Dave uses his size advantage and the momentum to send himself to the outside, trying to break up the grip. However, Everest maneuvers himself to follow Dave with the grip still locked in, albeit quite loose. Dave thinks he has done it and catches his breath leaning on the apron, but he turns around to see Everest still clutching and giving a big smile to the direction of Dave. He shakes his head and gets hit with another German on the floor.


The referee is up to a count of 3 as Everest does his best to get Dave back up. At six, Everest has Dave up as dead weight and rolls both himself and Dave back into the ring. Everest catches his breath and lifts up Dave with the strength he has left. He looks to the crowd and signals this to be the last one, and they cheer. Everest tries to lift up Dave, but he hooks his leg behind Everest to block the attack. He tries again and fails again. Everest goes for it once more and Dave jumps a little, wraps his legs around Everest and tries for a victory roll pin, but Everest catches Dave by the legs as he drops down and lifts up Dave for a Wheelbarrow/German suplex, finally releasing the grip.


The crowd applaud at the unfathomable feat that both men went through as they both are sprawled out on the ground. The referee begins counting as Everest crawls slowly to the fallen Dave who lays on his stomach. Everest uses what revived strength he has to flip Dave and go for a one-handed cover......... 1................. 2..................... Dave manages to get his hand underneath the rope, stopping the count.

Cohen: Ten... German... suplexes... and Big Dave somehow is still in this thing. That's unprecedented!

Connor: Although impressive, it might have been instinct that took over there. How Dave is going to get out of this one I don't know. He hasn't even gotten out of the starting blocks yet!

Everest slowly makes his way to his feet and signals for the end of the match, with the crowd cheering. Dave, ever so slowly, uses the ropes to get to his feet. He struggles to get there, so Everest aids him and sets him up for the Rock Slide, but Dave elbows out of the move successfully and pushes away Everest. He tries kicking Dave in the gut, but Dave catches the foot of Everest who tries for an enzuigiri. Dave ducks the impact and Everest lands on his foot. He tries a reverse version, but Dave avoids and lifts Everest up... STAMP OF AUTHORITY!!!! Big Dave hits a impactful Stamp of Authority to Everest and knocks him out, with Dave crashing to the mat in exhaustion.

Copeland: The very first thing that Big Dave connects with is his finisher! Everest might be out of it! If Dave hooks the leg this may be over!

Dave crawls over to the cover and puts an arm over Everest........ 1............ 2............... kick-out by Everest at the last second. Dave takes a moment to recuperate and take what's happening in. The referee begins counting as both men still lie on the canvas. Eventually, Dave gets up before Everest before the count of 8 and hits a punch to Everest's face. He hits another and tries for a third, but Everest ducks and runs underneath. He tries for the flying headbutt, but Dave sticks his boot up and it connects to Everest's head. Dave grabs hold of the ropes to keep him standing as Everest is on the mat. As Dave catches his breath, he randomly stomps on Everest as he tries getting up, eventually cornering him. Everest uses the turnbuckles to get up and is met with a stiff kick to the gut by Dave. He walks out of the corner clutching his stomach, giving Dave the opportunity to kick Everest in the back. He grabs his back as Dave kicks the left side, then the right side, a shoulder section, a calf kick and one to the waistline, forcing Everest to take shelter in a corner. Dave kicks Everest in the gut, then another, then another... quickening the pace each time. Dave builds up to speed where the takes no breaks as he relentlessly kicks Everest. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick. Kick... Kick... Dave stops as Everest falls out of the corner planted on his knees. Dave measures up to hit a roundhouse to the head of Everest, taking him down. The crowd boos as Dave raises his hands and recovers after the stamina-depleting run. Eventually, he gets down and covers Everest......... 1................. 2............................... rope-break by Everest. Dave can't believe he survived the onslaught.

Cohen: How is that old-timer still ticking? Surely that many disruptions to the chest area of a person that age wouldn't be good for his heart?

Dave wastes little time and locks Everest in the pendulum swing submission, knocking the back of Everest's head against the bottom turnbuckle. Dave holds on for as long as he can, trying to get Everest to submit but he keeps refusing. Dave lets go and shakes his head at not being able to put him away. He looks at the turnbuckle and smiles at what he has planned. Dave picks up Everest and sets him up facing towards the crowd on the top turnbuckle. Dave climbs up, hooks his legs into the ropes and delivers the spider suplex, still clinging on to the ropes to lift him up. Everest lays on the mat not moving as Dave adjusts himself to stand straight and tall on the top rope. He looks around the arena and soaks in the moment before he makes his move. Dave jumps off and looks for the money shot, but Everest at the last second rolls out of the way and Dave crashes to the mat. Both men are out again and the referee starts the count again.

Connor: It's anyone's game here. Whoever gets up first will definitely change the pace of this match.

Both men struggle to get to their feet, but both beat the count in time. Dave goes for a strike, but Everest blocks and counters with a forearm. Dave tries again, but Everest does the same thing, then unleashes a couple more forearms before Dave hits a big knee to the gut of Everest. Dave whips Everest across the ring and tries for a big boot on the rebound, but Everest ducks and delivers a flying headbutt successfully on the second time around. They both get up and Dave tries for a clothesline, but Everest catches the arm and hits a Russian leg sweep. Everest rolls out and waits for Dave who charges at him, but again Everest ducks and locks in the MOUNTAIN CLIMBER!!! Big Dave is flailing around as the crowd cheers wildly at the submission, wanting Dave to tap out. Dave is trying all he can to escape but is unable. One of Dave's arms smacks the referee in the face that have appeared to scratch his eyes to blind him. Whilst the referee is temporarily incapacitated, Dave begins tapping out and the crowd cheers... but there is no bell. Everest looks over the referee and contemplates reviving him, but Dave takes advantage of a distracted Everest and performs a stunner reversal, jaw-jacking Everest backwards. Dave delivers a swift low-blow to Everest, who holds his groin in pain. The referee begins to gain his vision back as Dave sets up and hits the Checking Out finisher on Everest and hooks the leg, using all his strength to keep the pin intact.... 1.................. 2............................... 3!

The referee signals for the bell as Dave raises his hands whilst his music hits and the crowd boo's heavily. The ref declares Dave the winner as he gets up slowly to celebrate.

Harrys: And here is your winner of the match, BIIIIIGGGGG DAAAVVVEEEE!

Copeland: This contest was an exceptional battle that turned out for the worst. If it wasn't for Dave taking advantage and blinding the referee, Everest wouldn't be the first person to walk out during the Lethal Lottery match tonight.

Cohen: It wasn't Dave's fault he hit the referee in the face. Everest had him locked in the submission and he was trying to escape the hold, which unfortunately knocked the referee's vision out for a moment. Remember, it's not cheating if you don't caught.

Connor: Either way, Dave walks out with the win whilst Everest has to prepare himself for entering the Lottery as entrant number one.

Dave slowly makes his way up the ramp as the referee attends to Everest.

We're backstage with Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman who are holding the Lottery numbers for WZCW to collect their draws. Chuck Myles is currently on the phone as Bateman oversees Tucker Graham and Sam Smith draw out their numbers. Graham smiles at what he has while Smith is content with his, Graham looks over Smith's shoulder too see what he's got.

Graham: Oh boy! It's not No. 20, but it will do! Good luck out there Sam...

He walks off as Smith looks annoyed at him for knowing his number and not let him see.

Myles:So you've just arrived?

Good good. Just take any locker room that's free, I'll set up some security so you have privacy.

I can draw your number now if you want?

Ok, that's fair enough, I respect your feeling of tradition.

I'll see you in a bit then.

Bateman: Who was that?

Myles: Just one of the entrants I've specially arranged to have here tonight.

Bateman: Chuck, you know I don't like you making decisions behind my back regarding the shows. Who is it?

Myles: That would be telling now wouldn't it? You'll know soon enough!

Bateman: How soon?

Myles: During the Lottery!

Bateman rolls his eyes only for them to be directed at Big Dave who's just arrived from his match, looking rather sweaty and breathing heavily. He says no words as he places his hand inside the draw box and pulls a number out, he smirks at what he's drawn, he then looks directly at Myles before walking off.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and the winner will be entrant number 20 in the Lethal Lottery match!

Headstrong hits to a big pop for Austin Reynolds who makes his way out with a steel chair in hand, his face looking expressionless, ignoring the hugely positive reaction from the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, from London, England, Austin Reynolds!

The crowd cheer for the former Elite X champion as he gets into the ring and stares up at the ramp, awaiting his opponent.

Cohen: This is disgusting, bringing a chair to a standard wrestling match!

Copeland: It’s called an equaliser, Cohen. Austin isn’t stupid enough to think this will be a one on one match.

Hero by Skillet hits to huge boos from the crowd, and Constantine comes out, smirk spread across his face. He struts down to the ring, microphone in hand.

Harrys: And his opponent, from...

Constantine: Truman, I’ll take it from here. Austin, you don’t get it. All your little theatrics with stealing Cougar’s Elite X title a few weeks ago were pointless, and we punished you for them. You can bring all the steel chairs you want, but you’re just bringing a steel chair to a gun fight. You can’t deal with both me and Cougar, and you know it. So I’m going to beat you and then Showtime Powertrip will go on to dominate the Lethal Lottery match. One of us will go on to Kingdom Come, and you’ll be remembered as the first victim in the Showtime Powertrip reign!

Constantine walks down to the ring and jumps up onto the apron. He starts to climb between the ropes, but jumps back to the floor. He explains to the ref that he’s not getting in the ring as long as Reynolds is holding the chair. The crowd boo loudly as the referee tries to persuade Reynolds to give up the chair. Finally, Reynolds relinquishes the grip on the chair, handing it to the referee and the referee tries to get Constantine into the ring. Constantine gets up onto the apron again and starts to climb through the ropes into the ring, but Austin charges at him, causing Constantine to jump back out of the ring again. Constantine complains to the ref, telling him to hold back Reynolds until the bell rings. The referee gets Reynolds to back away, explaining that he has to wait for the bell to ring. Reynolds restrains himself as Constantine gets into the ring. As soon as he gets into the ring though, he rolls back out, and starts tying his boot lace, causing the crowd to go into a frenzy of booing. Reynolds looks furious, shouting at Constantine to get into the ring. The referee tells Constantine he’ll lose by forfeit if he doesn’t get into the ring. Finally Constantine rolls into the ring and stands across from Reynolds. The referee calls for the bell and goes to put the chair out of the ring, but Reynolds grabs it out of the ref’s hand, and runs at Constantine, smashing it into his head. Constantine falls backwards into the ropes, and Reynolds hits him in the gut. Constantine falls forwards onto his knees and Reynolds smashes him in the back. Constantine doesn’t move for several moments as Reynolds stands over him. He tries to crawl away, but Reynolds grabs him by the hair and lifts him up so Constantine is on his knees. Constantine looks dazed, but still tries to plead with Reynolds to have mercy. Reynolds lifts the chair above his head and says “This is for Dominic”, before smashing it against Constantine’s skull with tremendous force. Constantine falls forward, a pool of blood gathering almost instantly under his forehead. A group of referees get into the ring and surround Reynolds, trying to get the dented and bloody chair out of his hands. But Reynolds refuses to give it up and rolls out of the ring still clutching it. He walks up the entrance ramp without looking back as the referees tend to Constantine.

Harrys: The... Winner... As a result of disqualification... And entrant number 20 into the Lethal Lottery match... Constantine.

The crowd give a mixed reaction as they watch the referees roll Constantine out of the ring onto a stretcher.

Connor: Reynolds is angry and reckless, and that could be very dangerous, especially for Showtime Cougar.

Cohen: Speaking of which, where the hell is Cougar?!

Copeland: I’m not sure, but this has severely damaged Showtime Powertrip’s chances of a Lethal Lottery victory!


Backstage, Leon Kensworth is standing by with an interview.

Leon: Ladies and Gentlemen, the EurAsian champion, Chris Beckford!

Beckford steps into the shot, grinning, with his title over his shoulder.

Leon: Well Chris, tonight you face a randomly selected opponent in a match for your EurAsian championship. How are you feeling?

Beckford: Leon, I’m not going to be one of those people who complain about not making it into the Lethal Lottery match, because I know how lucky I am, and right now, I couldn’t ask for anything more than what I have.

He pats his coveted title belt.

Beckford: I’m not gonna trash-talk my potential opponents or play silly mind games, because that’s not my style. My style is to put on one hell of a show for all these people, regardless of who I’m facing!

The crowd cheer loudly for Beckford.

Leon: We all know what kind of performance you can put on in the ring, but surely you’re aware that there’s a chance that you could be leaving without that title belt tonight?

Beckford: Of course I’m aware I could lose it, that’s part of the rush you get every day from being a champion! But I know I’m at the top of my game right now. I’m confident and I know that with the backing of these people, I’ll be able to beat whoever comes out as I stand in the ring tonight!
The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the WZCW World Tag Team Championship!!

"We Are One" by 12 Stones blasts through the speakers and the crowd cheers loudly as Scott Hammond appears from behind the curtain. He stands at the top of the ramp and raises his arm, before looking back to see Wasabi Toyota come out.

Harrys: Introducing the challengers,....Making their way to the ring, first, at a combined weight of 825 pounds, they are Scott Hammond & Wasabi Toyota... Brothers In Arms!

They begin walking down the ramp slowly and clap hands with the fans.

“Black Betty” hits and Steven Holmes emerges with Dr Steven Kurtesy.

“And their opponents, representing the Crashin Movement, they weigh in at a total of 475lbs, they are the WZCW Tag Team Champions of the WORLD......the team of The Elite, Steven Holmes and Dr Steven Kurtesy!!!”

They are flanked by Ojos Sandaza and Jason. The foursome walk slowly to the bottom of the ramp before Sandaza and Jason shake hands with Holmes and Kurtesy before turning to leave.

Holmes and Kurtesy then enter the ring hesitantly while never ceasing their gaze with Hammond and Toyota. The ref consults with them and the champions reluctantly hand over their titles.

“The saga surrounding the tag title continues tonight. The Crashin Movement have dominated the title picture with a ruthless attack on their rivals but tonight, the Brothers in Arms stand tall to oppose them.”

“The foreigners don’t have a chance to beat the Crashin Movement here tonight. The champs are more vicious, more cohesive and simply better than Toyota and Hammond.”

All four men stand nose to nose in the ring. Hammond and Toyota have big grins on their face. They clearly plan to enjoy the chance to get even with their adversaries. Suddenly both Hammond and Toyota deliver a huge slap to the men opposite them. The crowd laugh and cheer until Holmes and Kurtesy come back with a pair of strong clotheslines which floors the international duo. The crowd boo noisily now at the turnaround.

“No doubt in anyone’s mind that Toyota and Hammond are delighted to have this opportunity at last and the Brothers have this capacity crowd fully behind them.”

Holmes & Kurtesy team up to throw Toyota out of the ring and Holmes goes to his corner. Kurtesy then picks up Hammond and whips him into the corner. He follows it up with a jumping knee to the head. Holmes tags in. As Hammond reels out of the corner, he is taken down from behind with a chop block. Holmes then stands over him, picks him up by the head and immediately drops him with an inverted DDT. Holmes covers him but the ref only gets a one count before Hammond powers out.

Wasabi Toyota has made his way back to the corner and is trying to reach his team-mate. But Holmes stomps on him and drags him away to the opposite corner before tagging in Kurtesy again. He picks up Hammond and holds him while Holmes comes off the ropes. He jumps over Kurtesy, catching Hammond in the face, before Kurtesy drops him with a vicious backbreaker. Kurtesy covers him cockily.

“The Crashin Movement are dominant and are doing a great job in isolating the giant bull that is Wasabi Toyota.”

1...2...weak kickout by Hammond.

“Fatso McChubby will stay on the ring apron if he has any common sense.”

Toyota is now desperate to tag in while Holmes casually walks back to the corner. Kurtesy admires his work so far, and then picks up Hammond for a powerslam. Hammond slides down the back and moves towards his own partner. Kurtesy dives to grab on Hammond’s leg. He falls while Holmes runs in. Holmes runs straight to Toyota but the big man kicks him hard in the head. Hammond gets up and hits Kurtesy with a huge enziguri to huge crowd noise. He tags in Toyota and the crowd erupt.

Without hesitation and showing a great burst of speed, Toyota enters and steps on Kurtesy. Holmes runs back in and catches Hammond as he tries to go back to his corner but Toyota stops him as he floors him with a belly to belly suplex. He tags in Hammond and drags Holmes closer to their corner. Toyota drops a leg and then leaves the ring while Hammond goes to the second rope and drops an elbow on Holmes’ chest.

“The momentum of the match is swinging away from the champs!”

Hammond covers Holmes but Kurtesy enters the ring and immediately interrupts. Kurtesy stomps on Hammond and Toyota is enraged as soon, Holmes has recovered enough to join in. Toyota tries to enter the ring but the referee stops him.

With the ref distracted, the Movement attack like wolves. Kurtesy takes him down with a side headlock and Holmes applies a armbar. As the ref looks back around and believes that Holmes and Hammond are the legal men. Hammond in trouble. Toyota tries to point out that the Movement are cheating but every time he does, Holmes and Kurtesy link hands behind his back to gain leverage. Hammond screams and Toyota is enraged. He pounds the ring apron with his feet in a bid to rouse the crowd behind his partner.

“This is why the champs are on top of their division. They have spent most of the match with the ring cut in half with quick....”


“...quick tags and clever movements to keep the match in their favour.”

As soon as the Movement attempt to cheat again the referee spots them and forces them to break the hold. Holmes argues but then they move Hammond back to their corner and they place him in the tree of woe. Holmes holds his feet and Kurtesy taunts Toyota. Like a bull, the big man is fuming and desperately tries to assist his partner but the referee stops him from entering the ring again, nearly getting run over himself in the process. The Movement put the boot into the helpless Hammond. They pull him down and with the referee still unaware, they slap hands and Holmes is tagged in. They shout and the referee realises, Holmes hooks the leg and goes to count ....1...2...kickout again but even weaker by Hammond.

“While I don’t agree with their actions, this is a very sound tag team strategy from The Crashin Movement.”

“And it is working a treat.”

Holmes picks up Hammond, who looks out on his feet and picks him up for a vertical suplex. Hammond drops down behind him from this and without hesitation, delivers a huge German Suplex that throws Holmes towards the corner. Hammond is down, exhausted from the sustained attack and summons up the energy to not only press himself up but drag his own weight towards his partner. Hot tag! Toyota tags in and comes in on fire; Holmes gets splashed in the corner and as Kurtesy comes over and is met by a succession of mid kicks and then a running hip attack.

“Or at least it was because Wasabi Toyota is throwing his considerable weight around.”

Toyota checks on Hammond before they pick up their opponents and deliver identical vertical suplexes to both Kurtesy and Holmes, which sends them both spectacularly crashing over the top rope to the ringside mats!

Soon both men are on their men and on their feet on the outside, dazed. Meanwhile, Hammond has retreated to the other side of the ring and Toyota has climbed to the outside. The referee is insisting to the pair that he will begin the count and to stop any attack, but instead Hammond runs to the ropes and dives through them, crashing in Kurtesy and Holmes! Without any hesitation, Toyota stands on the apron and dives into a perfectly executed and pinpoint splash.

“The rambunctious crowd are cheering so loudly, as they are recognising the superb athleticism, risk-taking and teamwork that they are seeing tonight.”

The referee begins to count out Toyota and Kurtesy, as the legal men.

1...2...3...Hammond is upright but Toyota is barely sat up 4...5...6....7...Hammond tries to pick up his friend as he is the legal man. He shoves Holmes into the ring and tells Wasabi to set up for the Banzai Drop. Toyota climbs into the ring just as Holmes stirs. Wasabi climbs to the second rope and tries to jump but Kurtesy grabs his leg. Hammond runs around but the distraction is enough for Holmes to avoid the impact of the Banzai Drop when it comes! Toyota is stunned and collapses to the mat.

“The shock of that huge impact is going to devastating to Wasabi Toyota’s spine.”

“And the doctor is in perfect position to prescribe something for him.”

Kurtesy rolls in and covers 1...2...determined kick out by Toyota. Holmes tags in and locks in an sleeper around the giant neck of Wasabi Toyota and Toyota is fighting furiously to escape it by using his weight . He is close to the ropes but Holmes is expertly controlling the hold, so that Toyota has to drag his own weight. Hammond comes in and breaks the hold with a swift kick to the neck of Holmes, before he is dragged back to his corner by the official. Both men are now standing up and begin to slug it out in the middle. Toyota quickly gets the upper hand and whips Holmes off the ropes. Toyota comes back goes for a sharp savate kick to the face but Holmes ducks and dropkicks his standing knee. Both partners waiting to tag and the Brothers in Arms are willed on vociferously by this capacity crowd and both teams do so simultaneously!

Hammond runs in and kicks out at the onrushing Kurtesy but he catches it and turns it into a dragon screw. Holmes rolls back in and hits Hammond with the Imperial Impaler!!!! Kurtesy covers him and hooks the leg .......1.................2.........................Wasabi Toyota saves the match for his team by kicking Steven Kurtesy in the ribs!!! Steven Holmes tried to stop it but didn’t get to him in time. The doctor pounds the man from the Far East and sets up for the Prescripted Sedation, Toyota pushes him away and as Kurtesy rebounds off the ropes, Toyota locks in the Bearhug!!!! Kurtesy flails around but the big man locks it down quickly and Kurtesy is trapped in the middle of the ring!!

“Scott Hammond kicks out of the piledriver and now the Bearhug is locked in tightly. I can’t see Kurtesy escaping!”

Steven Kurtesy is tapping like a mad man but Toyota is not the legal man!

Holmes gets ready to tackle Toyota but Hammond dropkicks him away. Sandoza and Jason run down to cheer on their stable mates and they look set to interfere but Hammond stands aggressively in their way so they hesitate. Toyota drops Kurtesy and in an instant, the Brothers work together to press Kurtesy over their heads and onto Sandoza and Jason at ringside!! Holmes is on his own and Hammond and Toyota both realise it. Holmes stumbles about, recovering from the recent offense, Hammond hits London’s Calling which puts Holmes in perfect position for a huge Banzai Drop!!! It hits with crushing impact!!!!

Hammond covers Holmes!!!!! 1...................2.......................3!!!!

“New champs!!! New champs!!!”

Your winners and NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WOOOOOOORRRRLLLLDDD, Wasabi Toyota and Scott Hammond...the BROTHERS IN ARMS!!!!!

We're backstage with Serafina who's carrying the World Heavyweight Championship towards Ty Burna's locker room, she's intercepted by Stacey Madison.

Madison: So...Serafina, do you expect that you will no longer have further back pains of carrying that around for your "Master" after tonight?

Serafina: Stacey, if there's anything that's a chore around here, it's having to breathe the same air that you do! But tonight will be just like every other night for Ty. He's going to destroy his oppositions, head to Kingdom Come and destroy the one who was unfortunate enough to be his next victim! Now I suggest you actually do your job and report something worth knowing like working out who is going to rise up to the occasion or which WZCW is going to be the next unfortunate one to smell your breath!

Serafina opens the door which shows Ty sitting in a medidation stance in front of the Ouija Board as the glass shifts around freely. The door shuts as Stacey looks on rather annoyed and caught off guard by Serafina's comments
Harrys: The following contest is the EurAsian open challenge, scheduled for one fall!

Enya Stomp hits and the crowd let out a big pop for the EurAsian champ. Beckford emerges, title over his shoulder, a grin across his face. He goes over to the crowd and gets hugged by a random girl before continuing his walk down to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Leeds, England, he is the WZCW EurAsian champion, Chris Beckford!

Beckford gets into the ring and goes up to the second turnbuckle and holds up his title for the adoring crowd.

Copeland: They love him, he’s defied odds throughout his whole career and now he’s defending one of the most prestigious titles in WZCW at one of the biggest nights of the year.

Cohen: He sure is. And it’s sickening. Bring on the challenger!

Harrys: And his opponent....

Power, Wisdom and Courage comes on over the PA and Dr. Alhazred emerges from behind the curtain, his right hand, wearing the mysterious power glove, held high.

Harrys: From his hidden underground laboratory, Dr. Alhazred!

He goes down to the ramp while adjusting the glove and rolls into the ring. Beckford eyes up the competition as Alhazred holds up his power glove. The referee holds up the title belt and calls for the bell. The two men start circling each other, Beckford keeping an eye on the movement of the power glove. They lock up and battle for power until Alhazred uses the glove to push the champion backwards. Beckford stumbles backwards into the corner, and looks a bit surprised. Alhazred runs at Beckford but Beckford ducks under it, and the doctor collides with the turnbuckles. Beckford keeps Alhazred in the corner and hits him with a quick flurry of punches and kicks. Beckford Irish Whips Alhazred across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle. Beckford runs after him, going for a clothesline, but Alhazred runs out of the corner and ducks under the clothesline. Beckford runs up the corner and moonsaults off, taking out Alhazred! The crowd cheer loudly as Beckford raises his arm.

Connor: The champ’s strategy is clear in this match: Don’t give Alhazred a chance to use the glove, keep him off balance with speed.

Copeland: It’s a smart strategy. Alhazred can’t touch Beckford with the glove if Beckford is flying around the ring like a rocket!

Beckford picks up the challenger and hits him with a Inverted atomic drop. With his opponent still on his feet, Beckford runs at the ropes. He returns and goes for a Crucifix Head Scissors, but Alhazred stops the move half way through and slams Beckford down. He goes for a quick pin, 1... Kick out by Beckford. Alhazred mounts Beckford and delivers a series of elbows to his head, before going for another quick pin, 1... 2... kick out by Beckford. Alhazred picks up his opponent and gets him in a front facelock with the power-gloved arm before lifting him up and hitting him with a vertical suplex. Alhazred goes for another pin, obviously going for every pin opportunity he sees, 1... 2... Kick out. Alhazred picks up Beckford and Irish Whips him. Beckford uses the momentum to slide out of the ring under the bottom rope. He jumps up onto the apron and Alhazred runs at him. Beckford gives him a shoulder thrust to the gut through the ropes before slingshotting himself over the top rope and going for a Sunset Flip pin, 1... 2... Alhazred rolls out of it. Both men get to their feet and Alhazred goes for a clothesline, but Beckford ducks under it and dropkicks Alhazred. Alhazred falls backwards and out of the ring to the floor. Alhazred slowly starts getting to his feet as Beckford starts to get to climb to the top rope inside the ring. Alhazred gets to his feet and Beckford leaps off the top rope. He gets Alhazred in a headlock in midair, going for the Tornado DDT, but Alhazred uses his right arm to hold onto Beckford, and drives him into the ring post. Alhazred breaks the referee’s count before picking up Beckford and Irish Whips him into the crowd barrier. The force of the Irish Whip causes Beckford to go through the crowd barrier!

Connor: Beckford took one risk too many, and he’s paying for it now!

Cohen: Well that’s how wrestling matches work: Act stupid, get hurt.

A group of people from the crowd gather around Beckford, willing him on. Alhazred breaks the count again before going after Beckford. Alhazred pushes a crowd member out of the way and picks up Beckford, dragging him out of the crowd. Alhazred picks up Beckford and Bodyslams him onto the steel ring steps. Alhazred gets up onto the ring apron and goes to give Beckford and elbow drop, but Beckford moves and Alhazred smashes his elbow off the steps! Alhazred grimaces in pain and gets off the steel steps. Beckford runs forward, using the steel ring steps to step up and hit Alhazred with a big Enziguiri! Beckford rolls Alhazred into the ring, 1... 2... Kick out! Beckford slowly gets up and goes out onto the ring apron. Alhazred gets up and Beckford springboards off the top rope. Beckford goes for a dropkick, but Alhazred punches him in mid-air! Beckford crashes to the mat, clutching his stomach as Alhazred stands over him. Alhazred goes for a pin, 1... 2.... Beckford gets a shoulder up! Alhazred looks impatient as he picks up Beckford and backs him into the corner. He lifts up Beckford and places him on the top turnbuckle, before climbing up onto the second rope. Alhazred goes to give Beckford a superplex, but Beckford tries to fight out of it. He quickly counters with a Hurricanrana that sends Alhazred to the floor outside of the ring and leaves Beckford on the ring apron. Beckford uses the ropes to get to his feet and waits for Alhazred to get up. Alhazred slowly gets up and turns around. Beckford jumps off the apron, delivering a Head Scissors to Alhazred, sending the doctor head-first into the base of the announce table!

Cohen: Hey, hey, careful! People have to pay for these tables!

Beckford breaks the referee count and picks up Alhazred. Beckford gets Alhazred in a Front Facelock, signalling he’s going to DDT Alhazred onto the floor, to the crowds delight. But the doctor reverses, hitting a Back Body Drop on Beckford! Beckford’s spine smacks against the floor and Alhazred uses the apron to hold himself up. After recovering for a moment, Alhazred picks up Beckford and rolls him into the ring before going for a pin, 1... 2.... Beckford gets a shoulder up! Alhazred pounds the mat in frustration. He gets up and walks to the corner before climbing to the top rope. With Beckford still down, Alhazred leaps off the top rope, going for a Fist Drop. Suddenly, Beckford kips up, missing Alhazred’s fist by inches. Alhazred crashes to the mat, and Beckford quickly follows up by running at the ropes and hitting a springboard Moonsault! Beckford goes for the pin, 1... 2... Alhazred kicks out! The crowd are now cheering loudly for both men as the great match continues within the ring. Beckford gets up and measures up Alhazred, signalling for the Cross Drop. Alhazred gets up and turns around into a kick to the gut from Beckford. Beckford goes for his finishing move, but Alhazred gets out of it with a strong punch to the body. Beckford lets go of his opponent and clutches his abdomen. Alhazred follows it up with an Uppercut, making Beckford stumble backwards a few inches. Alhazred goes for the last punch in the Triforce combination with a wild right hand, but Beckford ducks under it and counters with a Faceplant out of nowhere! With both men down the referee begins to count. Both men begin to stir and they use the ropes to get up, breaking the referee’s count at 9. Beckford hits Alhazred with a right hand, and Alhazred returns a left. They go back and forth before Alhazred goes for a strong right hand, but Beckford ducks under it and goes behind Alhazred. He dropkicks Alhazred in the back, sending him into the ropes. Alhazred bounces backwards and Beckford rolls him up, 1... 2.... Alhazred kicks out. Beckford slowly gets back to his feet, with Alhazred getting up seconds later. Beckford goes for a Neckbreaker, but Alhazred twists out of it, and hits Beckford with a devastating right hand out of nowhere! Beckford collapses to the mat, and Alhazred covers him, 1... 2..... Beckford gets a shoulder up and Alhazred cannot believe it!

Copeland: The champion's heart is shining through once again!

Cohen: Hit him again! Again!!

Alhazred gets to his knees, his teeth gritted. He gets to his feet and raises his right hand in the air, measuring Beckford up for another powerful right hand. Beckford slowly manages to get to his feet, swaying from side to side slightly. He turns around and Alhazred goes for the punch, but Beckford dropkicks Alhazred’s right hand! The doctor screams out in pain, clutching his right hand. He removes the glove to check on his hand as Beckford gets onto the apron. Alhazred turns around and he’s met with a Springboard Dropkick. Beckford drags himself to the top rope, and looks down at his opponent for a moment before leaping off and connecting with the Cross County! Beckford hooks Alhazred’s leg, 1.... 2....3!

Harrys: Here is your winner and still EurAsian Champion, Chris Beckford!

Beckford is handed his title and he rolls out of the ring. He walks half way up the entrance ramp, massaging his jaw. He turns around and holds up his title as the crowd give a loud applause. Alhazred sits up in the ring, and stares down the champion, who backs up the ramp holding up his title with pride!

Cohen: Noo! So close...

Connor: The champion retains in a great match, but the result could’ve been different on any other night!

Copeland: Well we know two things for sure: Chris Beckford is still the EurAsian Champion, and Dr. Alhazred has truly arrived in WZCW!

We go backstage and see Leon Kensworth standing with Gordito.

Kensworth: Gordito, you have a big challenge tonight, taking on not only the WZCW World Champion Ty Burna, but also Barbosa in a three-way match for the title. What are your thoughts on tonight’s match?

Gordito: As you know, Leon, the Lethal Lottery is one of the biggest nights of the year here in WZCW. Tonight, someone will elevate himself to the main event of the biggest show of the year, Kingdom Come. What seems to get overlooked, which is not hard in all honesty, is that the other half of that main event is decided tonight as well. I will stand in the ring with two of the best that WZCW has to offer and one of us will stand with his hand raised and watch the Lottery match with so much more being on the line in it. I would be lying to you if I said this match tonight won’t be tough, but my focus is being a part of the Kingdom Come main event. Twenty-one men will fail in that quest tonight, and I don’t plan on being one of them.

A snicker can be heard from just off camera. It pans over to see Barbosa walking by. He and Gordito stare each other down for a moment before Barbosa walks away and the camera cuts out of the interview.
The arena lights dim as Amaranth by Nightwish begins. Smoke starts to rise from the entrance, and when it clears, Jones is shown standing there, as though he appeared from nowhere. He then walks to the ring, ignoring the crowd, and enters the ring. He stands on the turnbuckle closest to the entranceway and stretches his arms to his sides and the crowd greets him with a mainly positive reaction.

“On his way to the ring, he is the challenger, weighing 227lbs from Ontario, Canada, this is the Saviour, Chris Jones!!”

Smith enters the ring as his music cuts out as “Unstoppable” begins and Ferbian comes out onto the stage.

“Since the dominant reign of Baez”

“Ugh, the freak”

“Since that record breaking reign, the Mayhem division has had a number of champions and tonight we see a former champ attempt to regain the title that he lost to Wilhelm Wunderbar.”

And his opponent, from Copenhagen, Denmark, he weighs in at 264lbs and is the WZCW Mayhem champion, this is FERBIAN!!!!

Ferbian heads up the ring steps and rolls into the ring second and Jones gets on top immediately. He does not let the Mayhem champion get on to his feet and stomps him with stiff kicks. With ruthless intent on his face, Jones picks up Ferbian, wrenches the arm and bulldogs him to the mat. Ferbian tries to roll out of the ring but Jones stays on top of him and doesn’t release the grip that he has on the arm.

“Chris Jones announced his challenge by smashing a chair over the back of the champion and he has continued on this dominant streak here tonight.”

“Ferbian has not gotten any offense in and this doesn’t look good.”

He tries to wrap the arm around the turnbuckle but Ferbian fights out of it and mule kicks Jones in the gut. Ferbian fights him off with hard punches that force Jones to avoid the attack but Ferbian becomes relentless and clubs him to the mat. He picks up Jones and drops him to the outside floor over the top rope with a vertical suplex. Ferbian is slow to make his way outside as he observes Jones who is slowly moving around on the floor. Jones crawls to the apron and lifts it. Ferbian walks down the ring steps and picks up Jones, dragging him from beneath the ring by his ankle. As he does, Jones smashes a kendo stick over his head!!!

“Oh that’s smart from Jones. I love seeing that sort of intelligence.”

Ferbian crumples and falls against the announcers’ tables. Smith stands albeit unsteadily. He starts to put the boot in some more before dragging him over to the ring post. He grabs his arm and flings it around the steel! He takes the ring steps and moves it in front of Ferbian before he takes his opponent and drops him with a backbreaker on the cold, hard steps!!

The Dane screams in pain and grabs his chest. Jones grimaces but doesn’t stop as he grabs a chair from ringside. He smacks it over Ferbian’s back repeatedly, clearly targeting the already damaged spine of the Mayhem champ.

“Brutal echoes of Ascension 25 with these devastating chair shots.”

Jones covers him....1.....2......Ferbian escapes because Jones didn’t hook the leg. Jones lays on the ground a while, catching his breath, before he stands and lifts Ferbian up and sends him into the ring. Jones whips him off the ropes, Jones goes for a big kick, but Ferbian ducks it and comes back the other side but as he does, he puts everything he has into a huge lariat!!! Ferbian nailed Jones so hard that he is flipped inside out! Both men are on the mat and Jones is out but Ferbian is desperately trying to move over to cover him. Eventually he gets over to drape an arm over him.....1......2...............Jones barely gets a shoulder up!!!!

“That huge lariat could be the key moment to Ferbian retaining his Mayhem title!”

Both men roll out of the ring, slowly as they are devastated by the stiff nature of the match. Jones comes to the near side and grabs a chair while Ferbian pulls out a table. Jones sneaks around and batters Ferbian with a chair before he can get back into the ring. He then takes Ferbian’s table and sets it up directly adjacent to the ring.

He pulls Ferbian up and forces him onto the ring apron. Jones is slow to get there as he deliberately makes sure the table is set up properly. By the time he gets to the apron, Ferbian is ready to take advantage. He punches him and kicks him in the gut before grabbing a waistlock. Ferbian then turns and tries to hit The Dane through the table from the ringside apron!!! Jones is desperately hanging on and clings to the middle rope for dear life. Eventually Ferbian drops to the floor. Quickly he grabs Jones’ leg and flings him off. His face crashes into the edge of the ring, Ferbian sets up for the Deal-Breaker and nails it!!! He rolls across and covers him.......1...........................2 .............................................Chris Jones kicks out at the very last second!!

“He kicked out....?”

“That’s the first time anyone kicked out of the Deal Breaker!!”

Ferbian is visibly gutted as he can’t believe it and neither can the capacity crowd. Nonetheless he immediately moves the table and leans it against the security barrier at a generous angle. He brings Jones, who is essentially dead weight over to the table and applies a waistlock but Jones fights out of it, drops to his knees and cynically low blows Ferbian!

“That’s a hugely cynical move by Chris Jones”

“The guy is just going what needs to be done to save the Mayhem Division!!”

Both men are slow to get up but eventually Jones is up before Ferbian. He picks him up, applies a hammerlock and then a front facelock and plants him down facefirst through the table with The Lifesaver!!! The table shatters and Ferbian’s face is crushed. Jones drapes an arm across him and hooks the leg!!!! 1..........................2......................................3!!!!!

“Chris Jones has regained the Mayhem title!!! What a brutal match!!”

Your winner by pinfall, The Saviour, Chris Jones!!!!

“This is exactly what the Mayhem division needs! Ferbian just couldn’t cut it against such a savvy and experienced operator!”


Chuck Myles walks through a backstage hall, looking happy with himself. He reaches a grey door that has two large security guards standing either side of it.

Myles: Hello boys. Can I go in for a moment to have a quick moment with our special guest?

Guard 1: You told us not to let anyone into the room.

Guard 2: Including you.

Myles sighs.

Myles: Yes, very well. Can I just open the door slightly for the chat?

The guards whisper to each other for a moment before nodding.

Guard 2: You’ve got 30 seconds.

Myles opens the door slightly and squeezes his head through.

Myles: Wow, you look like you’re really ready to go! Are you looking forward to the match?..... Good, good. I’m sure there will be many, many fans out there that will be excited to see you again. Not mention, the wrestlers. I can’t wait to see their reaction; you’ve still got a reputation for being a bit of a badass around here, even if you have been gone for a while. Anyway, I’ll let you get back to your warm up. And good luck out there, who knows, maybe you could be the winner....

Myles closes the door and thanks the guards. He turns to walk away, but finds DK Wilton and Justin Cooper up in his face.

DK Wilton: Who’s behind the door!? The mystery participant? Duuude!

Cooper: I bet it’s Titus! Or, or, or Vengeance!

Myles: Leave right now and I won’t fire you...

Cooper and Wilton suddenly stop smiling and start sulking as they walk away.
Copeland: Wow, what a night it's been thus far and we haven't even had the Lethal Lottery match occur yet. It's going to be an exciting match, that's for sure.

Connor: It's been a long wait for the match, but there is still one more to go before we head there and it's the World Championship title match that's about to happen.

Cohen: Let's have at it then... the anticipation in waiting for the Lethal Lottery is killing me!

"End on 9" by Guttermouth hits the arena and out comes Gordito from the entrance area to a huge cheer. He goes to the left hand side of the stage and pumps his right arm into the air. He moves to the right side and does the same with his left hand, sticking his tongue out to the fans. He proceeds down the ramp in time with the music, interacting with the crowd. He slides underneath the ropes and climbs the turnbuckle, posing for the fans. He sets himself into a corner to prepare as the music switches to "Can't Get You Out Of My Head" by Kylie Minogue as Barbosa marches out to the beat of the music with purpose, with a completely serious look on his face. He stomps the ground and the steel steps, then gets into the ring and stands dominate as Gordito puts out his hand for good luck. Barbosa then looks at the hand and turns into a shy, awkward person who backs away from the friendly gesture. As that happens, the arena turns to black with a static like white flash flickering through the arena as "Blackened The Sun" by Tech N9ne hits and the crowd cheers. He slowly makes his way to the ring head lowered. As he gets to ringside, he lifts his head and raises the championship belt which Barbosa and Gordito admire. He enters the ring and stares at both of his opponents, before making one last gesture to the sky. The light comes back on as he does so and hands his World Championship belt to the referee.

Harrys: The following contests is a Triple Threat match, scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing the first challenger, to the person on my left. He weighs in tonight at 257 pounds and stands at 6' 1'', he hails from San Fransisco, California... he is "The Dirty One" GORDITO!

Gordito raises his hand and gives the metal horns to the crowd, who cheers.

Harrys: His opponent, the second challenger to my right, he weighs in tonight at 237 pounds and stands at 6' 1'', he hails from Bedlam... "The Ultimate Inmate" Барбоса!

Barbosa waves from his corner and gets a mixed reaction.

Harrys: And finally, the person directly in front of me, he weighs in tonight 235 pounds and stands at 6' 3''... he is the current, reigning and defending WZCW Heavyweight Champion of the World.... TY BURNA!

The crowd gives a big reaction to Ty as he remains standing in his position. The referee shows the belt to all three competitors and to the crowd, before giving to the ring assistants and signaling for the bell.

Gordito and Ty poise themselves ready whilst Barbosa dwells in his corner, not expressing an interest in competing. The two men decide to ignore him and they tie-up, collar-and-elbow style. Neither of them allow each other the advantage and both let go, scouting and studying what they could do. They tie-up again and the same thing happens, no advantage. Ty notices Barbosa getting a little frustrated but ignores it as he ties-up with Gordito once more. Barbosa competely snaps, cinches the heads of both men and surprises them with a double Duplicity. He crawls to the cover on Ty but only receives a one count. He does the same to Gordito with the same outcome. Barbosa measures up Ty as he is up and hits an overhead Sambo suplex, sending Ty to the outside of the ring. Gordito is up and delivers a backhand chop to Barbosa, shaking the cobwebs from the previous DDT. He hits a couple more before finishing with a European uppercut that staggers Barbosa back. Gordito whips a worried Barbosa across the ring and catches him with a picture-perfect dropkick to the chin. Gordito tries for a cover... 1... Ty runs in and breaks up the count. He hits a couple of kicks to Gordito, followed by one to the back of the head that knocks him down. He sees Barbosa using the ropes for aid and goes after him. Ty tries whipping Barbosa, but he counters it to whip Ty across the ring. Barbosa attempts a clothesline but Ty ducks. On the rebound, Barbosa gets leveled with a running high knee by Ty. He goes for the cover... 1... Gordito makes the save for the match this time. Gordito delivers another set of chops, but this time to Ty who clutches his chest from the impact. Gordito whips Ty across the ring and sets his head down early, which allows Ty to kick him in the head. Ty runs off the ropes and is met with a dropkick to the face by Gordito. As he goes over for the cover, Barbosa catches Gordito by surprise with a swinging neckbreaker and drills him to the mat. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Gordito. He tries over on Ty and gets the same result. Barbosa takes a short rest to gain his composure, talking about possible strategies.

Cohen: That Barbosa is a dangerous individual, but that's what makes him so unique. If he can get his personalities together he'd be able to yank that World Title Mr. Burna has been holding onto for so long. Could you imagine having three simultaneous World Champions?

Connor: It'd be four, but I get your point. However, I don't think the champion nor Gordito will be giving up this match that easily.

Barbosa locks in a reverse chinlock on Ty, putting full strain on the neck. As Ty winces in pain, Barbosa gets an evil grin on his face and slowly pulls further back and applies more pressure. It eventually turns into a blatant choke which Barbosa can't stop, with a relentless look, and the referee counts. He gets to four before Gordito pulls him back and hits a double axe handle to subdue the maniac side. Barbosa uses the ropes to get up and stands in the corner. Gordito hits a clothesline on Barbosa, walks back, spins around and hits another. Barbosa walks out of the corner with Gordito holding his hand to move him into the middle, and performs a Russian Leg Sweep. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Barbosa. Gordito sees Ty stirring and hits a backhand chop on him. He runs off the ropes and attempts a crossbody block, but Ty rolls out of the way that sends Gordito hitting the mat, through the bottom rope and down to the floor. He goes over to the fallen Barbosa and locks in a strait-jacket stranglehold submission, doing something similar to what Barbosa did prior minus the choking. At first, Barbosa is struggling to catch his breath and is about to tap, but he lowers his hand and begins laughing maniacally. He gets up and doesn't bother escaping, but instead turns his attention to Gordito who is on the apron getting back in the ring. Barbosa jumps and hits a dropkick, sending Gordito back outside, whilst Barbosa uses the momentum to flip over Ty and get behind him that forces Ty to strangehold both himself and Barbosa simultaneously. Barbosa enjoys the moment for a second before delivering a double knee backbreaker to Ty, forcing the break. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Ty. Barbosa flips Ty over with a front facelock and starts drilling knees into the head of Ty, enough so to temporarily incapacitated him. Gordito is getting back into the ring and Barbosa runs at him with a kitchen sink knee strike. Gordito hangs in between the middle ropes from the impact and Barbosa hooks in a powerbomb clutch. He lifts up Gordito and powerbombs him into the corner. Barbosa follows up with a running bulldog as Gordito staggers. Barbosa attempts a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Gordito.

Copeland: This is an impressive showing by the rookie Barbosa.

Cohen: He's looking almost as unstoppable as I was during my heydey!

Barbosa gets a sleeper hold variant onto Gordito, who tries fighting out of it. Barbosa doesn't go for the submission, however drags Gordito to the corner and begins slowly ascending each turnbuckle. The higher he goes, the hard it is for Gordito to keep his feet on the ground. Barbosa then lifts Gordito in the air and begins choking him, with the dirty one grasping for air. Gordito manages to get his feet on the ropes, uses it to springboard off and deliver a desperation jaw-breaker to Barbosa who hits the corner and slides down. Gordito catches his breath and looks at Barbosa's position. Gordito signals to the crowd at the upcoming move and they cheer as he hits the Bronco Buster in the corner, rubbing the last one in for extra effect. Barbosa rolls out and begins rapidly wiping his face, going berserk at what Gordito did and goes to the outside in search of tissues. Gordito shrugs at the crowd with a smile on his face. Ty is up and takes advantage of Gordito with a reverse STO. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Gordito. Ty immediately locks in the muta lock and has Gordito screaming in pain. He tries clamoring for the ropes, but the pressure on the leg doesn't allow Gordito to move far. The crowd is split as to whether they want Gordito to tap or not. Ty adds more pressure, but Gordito is withstanding the pain. Barbosa gets back in the ring, dispersing of a tissue on his way in, and sees Gordito about to tap. He dives in front of Gordito and catches the hand of Gordito, playing a struggle war with his hand. Ty sees that he won't get the submission and let's go, but Barbosa still struggles with the hand even though Gordito isn't doing anything. Ty kicks the hand away that saddens Barbosa who curls in a ball. Confused at his opponent, he attempts picking him up but Barbosa refuses like a little child. Ty rolls his eyes and begins waving the limp arm in front of his face. Barbosa gets excited and tries catching it, eventually getting to his knees to reach it. Ty drops the hand and kicks Barbosa in the stomach, then lifts him for a double underhook backbreaker. Ty keeps the knee in Barbosa's back and uses it to inflict pain, turning it into a submission. Barbosa is disappointed that he got tricked and tries finding a way out of the predicament.

Copeland: Did I just see Ty use Gordito's arm like a ball of yarn in front of a cat to suppress Barbosa?

Connor: He's fighting fire with fire by using something insane to combat insanity.

Cohen: That's the perk of being the World Champion, you do anything you possibly can to survive and leave with the title around your waist.

The crowd cheers for Barbosa to tap, but he doesn't allow the voices to get to his head. He starts punching the head of Ty, trying to stop the hold by he doesn't let go. Barbosa begins kicking Ty in the head, which still unfazes him. Barbosa gets a good shot in and annoys Ty, who picks up Barbosa and delivers a normal backbreaker. Ty tries for a cover, but Gordito surprises Ty with a chop block to the back of the leg. Ty staggers and Gordito hits another one, falling to the mat. Gordito picks up the legs of Ty and gets him in a Boston crab submission. Gordito applies the pressure as Ty struggles to get to the ropes. He is almost there, but Gordito pulls him back and puts a knee to the side of Ty's face to keep him planted. The crowd are once again split as to whether they want Ty to tap. Gordito holds it in as long as he can before Barbosa is up and picks up Gordito, who has now let go of the submission, for an inverted atomic drop. He tries following up with an STO, but Gordito traps Barbosa and delivers a flurry of headbutts that cuts open a gash at the top of Barbosa's eye. Gordito lets go and Barbosa falls to the mat, with the blood starting to trickle out. Gordito points upwards and gets the crowd going as he climbs the turnbuckle. He measures up Barbosa, who has recently discovered the blood. Gordito jumps off the top and hits an elbow into the heart of Barbosa. He goes for a pin... 1... 2... Barbosa sits up, inadvertently kicking out of the pin and runs his hand through the blood. He tries putting the blood back in through the gash but fails and gets quite angry. He stares straight into the eyes of Gordito with a sickening look who is surprised at Barbosa. Gordito begins delivering some backhand chops to Barbosa, but they seemingly have no effect. Barbosa tackles Gordito and begins clawing at his face trying to inflict the same punishment. The referee counts to 4 but Barbosa ignores him, so he has to pull him off revealing that Barbosa was successfully and created multiple bloody scratch marks on the face of Gordito. Barbosa runs his hand through his face and begins laughing insanely and waits for Gordito to get up. Barbosa runs at him and tries for another tackle, but Gordito reverses it into a hard Samoan drop. He drapes the arm over... 1... 2... kick-out.

Connor: Despite the amount of blood and sweat that's been shed in that ring in this match, it's still anyone's game.

Copeland: The question is, whose will it end up being?

Gordito is up and signals for the end as he flips over Barbosa and attempts for the Surf's Up, Asshole submission, but Ty is up behind him and hooks his arms for the X-plex. Gordito reverses behind Ty and tries for a back suplex, but Ty counters with a flip and locks Gordito for the Mo' Murda. He sees Barbosa stirring and grabs him, whipping him across the ring. Ty picks up Barbosa on the rebound and hits a spinebuster. He turns around to see Gordito and hits a brainbuster. He goes for a pin....... 1............. 2.................... Barbosa breaks up the count and begins attack Ty relentlessly with strikes. He tries putting Ty in a piledriver, but Ty back body drops Barbosa and waits poised. He goes for Consecrated Banishment, but Barbosa ducks. Ty runs at Barbosa who picks up Ty for a backbreaker, followed by a sideslam. He tries for his own pin....... 1.................. 2...................... Gordito breaks up the count, barely. Gordito and Barbosa rise at the same time and the dirty one kicks Barbosa in the stomach and tries for the Meteor of War, but Barbosa struggles out and gets Gordito successfully for a piledriver, drilling him down to the mat. He goes for the cover.......... 1........................... 2.................. Ty interrupts the count this time and saves his title. Ty delivers a couple of punches on Barbosa and tries for a shoulderbreaker, but Barbosa counters and sets up Ty and hits the Mood Stabilizer. He sees how Ty is position on the turnbuckle and smiles at what could be the end. The crowd tries willing Ty on to escape the submission as Barbosa slowly walks over to the corner and applies the Omega Driver clutch on Ty. As he is about to deliver the finisher, Gordito is up and backhand chops an open Barbosa to let go of the hold, followed up by a half nelson bulldog. Gordito catches his breath and waits for his opponent to get up. Gordito tries for the Meteor of War, but Barbosa grabs Gordito's wrist, hammerlocks and converts into the OMEGA DRIVER!!! Gordito hits the ground with a sickening impact. Barbosa looks at his handy work and smiles, getting up to finish it off with the Locoplata... but Ty is on the top rope recovered and jumps at Barbosa with a SUPER CONSECRATED BANISHMENT!!! The force whiplashes Barbosa back through the ropes and he gets tangled on the bottom rope, unable to unlock his leg. Ty sees this and looks at the fallen Gordito, locking in the FINAL SEANCE! Gordito tries desperately to find something... anything to escape. Barbosa looks on the titantron what is happening and he too tries to escape his predicament. Gordito can't hold on any longer and begins tapping out.

The referee signals for the bell, Ty Burna's music hits and the crowd is applauding both the win and the match. The referee hands the championship belt to Ty and holds his arm before checking on Gordito, then going over to Barbosa to help him.

Harrys: Here is your winner and STILL the WZCW Heavyweight Champion of the World....... TYYYYYYYY BUUUUURRRRNNNNNAAAAAAAA!!!

Copeland: What a contest we have witnessed and the performances put out in this match were incredible!

Cohen: Barbosa was dominating most of the match and showed why he deserves to be in the World Title picture. I'm not a big fan of the dirty one, but I have to give him props for trying to surviving many submission holds and devastating maneuvers.

Connor: In the end, it was Ty who stepped up and showed why he is carrying that title. Gordito couldn't hang on any longer and I don't blame him. Congratulations on the victory.

Barbosa is now on his feet and stares into the ring as Ty celebrates the win. He walks to the back feeling dejected that the ropes prevented him from competing further. Ty has a quick check on Gordito who is slowly coming to and gives him a pat on the chest. Barbosa is at the top of the entrance ramp and turns around to see Ty staring at him, who gives him the nod of respect before Barbosa heads through the curtain, excited about he saw. Ty gets on the turnbuckle and celebrates one more time, pointing to the skies.

Copeland: Well Ladies and Gentleman, we're just moments away from the 20 Man Lethal Lottery itself, who is going to the man to meet Ty Burna for the Championship at Kingdom Come?

We're backstage with Blade who's warming himself up.

Copeland: Will it be Blade? This man has challenged and beaten some of the best, can he do better starting earlier than twenty this year?

We now cut to the Motor City Psychos having a discussion with each other

Copeland: Or will it be one of these two men? They may have been here a short time, but they have made their presence felt.

We cut again, this time to Hunter Kravinoff who's air punching while the picture of Freud looks on.

Copeland: How about Kravinoff? He looks ready to whip some! But the time to talk is over, it's about to take place right now!
The bell sounds and the lights go down, focusing on Truman Harrys in the center of the ring.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the Lethal Lottery match! The rules of the match are as follows, the entrants that drew the numbers one and two enter the ring and the match will commence. Then, every two minutes after, another competitor will enter according to the number they drew. An elimination occurs when a wrestler is thrown over the top rope with both feet touching the floor. The last entrant remaining in the ring once all twenty have entered will be declared the winner and will go on to face the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion at Kingdom Come!

The crowd pops for this and Harrys waits a moment for them to quiet down.

Harrys: Now introducing Entrant Number One!

“Supernova Goes Pop” hits and Everest makes his way down the ramp, clearly still hurting from his match earlier in the night.

Cohen: You can already pencil in one elimination for whomever drew number two, as he will be facing damaged goods in Everest.

Copeland: Don’t underestimate the toughness of the former World Champion, Jack. He would love to have that belt back and the Lethal Lottery is a perfect chance for him to get on the road to regaining it once more.

Everest stands in the ring, trying to stretch out his not only injured, but strained body as the music for entrant number two plays.

Harrys: Now introducing Entrant Number Two!


“Juggalo Homies” blasts over the PA and Cory Allen heads toward the ring, high-fiving fans and giving one of them his jersey. He slides into the ring under the bottom ropes and gets back to his feet to start the Lethal Lottery Match.

The two men circle each other, neither man seemingly interested in using too much energy this early in the match. Allen charges Everest out of nowhere, however, and begins throwing forearms at the former World Champion. Everest seems a bit dazed as Allen runs the ropes and jumps onto Everest, trying for a monkey flip. Everest is able to hold on to him, adjusts his grip, and takes Allen over with a fisherman’s suplex. Both men are down as Allen is stunned from the reversal into a suplex and Everest’s back is reinjured from the strain of catching Allen and the impact of landing from delivering the suplex. Everest is the first one back to his feet, and slowly pulls Allen up by his arm. Once Allen is standing again, Everest connects with a short-arm clothesline, dropping Allen once again. Everest goes to pick up Allen and whips him into a corner and begins trying to lift him over and out of the match as the buzzer goes off.

Entry Number 3:


“Don’t Damn Me” plays and DK Wilton heads toward the ring at a steady pace.

Connor: Imagine what a break it would be for DK Wilton to win the Lethal Lottery tonight.

Cohen: If it means we don’t have to listen to any more of his God-awful music, then I am all in favor of him winning.

Wilton goes straight for Everest when he enters the ring. Everest continues trying to put Allen out until he is hit with a dropkick from behind by Wilton. Allen and Everest hit heads, leaving Allen barely holding himself up in the corner and Everest collapsed at Allen’s feet. Wilton sees an opportunity and rolls Everest into the middle of the ring and drops a knee to his face. Wilton then gets a running start and connects with a corner splash onto Cory Allen. DK runs out of the corner with Allen and connects with a bulldog, splashing Allen on Everest in the process. Both those men are down as Wilton jumps onto a turnbuckle to taunt the crowd. He jumps down to see Allen having been rolled off of Everest and Everest on his knees, working back to his feet. Wilton goes for a kick to the back of Everest, who ducks it. When Wilton turns back around, Everest is on his feet and throws Wilton overhead with a belly-to-belly suplex. Wilton crashes back-first into the turnbuckle he just posed on. Everest goes to retrieve Wilton, but senses something behind him. He turns and sees Allen charging at him. Everest ducks the clothesline and sweeps Allen’s leg, sending Allen back first onto Wilton in the corner right as the buzzer goes off.

Entrant Number 4:

“The Hills Have Eyes” blares and Alex Bowen comes out onto the stage and punts a bottle of Faygo into the crowd before running down to the ring.

Copeland: It’s Alex Bowen! The Motor City Psychos are now together in this match, which spells trouble for the other two men in there.

Bowen slides in under the bottom rope and charges right for Everest. He starts throwing rights and lefts that have Everest reeling. Allen and Wilton begin stirring in the corner as Bowen connects with a sitout jawbreaker. He signals for Allen who connects with a corner splash. Wilton tries to follow up with a corner splash of his own, but is caught by Everest who drops him over the top rope with a Rock Slide! Everest falls back into the corner, standing across the ring from the Psychos. They stare down Everest and discuss strategy. Everest signals for them to bring it on, and they do just that. They both charge at Everest at the same time. Allen eats a kick to the gut, but Bowen connects with a dropkick to the head of Everest. Everest collapses in a heap in the corner of the ring. Bowen checks on Allen before they both go over and try to lift him up and throw him out. The Psychos have Everest lying on the top rope but Everest connects with a boot to the side of Allen’s head, sending him to the mat. Everest is able to slide back to a standing position in the corner. Bowen goes for a chop but Everest ducks it, picks up Bowen and plants him with a spinebuster on top of Allen. All three men are down as the countdown clock gets close to zero. Bowen and Everest are beginning to stir as the buzzer goes off for the next entrant.

Entrant Number 5:


“Invisible Wounds” hits as Michael Winters comes out from behind the curtain. He crosses himself as he heads toward the ring.

Connor: It’s Michael Winters! Will this youngster help Everest against the Psychos or is the Pinnacle of Perfection about to be faced with a three-on-one situation?

Before Winters makes it to the ring, Bowen and Everest make it back to their feet and begin trading strikes. Winters sees this and goes straight for the nearly prone body of Cory Allen. As Winters goes to pick up Allen, Bowen drops Everest with The End of Days. Bowen looks over at Winters, but sees that he is struggling with Allen as Allen is little more than dead weight at this point so he tries to eliminate Everest. Both Winters and Bowen struggle to lift Allen and Everest respectively to throw them out. Winters finally gets a solid grip and begins lifting Allen for elimination. Bowen sees this and runs across the ring to drop Winters with a belly to back suplex. Winters in down holding his back and neck as Bowen goes back to work on Everest, who is still out from Bowen’s finisher. Bowen continues to work on Everest and Winters slowly gets back to his feet as the countdown clock begins. The buzzer sounds right as Winters gets back to his feet.

Entrant Number 6:


“Wake Up” blasts as Sam Smith slowly begins making his way toward the ring.

Copeland: Sam Smith, another youngster who can prove himself tonight, is the next entrant.

Cohen: Smith is one of the smartest competitors in this match, Seabass. Look at the former lawyer now, taking his time getting to the ring so he spends that much less time using energy.

As Smith slowly strolls toward the ring, Winters goes back to work on Allen as Bowen struggles with Everest. Smith climbs in and goes straight to work on Bowen, dropping him with a neckbreaker. Smith goes to the top, looking for a moonsault, but Everest is able to reach up and shake the ropes, causing Smith to lose his balance and crotch himself on the top rope. Smith is able to fall backwards into the ring as all three men on that side are down. Right as Bowen starts getting back to his feet, Winters finally gets a solid grip on Allen and gets him up off the mat. Bowen sees this and tries to run over and save his partner but is too late as Allen is sent to the floor. Bowen runs over and before Winters can turn back around, dumps him over the top. Winters, however, is able to land on the back of Cory Allen, preventing himself from elimination! Winters jumps back onto the apron from the back of Allen and reaches through the ropes and sends Bowen to the floor, eliminating Bowen and planting him on top of his partner! The crowd roars in approval of the work done by Michael Winters as he climbs between the ropes and back into the match. Referees check on Cory Allen, who hasn’t moved since being eliminated, and Winters heads toward Everest and Sam Smith as the buzzer goes off for the next entrant.
Entry Number 7:

The crowd gets worked up into a frenzy as Austin Reynolds make his way out a second time through the curtain tonight. He’s still carrying the steel chair he used earlier, only this time dented and a small stain of blood is on it.

Cohen: Security! Dangerous man on the loose!

Copeland: Constantine had it coming to him after he’s put Reynolds through.

Reynolds takes his time as Winters watches on, keeping mindful of Everest and Smith who are still struggling with each other in the corner. Reynolds reaches the ring but goes around the side and leans the steel chair against the steps and he rolls into the ring. Winters nods in respect of Reynolds as they both lock up in the centre with an elbow lock, both men keeping their ground as Smith has Everest up on his shoulders and tries to force him out of the ring but the former World Champion keeps a tight grip, he then rakes Smith’s eyes who backs out of the corner, Winters shoves Reynolds off and catches Smith with a sidewalk slam. Everest is now back inside the ropes and takes Reynolds down with a clothesline, he stops for a second as fatigue is slowly settling in on him.

Winters gets Smith up off the mat and goes for a full on throw on him but Smith grabs the rope and elbows him in the abs, he tries to force Winters over the ropes but both men are heavily leaning, threatening a danger of eliminating each other. Everest has Reynolds up and proceeds to Irish whip him, when Reynolds reaches the ropes he springboards off of it and knocks Everest down with a clothesline, the shaking of the ropes from this has sent Winters and Smith over but they hold on tight, keeping hold of the apron, they roll themselves back under the bottom rope, putting them back into safety. Everest is back up on one knee as are Winters and Smith, Reynolds looks around trying to think what to do next as the countdown appears once again, counting down from ten to one, Reynolds and the others stop for a moment to see who the new entrant is as the buzzer sounds.

Entry Number 8:

Showtime Cougar makes his way out, sans his Elite X belt and smirks proudly to the crowd, unaware that the moment his music hit, Reynolds rolled out of the ring, grabbed the steel chair and bolts straight for him.

Connor: Looks like the ratings are about to go up!

Cohen: Showtime, watch out!

Showtime soaks in the moment only he turns and is met with Reynolds’ steel chair, taking him straight to the floor as the crowd cheer in unison, Reynolds gets Cougar up and slams him into the set which he bounces off and is revealed to have been busted from that chairshot. Reynolds grabs him again and throws him into the security barrier along the entrance way, Everest, Smith and Winters are back on their feet as they observe the ongoing battle between these two as they all signal to Reynolds to bring Showtime into the ring. Reynolds suplexes Showtime onto the floor, giving Showtime some further pains before he notices the other entrants signal to him, so he obliges by getting the Showman up and rolling him into the ring, he is welcomed by the stomps of Everest, Smith and Winters.

Reynolds rolls into the ring with a smirk on his face with a sense feeling of justice, despite the stomping, Showtime keeps tight to the ropes to the point he rolls out of the ring looking rather dazed after the handicapping he just received from the other competitors. Reynolds follows after him as Everest then grabs Smith and throws him over the far ropes, Smith holds on tightly as Everest goes after Winters and both men exchange rights with each other. Reynolds is met with an elbow from the bloody Showtime who then lifts and drops him on the security barrier, he then checks his head to see it’s bleeding and he’s not impressed at all as he starts to stop on Reynolds. Winters begins to out power Everest through his weight advance but Everest lets him fall into a Rock Slide, Winters elbows him out of it as he then hits The Crucifix to take him down. Smith rolls back in as the countdown appears once again, Showtime walks again from Reynolds as he looks to sneak behind Smith and Winters who are all eyes on the entrance, the buzzer sounds.

Entry Number 9:

The crowd cheers as Baez makes his way out, he heads down the ramp in a gentle pace as Showtime looks on in disbelief and shouts “Oh no!” to himself.

Copeland: Looks like the numbers are massing up against Showtime, his last challenger is here!

Cohen: This isn’t fair! This thing is fixed! I want to see that entrance list right now!

Connor: Baez looks focused on the ring rather than a special individual.

Baez slides under the ropes under Winter’s legs, he gets up and bounces off the ropes and goes for a dropkick which makes Winters stagger slightly. Smith is back up as Baez then goes for a hurricanrana on the young man to knock him off his feet, he’s then met by the clothesline of Cougar who’s rolled back into the ring. He looks to see if Reynolds is back but he isn’t so he goes towards Winters and gives him and elbow to the back of the head followed by punches to the stomach, he follows up with a dropkick as Winters falls into the corner, Showtime turns and finds Reynolds standing on the opposite corner waiting for him he’s about to approach him but Baez low blows him from behind and Smith hits the Final Judgement on him, Reynolds then leaps off the top ropes and lands on him with a splash.

The bloodied Showtime looks battered but as Reynolds looks to try and get everyone to eliminate him, Baez then grabs Reynolds and tries to force him over the top rope which has everyone in shock. Smith even goes over and joins in but Baez elbows him in the head as Baez has Reynolds on the apron and tries to force him out with a boot, Winters is back up and makes the save with a clothesline as Reynolds keeps himself safe by getting back inside the ring. Everest is back up as he rolls Showtime onto his feet, he drags him into the corner and starts kicking at him until Showtime has dropped in the corner, he paces away and then hits a running knee at the showman. Smith creeps up behind him as he hits a backbreaker on the Pinnacle of Perfection as the buzzer sounds once again.

Entry Number 10:


The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Hunter Kravinoff comes out onto the stage with the picture of Freud he carries around. He talks to it for a second and then places it by the stage so he can watch his performance and heads down to the ring.

Copeland: We’re halfway home and here comes a man who last two matches had victories over Big Dave and Austin Reynolds, could this man do one better and head into Kingdom Come as the challenger?

Connor: He’s definitely got one of the better momentums going into this one!

Kravinoff slides in and surveys the scene before deciding to go straight at Winters, he hits some rights on the Christian man before hitting a dragon suplex to take the man down, he spots Showtime in the corner and hits a running dropkick which takes even more out of him. He then grabs Baez and hits a double-underhook suplex on the masked one before he’s met with a shoulder charge by Reynolds to slow the pace down. Smith gets up into Reynolds face, leading into a slug out between both men, Reynolds then hits an elbow into his face, runs at the ropes and performs the Millions and Millions to take down Smith, he sees Everest back up and goes for a second one but Everest ducks under it and then follows up with The Rock Slide. Everest is slow to his feet as Kravinoff and Winters are back up, he puts his arms over them to try for a double Rock Slide but they kick him in the abs and perform a double suplex only for Kravinoff to kick Winters straight in the head before he can get back up.

Baez is out on the apron and waits for Kravinoff to turn and face him as he leaps onto the drop rope and hits a springboard dropkick which makes Kravinoff fall back against the ropes, Baez then grabs Kravinoff by the feet and tries to send him over the top rope, Hunter’s holding onto the rope with one high and trying to free himself from Baez’s attempts to get him eliminated but Baez then gives a shift of force and Kravinoff goes over, holding onto the top rope but one foot touches the floor and he pulls himself back inside. Baez sees this and runs at him going for the hurricanrana, Kravinoff turns him to push him over the top rope and this time both men go over and hang on for dear life. Baez being the shorter of the two has no problem with keeping on the apron but Kravinoff kicks him with a free leg and Baez slips down, one foot hits the floor and Baez decides to go and hop on it to give him some momentum getting back inside as both men are safe from elimination once again. The countdown has reached five as Everest and Showtime are squaring off, as are Winters and Smith. The buzzer sounds.

Entry Number 11:

Jordan Lights comes out to a mixed reaction as he gently paces down the entrance way, most of the other competitors are just keeping focused on their current opposition.

Connor: It’s been an interest 2010 for Jordan Lights, will his 2011 start off well?

Cohen: If he teams up with Max Karzai again, then no!

Lights slides under the ropes and tries to pick an opponent, he spots Reynolds who’s just got back to his feet, he starts unloading rights on him and Irish whips Reynolds and attempts the C.Y.A but Reynolds blocks it and counters it with the Ratings Killer, he gets back up to his feet and gets Lights up with him, only to throw him over the top rope and straight to the floor, Lights slams the mat in frustration and tries to get back in the ring but the referees prevent him and he heads back disappointed with these turn of events. Reynolds turns around to meet a right hand from Kravinoff who backs Reynolds in the corner and then hits an elbow into Reynolds face. Showtime’s broken away from Everest and tries to negotiate with Kravinoff to eliminate Reynolds to which he smiles at and agree.

This falls short as Baez and Everest get in the way, Baez kicking Showtime in the thighs and Everest with some rights on Kravinoff. Both men then Irish whip Cougar and Hunter simultaneously and both take their respective men down with a hurricanrana which has them bouncing throat first off the middle rope as Baez hits the Smashmouth on Kravinoff while Everest goes for a spinebuster on Showtime only to hit with the Ratings Crash. Winters kicks Smith down after a failed attempt to try and eliminate him and goes straight after Show who meets him with a knife edge chop, followed by a couple of them to back him in the corner, he then hits a reverse neckbreaker on an unaware Baez right before hitting a clothesline on Winters to leave only himself and Reynolds standing tall. Showtime looks around to find someone else but he doesn’t as Reynolds stares straight at his foe stepping forward towards him with Showtime trying to be friendly and noting about the cut on his forehead. The countdown appears once again as he smirks knowing that they could focus on the new entrant but Reynolds just gets a takedown and unloads on Showtime, much to the crowd’s joy, as the buzzer sound.

Entry Number 12:

Blade heads out at a high paced walk, he’s not in any rush to get into the ring

Copeland: Last year’s Number Twenty is this year’s twelve, is Blade going to make a victory the destiny he desires?

Cohen: You bet’cha! Everyone’s on hold as Blade is going to clear the ring out right now!

Blade picks up the pace when he notices Reynolds unloading on Showtime so he picks up the pace a bit and slides in to watch over as Reynolds gets up and starts stomping on Showtime, Blade smiles and just watches on and then joins in the stomping session with Reynolds. Reynolds stops for a moment as Blade looks to enjoy himself, he’s about to pick up Showtime but Reynolds stops him, he tells him to wait as Blade is reluctant to stop his offence, Reynolds heads to the ropes and makes his way out in the middle of them but Sam Smith is up and ramps Reynolds off the apron to the floor Blade shoves Showtime down and grabs Smith and throws him over but Smith keeps holding onto the ropes, he goes to climb back in but Reynolds grabs his foot to try and pull him off but Smith kicks him away and gets back in. Blade turns his attention to Everest who’s in the corner and runs into him with a shoulder barge into the corner, he hits an uppercut before checking him behind him, he then Irish whips Everest into the other corner with head on contact, making him back out and Blade hits a release German suplex to take him down.

Winters is now back up and leaning against the corner, so Blade shoulder barges him and then climbs up to the middle rope and hits some rights on him, Winters is taking them despite the offence he then headbutts Blade in the waist and proceeds to powerbomb him in the centre of the ring. He shakes his head for a second to regroup and Baez leaps onto him to apply a sleeper from the front, Winters tries to resist and swings his arms around trying to find something to grab. Suddenly Smith is back up and dropkicks Baez which makes him release the hold while Winters falls backwards to take both men down. Smith looks pleased and he decides to go for someone else as Reynolds is back up at the apron, sliding in with a steel chair, a revived Kravinoff is back up and kicks Reynolds before he grabs the chair. Smith finally turns around to see Hunter behind him who gives an almighty swing at his head with the chair which knocks him back with full force over the top rope and to the floor, eliminating him from this match. The buzzer sounds as Showtime drops Kravinoff with a reverse neckbreaker from behind.

Entry Number 13:


Justin Cooper heads out at a jogging pace and immediately slides under the ropes.

Connor: Another member of the younger roster making his first Lottery appearance.

Cohen: I expect a top four finish at least from him!

Cooper immediately heads for Winters, rolling him up onto his feet and goes to throw him over the top rope, he celebrates the throw but failed to realise that Winters is still on the apron as stands behind the celebrating Cooper who turns around and is met with a hard clothesline, he steps away as he notices Everest has ascended the turnbuckle through the middle ropes and hits a flying headbutt on Cooper. Both Winters and Everest team up and hit a double Russian leg sweep to keep him grounded for a big longer as Showtime attacks Everest from behind and Kravinoff on Winters. There’s an exchange of lefts and rights between all four men until Austin Reynolds is back up on the apron, he springs himself up onto the top rope and takes all four of them down with springboard crossbody. He sees Blade and goes for a leg lariat but Blade ducks out of the to make Reynolds hit the canvas and follows up with an elbow to the chest, he grabs Reynolds and tries to force him over the top rope.

As this happens, Baez is back up and runs over to push both Reynolds and Blade over, they hang and keep tight to the ropes but Baez keeps kicking Blade to try and get him out as Reynolds is now back in. Despite Baez’s hard attempt to get Blade out, he managed to get back inside the ropes and when Baez kicks him again, Blade grabs the leg and rolls back to his feet, putting Baez down with a dragon screw and teases the cloverleaf but opts to catapult Baez against the ropes, Blade tries to force Baez over through this but Baez keeps holding on tight before elbowing him in the face which knocks him away and is met by a spear from Showtime. Reynolds tries to sneak up behind Showtime for some more offence but Kravinoff stops him with a lariat and he then hits a bulldog on Showtime. The countdown starts once again as Hunter gets back up and is met with a shoulder block from Cooper who then begins some offence on Everest who’s in the corner, the buzzer hits once again

Entry Number 14:

Mr. Baller emerges from the back and he walks with a steady pace, he’s carrying his basketball with him, he stops to spin it on his finger.

Copeland: Here comes Baller, hopefully no pinfall attempts this time, but I can’t understand why he has his basketball with him?

Cohen: It’s his lucky charm and he’s going to do one better in the Lottery in comparison to last year.

Baller then starts to dribble the ball up the aisle and the moment he reaches the ring, he grabs it properly and slides in. Everest is trying to shake off the offence from Cooper who’s attention is now focused on Baller and his ball who starts dribbling it again as those are the side are wondering what’s going on, Baller dribbles the ball around Cooper who still looks baffled. Baller then points towards something behind Cooper who turns to look on, Baller then throws the basketball directly at Cooper’s head, which sends him face first over the top rope and to the floor which has the crowd giving an applause. Baller waists no time and goes for Showtime Cougar, he drags him to the corner and bounces his head against the turnbuckle and tries to pull him over the ropes, but alas the Elite X Champion keeps holding onto the ropes tight. Everest and Reynolds head over to try and help him but he shoves them off and tells them that he wants to eliminate Showtime, they look at each other and both punch Baller simultaneously.

Everest and Reynolds then go at Showtime to resume what Baller started but he keeps himself holding tight to the middle rope, at the opposite corner, Kravinoff and Blade are trying to eliminate Winters, Blade dictating direction as their attempts are looking much more successful than at the other corner. Winters has now fallen onto the ring apron, he grabs Kravinoff by the head and tries to pull him over with him and Blade tries helping him out of the ring only to be low blowed by a mule kick from Kravinoff who frees himself and slams Blade to the mat as Winters keeps himself in safety. Showtime rakes Everest’s eyes and elbows Reynolds in the head to free himself of trouble and Kravinoff kicks Reynolds in the head to knock him down as Showtime takes time out in the corner. The countdown appears once again as Everest and Kravinoff lock eyes with each other, the familiar sound of the buzzer occurs once again.

Entry Number 15:

Tucker Graham heads out and looks ready to go, he looks at Kravinoff and Everest and walks towards them only to be taken down a steel chair from Barbosa who attacks him from behind.

Copeland: What the?! It’s Barbosa!

Cohen: Ah-ha! He’s taking out Graham I love it!

Connor: Somebody stop this!

Barbosa continues to upload the chair on Graham who is helpless against him. He then grabs him and throws him into the crowd barrier, he then drops the chair and picks Graham up one more time and drags him to the edge of the stage, he holds Graham near some technical equipment, he holds no hesitation as he hits the Mood Stabilizer through the equipment which starts sparking up as the crowd goes “Holy Shit!” Barbosa just walks away without looking back and runs straight towards the ring, reclaiming the chair he had and slides in. He unloads the chair on Kravinoff and tries for Everest who rolls out of the ring. He then spots Reynolds nearest, he slams the chair with full force on the Ratings Winners before throwing the chair to the floor, he brings Reynolds back up and hits the Doppelgänger directly onto the chair, virtually killing Reynolds who gets kicked out the ring by Barbosa.

Winters is back up and Barbosa is immediately on him, taking him down with an STO, he then spots Blade who’s on one knee, grabbing him and taking him down with a kitchen sink knee strike. Baller’s back up again foolishly to hit be an inverted atomic drop as Barbosa’s rampage continues but seems to be wearing down. Baez leaps up at him to be taken down with a piledriver, he then focuses eyes on Showtime Cougar who’s heavily worn down but that doesn’t affect Barbosa who grabs him and hits him with another Doppelgänger. Everyone is down except for Everest who gets back into the ring and stands poised and ready, Barbosa turns and tries for a clothesline but Everest ducks and hits some rights, he goes for an Irish whip but Barbosa counters it and runs at Everest who’s just rebounding off the ropes to be met with a powerful clothesline, so powerful that it sends Barbosa over the ropes with Everest to the floor, eliminating both men from the match. The remaining seven competitors are all down from Barbosa’s chaos, with Reynolds still down and out from the earlier onslaught from the outside. The countdown appears once again as no-one is moving, the crowd is building up in excitement as the countdown reaches 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and the buzzer sounds one more time.
Entrant Number 16:


Copeland: The unpredictable Phoenix draws number 16, and he's got a wide open field after Barbosa shockingly eliminated himself and Everest.

Cohen: He's one of my favorites in the Lottery Seabass, he can take the necessary risks to win, and with such a late entry, he's going to be fresh.

Phoenix comes running down the ramp as the crowd boos him. He hops up onto the apron and motions for Blade to get up. As Blade slowly gets to his feet, Phoenix springboards off and hits a spinning heel kick, sending Blade crashing to the ground. Winters is up and tries to lock in a cobra clutch but Phoenix elbows his way out and flips him over with a snapmare. He dropkicks Winters hard in the back and finishes with a stiff kick to the face. He lifts Winters up and drags him over to the ropes and tries throwing him over, but Winters holds on tight to the top rope. Winters is halfway over but Blade attacks Phoenix from behind him, pulling him into the middle of the ring and sets him up for the Halo but Phoenix counters and gets behind Blade, hitting a big German Suplex. Suddenly Kravinoff is now up and hits a big lariat on Phoenix, crumpling him to the ground. He stomps away at Phoenix as Blade now focuses on Winters. Both men exchange rights and fight for leverage by the ropes. Winters gains advantage but Baller with a right hand stops Winters' advantage. Blade and Baller now working together to try eliminating Winters as Kravinoff and Phoenix struggle on the opposite side. Baez is up now and hits a big dropkick on Blade, sending him backwards into the ropes. Baez goes for a clothesline but Blade ducks under and connects with a neckbreaker. The countdown begins as Winters finally shoves Baller off of him and connects with a DDT. The crowd joins the countdown and the buzzer sounds.

Entrant Number 17:


Connor: Is that who I think it is?

Celeste walks out from behind the curtain and stands at the top of the ramp as the crowd erupts.

Copeland: It is! Celeste Crimson has made a return to WZCW!

Cohen: But she was fired last year! She shouldn't be here, she should be in the unemployment line with Titus looking for work.

Celeste walks down the ramp confidently as the crowd begins chanting “Welcome back”. She enters the ring and Winters walks backwards into her. He spins around and face Celeste, but he backs off shaking his head.

Copeland: It appears Winters wants no part of Celeste.

Cohen: Look at the poor boy, he doesn't want to hit a woman.

Connor: He is showing chivalry, what's so bad about that?

Celeste smirks and she hits a huge right hand on Winters, sending him reeling. Winters shakes the cobwebs out and shakes his head again, refusing to fight Celeste. Celeste shoves him into the ropes and out of nowhere hits the Spirit Crusher sending Winters flying over the top rope and to the ground!

Cohen: That is why you don't take Celeste lightly.

Copeland: She was a dominate force in WZCW for quite some time, it's great to see her again.

Showtime is suddenly up and he tries throwing Celeste over the ropes but she holds on and kicks him away. She catches Show and hits a big belly to belly suplex and he rolls over, blood dripping from his head still. Celeste poses in the middle of the ring as Blade and Baller continue to battle in the corner while Phoenix finally gets the best of Kravinoff and hits the Rebirth on him. Phoenix walks backwards into the middle of the ring to scope out the carnage going on and bumps into Celeste. They spin aroudn and face off. The crowd begins buzzing as they begin exchanging right hands Celeste gains the upper hand and sends Phoenix into the corner. She hits a flip kick and handsprings backwards. Phoenix looks groggy in the corner and Celeste looks to throw him over the top rope. Baez meanwhile has picked up Showtime and tries throwing him over the top rope. Showtime falls over but hangs on to the middle rope and drops down, hanging onto the bottom rope as Baez stomps away at him. Celeste signals for the Spirit Crusher once more but Phoenix ducks under as she goes for the round house and counters with Rebirth! Celeste goes over the top rope and reaches out desperately for the bottom rope but loses grip and lands on the outside. The crowd lets out a sound of disappointment as Phoenix gathers himelf in the ring and Celeste slowly gets to her feet. The crowd cheers her on as she slowly makes her way to the back.

Copeland: What a counter by Phoenix. I was certain that she had Phoenix right where she wanted him.

Cohen: It's a shame, she really brightened up this Lethal Lottery with he appearance. However Phoenix has taken out one of the true legends of WZCW, how can he be stopped now?

Baez has Showtime up once more and are exchanging blows until Show gets the upper hand. The countdown begins again and the crowd joins in once more. Blade has Baller nearly over the ropes but Baller kicks him away and hits a springboard elbow, sending both men to the ground. The buzzer sounds and the crowd's excitement begins rising for the next entrant.

Entrant Number 18:


Doug Crashin makes his way out with a microphone in hand. The crowd boos him loudly as he stands at the top of the ramp.

Crashin: People! Your great and almighty leader has finally returned to conquer WZCW, and to spread the message of the Crashin Movement to you all!

He makes his way down the entrance ramp but keeps the mic to his mouth and continues talking.

Crashin: I know you have all been disappointed in the fact I have not been able to compete for the last few months, but that is set to change right now. I will win the Lethal Lottery and I will go on to face ty Burna for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. I know my partners lost the World Tag Team Titles earlier tonight, but it is just a small speed bump on the road to greatness.

He enters the ring and everyone has stopped fighting and are focused on Crashin.

Crashin: So what do you all say? Take the easy route and simply exit the ring before you all feel the wrath of the Crashin Movement!

Crashin smiles as the crowd boos him loudly. Suddenly all six men in the ring attack Crashin, stomping away on him. Baez picks him up and hits Smashmouth. Crashin crumbles to the ground holding his throat as Baller climbs up to the top turnbuckle and comes off, connecting with the Buzzerbeater! Crashin is flat on the ground until Showtime lifts him up and nails the Showstopper. The crowd erupts in delight as Crashin lies on the ground. Blade picks Crashin up now and devastates him with the Halo. Blade lifts Crashin up once more and sends him directly towards Phoenix who hits Rebirth, sending Crashin directly to Kravinoff who grabs him by the head and headbutts him once before dropping him with the double under hook DDT! Holmes and Kurtesy suddenly run down to the ring just in time for Kravinoff to toss Crashin over the ropes. Kurtesy and Holmes shake their heads as they pick up Crashin and slowly carry him to the back to a sarcastic standing ovation from the crowd. The remaining six men square off in the center of the ring, Blade and Baller pick up where they left off, exchanging blows once more. Phoenix tackles Baez with a Thesz press and begins unloading on him. Kravinoff backs Showtime into the corner and goes for a splash but Showtime moves out of the way and tries to recover in the opposite corner, wiping the blood away from his eyes. The countdown begins again as Phoenix hits a Liger kick on the rising Baez. He motions for the Final Flight and the crowd boos him loudly and the buzzer sounds once more.

Entrant Number 19:


Copeland: Here we go!

Cohen: And business has now picked up! My pick to win the Lottery this year!

Connor: Has Dave got enough rest since his match with Everest earlier in the night?

Dave makes his way out and the crowd boos him mercilessly. He walks swiftly to the ring and enters just as Phoenix gets to the top rope. He goes flying off but Dave catches him by the throat and immediately throws him over the top rope. Phoenix hits the ground hard as Dave stares down at him.

Copeland: Immediately Dave makes an impact on this Lethal Lottery. How impressive was that?

Cohen: Baez should be thanking Big Dave after that save. He was about to be crushed by the Final Flight.

Dave looks down at Baez who is getting to his knees. Dave lifts him up and connects with a big Catatonic Backbreaker, causing Baez to scream out in agony. Meanwhile Baller has gotten the upperhand on Blade and goes for a jumping DDT. Blade stays up right however and Baller crashes to the mat. Blade lifts him up quickly and hits another Halo, knocking Baller out cold. He pulls Baller up and throws him over the top rope, eliminating him. Blade mocks the slowly rising Baller before turning his attention back into the ring. Big Dave suddenly lifts Blade up and threatens to toss him over the top rope but Baez is to his feet and chop blocks Dave from behind, sending Blade crashing to the mat but still in the ring. Baez begins unloading a furious amount of rights and Blade backs away from the two quickly, only to bump into Kravinoff, who quickly picks Blade up in a two handed choke. Dave blocks a punch from Baez and hits a huge headbutt, sending him backwards.

Copeland: We are down to five men in the ring with the eliminations of Baller and Phoenix. We are getting close to the end of the Lottery!

Cohen: Big Dave is just dominating everyone inside that ring. I don't think anyone can take him out.

Connor: Has anyone seen Reynolds since Barbosa hit his finisher on him earlier?

Just then the countdown begins again and the crowd counts down along with it. The buzzer hits and the crowd begins booing knowing who the last entrant is.

Entrant Number 20:


Copeland: Constantine looks to be in rough shape after Reynold's attack earlier this evening.

Cohen: Attack? That was a mugging like I've ever seen one. Constantine shouldn't even be competing in his state right now.

Connor: And yet here is ready for his opportunity to win a spot at Kingdom Come.

Constantine slowly makes his way out, holding his midsection and a bandage on his head from being busted open earlier. He walks down the ramp as the crowd continues to boo him. He reaches the ring and walks up the steps and onto the ring apron. Suddenly Reynolds comes running around the ring with a chair in hand and blasts Constantine in the back. Constantine drops off the apron and to the ground and Reynolds does not let up, crashing the chair again and again into the chest of Constantine.

Cohen: This is ridiculous! Reynolds was out cold on the outside!

Copeland: It appears he was biding his time, waiting for Constantine once more.

Connor: Smart move by Reynolds, not only does he get a chance to attack him once more, but he's not taken the physical abuse like everyone else in the ring. Remember he didn't go over the top rope but under them, he's still in this match!

Finally one of the refs on the outside grabs the chair from Reynolds and directs him to get into the ring. Reynolds argues for a moment before dragging Constantine up and rolling him into the ring, dropping an elbow across the face for good measure. Reynolds stomps away at Constantine who is merely trying to cover up. Meanwhile Dave has Baez in the corner and is connecting with lefts and rights to the midsection while Kravinoff and Blade battle close to the ropes as well. Showtime suddenly comes up from behind Reynolds and hits an inverted DDT, stopping the attack on Constantine. Showtime helps Constantine up and both men stand over Reynolds before stomping away at him. Showtime lifts Reynolds up and holds his arms back as Constantine unloads lefts and rights on him. Reynolds slumps down and Show shoves him to Constantine who connects with the Axis of Evil.

Cohen: It looks like karma is coming back to bite Reynolds when it matters most. The Showtime Power trip is just dominating him.

Copeland: Reynolds has done the damage to Constantine, though it appears he will be repaying the favor here now.

Show and Constantine lift Reynolds up and begin attempting to toss him over, but Reynolds holds on for dear life. He tries fighting them off but soon he is nearly over the top rope. Meanwhile Baez has reversed roles with Dave and is now unloading on him in the corner and hits a big drop kick, sending Dave into a seated position in the corner. Baez begins choking him with his foot as Dave tries to push him away. Kravinoff also has Blade on the outs, trying to send him over the top rope only for Blade to kick him in the face to knock him backwards. Blade rushes forward but Kravinoff hits a backdrop driver, dropping Blade down hard. Kravinoff sits up with a feral look on his face and he spins around and begins choking Blade with both hands. Blade struggles in the hold, trying to pry the Freudian protege's hands off his neck. Baez stomps away at Dave before backing up and hitting another dropkick to the face. Showtime and Constantine have Reynolds over but Reynolds holds onto the top rope, dangling dangerously over the outside area. Showtime tries to pry his fingers off the ropes while Constantine hammers away on Reynold's Chest. Reynolds suddenly lifts up and gets his legs around Constantine's neck and tries dragging him to the outside as well!

Copeland: What a brutal battle going on inside the ring! Reynolds is holding on and now looks to try and eliminate Constantine!

Cohen: It's too little too late for Reynolds, he's made his bed now he's going to lay in it.

Constantine tries getting out of the hold but Reynolds holds firm. Showtime tries to pull Constantine back towards the ring. Dave stands directly behind them as Baez bounces off the ropes and goes for a forearm smash. Dave ducks and Baez hits directly into the back of Showtime, forcing him forward as well as Constantine, giving Reynolds enough moment to pull him over the top rope! Constantine falls to the outside as the crowd erupts. Reynolds quickly rolls into the ring but just for Showtime to stomp away at him and lifting him up for the Showstopper. He quickly gets up and tries throwing Reynolds over, but Reynolds again holds on. Baez gets to his feet and turns around just to get hit with a Big Boot from Dave. Dave lifts him up and tries to toss him over the ropes, but Baez holds on and the two struggle right at the ropes. Kravinoff meanwhile kneels over the downed Blade and smirks before looking up and watching the rest of the competitors go at it. Reynolds struggles against Showtime's attempts, but Constantine is up and smashes Reynolds in the head with a chair! Reynolds goes limp and Constantine drags him over and Reynolds hits the ground to be eliminated!

Cohen: Finally the Showtime Powertrip has eliminated Reynolds! Turnaround is fair play and Constantine got his revenge on that cheater!

Copeland: A great showing from Reynolds regardless, but I don't think we're done yet with these two!

Constantine quickly lifts up Reynolds and goes to whip him into the steel steps but Reynolds counters and sends Constantine shoulder first into the steps. Reynolds slams his head repeatedly into the steel and Constantine is busted open once more, blood oozing down his face and he dons the proverbial crimson mask. Reynolds yells out in frustration before dragging Constantine's limp body to the announce table and throws him on top.

Cohen: Reynolds! Don't! You're going to spill my iced tea!

Reynolds gets on top of the announce table and sets Constantine up for the Ratings Killer! Showtime can do nothing but stand in the ring shouting at Reynolds to not do it, but Reynolds lifts Constantine up and stares at Showtime dead on before dropping Constantine down hard, collapsing the announce table and both men on the ground amid the broken table. Showtime grips his hair in frustration as the crowd erupts once more to Reynold's attack.

Cohen: We need help out here now! Constantine hasn't moved!

Copeland: Reynolds once more gets the upper hand on Constantine! That was incredible!

Showtime turns around and suddenly Kravinoff is right there, connecting with a straight kick to the head of Showtime. He lifts Show up and connects with a double under hook suplex. He gets up on one knee and smirks as Dave and Baez continue battling. Dave gets knocked backwards and Kravinoff capitalizes with a tiger suplex, dropping him on his head. He gets up and focuses his attention on the suddenly alone Baez. Kravinoff gets up and lets out a feral scream before rushing Baez and hitting blow after blow before tossing Baez to the ground and continuing his assault. Meanwhile Blade, Dave, and Showtime slowly get to their knees and look at one another, suddenly forming a strategy. Kravinoff lifts up Baez and drops him down with his Ugandan Death Knell and applies the submission hold. Baez struggles against the hold but exhaustion takes over and he soon is out in the hold. Kravinoff releases the hold and tosses Baez aside before grabbing the ropes and using them to support himself standing up. Suddenly Blade, Dave, and Showtime rush forward, hitting a triple spear! Kravinoff's head bounces off the mat violently and all five men are down now. Blade and Dave are the first to rise as they look down at Kravinoff. The two men lift Kravinoff up and barely get him over the top rope, sending the Ugandan hunter to the outside eliminating him.

Connor: Kravinoff has been eliminated! What a burst of violence from him, he took out every remaining participant by himself!

Cohen: It took a spear from three men to merely sedate him enough to eliminate him. Kravinoff has become a beast since his return to WZCW. I would not look forward to facing him in the very near future.

Blade and Dave lean against the ropes as they stare down at Kravinoff on the outside. They turn towards each other and begin swinging for the fences once more. Showtime and Baez are slow to their feet and they look at one another before rushing at Blade and Dave, trying to clothesline them over the top rope. They both hold on and soon Blade shoves Show back and goes for a big clothesline, but Show catches him and drops him with the Ratings Crash! Baez hits an enziguri and knocks him to the ground. Blade is somehow to his feet but suddenly stumbles backwards towards the ropes. Baez rushes up and hits Smashmouth on Blade, sending him over the top rope and to the outside!

Copeland: Blade has been eliminated, we are down to the final three! Big Dave, Showtime, Baez, one of the three men will go on to Kingdom Come and face Ty Burna for the World Title!

Cohen: If Baez wins we will never hear the end of it. Come on Dave! This is your moment!

Showtime is to his feet now and attacks Baez from behind. He sends Baez into the ropes and hits a spinning clothesline. Showtime falls back against the ropes, trying to recover from the beating he's taken in the match. Dave is to his feet now and rushes at Showtime, who lifts him up with a back body drop over the ropes! Dave lands on his feet on the outside however and sends a knee into Show's back. Showtime stumbles forward and Baez connects with a big huracanrana, sending Showtime careening across the ring. Dave is slowly entering the ring when Baez attacks him and tries throwing him over the top rope. Dave holds on and elbows Baez in the midsection forcing him back but Baez goes for Smashmouth again. Dave counters and lifts him up, and coming down with the Stamp of Authority, releasing Baez over the ropes. Baez crashes face first into the apron and bounces off to the ground outside the ring, eliminating him. The crowd becomes deflated as Baez lies on the ground holding his face in massive pain.

Cohen: Yes! Baez is out of here!

Copeland: An innovative maneuver by Dave, using the Stamp of Authority as he did. We are now down to Big Dave and Showtime!

Connor: I can't believe it comes down to these two. One man who has had history with Ty since the beginning of his WZCW career, and a man who seems to be Ty's chosen opponent. Not to mention these two fought over the Eurasian Title at last year's Kingdom Come. It just seems fitting.

The crowd is standing with a loud buzz coming from them as Dave turns around and faces off with Showtime in the middle of the ring. They begin unloading on one another, neither man gaining the upper hand. Dave kicks Show in the midsection and tries lifting him up for the Stamp of Authority, but Showtime floats over and goes for an inverted DDT, only for Dave to counter out and connect with a powerslam. Dave stands over a bloodied Showtime and grabs him by the throat, lifting him off the ground and up for another Stamp of Authority. Showtime struggles and is able to grab hold of the turnbuckle and climb up to the top of it. Dave turns around and hits a resounding right hand to the jaw of Showtime and Show drops down to a sitting position. Dave turns Showtime around and sets him up for the spider suplex. Showtime counters with elbows before Dave loses hold. Showtime stands up and pulls Dave up with him, setting him up for the Final Act!

Copeland: This is incredible! With the Lethal Lottery on the line these two are on the top turnbuckle fighting for position! One slip and either men could lose this match!

Dave hooks his foot under the ropes and elbows Show in the head before hitting a punch to the midsection. Show lets go of Dave and Dave lifts him up once more in a fiereman's carry. The crowd buzzes loudly as Dave sets him up for a Stamp of Authority off the top rope!

Connor: Dave is going to send Showtime through the ring if he hits this! Showtime's career could be in jeopardy with this attack!

Showtime tries struggling out of the carry but Dave holds him firm. Showtime panics and gets a thumb into Dave's eye. Dave let's go and Showtime gets behind Dave on the turnbuckle. Dave sits down on the turnbuckle, his hand over his eye as Showtime carefully walks onto the ropes. Dave slowly gets his vision back and stands back on the turnbuckle. Showtime suddenly jumps forward and hits a huge Enziguri, sending both men off the turnbuckle to the outside! Showtime frantically reaches out and gets one hand on the middle rope, sending his body crashing hard into the side of the ring, his feet mere inches from the ground as Dave lands back first onto the outside mat.

Harrys: Here is your winner of the Lethal Lottery, and the man going onto Kingdom Come to face Ty Burna for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship, Showtime Cougar!

The crowd is in shock at what happened, as Showtime slowly pulls himself back onto the apron and rolls into the ring, blood still dripping from his forehead as he breathes heavily while on the ground.

Copeland: Unbelievable! Showtime took both Big Dave and himself crashing to the outside. By a stroke of luck he got a hold of a rope and held on just enough for the win!

Cohen: Do you realize what this means you two? We get Showtime Cougar vs. Ty Burna for the World Title at Kingdom Come!

Connor: Showtime dug deep to win his opportunity, and with a little luck he came out on top. I was certain this was Big Dave's match to win, but he came up just short.

Showtime slowly gets to his knees and he stares up into the sky as confetti begins streaming down from the ceiling. The crowd boos him loudly as he gets to his feet and holds his arm up in victory. He walks over to the turnbuckle and slowly climbs up to the second one, holding his arm up in victory once more before pointing to the Kingdom Come banner up in the arena. He steps down from the turnbuckle and to the center of the ring again and drops to his knees, holding his arms out as the confetti continues to drop.

Copeland: An unbelievable finish to a crazy night. Showtime is your winner of the third annual Lethal Lottery match and has secured his spot in the Kingdom Come Main Event. And we are out of time, for Jack Cohen, and Cat Connor, I'm Sebastian Copeland, congratulations to our Lethal Lottery winner Showtime Cougar, and goodnight!

The camera pans out as Showtime continues to celebrate inside the ring as the confetti flies around the arena and the screen goes black with the WZCW logo.
Who wrote what:
Dave vs. Everest/World Title - Falkon
Mayhem Championship/Tag Championship - Numbers
EurAsian Open Challenge/Reynolds vs. Constantine/Backstage - Blade
Lottery Part 1/Backstage - Thriller
Lottery Part 2/Backstage/Opening - Phoenix
Lottery Part 3 - Ty

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