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[This Space for Rent]


Copeland: Welcome to WZCW Meltdown everybody! We have a special night for you planned tonight as the first ever "WZCW Meltdown: Roulette" is being staged RIGHT HERE TONIGHT!

Cohen: I can't wait Seabass!

After the opening pyro goes off, the camera begins panning around the arena, focusing on fans with signs. The camera then focuses in the ring, as a red carpet is covering it, with 3 trophy cases in the middle of the ring. Suddenly, "Sinner" by Drowning Pool erupts over the sound system, as the fans all begin booing.

(Ring Announcer)- "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to Meltdown, returning for the first time as General Manager, Chuck Myles!" The fans begin booing wildly, as Chuck steps out through the curtain, with a cocky grin on his face. He slowly walks down the rampway, as he points his finger out toward the fans, then motions to his heart by patting on his chest. He gets to ringside, as he walks up the stairs and enters the ring, asking for the microphone.

(Chuck Myles)- "First, I'd like to address that when I come out here the next time, you'd be well served to address me as Mr. Myles. That is.. if you like keeping your job." The fans continue booing. "Now then, man do I just feel the love from you people. When I stepped out through that curtain. Even now as I stand here right now, I can just feel the love, the monsterous ovation that all of you have given me. And when I stop to think why.. I can only come to one conclusion." Chuck pauses for a moment, as he puts the microphone down to allow the fans to get louder and louder with booing him. "Its so clearly obvious.. you all MISSED ME, as your General Manager! Well have no fear, because you no longer have to worry about the ship missing its captain, because I'm back, and I'm back for good."

(Myles continues) "Now for many of you, I'm sure its puzzling why All or Nothing ended the way it did. Why Chuck Myles and Dynasty stood victorious in the middle of the ring. Well the fact is regardless of what you think, I really don't have to explain myself at all, but I will because thats how much I care about all of you." Crowd erupts with boos, and begin tossing items into the ring. "You see, Sincade only came into Power because he took the open opporunity of me being without. I didn't have a group like Dynasty, to be capable of destroying Sincade like he rightfully should've been. And because of that, he almost ran this company into the ground with handing out Championship matches like they were water. When the truth is, there isn't another wrestler in this company that even remotely deserves a World Heavyweight Championship match with Joseph Rios. So tonight, we begin writing the wrongs that he did. And tonight, I introduce to you, the greatest group in Professional Wrestling history.. Dynasty."

(Myles)- "At All or Nothing, they made history, by becoming the First Ever W.Z.C.W. Tag Team Champions. The went through a tough match against the Washoe Valley Crew, Kenny and Joe, and came out being the first team written down into the history books. Without further ado.. I give you.. your World Tag Team Champions, the DevilSpawns."

"I Could Care Less" by Devildriver begins to play and the lights in the arena go out. White strobes flash on the stage as thick fog seaps up from the grates on stage. Two men wearing black hooded robes start rising from underneath opposite ends of the stage. When they reach the top Cammy walks out from behind the curtain and the two men meet her in the middle of the stage. The two men stand in front of Cammy with their heads down and then in one simultaneous moment. Cammy pulls both hoods back revealing Reaper and Disasterpiece, they both lift their heads back and spit out a blood red mist, and a chain of white pyro goes off behind them. Calmly all three of them walk down to the ring. Cammy holds the second rope and both men enter the ring.

Chuck Myles takes the tag title belts out of the case and hands one to each Reaper and Disasterpiece. (Myles)- "Gentlemen, I believe these are yours."

Reaper has a mic in his hand.

Reaper: We have been telling you idiots from day one! We have been preaching it like it was prophecy and it has come to pass. The DevilSpawns are your World Tag Team Champions!!!!!

Reaper hands the microphone off to Disasterpiece.

Disasterpiece: I...have been a champion here before. I have seen and done things in this company that would make people sick. I have lit people on fire, put people through multiple tables, and I have ended careers. I must say that while I enjoy every minute of being the tag team champions. I can't stand the fact that during my latest run no one has been mamed, burned, or permanently scarred and that, quite frankly, pisses me off. I am challenging you!

Disasterpiece points at Chuck Myles.

Disasterpiece: I am challenging you to put us in matches that we should be wrestling in. I want to see hardcore matches, I want TLC matches, I want to see matches where a chair shot is as legal as an armdrag.

Reaper calls for the mic back and DP obliges.

Reaper: We think that our opponents should have to play by our rules, and by our rules...I mean, no rules. We are the most violent, most sadistic, and hardcore team to ever step foot in a WZCW ring and we are going to prove it. We dare any team or any combonation of wrestlers to come down and try to take these belts from around our waists. These belts were made for us and these belts will sit around the waists of our rotting corpses. If any of you little punk b*tches back there don't like it? Too bad, because there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

Reaper throws the mic back to Chuck Myles.

(Myles)- " Whatever you want, you got it. Thats why you're the Tag Team Champions. And with that, I'm proud to bring us to our next member. At All or Nothing, he proved that Gus was nothing more than a paper Champion, by making his title reign the shortest in W.Z.C.W. history. Also, he made history again, by becoming the first, and thus far only, wrestler in W.Z.C.W. to become a 2-time Champion. Ladies and Gentlemen.. your Elite X Champion, 'The One' Big Will!"

"Famous" by Puddle of Mudd erupts over the sound system, as Big Will walks out from teh curtain, and onto the stage in a pair of faded jeans, with a black and grey "Affliction" shirt on, and a black dress coat. Big Will stands at the middle part, at the top of the ramp, as he raises both arms, while pyro begins shooting out. Big Will continues to make his way down the ramp, with a cocky smirk on his face, as he begins walking up the stairs and enters the ring. Chuck Myles hands Big Will a microphone, as he walks over to the second trophy case.

(Myles)- "Even though you never should've lost it to begin with, I believe the whole world knows, this is rightfully back where it belongs now." Chuck reaches into the case, only to pull out the Elite X Championship and hand it to Big Will.

(Big Will)- "Thanks Mr. Myles, and let me be the next in line to say, I'm happy you're back in charge. Maybe now we can get back on track of whats most important, and thats pushing Dynasty as the true greatness that we are. No longer should we have to take a backseat to that reject from the bronx, Sincade." The crowd begins chanting 'We Want Gus' as Big Will puts the microphone down, and starts reacting to the crowd. Will picks the mic. back up.. "Then I suggest you invest in W.Z.C.W. DVDs, because I'd be shocked if he showed his face in this company again. I'm overly sick and tired of constantly having to put up with some joke of a Professional Wrestler, that can't even lace my boots, let alone hang with me in the ring. I proved it at All or Nothing, just like I proved it at Civil Revolution. I am the only true Elite X Champion." The crowd begins booing wildly, as Big Will once again stops, only to redirect his attention toward the camera in the ring.

(Will continues)- "You, turn the camera on. Heidi, baby, I know you're laid up in the hospital somewhere. Watching Meltdown right now. I know this because you haven't returned any of my phone calls, and I know chances are the reason why is because you feel pretty guilty about what happened when you almost cost me my Championship. But baby, even though you should feel guilty, its okay, because I've forgiven you for the mistake you did. And I just want you to know, once you get out of the hospital, I'll let you fully make it up to me, in the way only you know how. So you just lay back, relax, and watch me take care of business, once again here tonight."

(Myles)- "Truly heartfelt, I feel it, I feel it. And with that, it brings me great pleasure to present to you, our final guest of this evening. The leader of Dynasty, my World Champion, your World Champion.. the Main Event.. Joseph Rios!!"

"If It All Ended Tomorrow" erupts over the sound system, as the fans stand to their feet, awaiting the World Heavyweight Champion to walk out through the curtain. Suddenly the fans go nuts, as Joseph Rios walks out in a full out tuxedo. He stops at the top of the ramp, only to look out over all the fans, smiling from ear to ear, as he begins walking slowly down the ramp. Reaper, Disasterpiece, Cammy and Big Will all begin clapping, as Rios stops right outside the ring, nodding in approvement. Rios continues up the steps, as Myles holds the ropes open for him. Rios gets in the ring, as he motions to his empty waste, only for Myles to nod in agreement then walk to the final trophy case.

(Myles)- "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the only W.Z.C.W. Heavyweight Champion. The one true Main Event, the man who has answered the call time after time. Your, World Heavyweight Champion!" Chuck Myles pulls out the World Heavyweight Championship, as he hands it to Joseph Rios, who in turn holds the Championship up for the entire crowd to see.

(Rios)- "Chuck, its great to know how appreciated I am, especially when all the boys in the back seem to disagree. Now you know, I know, Dynasty knows, everyone in this arena knows.. when it comes to the best, you have to look no further than yours truly. Everytime this beautiful World Championship has been on the line, the one name thats mentioned in the end.. is the Main Event, Joseph Rios. Now at All or Nothing, the world was shocked when Chuck Myles aligned himself with the one true united power in W.Z.C.W., that being Dynasty, but they were shocked even more when.. all by himself.." Rios stops as he smirks to the rest of Dynasty, who each have a small chuckle "when all by himself, he defeated Sincade.. one.. two.. three." The fans start in with Myles Sucks chants.

(Rios continues)- "Hey, hey, hey.. show some respect, to the General Manager of W.Z.C.W." The fans continue to boo wildly toward Rios.. "Now then, Chuck, I know that as World Heavyweight Champion I hold the power in the palm of my hand. And each and every person in this building came here for me, and me alone. Most likely to even see me in action, but with that, I really must say. I don't think they deserve it. In fact, because of how much I carried Team Myles last night.. I really think, I deserve a break from wrestling, altogether. So what do you say? The Champ's carried the show since its been around, and week after week, he's defeated everyone who's stepped in front of him.. how about given the Champ, a couple weeks off?"

(Myles)- "You know what Champ, you're absolutely right. As of right now, I'm officially letting you go on vacation until the next Pay Per View, Lethal Lottery. After all, hey, Dynasty is in complete control over W.Z.C.W. and the little man deserves his chance to shine in the wake of greatness. So yeah, consider your request.. ... ...."

"Ya Leily" interrupts over the sound system, as the fans suddenly get to their feet once again. This time they seem confused, as Mohammad Hasheem walks out through the backstage area with a microphone in hand. Hasheem seems upset, as he has a look of disgust on his face. Hasheem holds the mic. up, as his music gets cut off.. he begins to speak.

(Hasheem)- "With all due respect, Mr. Myles, this is a travesty in justice. And I would expect this type of reaction out of these infidels in the arena, but not from you. At All or Nothing, you guaranteed me a Championship match, and I want it tonight! That piece of trash in the ring, holding the World Heavyweight Championship doesn't deserve to be classified as anything more, than a walking target. Rios, you run your mouth about how you've beaten everyone who's stepped up against you.. but you haven't beaten me, not for that. And I know for a fact, you won't beat me. Because you don't have the talent I have. You don't have the skill I have.. and you don't have the ability I have. So once again, Chuck Myles, you guaranteed me a Championship.. and I'm here, to collect on that guarantee."

(Myles)- "Now see, Mohammad, this is where we seem to have a cultural misunderstanding. At All or Nothing, I never said you'd be receiving a Championship match. I said you'd be getting the chance, to have an opportunity, and thats exactly what you're gonna get.. tonight, as you've requested. Because tonight, Hasheem, we're gonna have what I'd like to call.. the 'Last Chance' Championship Contender's Match. It'll be you, Hasheem, taking on Everest. And the winner will advance to the Lethal Lottery Pay Per View, to face Joseph Rios, and a 3rd opponent yet to be determined. Oh, and the Roulette wheel will determine exactly what type of Chance Match, you'll be receiving. So I wish you good luck tonight."
Copeland: Ok, lets get this started, in the entrance ramp right now, WZCW owner, Chuck Myles!

Chuck Myles is seen standing next to two roulette wheels, one has the names of the WZCW roster, the other has the stipulations.

Chuck: Now, people, without further ado, lets get this rolling, first, i will decide the stipulation of this match, with this roulette,

Chuck spins the roulette

Chuck: We have a handicap match!, Now lets see who is in it, shall we?

Chuck spins the other one

Chuck: Ok, we have, Disasterpiece (Spins again) Reaper, (spins again) and, Alex Bowen, so the match is the WZCW Tag Team Champions vs Alex Bowen, let's get this show on the road!

*For Whom the Bell Tolls - Metallica hits the PA*

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 515 pounds, The DevilSpawns, Disasterpiece and Reaper!!!

The arena goes black, as “For whom the bell tolls fills the arena, white strobes flash and thick white fog seeps up from the grates on the stage. The DevilSpawns stand with the fog and smoke around their legs the crowd erputs with cheers. Spotlight shines on them as they looks around and works the crowd, Reaper lifts out his arms, DP tilts his head back and sprays a mist of blood from his mouth (like how Triple H does it). lights in the arena flicker back on as they start to walk down the ramp. They slide in the ring and each climb a turnbuckle to a huge pop. blood dripping down from DPs mouth he continues to interact with the audience as he raises his arms. looks around the arena, climbs down, Reaper has his arms extended, and wait for their opponents.

*Wagon, Wagon - ICP hits the PA*

Harrys: And their opponent...from Detroit, Michigan...weighing in at 252 lbs. ...ALEX....BOWEN!

comes out in sort of a dance kind of singing along with the song and has 2 or 3 bottles of faygo in his arms and when he walks around the ring he shakes it up and sprays it all over the crowd then runs around and hi fives people

As Alex bowen begins to enter the ring the Devilspawns go straight on the attack as Reaper and Disasterpiece hit a double dropkick on Bowen

Copeland: The Devilspawns don’t care about winning this match all they care about is taking out the newcomer Bowen

Cohen: Well durr Copeland wouldn’t you do the same thing?

The ref starts the count to get reaper out of the ring, Disasterpiece is left mounting punches on Alex Bowen, Bowen blocks and locks a keylock on Disasterpiece, who tries to counter but can only stop Bowen from twisting his locked arm over his head, suddenly Reaper makes the save and scores a field goal on the head of Alex Bowen

Cohen: Ouch that’s gotta hurt Copeland!

Copeland: they are punishing the newcomer, they are not letting him get in any offence here, Alex is outnumbered in this two on one situation

Dazed Bowen tries to recover but gets booted again by Reaper as the ref starts to make the count to get Reaper out of the ring, Disasterpiece laughs at the injured Bowen and starts to shove him down pointing to him as the crowd boos

Copeland: Bowen is dazed here, he cannot counter the slick offence of the Tag Team Champs
Cohen: And I can’t counter that annoying voice of yours Copeland!

Disasterpiece throws Bowen to the ropes but Bowen reverses grabbing disasterpiece by the neck and holding him in a ddt position, Disasterpiece counters into a neckbreaker but Is quickly shoved by Bowen over to the ropes, Disasterpiece hits the ropes and runs for a clothesline but misses as Bowen ducks, DP hits the ropes and runs back but is caught with a dropkick straight to the chin

Cohen: What the hell where did that come from?

Copeland: There’s more to this Bowen then meets the eye here

DP gets up to his feet and swings for Bowen, Bowen ducks and hits a knee to the gut, he throws dp’s left arm over his shoulder and hits a rolling German, he swings the hips and goes for another but DP reverses and goes for a release German but Bowen counters into a drop toe hold on DP suddenly Repear again hits the ring for a forearm shot to Bowens injured head, Bowen is out cold, the ref starts to count as Reper drags Bowen to the outside throwing him onto the concrete floor

Cohen: Bowens back and neck hit the concrete, there is no way that he is gonna survive this, well his tenure in WZCW was good whilst it lasted I presume

Reaper positions Bowen on the guard rail and hits a couple of forearm shots to the head Bowen is dazed, the ref looks on trying to make the count but is stopped by DP who is shoving the ref out of the way
Copeland: The Devilspawns will be disqualified if they don’t stop this

Cohen: Who cares there the tag champs, they don’t need win this match just send a message to Bowen and the next generation of WZCW Wrestlers

Reaper is taunting the crowd on the outside looking at the fallen Bowen he points to DP to hit a suicide poncho on the fallen Bowen, DP hits the ropes and goes to the outside for the suicide poncho but Bowen moves out the way leaving nothing but concrete for DP, Reaper attempts a clothesline but is met with a stiff shot by Bowen, Bowen grabs a chair at ringside but is hit with another forearm shot from behind from reaper, reaper goes for another shot but Bowen ducks, instead of hitting Bowen Reapers shot connects hitting a girl fan in the crowd knocking her out cold

Copeland: My god where gonna get sued for this!


The crowd looks on in horror as Repear looks at the injured girl, the fans go nuts throwing bottles at the Devilspawns as they taunt the crowd

Copeland: Someone get an EMT down here quick

Cohen leaves the announce desk and jumps over the guard rail attending to the injured fan as the Devilspawns look on, suddenly Bowen attacks Reaper with a stiff chair shot to the head, he attempts to do the same to DP but is met with a big boot

Copeland: Come on this match is over, can somebody stop this?

DP helps his partner to his feet and signals him to get a table from ringside, Reaper goes under the ring and grabs to tables, Dp hits a stiff chair shot to the skull over Bowen as Raeper sets up both tables Dp stares at Reaper as he signals cammy to get a can of lighter fluid she pours it over the table as Reaper goes for a match DP picks Bowen up again positioning him for the Devildriver part 2 on the table but Bowen reverses and hits DP with a head butt, Reper tries to make the save but is taken down with a boot to the head by Bowen

Copeland; My god, Bowen got his second wind, he is taking down both members of the devilspawns here

Bowen looks over at Cammy and grabs her by the hair lookin on at the flaming tables he picks her up for a powerbomb but is stopped by DP who is holding cammys hands stopping her from being powerbomb into the flaming tables set up by the spawns, Reper hits a couple of forearm shots to the head of Bowen who releases cammy, she holds onto DP who helps her down, Rapere is hitting Bowen with a few more forearm shots to the head he slaps Bowen runs at Bowen and hits a stiff elbow straight to the face of Bowen who is layed out, DP picks Bowen up for a tortoure rack position and is met bby Reaper who hits the Devildriver number two on the unconscious Bowen straight into the flaming tables Reaper and Bowen are both laying lifeless on the concrete.


The Devilspawns music is heard over the PA but as DP stands over entranced looking at the injured Bowen as the officials come to ringside to check on reaper and Bowen DP looks over and isn’t satisfied at the destruction, he picks up the unconscious Bowen and throws him into the ring, he positions Bowen for another Devil Driver but is met by an unknown assailant running out of the crowd DP is met with a couple of punches and is thrown to the ropes as the unknown individual clothelines him out of the ring, Reaper is back in limping slightly trying to take out the unknown man with a chair shot but is caught with a stiff boot and rolls out of the ring.

Copeland: Absolute Caos tonight here in WZCW, the devilspawns destroyed a half unconscious Bowen and tried to end his career for good but thanks to this unknown assailant. Wait im getting something over my headset, no this man has a name Milenko, thanks to Milenko Bowen’s career and life was saved here tonight

Milenko serveys the damage as the crowd cheers, he picks up Bowen and looks at him asking him if hes ok showing Bowen compassion

Copeland: the debuting Milenko is helping Bowen up

Suddenly Milenko clothelines Bowen

Copeland: What the hell is going on here?

Milenko sets Bowen up on the top rope and places him in position for Tempest and hits it off of the top rope leaving Bowen Laying the crowd boos are defaning as Milenko smiles and exits the ring as the EMT;s enter checking on the injured Bowen.

Cut to commercial
Copeland: This is the rematch from the all or nothing Pay Per view, which in my mind was a match of the year contender!

Cohen: Match of the Year?, that Vanilla Midget Grand Mystique should go and play in the kindergartens rather than wrestle in WZCW

Copeland: D o you have something against little people Cohen?

Cohen: No just Grand Mystique

Copeland rolls his eyes at Cohen

Copeland: Lets go to Harry’s at ringside

Harry’s: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a rematch from all or nothing and is two out of three falls

As GM enters the ring, Jesse quickly attacks with a big boot to the head knocking GM through the ropes and onto the concrete​

Cohen: WOW..

Copeland: Jesse is on the attack, he’s laid Mystique out cold with that boot to the head

Jesse runs the ropes as GM tries to get to his feet and hits the suicide dive on GM both men are laid outside as the referee counts

Cohen: Jess can’t let the midget get any offence here, he needs to keep working that head, maybe put him out for good

Copeland: Cohen, this is supposed to be a competitive match not a war!

Jesse is the first to his feet as the count continues
Jesse Picks GM up and shoves him in the ring, he climbs to the top rope as the ref breaks the count, Jesse jumps off the top and hits GM with a stiff leg drop onto the top of the head of GM​

Cohen: That’s it work that head Jesse, you can’t let that punk get any offence in

Copeland: Mystique seems to be out cold from that leg drop, he needs to start protecting that injured head of his

Jesse brings GM to his feet and moves in for a ddt but suddenly is countered by GM who lays a stiff kick to the gut of Jesse, Jess attempts another stiff shot to the head of GM but again is countered into neckbreaker by GM, both men are down​

Copeland: Mystique is showing the rookie Jesse that he wont back down very easily

Cohen: Jesse has worked too hard to get here, he cannot let that Vanilla Midget take him out again!

Jesse is the first to his feet and runs the rope for another stiff boot, GM ducks an leap frogs jesse, GM jumps again trying for a headscissors but is countered by Jesse into a powerbomb as the crowd chants holy shit, holy shit​

Cohen: nice use of Power!, Jesse is bringing his A game here!

The ref counts
…Kickout BY GM
Jesse is holding his head staring at the ref signaling a three, but the ref states that he counted two as Jesse goes on the attack once more, he lifts GM up and positions him into another Powerbomb but is countered into a hurricarana by GM, Jesse holds his ground and turns the Hurricarana into a boston crab GM screams in pain as Jesse is now working the back of GM​

Cohen: Jesse countered into a submission, that is great work, he has really done his homework here!

GM is shaking his head trying to ignore the pain as Jesse continues to put pressure on the back of GM, Gm Finally gets to the bottom rope but Jesse refuses to let go of the hold, the ref starts to make a five count as Jesse relinquishes the hold, Jesse positions himself and leaps onto the top rope, Jesse then performs a moonsault off the top rope but misses hitting nothing but canvas, GM is up again holding his back​

Copeland: GM managed to move out of the way of that hilacious moonsault Jesse is down but for how long?

Cohen: Not too long, Jesse wants this badly!

Jesse makes his way back to his feet as GM runs the ropes, GM leaps and goes for another moonsault, Jesse holds Mystique as GM starts throwing shots to the head of Jesse, Jesse throws GM over his head, GM lands on his feet and catches Jesse from behind he hits the Big Bang: (Rolling German Suplex ), Jesse’s head hits the bottom rope​

Coepeland: Jesse is down, Jesse is down

The crowd erupts as GM runs to the left turnbuckle and tries to dropkick the semi conscious Jesse, but Jesse moves out of the way leaving GM with nothing but the bottom Turnbuckle, GM is holding his knee as Jesse goes for and hits the Step Up Enzuiguri, GM is laying semi conscious on the mat as Jesse goes for the cover

Copeland: Mystique barley survived that Enziguri by Jesse

Jesse is screaming at GM to get up and positions himself near the ropes, GM gets to his feet as Jesse attempts the spear, GM leapfrogs and hits a drop kick to the back of Jesse, Jesse is on the bottom rope trying to gain composure as GM leaps to the top rope and attempts a leg drop to the outside, Jesse suddenly moves out of the way leaving GM crashing on the concrete, Jesse rolls to the outside and moves GM inside the ring once again​

Cohen: THAT IDIOT!, why did he move GM into the ring, that was an easy win!

Copeland: It seems that Jesse wants the pin, not a count out victory

Jesse rolls GM and covers but GM Kicks out, Jesse starts punching the mat and again goes for the cover as the ref positions himself to count, again GM Kicks out​

Cohen: Jesse needs to get his head in the game here otherwise he will lose this match!

Jesse looks down at GM and grabs GM’s ankle for the ankle lock but GM throws Jesse off, Jesse again attempts the ankle lock but is rolled up by GM

Copeland: Jesse nearly lost this match he needs to keep his eye on the ball!

Jesse is enraged he grabs Mystique and attempts the back in black, he lifts GM above his head for the choke slam but GM counters and hits the leg scissors GM goes to the top but is met with a few forearm shots by Jesse, Jesse attempts the superplex on GM from the top but again is countered, GM shoves Jesse to the mat and hits the frog splash​

Copeland: Mystique hit the frog splash on Jesse


Copeland: The Grand Mystique has defeated Jesse for the second straight time

Harrys: The winner of the first fall, the Grand Mystique!!

The Grand Mystique attempts another cover as the referee counts
…Kickout by Jesse
GM heads to the top ropes and attempts another forg splash but suddenly Jesse leaps onto the top rope and attempts a belly to belly suplex on GM, GM hits a couple of forearm shots to the head of Jesse but Jesse again counters with a headbutt to the skull of GM, GM is dazed as Jesse hits a hurricarana off the top on GM​

Cohen: Jesse is on the attack, he needs to destroy that suicidal midget and get the fall here

Jesse kicks GM with a stiff shot to the head GM is down semi conscious on the mat as Jesse picks GM up for a suplex, jesse stalls and hits the stalling Suplex on GM, Jesse rolls over for the cover
…Kickout by GM
Jesse goes for another shot to the head of GM but GM blocks it, Jesse renches the arm of GM and locks in the keylock to the arm of GM, GM is screaming in pain​

Copeland: Mystique is writhing in pain as Jesee locks in the keylock submission, can the Mystique counter it?

GM hits a couple of shots to the head of Jesse but Jesse manages to pick GM up, GM reverses and attempts the head scissors but Jesse counters hitting a powerbomb on GM, Jesse lifts GM up again and hits a second powerbomb​

Cohen: Look at the strength of Jesse

Jesse brings GM up for one last power bomb but GM tries to coutner as Jesse reverses and hits the Razors Edge on GM​

Cohen: Razors Edge on the Grand Mystique, hes done, hes finished Mystique cant take anymore of this

Jesse leaps onto the top and attempts a frog splash on GM but GM moves leaving Jesse with nothing but canvas​

Copeland: Jesse went to the well one to many times he now paying for it!

Jesse is still holding his gut as GM rolls him up with a school boy
Jesse counters grabbing the middle rope

Harry’s: the winner of the second bout Jesse

GM Attempts to get to his feet as Jesse runs the ropes and attempts a spear, GM counters with a Snapmare/ Running Kick combo (stiff kicks to back and chest, then runs off ropes twice and finishes with a running drop kick to the forehead, all while the victim is sitting), Jesse is teetering on the ropes as GM attampts runs the ropes​

Copeland: this is the final fall, can GM finish this and take the final fall from Jesse

Gm attempts the 619 on Jesse but Jesse counters shoving GM to the outside​

Cohen: He was playing possum all along!

GM attempts to get to his feet as Jesse runs the ropes he leaps and hits a flying cross body as both men come crashing down to the mat​

Copeland: Jesse just sacrificed himself..

Jesse makes his way back to the ring as GM is still unconscious on the outside

Copeland: Mystique cant shake off the attack By Jesse, this match could be over

GM tries to climb back to the ring, but Jesse hits the baseball slide on GM
Jesse moves to the outside bringing GM back into the ring​

Cohen: How stupid is Jesse, he braught that Midget back into the ring, he could of just left him outside to be counted out

Jesse attempts the pin on GM but GM kickouts, Jesse hits a couple of forearm shots to the head of GM and again makes the cover​

Copeland: Jesse is getting frustrated

GM Kicksout leaving Jesse screaming, Jesse picks GM up in a powerbomb position but GM counters hitting Hand of Prophecy - Double Underhook Spike Piledriver, into a overhead throw.​

Copeland: Mystique hit the hand of Prophecy its over!

GM covers for the three count

Harrys: The winner of this match, The Grand Mystique!

GM helps Jesse to his feet and attempts to shake his hand, but Jesse pushes Mystique as the crowd begins to boo, GM is standing in disbelief.​

Copeland: What the hell is his problem?
The Maxx enters the ring with the newly formed Allied Powers Davinder Jaeter and Rahjeem

Copeland: The Allied Powers?, what the hell are they doing with Maxx?
Cohen: Maxx is Davinder’s boy and Davinder and Rajheem are partners

Ben Legend goes on the attack on Maxx and the Allied Powers, Ben throws Davinder to the ropes and hits the flying forearm on DJ sending him out of the ring, Rajheem attempts to clothesline on Legend but is hit with a belly to belly Suplex

Copeland: Legend is on fire

Davinder tries to re-enter the ring but is suddenly stopped by the official who sends the Allied Powers to the back as the crowd cheers

Copeland: The referee is doing his job tonight taking the allied powers out of the equasion
Cohen: That’s ridiculous, The referee is racist
Coepeland rolls his eyes to the back of his head as the match continues

The Maxx is arguing with the official as Legend hits Maxx with a forearm to the back of his head, Maxx is dazed as Legend continues his attack hitting a german suplex on the Maxx

Copeland: Legend is really taking it to the Maxx

Legend heads to the outside and grabs a steel chair

Cohen: Legend has the chair its illegal!
Copeland: This match is for the number one contender to the Mayhem championship its hardcore rules Cohen
Cohen: Oh yeah. Right

Legend moves towards the ring holding the still chair but is suddenly met with a huge clothesline by Maxx taking him down to the concrete floor

Copeland: That Clothesline almost took Legends head off!
Cohen: Ive said it before and ill say it again don’t underestimate the king of the outback!

The Maxx brings legend to his feet throws legend into the still steps, Legend is in pain holding his gut as Maxx continues the attack, Maxx picks up the steel chair and attamepts to finish the job but is met with a boot to the gut by legend, Legend hits a right uppercut to the jaw of the Maxx, Maxx is dazed and legend hits a dropkick to the head of Maxx

Copeland: Legend is fighting for his life against the crazed individual known as Maxxamillion Mustafa

Maxx is dazed as Legend hits him with a stiff shot to the head, Maxx is down as Legend goes for the ring bell and hits Maxx with another stiff shot to the head

Copeland: That’s gotta hurt!

Legend grabs a table and positions it at rinside as Maxx lays unconscious, Legend lifts Maxx up and tries to position him on the table, Legend moves to the top and hits a shooting star press straight on the table as the crowd chants “holy shit” “holy shit”

Copeland: That is the first time ive seen Legend attempt that move
Cohen: Both men are down; how the hell is either man going to recover from this brutal showdown!

Legend tries to make his way to his feet as Maxx is still clutching his ribs, Legend attempts a knee lift on the injured Maxx but is reversed by Maxx who hits the belly to belly Suplex on the concrete

Cohen: Maxx is trying to claw his way back into this match, this is not just hardcore in name its hardcore in nature and could shorten the careers of these two young men
Copeland: I just cant believe that these two men would put there bodies on the line for a non sanctioned title

Maxx lifts legend up from the mat and hits a fall away slam onto the ring steps, legend is rithing in pain holding his back as Maxx continues the attack, he lifts legend up into a firemans carry and hits the F5 onto the guard rail hitting the back of Legend, Legand is screaming as the crowd watches on

Cohen: That’s what happens when you tangle with a beast, you piss him off and he gets you
Copeland: Maxx is taking out that injured back of Legend, Legend has to get some offence before Maxx destroys him

Legend is still holding his back as Maxx arrogantly boots Legend in the face, he looks down at legend and screams at him “get up you piece of shit”

Cohen: Why doesn’t Maxx just pin him and get the title shot?
Copeland: Legend needs to start fighting back

Legend is locked into a bear hug by Maxx, Maxx lifts him up and clenches the hold

Copeland: Can leged fight this?, can he beat the King of the outback?

Legend brings his arms up and starts hitting a forearm shot straight into the head of the Maxx but Maxx wont back down, Legend hits another forearm shot to the head but still no budge, Legend hits one final shot and Maxx drops Legend holding his head as Legend clotheslines him to the outside
Legend is still holding his back trying to recouperate from the beating he took from Maxx, The Maxx goes under the ring and pulls out a ladder; the crowd starts to cheers as Maxx throws the ladder into the ring

Cohen: Maxx, these two men just want to destroy each other

Maxx pulls Legend to the outside and the two men start to brawl Legend gets the advantage on Maxx and hits him with a running forearm shot to the head, Legend goes underthe ring and pulls out a barbed wire 2by4 and lights it Maxx is still struggling to get to his feet as Legend hits him with a couple of shotsm, Maxx is down as the crowd chants “we want blood” “we want blood” Legend tries to hit the final blow but Maxx reverses and hits rolling Germans on Legend, as Maxx hits the second German Suplex Legend hits him with a straight shot to the head with the 2by 4 setting fire to the Hair of Maxx

Copeland: My god, his hairs on fire!

Maxx rolls around the Mat screaming in pain as the EMT’s make there way to the ring with a fire extinguisher in hand, they manage to stop the fire, the crowd looks on in terror as an image of Maxx with burn marks to his head and face are shown up close, the referee looks on at Maxx asking him if he wants to continue Legend makes the cover as the ref looks down stalling before he finally makes the count
..Kickout By Maxx

Cohen: Nice underhanded move by Legend pure brilliance!
Copeland: Seeing those burns on Maxx’s face, why doesn’t the official stop this match?, why let it continue

Maxx still holding his face attempts to get to his feet as Legend Spears him straight into the mat
Legend picks up the ladder and places it in the centre of the ring, Legend Climbs the ladder as the crowd cheers, he leaps the ladder attempting a huge legdrop but suddenly Maxx moves out of the way leaving nothing but canvas for Legend, Maxx grabs Legends forearm as Legend hits a couple of shot to the burnt face of Maxx, Maxx continues to lock extending the arm of Legend and Locking in the cross face, Legend is writhing in Pain as Maxx screams at him “Tap Tap” “

Cohen: Maxx is trying to lock in the cross face, but legend is struggling to break free

Legend tries to break free but Maxx still has the cross face locked, Legend manages to Roll to the outside leaving both men crashing to the ground

Copeland: Legend has taken Maxx to the outside, but Maxx has that hold still locked, no matter what Legend tries to do Maxx just wont let go of the cross face

Maxx pulls back on the throat of Legend turning the cross face into a choke, Legends face is going red as Maxx keeps the choke applied rendering Legend unconscious

Cohen: Maxx just choked Legend out, Hes the new number one contender for the Mayhem Title!

The referee calls for the bell as Maxx lets go of an unconscious legend
We see Chuck Myles on the entrance way

Chuck: Ok, we have another match here, the stipulation is, (spins) 1 Fall to a Finish, a normal match. The participants, (spins) Pablo Colon vs. (spins) Jeremy Lapalme, we will continue...

*Smooth Criminal-Alien Ant Farm comes on over the PA*

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at 230 lbs....PABLO...COLON!

We hear his music blaring through the arena no one comes out until the Intro is over. Comes out riding a lawn mower. Gets in ring rips wind breaker off as fire shoots out of the ring posts

*Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me by U2 comes on over the PA*

Harrys: And his opponent...from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 280 lbs....JEREMY...LAPALME!

Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me by U2 plays over the speakers as the lights dim and turn a shade of purple. Jeremy emerges through the curtains to a chorus of boos. Brushing off the crowd, Jeremy walks towards the ring with a slight swagger in his step. Upon getting in the ring, he glancing around the area and raises his fist in the air, extending his pinky finger as the crowd continues to boo.

Pablo Colon is standing in the ring throwing an apple in the air and catching it as Lapalme enters the ring; he looks over at Colon and suddenly grabs the apple taking a huge bite out of it

Cohen: Lapalme is showing Colon that he is ready for this match, that he has no fear or intimidation as far as Colon is concerned

Copeland: You saw all that by watching Lapalme bite an apple?

Cohen looks at Copeland like a farther looking at his poor one legged child

Cohen: Sarcasm is not a strong point for you Copeland!

Lapalme still staring at Colon tries to spit the apple in Colons face but Colon suddenly kicks him in the groin before the ref has even started the match, Lapalme falls to the floor writhing in pain spitting apple chunks everywhere
Cohen: OUCH!

The ref rings the bell to start the match as Colon mounts Lapalme and starts to lay a series of punches, Lapalme reverses locking his legs around the waste of Colon; he turns him around into a reverse body scissors

Copeland: Lapalme has turned an otherwise awkward situation into a submission pining combination

Cohen: See I told you WZCW’s newest talent is showing people why he is truly a star in the making

Lapalme roles colon over to make a pinning attempt but Colon places his foot on the ropes before the count can be made, the ref tries to break the hold but Lapalme won’t let go , the official begins the five count


Lapalme lets go of the hold and quickly moves in for a drop kick as Colon makes his way to his feet, Colon shoves Lapalme to the floor before he could connect the drop kick and runs to the ropes hitting the rolling thunder on the back of Lapalme, Lapalme is holding his back writhing in pain once more

Copeland: Colon is just to quick for Lapalme

Cohen: that’s the problem with rookies, they don’t focus, Lapalme seemed like he was doing his homework on Colon, he worked the body with the body scissors but didn’t capitalize

Lapalme is still holding his back as Colon runs to the ropes for a second time hitting a dropkick to the back of Lapalme, Lapalme is still holding his back as Colon lands knees first on the back of Lapalme bringing up Lapalmes arms and locking in the surfboard submission Lapalme is writing in pain as the ref checks to see if Lapalme succumbs to the submission

Cohen: Nice work by Colon he is working the back with the dropkick and performed that innovative submission maneuver as he planted those knees in the injured back of Lapalme finally locking in that surfboard submission whilst Lapalme is still struggling with that injured back, Brilliant!

Copeland: So you approve then Cohen?

Colon secures the hold as the ref asks Lapalme if he gives up Lapalme shakes his head signaling no, Colon suddenly takes his left hand off of Lapalme left arm and securing it around Lapalme’s neck, Lapalme screams in pain as the ref checks to see if the hold is legal

Copeland: What is Colon doing with that unique surfboard maneuver?

Cohen: It seems that Colon is moving towards the neck, but allowing Lapalme to free his left arm may cost Colon this match

Colon lets go of Lapalmes right arm and secures it around Lapalmes neck now placing him in a crossface maneuver enabling Colon to lock his knees into the swollen back of Lapalme, but Lapalme attempts to counter hitting elbow shots into the ribs of Colon, he hits a stiff right elbow shot as Colon releases the hold, Colon is holding his ribs as Lapalme is holding his back as the ref starts to count both men out


Copeland: Both men are on the mat this could be anyones match here

Cohen: Usually the first man to his feet


Lapalme is the first man to his feet he runs at Colon and tries to hit a swinging ddt but is reversed by Colon who hits the Taquito Drop (Samoan Drop) on hitting the already injured back of Lapalme, Colon quickly makes the cover as the ref counts



Cohen: How the hell did he do that, that Samoan drop should have ended this match, Lapalme landed hard on that injured back!

Copeland: He wants this match just as bad as Colon, he wont give up easily!

Colon brings Lapalme back onto his feet and goes for another Taquito drop but Lapalme reverses into a power driver but cant hold Colon due to his already injured back, Colon reverses rolling Lapalme into a boston crab, Lapalme quickly grabs the bottom rope as the ref calls for Colon to break the hold before he could secure it on the injured Lapalme

Cohen: That was smart thinking by Lapalme, straight to the ropes to prevent damage to his already injured back

Colon attempts to try for another boston crab but Lapalme counters with a stiff kick to the jaw, Colon is holdig his face dazed as Lapalme makes his way to his feet again he charges at Colon and hits a belly to belly suplex on Colon, Lapalme signals for the top and makes his way to the top turnbuckle

Copeland: Is that wise?

Cohen: No it isn’t, but Lapalme needs to take out Colon and what better way to do so then with his finisher the Lapalme-Bomb

Lapalme jumps of the top and misses the Lapalme bomb as Colon moves out of the way, Lapalme lands straight on his injured back with incredible impact screaming as the crowd look on in amazement

Cohen: Colon was playing possome its over there is no way Lapalme can get back up, hes totaled!

Colon brings Lapalme to his feet and places him over his shoulders in a firemans carry position, Lapalme is writing in pain as Colon flips him and hits the Spinning Tequila Slam (F5) and knocks Lapalme out cold!

Copeland: Colon hit the Tequila Slam its over!!!

The ref makes the count as Colon covers the semi concous Lapalme
The bell rings as Harrys makes the announcement

Harrys: The winner of the match Pablo Colon!!!

Pablo is shrugged over the ropes as Lapalme is still laying semi conscious in the ring

Copeland: What a match by these two newcomers, I can’t believe the quality of matches we are having here on meltdown; this is pay per view material

Cohen: Colon showed that he did his homework here, he worked on that back of Lapalme and made sure that he worked on that back until Lapalme finally gave in, I can see big things for this young man, but he needs to stop catering to these, these people

Suddenly Malinko makes his way over the barrier as Colon exits the ring and looks over the injured Lapalme who is still clutching his swollen back
Copeland: Wait what the hell is Malinko doing back here?

Malinko helps Lapalme up and starts to whisper something in his ear, Lapalme starts to smile in agreement as Malinko helps the injured Lapalme out of the ring and over the barrier where the two exit via the wzcw fans

Copeland: What just happened there?

Cohen: I ain’t got a clue Copeland, it seems to me that Milenko has other plans for this young newcomer
”Sumo” plays over the tanoid, the crowd not sure how to react. Some boo, whilst others cheer for the Pride of Japan Hatchiyama Manzo. Most however are quiet, mumerous as they wait to see if the giant man appears after his absent since the PPV. The curtains open, and Wanafuji Tanaka makes his way down the aisle. His usual smile is absent and the same worried expression that haunted him earlier in the week is still fresh on his old wizened face. The crowd are still a mixture of excitement and curiosity as Manzo’s friend and manager climbs the steps and into the ring. A microphone already in hand, he turns to face the thousands in attendance and addresses the audience.

Tanaka: “I come here, to Meltdown, to speak. Manzo still not found, I very worried. You all see PPV?”

The crowd erupts into cheers at mentioning All or Nothing, and Tanaka nods along, still looking very solemn.

Tanaka: “Yes yes, Manzo fought like great champion he is. Defeat all in way, unstoppable giant. Win match he would of done, but left for right reasons he did. Rios cheat, bad fighter. Unworthy to team with Manzo, so Manzo leave. But Manzo come back…”

At this the crowd boos, remembering all to well the chairshot that smashed Sincade wide open and cost him the match. Tanaka waves his hands and looks even more sorrowful, tearful even.

Tanaka: “No no, Manzo accident! He came to save Sincade. Sincade honourable fighter, Sincade in trouble and Manzo help. But Sincade sneak behind Manzo, and Manzo … Manzo react. He hit Sincade, cost match. So I hear to fix things. I hear to speak to Sincade. He has to listen. Sincade?! Manzo sorry. Manzo ashamed by mistake, Sincade come out and forgive Manzo to you all.”

The crowd and the arena are silent for moments, before ‘Perfect Stranger’ blasts out loud, and Sincade makes his way down the aisle. He’s looking petty banged up and wraps of thick bandage hide the scars across his head. He gets into the ring with the crowd cheering for him. His arms outstretched, the fans are blowing the roof off it’s so loud. He walks over toe the edge, grabbing a microphone but never taking his eyes of Tanaka. He brings the microphone to his lips, but before he can speak Tanaka burst out talking. The mic isn’t in his hand anymore so we can’t quite make out what his saying, but he’s obviously apologising profusely. Sincade holds his hand to his ear, acting like he can’t hear Tanaka, and then nods and hands the microphone forward, but as Tanaka reaches out to take it, Sincades other hand snatches forward and grabs the old mans wrist. Tanaka looks up just in time to be pulled forward into a sit out spinebuster, laying him out on the floor. The crowd again is awash with emotion, most cheering the actions of their hero but still some boo this course of action. Grabbing Tanaka by his hair Sincade pulls him up, yelling at him loud enough that we can hear him clearly stating how apologies aren’t enough. Kicking Tanaka in the gut, Sincade pulls him in and hits the devastating Sin-city, smashing Tanaka’s head into the floor hard. Motionless he lies their as Sincade stares for a moment at the fallen manager of Manzo, before reaching down and grabbing the microphone. He once again pulls it up to his lips, but stops before saying anything, unable to speak as he shakes in evident anger. Throwing the microphone back on the floor next to the still unmoving Tanaka, Sincade leaves the ring to a chorus of cheers and boos, backed by the sound of ‘Perfect stranger’ playing loud and proud over the system.
Lethal Lottery Preview Battle Royale:

D.C. v. Bobby Brown v. Steamboat Ricky v. Nate Thorpe v. Kenny v. Joe

Harrys: The following contest is an over the top rope 6-man Battle Royale, where the only way to be eliminated is by being thrown over the top rope and both feet hitting the floor.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 254 pounds, “Badass” Bobby Brown

Bobby Brown makes his way out to the stage, he looks at the crowd and the expression on his face changes, he jumps in the ring and waits for the others.

Harrys: Next, from Santa Ana, California, weighing in at 215lbs. DC!!!

"Name of the Game" - The Crystal Method hits, the arena goes completely dark. Black lights come on and a few laser lights flash around the arena. D.C. comes from behind with glow in the dark paint on his upper body. As he moves around taunting the crowd Lindsey comes out shortly after him as the two embrace in a glow. The lights kick on as the two stand and appear to have no paint on them at all. D.C. walks a little in front of Lindsey but the two stare at each other and exchange winks as they walk to the ring. Lindsey kneels and crawls on all fours on the apron as D.C. slides into the ring beside her. D.C. lays on the ground and rolls onto his back as Lindsey crawls up to him and kiss him. D.C. then gets up and taunts the crowd from the turnbuckle and stares at Brown.

Harrys: Next, from Washoe Valley, Nevada, weighing in at 230 pounds, “The Demon” Joe!

Joe walks out to the stage, holds up the metal sign, acknowledges the fans, walks down to the ramp, he points to himself as if to say “I’m awesome” walks over to the ring and jumps up to the apron, spins into the ropes, points to a fan holding a WVC sign, and gets into the ring.

Harrys: Now, from Tortuga, weighing in at 260 pounds, The WZCW Mayhem Champion, Steamboat Ricky!!!

Steamboat Ricky walks down the ramp, carrying a cooler of his signature non-alcoholic grog. He’s dressed in his usual outfit. He high fives his adoring fans. Polly rests on his right shoulder giving him advice. He then enters the ring. Ricky is holding up the belt, and then hands it to the ref, who takes it outside the ring.

Harrys: Introducing, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 225 pounds, “Showtime” Nate Thorpe!

The lights dim as the music comes in quietly, and then you hear a voice say, "IIIIIIIT'S SHOWTIME!" The music hits full force, and Showtime walks out from the back, shades on and a smirk painted on his face. 4 shots of pyro boom from from both sides of the stage. Showtime interacts with the fans till he gets halfway down the ramp, then he runs and slides under the bottom rope, resting on one elbow and taking off his shades with the other hand. Sometimes, he gives his shades to a fan. He then jumps into the ring, waiting for the final participant.

Harrys: Finally, from Washoe Valley, Nevada, weighing in at 240 pounds, “The Rocker” Kenny Cox!!!

Kenny walks onto the stage with his guitar, he is playing it, he then takes it off, turns around to face the ring, then runs into the ring, sliding in, Ding ding ding.

Everyone is throwing rights and lefts for around 5 seconds before some people get shoved into the corners, Thorpe is fighting Brown, Ricky is working on DC, and Kenny and Joe are standing in another corner, talking. Thorpe has Brown over the ropes, but then Joe runs up and hits Thorpe on the back of the head, Brown lands on the apron and rolls back into the ring.

DC and Ricky are trading rights in a corner, before Ricky jumps up and hit’s a monkey flip, tossing DC into the middle of the ring. Brown gets back up and hits Thorpe with a german suplex. Kenny and Joe grab Brown when he gets up and hit a double DDT, in the meantime, DC hit’s a sit down jawbreaker, and Ricky is standing against the ropes, DC runs at him for a clothesline, but Ricky counters into a body drop, but DC holds on to the ropes, and slides in under Ricky’s legs.

Thorpe gets back up and hit’s a suplex on Kenny, he turns around and Joe hit’s the depths of hell on Thorpe, Brown grabs Joe for a german suplex, but Joe counters it into a DDT, DC hit’s a clothesline on Joe, and DC looks impressed with himself.

Ricky comes up from behind DC, and locks in a sleeper hold, Ricky backs up into the ropes, Brown runs at Ricky and DC, Ricky ducks and Brown goes flying over the ropes,


Ricky releases DC, Thorpe gets up, Ricky is standing over DC, when Thorpe hit’s a jumping enzuigurI, knocking Ricky into the ropes, Thorpe runs up to him and trys to eliminate him, Joe and Kenny run up to try and help, when DC comes in and hits all of them in the back of the head, Kenny turns around and hits DC with a belly to belly suplex, sending him across the ring, Kenny walks over and stomps DC, Ricky hit’s a European uppercut on Thorpe and on Joe. DC and Kenny are trading rights, when out of nowhere, Ricky hit’s a clothesline on both of them DC is on the ground, while Kenny is in the ropes.

Ricky tries to eliminate Kenny, but Joe comes over and saves him, Kenny is standing on the other side of the apron, Joe irish whips Ricky into an opposite corner. Joe then turns around and throws a right at Kenny, Kenny blocks it and pokes Joe in the eye. Kenny gets back in and shoves Joe, and gets back into the ring. Kenny is yelling at Joe, and Kenny hits Joe with a right, and Joe returns it, and Kenny and Joe go at it. Kenny gets the better of Joe and hit’s a Last Ride on Joe, Thorpe gets up and hits an inverted DDT on Kenny, Thorpe picks up Kenny and throws him into the ropes.

Thorpe goes for a clothesline, but Kenny ducks, and kicks Thorpe in the gut, and hit’s a Last Ride, but throwing Thorpe outside of the ring.


Joe gets up and shoves Kenny, when Kenny turns around, Joe slaps him. Kenny and Joe bounce off the ropes and clothesline each other. DC gets up and starts stomping on Ricky, DC picks up Ricky, and hit’s the Chemi-Kill, Ricky is down in the middle of the ring. DC walks over to Ricky, and locks in the SSS. Ricky is screaming in pain

Ricky is tapping in the middle of the ring, DC is torquing it in, Ricky is screaming, when Kenny kicks DC in the face, Joe gets up and grabs Kenny by the pants and throws him over the ropes,


DC gets up, and hit’s a firing back on Joe, sending him into the ropes, Ricky has rolled out of the ring and grabbed a chair, he runs in and goes for DC, DC ducks, and Ricky hits Joe, sending him over the ropes,


Ricky goes for a chairshot on DC, but DC ducks, and kicks the chair out of Ricky’s hands, it falls to the floor, DC sets up for the bouncing back, but Ricky counters it into a double arm DDT, both men are laying on the ground, for about 30 seconds the 2 men lay on the ground, as the crowd is stomping their feet, Ricky makes his way to his feet, and so does DC, They trade rights and lock up, DC gains an advantage, but Ricky counters and turns DC’s wrists over, and releases to hit a dropkick.

Ricky picks up DC, and irish whips him into the ropes, Ricky runs for a clothesline, but DC hit’s a big boot to Ricky, knocking him down. DC climbs to the top rope, and hit’s the Santa Ana Winds on Ricky, DC picks up Ricky, and irish whips him, but Ricky counters it and throws DC into the ropes, DC bounces off, and Ricky kicks him in the gut, Ricky hit’s the Deckswabber, leaving DC a pile of humanity in the middle of the ring. Ricky rolls out of the ring again, grabs a bottle of grog, and takes a drink out of it, he climbs back into the ring, and DC is back up, Ricky goes for a piledriver, but DC reverses it into an Edge-o-matic.

DC picks up Ricky and pulls him over to the ropes, DC tries to pick up Ricky and throw him over the ropes. Ricky counters by trying to suplex DC over the ropes, DC tries to suplex Ricky, but stops and tries to punch him off, but Ricky counters and lifts DC up for a suplex, Ricky slips and falls onto the floor, DC does as well, the referees run over to them, one of the refs grabs a mic,

Ref: We did not see who’s feet landed first, so we a re re-starting the match, just between DC and Steamboat Ricky.

DC and Ricky get back into the ring, DC is bleeding from the suplex, and Ricky is holding his stomach. Ricky and DC lock up again, this time Ricky breaks it and kicks DC in the knee. DC falls to a knee, and hit’s a chop block on Ricky, both men are down on a knee, DC gets up and hit’s a step up enzuiguri, Ricky rolls out of the ring, and hit’s the floor, you hear him yell with pain on landing on his stomach.

DC looks impressed with himself, he’s holding up his closed hand as if to signal that it’s over. Ricky grabs the chair that he had earlier, and rolls back into the ring. DC reaches to grab him, Ricky hits him with the chair in the ribs, and DC walks into the ropes. Ricky runs at him with the chair, and knocks DC over the ropes, but he lands on the apron, Ricky pulls the chair over his head and lets it rip at DC, DC ducks and Ricky hit’s the ropes, which sends the chair into his own head!, DC gets back into the ring, picks up Ricky, and throws him over the top rope.

Harrys: Here is your winner, DC!!!
We see Chuck Myles standing on the entrance ramp

Chuck: Now, Gus has requested that he use his rematch clause tonight, so i will grant it, but, the stipulation will still be decided via roulette (Roulette Spins) We have a Last Man Standing Match, so lets go!

Harrys: The following contest is a last man standing match, where the only to win is to incapacitate your opponent for the referee’s 10 count, and it is for The Elite X Championship!

*“Holy Diver” by Killswitch Engage erupts over the speakers as Gus walks out to the stage, he holds up the metal sign as his pyro, which says GUS in a lightning shaped font, goes off over the tron. Gus walks down the ramp, slides into the ring, and bounces off the ropes while holding up the metal sign.*

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger, from Washoe Valley, Nevada, weighing in at 255 pounds, “The Man” Gus!

Copeland: Gus doesn’t look to focused tonight
Cohen: Well, he should, this is his rematch
Copeland: I think he still cares about Heidi, as we saw at All or Nothing, that’s what cost him the match.
Cohen: I don’t see why, I’ve had plenty of women leave me, and after that, I don’t care about them.

*”Famous” by Puddle of Mudd fills the arena as Will makes his way to the stage, noticeably without Heidi at his side.*

Cohen: Where is Heidi?
Copeland: She is probably still in the hospital, she got the Willenium at All or Nothing.
Cohen: She should be here with her man, this is a big night for him.
Copeland: She’s in the hospital,
Copeland: And look at Will, he doesn’t even look sad or guilty or anything, I don’t even think that he cares
Cohen: Well, why should he, she’s not dead, she’s not paralyzed, she’ll be fine, she’ll come crawling back to him, watch.

*Will walks down the ramp, slides into the ring, approaches the turnbuckle, and points to himself.*

Harrys: And, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 230 pounds, The WZCW Elite X Champion, “The One” Big Will!

*The referee asks Will for the title, Will hands it over, the referee holds it high in the air, he shows it to Gus, Gus stares at it, the referee hands the belt to Harrys on the outside, and rings the bell.*

Copeland: This is going to be one hell of a match, both of these men have held The Elite X Championship.
Cohen: Yea, but Gus held it for a whole what, week and a half, and Will had it for like 4 times that?

Gus and Will walk into the middle of the ring, they start talking smack to each other in the middle of the ring, Gus’ face is red, and he is giving Will a piece of his mind, Will spits in his face, Gus turns his head, wipes the spit off, and faces Will again, this time, Gus delivers a Kurt Angle-esque head butt, knocking down Will, Will is sitting on the ground, amazed, while the ref counts, 1...2...3... Will stands back up, Gus and Will lock up, Will gets the advantage, and twist’s Gus’ arm into a hammerlock. Gus is trying to spin out of it, but Will is keeping pressure on it. Gus walkover to the ropes, the ref says he can’t do anything, Gus does a backflip, and reverses the hold on Will, and puts Will in a sleeper hold.

Copeland: A sleeper hold, this might be it
Cohen: I think that this might be the shortest Elite X Championship match in history.

Will looks like he is knocked out, Gus releases and throws Will to the ground, the ref begins to count 1...2...3...4...5...6... Will gets back to his feet, Gus goes for a clothesline, but Will ducks, kicks Gus in the stomach, and hit’s the Will to Win, Gus is face down on the mat.
1...2...3...4...Gus gets back up, Will grabs Gus again, this time he hit’s a piledriver. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...Gus gets back up slowly, Will hit’s a quick DDT on Gus, and goes outside the ring for two chairs, 1...2...3... Gus is back on his feet, Will smashes Gus in the face with a chair, sending Gus outside of the ring, but his arm is stuck in the ropes.

Copeland: Oh my God, what a chair shot!
Cohen: I don’t think Gus will even remember Heidi after this…

Will goes out of the ring, Gus is knocked out, but he is stuck standing up, Will smashes the chair into Gus’s head again, and again.

Copeland: This is sick
Cohen: This is what happens on Meltdown roulette!

Gus’ head is bleeding, Will releases Gus’ arm from the ropes, and throws him into the ring. Will grabs both chairs, he drops one in the ring, and positions Gus’ head on one, and he goes outside the ring, Will goes to the outside, and leans against the guardrail, telling the ref to count, 1...2...3...4...5...Gus starts to sit up 6...7... Will gets back into the ring, with the other chair in hand, 8...Will goes for a con-chair-to, but Gus rolls out of the way. Gus is back on his feet, he hits an enzuiguri into the chair next to Will’s face, sending the chair into his face, Will and Gus are down, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...Will is back up, 9... Gus is back up, his face is completely covered in blood.

Copeland: Do you see the blood coming out of Gus’ head
Cohen: I love this, Will is dominating
Copeland: Not really
Cohen: Sure he is

Gus kicks Will in the stomach, and goes for a powerbomb, connecting, 1...2...3...Gus picks Will up, and goes for the Reality Bender, but Will counters it into The Will of Fame, onto a steel chair.
Cohen: THAT’S IT!!!
Copeland: Will of Fame on the chair, is that all?

1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...Gus has to pull himself up with the ropes, but he is back up, Gus flips Will off, and the crowd pops big time, Will hit’s a spear on Gus, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...Gus rolls out of the ring, and gets on his feet. Will looks irate.

Copeland: How smart by Gus, he rolled out of the ring and landed on his feet instead of wasting energy getting to his feet.
Cohen: He’s just prolonging his defeat.

Gus walks over to the barrier and leans against it, resting, Will goes outside the ring, and runs at Gus, Gus lowers his shoulder, and hit’s a body drop to Will, sending him into the crowd. Gus gets to the top of the barrier, and goes for a Swanton off the barrier, but Will moves, and Gus hit’s the concrete.

Copeland: Gus tried to finish Will off
Cohen: He should have waited until he weakened Will before that, but that’s Gus’ style, fast and furious, and he’s 250+ pounds!

1...2...3...4...5...6...both men back up. Will and Gus trade right hands while walking through the crowd, they make their way to outside of the arena, Will grabs another chair, he swings it at Gus, but Gus ducks and kicks Will in the stomach, a car driving by stops and honks at them, Gus irish whips Will into the car, Gus runs at Will, but Will back body drops Gus onto the windshield of the car, shattering it. 1...2...Gus rolls off the hood of the car, Will has a tire iron now, he swings it at Gus, Gus moves, and Will embeds it in the hood of the guy’s car. Gus turns around, and hit’s a Dragon DDT to Will on the concrete 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...Will back up, Gus and Will fight some more, Gus hit’s a right, and Will heads back to the arena, Gus follows him, Will runs through the crowd, grabbing an old man’s cane from him, and sliding into the ring, Gus follows him, only to have Will break the cane over Gus’ head. The referee is slow to get there, he could of easily made the 10 count by now, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...Gus is back up, Will kicks him in the head, and Will locks in the inverted sharpshooter, Gus is completely knocked out, Will torques it in, and all of a sudden, Gus wakes up and yells, trying to get to the ropes, he does, but the ref says “sorry.” Gus pulls himself up, and out of Will’s move. Will then hit’s a clothesline, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7... Gus starts to stir, Will yells at the ref, but he starts yelling back at Will instead of counting. Gus gets back up, Will turns around, and Gus hit’s the Reality Bender. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...Gus falls in the middle of the ring, the ref has to start over 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...Will gets up and kicks Gus in the ribs, Will then stands him up and hit’s a Satellite Spin.

Copeland: What a match
Cohen: I don’t believe that Gus has stuck to Will’s pace this whole time.
Copeland: I’m surprised Will didn’t let the ref finish his count this last time, he would’ve won.
Cohen: He wants to inflict as much pain on Gus as possible

1...2...Will picks up Gus, he slaps him in the face and says “It’s personal now, bitch” Will then steps back and hit’s a Willenium

Copeland: The Willenium! that’s the same move he hit on Heidi at all or nothing
Cohen: I still cant believe that she isn’t here with Will.
Copeland: She’s injured…oh, I don’t want to argue this with you right now.

Will stands over Gus, he shimmy’s his head in satisfaction, Gus does a reverse kip up, somehow getting Will into a Boston Crab.

Copeland: Did you see that?
Cohen: That was an amazing move by Gus, I must admit.

Gus bends back as far as he can Will is tapping, but the ref is shaking his head.

Cohen: Gus is trying to deliberately injure Will
Copeland: It’s a Last Man Standing Match, anything goes
Cohen: Gus is a poor sport
Copeland: I would be too if Will did what he did to me.

Gus collapses in a heap on top of Will, but since Gus is still on his feet, and he is too close to Will, the ref won’t count. About 30 seconds later, both men get up, Will is holding his back, and Gus is wiping the blood out of his eyes. Gus hit’s a suplex on Will, and instinctively goes for a cover, then Will rolls him up into a seated sleeper hold. Both men are incredibly fatigued. Will walks outside of the ring, and pulls out a table wrapped in barbed wire from under the ring.

Copeland: Oh my god,
Cohen: This match is for The Elite X Title, not the Mayhem Title

Will sets it up, and tries to throw Gus onto it, but Gus counters it into a suplex, sending Will outside of the ring, 1...2...3...Gus hit’s a suicide Swanton to the outside of the ring on Will. 1...2...3...4...5...6... Gus is back up, he grabs a trash can from under the ring, Will stands up, and Gus puts the can over Will’s head.

Copeland: Will’s been canned
Cohen: You think that’s funny?

Gus leads Will to the ramp, he then grabs a chair, and smashes it into the trash can, and again. Gus then hit’s a spear onto Will, Gus then hit’s a leg drop into the trash can, Gus then picks up Will, but Will lifts the can off his head, and hits Gus with it. Gus falls, and Will walks up the ramp, towards the exit, 1...2...3...

Copeland: I guess Will thinks its over, look at how much blood Gus has lost just in the last few minutes.


Cohen: Will must know that the garbage can was the final blow

7...8...9... Gus gets up to his feet, and starts following Will, Will hears the cheers and turns around, he sees Gus, and goes for a Willenium, but Gus counters it by grabbing his leg, and Will drops to his back, in catapult position, Gus is facing the edge of the stage, and catapults Will towards the edge of the stage, Will trips and falls before the end, where all the wires and stuff are. Gus walks over to Will, and he picks him up, and goes for The Reality Bender, Will counters it, and goes for The Will of Fame, he jumps at Gus, and the edge. Gus moves, and Will falls onto the lower stage, about 10 feet below the stage. Gus looks satisfied, like he has won the title, but he looks down, and sees Will moving, he looks around, tells the ref to stop counting for a bit. Gus spots the scaffolding above where Will is, Gus makes his way to the scaffolding, the crowd goes insane as Gus climbs to the top of the scaffolding,

Copeland: No, Gus, don’t do this
Cohen: Oh my god

Gus stands at the top of the scaffolding as he rolls his hands as if to say, 8:10 to Washoe, he takes a deep breath, looks up, and jumps off the scaffolding,

Both: OH MY GOD!!!

Flipping, Gus hit’s the 8:10 to Washoe onto Will from the scaffolding, the metal stage gives way as Gus and Will fall into the stage, the fans are going nuts, the referee calls for help from the back, the ref counts, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 ding ding ding. The bell rings.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee has counted both men out, so the match is a draw, and still The Elite X Champion, “The One” Big Will!

EMTs rush from the back, as an ambulance appears, with paramedics with a stretcher come out, another ambulance appears, and another team of paramedics come out. The crowd gives a mixed reaction when Heidi appears at the top of the entrance ramp

Cohen: I told you, she’s crawling back to Will

Heidi is wearing a neck brace, and she slowly walks through the carnage, she sees the 2 stretchers, She walks to the one with Will on it, she looks at him, and then she sees Gus, she runs over to him, and makes sure he’s alright.

Cohen: What is she doing checking on Gus, she’s Will’s woman.
Copeland: Maybe she wants to make sure that no one is hurt.

Heidi is watching in horror as Will and Gus are carted into the ambulances, both paramedics are asking Heidi if she wants to come in, but she looks distraught, as if she can’t decide which one to go with.

Cohen: Go with the gold!
Copeland: Have you always been this shallow?
Cohen: Yea…

The paramedics tell Heidi that they’re leaving, and she needs to decide, she starts crying and runs up the stairs on goes backstage.
Copeland: Well, Will is still the Elite X Champion, and Gus has proved that he will do anything to get back the title.

Cohen: And we have seen that Heidi is not faithful to Will at all,

Copeland: You don’t know that Jack

Cohen: It’s obvious...
All the lights in the arena start to flicker as the cage begins to lower from the rafters. It sinks ominously to the ring apron and comes to a halt. All of the lights come on and the hard camera focuses in on Harrys.

Harrys: This next match is a Last Chance Contenders Cage Match.

The Arabic song, "Le Leiy" hits and the whole arena is showered in boos.

Harrys: Hailing from Ramallah City, Afghanistan. He weighs in at 285 lbs., and stands 6 feet 4 inches tall. He is the "Sultan of the WZCW", he is Mohammed Hasheeeeeeeem!

After 10 seconds Mohammed Hasheem comes out. He stops mid way, and then he slowly walks to the beginning of the ramp. He then gets down on 2 knee's, bends down and puts his hands and head on the ramp. He prays, he then quickly picks his head up, he is still on the ground, he picks his head up and raises his hands in yelling in Arabic words which sound like, "Praise Allah Almighty, Shaleh Koobeh Maharra!!!!!" With his hands up in the air praying at the ceiling, suddenly flames of fire burst out. The flames shoot up and disappear, shoot up and again disappear. Mohammad Hasheem then gets up and has an evil smile. Hasheem is wearing what he normally wears, long black pants, and he wears his traditional turban as he walks down to the ring. Once at ringside Hasheem removes his turban, gets in the cage surrounded ring, and awaits his opponent.

After about 10 seconds of anticipation "Supernova Goes Pop" by Powerman 5000 hits the speakers.

Harrys: And his opponent currently resides in Los Angeles, California. He weighs in at 205 lbs, and stands in at 6 feet even. He is the "Pinnacle of Perfection", He is Everest!!!

Orange laser lights shoot back and forth across the blank big screen that then flashes the words “Are you Ready to Go” The lights go out for a second and when they kick back on Everest stands in the middle of the ramp soaking up the cheers. He then calmly walks down the ramp to the ring, climbs inside the ring and the ring is locked shut by the ref.

Copeland: Mohammad Hasheem is set to take on Everest inside a steel cage!!

Cohen: Hasheem needs to impose his size upon the smaller Everest and try to end this early.

The ref signals for the bell and the two combatants waste no time firing rights and lefts. Hasheem gets the better of the exchange and backs Everest into the ropes. Hasheem gives Everest a couple more shots then whips him to the other side and on the rebound Hasheem attempts to hit a spine buster, but telegraphs the move to early and gets a toe kick to the head for his troubles. Everest follows up immediately with a fierce short arm clothesline. Everest stays on top of Hasheem as he raise Hasheem to a sitting position. Everest locks in a rear chin lock with his knee in Hasheem's back. Everest has the hold sinched in and his pulling back with all his might.

Copeland: In the early going Everest has taken Hasheem to the floor in order to neutralize Hasheem's size advantage.

Cohen: Hasheem needs to get back to his vertical base.

Hasheem starts struggling but gets back to one knee, and then he uses his strength to get to a bent over standing position. Hasheem delivers a couple of elbows to Everest gut and then hits a back body drop to break the hold.

Cohen: Nice resilience by Hasheem, but He needs to follow up.

Copeland: Breaking the hold seemed to take a lot out of Hasheem. If he can get to his feet first though Everest maybe in trouble.

Both men get to a knee at around the same time but Everest gets to his feet first and attempts an Enziguri, but his attempt is blacked and he is spun around and dropped with a vicious DDT. Hasheem gets right back up and drags Everest to his feet. He takes Everest by the back of the head and throws him head first into the steel cage. Hasheem drags Everest to another side of the ring and throws him head first steel cage again. Hasheem then grabs Everest by the back of the head, leans Everest close to the steel, and rams his head into the steel cage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 times! Then Everest's body falls limp to the floor.

Copeland: Things are not looking good for Everest right now.

Cohen: This maybe the opportunity for Hasheem to escape the cage. He needs to get to climbing!

Hasheem looks down at the fallen Everest and then heads to the cage wall and starts climbing. He gets about half way up when Everest gives him a hard, clubbing shot to his back. He delivers 2 or 3 more hard shots and then climbs up next to Hasheem who is now holding onto the cage with his hands but standing on the third rope. Everest delivers some kidney shots to Hasheem and then wraps his arm around the back of Hasheem's head, intertwines his right leg with Hasheem's left leg, pulls them both backwards connecting with a top rope Russian Leg Sweep!!

Copeland: Both men took serious punishment with that move from the top rope.

Cohen: That was a dangerous move performed by Everest. Land the wrong way and you're not walking the rest of your life.

Everest is to his feet first and he climbs the nearside turnbuckle. He launches off looking for a diving head butt, however, Hasheem moves and Everest eats the canvas. Hasheem stalks Everest while Everest is writhing in pain. Hasheem straddles Everest's back, grabs Everest's chin and yanks back executing a camel clutch.

Copeland: Everest needs to find a way to get out of this hold.

Cohen: Hasheem gets to use the rules to his advantage now. He doesn't have to break this hold for anything. He can just keep it locked in until Everest passes out and then get out of the ring with nothing to stop him.

A loud "Everest, Everest" chant breaks out as Hasheem is still pulling and yanking on the neck of Everest. Everest starts to raise Hasheem up and then falls. He tries again and this time he gets to the ropes. He uses the ropes to pull himself to standing position with Hasheem's hands still locked around his neck. Everest pulls Hasheem's head to his shoulder with the little strength he has left and drops Hasheem with a stunner.

Copeland: What a great desperation jaw breaker by Everest.

Cohen: However, he can't follow up that took everything he had to break that camel clutch. He's done once Hasheem gets to his feet.

Hasheem gets up first and stalks Everest. Everest takes a swing at Hasheem, but Hasheem ducks and uses Everest's momentum to hoist him into the Fireman's Carry position.

Cohen: Toss Breaker...this should do it!!

Hasheem spin Everest off of his shoulder, but Everest uses his agility to twist his body in mid air and drop Hasheem with an inverted fall away DDT!

Copeland: OH MY GOD!! What a counter by Everest and Hasheem is knocked out.

Everest gets to his knees and starts to crawl to the cage door. He is just about their when boos start to resound from every corner of the arena. A shot is shown of Joseph Rios coming through the crowd to ringside. Everest knows something is up, but is dead set on trying to get out of the cage. Everest and Rios both reach their respective sides of the cage door. It had already been opened by the ref and Rios was staring in and Everest was staring at Rios who was blocking his way.

Copeland: NO!! It's cannot end like this...dammit to hell!

Cohen: Believe it!

Rios flips Everest the bird and then goes to close the door on Everest's face when Hasheem comes running towards the door trying to get out first. Rios slams the door and instead of hitting Everest he hits Mohammed Hasheem right in the forehead sending him flying backwards onto his back completely knocked out and barely moving. Then just as suddenly Everest spins around and uses his feet to kick the door right back into Rios' face sending him into the barricade and Everest falls out of the cage.

Cohen: No!!! How could this be?

Copeland: Hasheem never saw Rios trying to stop Everest and at the cage door for his troubles.

Harrys: Your winner via escape from the steel cage. "The Pinnacle of Perfection" Everest!!!!

Everest can barely stand as the camera zooms in on him and the ref while the ref raises Everest's hand in victory
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