WZCW New Years Resolutions for 2013

FlexAmerican Dynamite

Well the last WZCW PPV and show of the year has come to a close, and I do know last year's 2012 resolutions thread was made after the New Year but since we won't start up again until after that why not get a head start on listing things you want to improve on or gain in the coming year. Here's mine.

-Keep whatever character I'm writing for interesting.
-Win a title
-Keep having fun
-Gain a better social life so I don't become too invested in these things.
I want to beat the following people.

  • Celeste Crimson
  • Sam Smith
  • Barbosa
  • Steamboat Ricky
  • Vega
  • Sandy
Resolution for the fed as a whole...


And my own...

- evolve X as a character a bit further
- have a meaningful feud that consists of more than two guys having more than one match.
- have a crack at the Eurasian division
- break through to the main event, or at least push myself to the point where I can hang with them RP quality-wise
- Have a lot of fun.
  • One more year!
  • Continue to have fun and work with a great partner and opponents.
  • Should it come to pass, pull off my intended heel gimmick in a fresh and fun way that has people talking.
I'll try to stay simple, because I don't think I completed a single goal from last years.

-Perfect some projects for WZCW.com.
-Stay on creative for one full year.
-Final Four in LL.
Lose weight
Maintain my perfect record in matches that I reference MLP
Make a run at a singles title
Have a decent showing in my first LL
Make history at KC again
I thought I had made a resolution last year, but I checked the thread and I guess I didn't. If I had, it would have been to win the world title, so, uh, go me.

This year? I want to win at Kingdom Come. Doesn't matter what the match is, for a title, or whatever. I want the victory there.

I also want to be involved in a real feud. Something with emotion. I've been too caught up in the pursuit of gold.
Have a match at the Lethal Lottery, I don't specifically have to be in the match, but that's the only PPV that I personally haven't had a match at

Win a title
Dunno really, I guess if I had one it would be not to peak at where I am now and make a big push to force myself in amongst the top guys on a regular basis.
-Make my debut as suspenseful or exciting as possible. It's kind of hard to do sometimes but I want people to be excited about my character either before his debut or on his debut. And I mean for his main show debut, as opposed to his After Shock debut.

-Be able to use a face character for a lengthy time.... Seriously, I've been efedding for a few years off and on. Not once have any of my face characters stayed face. They've always went heel some time down the road. I'd really like for this character to be a face for a full year.

-Become a big time character in WZCW. I'm not talking about main eventer or anything like that, though I wouldn't say no to the opportunity. I just want my character(s) to be more than just popcorn wrestlers. It's probably not going to be too hard to do considering I'm on the WZ site more often than not, but I still want to fulfill this goal.

-Enter into a nice rivalry or storyline. I'm the kind of guy that doesn't mind what the rivalry is, just as long as people are dedicated to make it work out. In efeds, that's hard to do considering the fact that a lot of people want to move forward to the next thing too quickly. I like having feuds that last well over 5 months, and really I've been in an efed where one character had a 2 year rivalry with someone... and then ended up forming an "unlikely alliance" with that rival for another 6 months. Something like that always makes me want to keep roleplaying. I'm not saying I have to face the same person every week or even every PPV, but as long as it's like a Flair/Rhodes type thing then I'm good.

-Form a tag team, but host a single's career as well. Preferably one with another high flyer or a power house face. I like tag team wrestling and think it could become perfect if done correctly. In efedding, tag matches seem to be hard to write let alone make storylines for. I've been reading WZCW for sometime now and every tag match seems to be spot on. I'd love to get into a nice tag team so I can have even more reason to read them.

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