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Dufflebag Mod!!

(Parental Advisory is played over a black screen in white letters. It slowly fades away to the booming sound of the WZCW Theme song “Paralyzer” by Finger Eleven With the music is a video package, one which features many superstars performing various moves and finishers/taunts. After a few needed anticipation, it leads to the face of Chuck Myles grinning, which is quickly followed by the WZCW Logo. This fizzes up into a large crowd, jeering and cheering on they're favorite or least-favorite superstar; waving signs in the air. Above the ring is seen two large, green and blue pyros . It explodes at contact with the titantron, creating a flurry of other colorful explosions. This leads to the camera focusing on The cameras then head to the announcer’s booth were we see S Copeland and his broadcast colleague Jack "The Enforcment" Cohen. Copeland is dressed in a blue shirt and tie and a tanned coloured suit whilst Cohen is dressed in a black pin striped shirt and grey trousers.)

Copeland: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the final Melt Down of 2007, fresh off the heels of last week Meltdown we are here honoring our troop here in Camp Anaconda in Balad Iraq it promises to be a night….I mean Day to remember. Can we do any better than that?!

Cohen: Give away free Ice Cream?!

Copeland: Please welcome my broadcast colleague, Jack “The Enforcement” Cohen

Cohen: Put a sock in it Copeland. People! These troopers are in for a great Day here on Melt Down! As well as those incredible match ups we have our wonderful owner Mr. Charles Myles is in the building here today!

(The cameras go throughout the Soldiers while yet another firework show goes off and all the Soldiers chant W-Z-C-W!! W-Z-C-W!! They abruptly cut back to the announcer’s booth and we see Copeland and Cohen once again)

Copeland: As you can tell the Soldiers are full of excitement here.

Cohen: That's right. Meltdown should get you fired up for All or Nothing next week! Let's take a look at the for this Meltdown main event!

(The Melt down logo explodes on the screen, taking us to a match graphic that consists of “Showtime“ Nate Thorpe, “The Man“ Gus, And “The One Big Will“.)

Copeland: It's always exciting to see Gus, who so happens to be the #1 Contender to the Elite X Title, out here, Cohen! I can't wait for this match.

Cohen: I just pray that this time no casualties will follow this match because Will has a habit of letting all hell break loose lately! He's injured Gus so badly that we thought Gus couldn’t make the trip. Will need to get a hold of himself really.

"It`s Raining Men echo thru and all the troops are booing and laughing in fun. Chuck Myles comes out wearing a nice suit and whatnot. He puffs out his chest, like saying how he is better than everyone, and that he is some big shot. He walks down the ramp frustarted. He stomps his feet on the steel steps as he enters the ring through the 2nd rope.

Chuck: If you ever play that song again i will fired your ass. What’s the matter, Harrys? We don’t do introductions anymore?

Harrys: Sorry. Ladies and gentlemen –

Chuck: Whoa whoa whoa, no no no, we’re going to do this thing all over again, and you better get it right, or you’re fired. Now play my new music.

“Sinner” by Drowning Pool hits again and the entire place starts booing. He gets out of the ring and walks up the ramp with his strut and is backstage and his music stops. After 20 seconds, or so, “Sinner” by Drowning Pool hits for the 3rd time and the crowd starts booing. He comes out with a bigger smile and he comes down the ramp with the same strut, etc.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr. Myles!!

Chuck stomps on the steps and he climbs up to the apron. He snaps his fingers and presents the ropes to Harrys, which is like a suggestion to open the ropes for him. Harrys sits on the middle rope, making it easier for Chuck to get into the ring.

Chuck: Now that is more like it, Harrys. Don’t ever let me see you make a stupid mistake like that again.

The troops start booing.

Chuck: Maybe for Sincade.

The troops start cheering.

Chuck: But not, hey shut up!! You may do it for him but not to me!! Now get out of my ring.

The troops start booing.

Chuck: Go ahead and boo, what do I give a hoot? You are all going to sit here and watch me speak, because that is what you paid for.

The troops boo and start chanting Sincade’s name.

Chuck: Go! Go ahead all you people want. Chant Sincade’s name, because the fact of the matter is, after what Mohammad Hasheem did,

The troops really go nuts with the booing, when Chuck mentioned Hasheem’s name.

Chuck: After Mohammad Hasheem did to him. In fact, it wasn’t just Mohammad Hasheem, it was also his manager, Rajeem.

The troops boo.

Chuck: In fact, in case none of you squares remember, let’s take a look back at last week, on Meltdown, when Sincade finally got his!!

We are then taken to the Sincade and Hasheem match, with Sincade picking up the victory but then we see the animal in Hasheem and Rajeem attacking Sincade. We see Sincade being busted open by the steel chair. We see Rajeem locking in the Camel Clutch, and Hasheem punting Sincade in the head. We come back to Afghanistan, where Chuck Myles is still in the ring, smiling at what we just saw.

Chuck: Ah, isn’t that refreshing? And you know what? It’s a shame –

The troops interrupt him with booing and chanting “Bullshit”

Chuck: It’s a shame, that you people will not be seeing Sincade tonight. It really is a shame, but oh well. I just wanted to set the record straight when I say that I am the man!! I am the only suitable chairman of this company. No one else is suitable to run this company!! Just me!! Me!! Me!! Me!! Me!! Me!! Me!! Me!! Me

The troops start chanting Sincade’s name, as out of no where, Sincade’s music blasts throughout the AP Speakers and the whole place goes off the hook!! Myles is looking around, turning around in full circles to see where Sincade is. He then sees Sincade by the entrance.

Sincade: You know, for an old fart, you really do talk a lot. These amazing men and women of the army came here for 2 things. Those 2 things are wrestling. The troops cheer.

Sincade: And entertainment!!

The troops cheer. Sincade then starts yelling.


The troops go crazy with cheering!!

Sincade: And you are especially not entertaining, so they just lost out right there, but you know we gotta give the people something, so let’s put on a real, real show!! Let’s show them some good old fashion wrestling, Myles!!

The troops are really going nuts!!

Myles: Whoa, whoa.

Sincade drops his mic, which makes a noise. He then starts walking down the ramp, very slowly. He then looks behind him and very slowly backs up.

Myles: Whoa, whoa, come on Sincade. These people don’t wanna see this.

The crowd cheers crazily as he continues to walk slowly.

Myles: Come on!! Easy there cowboy, don’t wanna do something you might regret!!

Sincade stops short and starts laughing and yells, “Oh yea?” He then runs into the ring, and Myles is shaking his head saying, “NO!!” He then backs up and then runs at Sincade, who delivers a spear on Myles. They roll around for a few minutes. Sincade delivers very few punches to Myles’s back as he screams for security. Security and referee officials come out and drag Sincade out of the ring. They are restraining him on the outside. Myles has an extremely angry look on his face as he gets a mic. He then says:


Chuck swallows and breaths, trying to catch his breathe.

Chuck: You know what, you dumb, good for nothing, prick. Backstage I was filing through some papers when an idea struck me. An idea for a huge and colossal tag team match. A 4 man tag team match!! At All or Nothing, you piece of shit

**Commercial Break**

*The camera shows Gus, is scrolls to the left, showing Kenny, and farther to the left, and shows Joe, then the camera zooms out, showing all 3 of them.*

Gus: To all of the american troops here in Iraq,

Kenny: We, The Washoe Valley crew, want to say,

Joe: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year

Gus: It is an honor, and a privelige to compete in front of you, the american soldiers,

Kenny: We think that you deserve a good two hours of entertainment, while you are fighting for democracy here in the middle east,

Joe: and we can guarantee you all a good show.

Kenny: So have some fun this christmas, kick your feet up,

Joe: Hold up your signs, cheer your favorites, boo your enemies

Gus: and take some time off from defending your country, and enjoy the show!!!

Joe: I would like to say hello to my brother, he was stationed in Afghanistan, he was supposed to be home for christmas, which where he is, and now i'm gone, I love you bro!!!

(They all salute the camera until it fades out)

Devil Spawns Vs. Ben "The Myth" Legend/Steamboat Ricky

(Leon Kenworth steps to the top of the ramp he is handed the mic by one of the tech crew.)

Leon: this is just from the boardroom of WZCW today tag team matches will be a heard as a tournament. The winning team from each match will go on to “All or Nothing” and wrestle for the new issue Tag team championship. The First match will be Devils Spawns versus the unlikely team of Ben Legend and Steamboat Ricky!

Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for 1 fall, introducing first, at a combined weight of 515 pounds, The DevilSpawns, Disasterpiece and Reaper!!!

The arena goes black, as “For whom the bell tolls fills the arena, white strobes flash and thick white fog seeps up from the grates on the stage. The DevilSpawns stand with the fog and smoke around their legs the crowd erputs with cheers. Spotlight shines on them as they looks around and works the crowd, Reaper lifts out his arms, DP tilts his head back and sprays a mist of blood from his mouth (like how Triple H does it). lights in the arena flicker back on as they start to walk down the ramp. They slide in the ring and each climb a turnbuckle to a huge pop. blood dripping down from DPs mouth he continues to interact with the audience as he raises his arms. looks around the arena, climbs down, Reaper has his arms extended, and wait for their opponents.

Harrys: and, their opponents, first, from Tortuga, weighing in at 260 lbs. The Mayhem Champion, Steamboat Ricky!!!

Steamboat Ricky walks down the ramp, carrying a cooler of his signature non-alcoholic grog and his Mayhem Title. He’s dressed in his usual outfit. He high fives the troops along the ramp. Polly rests on his right shoulder giving him advice. He then enters the ring, running around in circles for awhile to allow his cape to float in the breeze.

Harrys: and, his tag team partner, from Manchester New Hampshire, weighing in at 265 lbs. Ben Legend!!!

Legend walks to the ring, taunting and slapping hands with the troops, he looks at Steamboat, who nods slightly, as if to say, “Lets just get this over with.”

Copeland: Now how in the hell is this fair? You’ve got a well developed tag team in the DevilSpawns, against two men who absolutely want to kill each other.

Cohen: They’ll have to deal with it, if not, they both will get a loss.

Ben starts out against Reaper, Ben goes for a quick roll up, 1... Reaper kicks out. Reaper wants a lock up, Ben starts to, but trips up Reaper, Reaper has an astonished look on his face. Reaper gets back up, he wants another lock up with Ben, Ben and Reaper lock up, Reaper pokes Ben in the eye, and then delivers an amazing clothesline, cover 1...2... Ricky comes in and breaks it up.

Copeland: Legend needs to stop showing off

Cohen: Yea, Reaper almost took his head off

Reaper does a Justin Credible crotch chop to Ricky, who just walks back to the apron. Reaper picks up Ben and delivers a piledriver, cover 1...2...kick out from Ben

Copeland: What a piledriver!!!

Cohen: Reaper is very profound in using piledrivers.

Reaper scoop slams Ben, and tags in DP, who quickly jumps to the top rope, and delivers the death from above to Ben, cover, before the 1 count Ricky came in and broke it up

Cohen: Ben needs to tag in Ricky.

Copeland: This is great teamwork from the DevilSpawns though.

DP throws Ben against the ropes, Ben bounces off them and runs into DP, who delivers a spine buster, cover, 1...2...kick out form Ben, DP goes for the Morbid Massacre, Ben flips out, and hits an enzuiguri.

Copeland: This could be the turning point

Cohen: If Legend can tag in Ricky

Ben dives into his corner, and tags in Ricky, DP is up, Ricky runs at him, and hit’s a hard clothesline, Reaper comes in to the ring, Ricky grabs him and hits am overhead belly to belly suplex, throwing Reaper across the ring. Ricky sees DP and Reaper on the outside, Ricky bounces off the ropes, and dives over the top ropes, a corkscrew plancha.

Copeland: Oh my god, what athleticism by Ricky

Cohen: I cant believe he pulled that off!!!

Ricky walks over to Ben and says, “That’s how you be hardcore!!!” Ben nods and applauds his tag team partner, Ricky grabs DP and throws him into the ring, cover, 1...2...kick out from DP. Ricky grabs DP and tags in Ben. Ben comes in and delivers a snap suplex, Ricky goes up to the top rope and hit’s a flying head butt on DP, Ben into the cover, 1...2...Reaper breaks it up, Ricky goes for the Deck Swabber, but Reaper counters it into Sudden Death

Copeland: Sudden Death

Cohen: Too bad neither of them are legal

Ben grabs Reaper from behind and throws him over the top rope, Ben then sets up for The Severed Ties, DP gets up, Ben locks in the cobra clutch, and goes for the bomb, but DP counters it and is just trapped in the cobra clutch.

Copeland: The severed ties was countered but now DP’s stuck in the cobra clutch.

Cohen: It’ll work…

The ref raises DP’s hand, it falls, again, it falls, Reaper comes into the ring, Ricky does as well, the ref raises DP’s hand again, this time, Ricky suplexes Reaper onto the ref, DP’s hand falls, but the ref cant call for the bell. Ricky is yelling at Ben, “Tighter, tighter.” Reaper gets up and knocks DP out of it, the ref gets back up and forces Ricky and Reaper to the apron. Ben covers DP, 1...2...Reaper breaks it up, Ben tags in Ricky, DP somehow managed to tag in Reaper, Ricky and Reaper trade punches in the middle of the ring, back and forth, until Reaper gets the upper hand, Reaper elbows Ricky in the ribs, and hit’s a DDT.

Copeland: what a DDT

Cohen: That might be it

Cover, 1...2...kick out from Ricky, Reaper sets up for Hells’ Calling, he gets Ricky up, but Ricky rolls through and locks Reaper in the boo box.

Copeland: Arrrrr, The Boo Box!!!

Cohen: don’t say it like that

DP tries to break it up, but Ben springboard clotheslines him from the other side of the ring, Ricky is torqueing it in, they’re in the middle of the ring, nowhere for Reaper to go, when Cammy heads out to the ring, and is saying things to Reaper, which is motivating him, he is lifting himself up, and Reaper rolls onto his back, and kicks Ricky in the face, Ricky looks dazed, so he tags in Ben, Reaper clotheslines Ben, Reaper picks up Ben and delivers a DDT, cover, 1...2...kick out

Copeland: what a match, I thought the DevilSpawns would have won already

Cohen: Ricky and Ben are competitors, when they have to get along, they will.

Cammy runs over to Ricky, and pulls him off the apron, DP goes into the ring, and deliver a double DDT to Ben, cover, 1...2...kick out from Ben.

The ref looks at DP and tells him to get out, Reaper spooks him and he falls out of the ring, from under the ring, The Maxx comes out, Ricky sees him, goes for The Deck Swabber, Maxx counters it into a brain buster suplex, Ricky looks knocked out

Copeland: Ben is in there all by himself now

Cohen: This might not be too good

Tom McBrady comes out from the back with a steel chair, and smashes it over Maxx’s head, Maxx falls down, McBrady goes to the back

Ben is looking on in amazement, he sees is partner knocked out, DP tries to hit a double axe handle off the top, Ben runs over and hit’s the Legendary, Reaper is waiting for Ben, Reaper hit’s the Hells Calling after Ben turns around, DP slowly gets up, climbs to the top, once again hit’s the death from above, Reaper throws the ref back into the ring, and covers Ben 1...2...3 ding ding ding

Harrys: Here are your winners, Disasterpiece and Reaper, The DevilSpawns!!!

Copeland: That’s twice now The Devilspawns won by cheating

Cohen: The Devilspawns didn’t cheat, Maxx did by taking out Ricky

Copeland: Ok, well, last week, The WVC and Jesse were screwed out of a win, and now Ricky and Legend, it’s a damn shame

Cohen: Well, get over it, its over, move on…

Setting/Background: Green Room/Backstage
(Big Will)- "I was asked to give my thoughts on all the men & women of the Armed Services, who're fighting over seas right now, who've been fighting, or who have fought. Theres so much I want to say, but simply finding the words is the problem. Let me start, by saying 'Thank You' more than anything, Thank You for everything all of you have done. Thank You for everything all of you are continuing to do." Big Will pauses for a moment, to collect his thoughts.

"I think that what each of you are doing, or have done, is collectively the greatest thing any one of us could ever do. It takes a lot of courage & strength to stand up for your country, & coming from Canada, I never realized how much 'Freedom' isn't really free. I don't think I could ever do what all of you are doing. I would always stand up for my Family & fight for my friends, but to defend an entire nation, to fight as one person, in a war of literally thousands is basically like you're a piece in a puzzle, so easy to get lost." Big Will pauses again, as he lowers his head to one side, as if he's sad.

"I've had friends go over to Iraq, & I've had people I consider Family fight over there. There isn't a day that goes by, that I don't question whether they're okay, or hurt, or lost. So to all the Men & Women, all the Mother's & Father's, Brother's & Sister's, to everyone who has a loved one in Iraq, or anywhere around there.. my deepest heart felt wishes & prayers go out to all of you & all of them."

"The one thing I'm greatful for the most, is that each of you are fighting so I can keep doing what I love, & thats entertain. You see, when I go out there, through that curtain. Each night, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, is when each one of those people get to decide for themselves whether they want to cheer, or boo me. And thats one of the many things you're fighting for. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for allowing me to live the life I love to live.
As Meltdown come back from the commercial break, 'Headsprung' erupts in the arena as E2 makes his way to the ring on crutches, bandaged across the mid-section and barely able to stand. The crowd is almost dead as they see the sacrificial lamb virtually crawl to the ring, ready to meet his fate tonight

Copeland: E2 is making his way to the ring, and after what Maxx and DJ did to him last week I'm quite surprised to see him here at all.

Cohen: I just hope they do the same to him tonight!

Copeland: I love the compassion Cohen, realy heartwarming.

E2 is struggling to get into the ring and it's obvious he is still suffering from the effects of the attack brought on by Maxx and DJ. He finally makes his way into the inside with assistance from the referee, and grabs the mic from Harry.

Copeland: Looks like E2 has something to say.

E2: Maxx, Davinder, you no good, low down, dirty pieces of s**t, come down here and face me! My back was turned homies, so if you think you can really show me what you got, come and see what you can do while im standing right here in the middle of the ring! (crowd cheers)

Cohen: E2 can't even defend himself, is this guy nuts? Does he like hospital food?

Copeland: I just don’t think this is wise at all, he needs attention.

Suddenly Maxx’s music roars over the tanoid as E2 is trying to prepare himself to take on the king of the outback

Copeland: E2 needs to get out of that ring, he is no shape to take on Maxx, not like this

Cohen: Maybe he likes the sponge baths?

Maxx’s music stops as no one makes there way through the entrance

E2: You see that’s the punk I thought you were, you wanna hit me from behind then fine, I'll even turn my back homie, come get some!

The curtain moves aside, but instead of Maxx or DJ, Chuck Myles himself makes his way out, microphone in hand.

Myles: E2, you're not getting your match with Maxx tonight. You see E2 you idiot, the reason why Maxx and Davinder aren’t here is because I told them not to come, I just saved your life son. However, I'm not one to let you hobble your crippled ass down the aisle for no reason, so I have someone who needs a tune-up match before the Pay Per View.

'Sumo' hums out across the arena, seconds before the massive Manzo comes striding out, Tinaka waving the Japanese flag as enthusiastically as ever before him.

Copeland: Oh god this does not look good! I was looking forward to the in-ring return of this Japanese giant, but not like this!

Cohen: E2 likes the hospital so much, he's gonna end up in intensive care after Manzo gets through with him! The guy looks even bigger than before, if that's even possible!

Myles and Manzo are quickly standing in the middle of the ring staring down the injured superstar, defining boos fill the arena as E2 stands in tall, showing no signs of backing down

Myles: You know, all things considered, maybe I didn't exactly save your life after all.

E2: Well I'm gonna get me some anyway!

E2 throws the mic to the ground and runs at Manzo, striking him with hard shots to the chest, slowly but surely driving Manzo back with the suprising ferocity of the shots. E2 grabs Manzo's arm and tries to foolishly throw him across the ring to the ropes, but Manzo easily stands his ground, pulling E2 back into a huge clothesline, flattening his opponent.

Cohen: Brace yourself Copeland this will all be over in a second.

The ref makes the count 1…2…Kickout by E2

Copeland: E2 stay down!

Cohen: The idiots gonna die

E2 is writhing in pain holding his neck as the crowd boos fill the arena, Manzo drags E2 to the corner and climbs to the second rope, bellows the the fans and lands the Sumo Splash. The ref goes down to make the count again 1 ... 2 ... Manzo stands up, obviously not finished yet. The Pride of Japan grabs E2 as he tries to make his way back to his feet and pulls him forward, ducking low and in one swift moving, suprising for a man of Manzo's stature, hits a vicious Samoan drop, laying E2 out in the centre of the ring. Manzo stands at E2's head, and yells as he runs toward to opposite rope.

Cohen: Oh I can see what's coming now, say goodnight E2!

Manzo Hits the Hiroshima Bomb (Running seated senton[Earthquake's finisher]), and the ref makes the count …1 … 2 …3

Cohen: And that’s the end of E2

Copeland: My god what a massacre! E2 is not even moving out there.

Myles makes his way back into the ring, microphone in hand again.

Myles: E2, say hi to Jack Harris for me...

Myles drops the mic and leaves the ring whilst Manzo and Tinaka stay firmly in the ring as E2 lays lifeless, as he has still yet to move. The medical team make their way to check on the fallen bodyguard of Sincade. The scene fades to black to the sund of 'Sumo'.



*All the fans in the arena rise to their feet and roar in excitement as the former U.S. Marine Disasterpiece's music hits. He steps out from the curtain hoisting a VERY LARGE American flag over his shoulder and gets a huge standing ovation from the audience.

All of the fans are cheering, jumping, and clapping in excitement. Disasterpiece just stands there on the stage, looking around at all the fans in uniform. He smiles, and slowly starts to walk down the ramp.

He high fives the fans and stops to sign a few autographs. He walks over to a fan holding a sign saying "WE NEED YOU BACK ON THE FRONTLINES DP!" and gives the fan a high five in approval.

Disasterpiece slides into the ring and climbs up a turnbuckle. He raises the flag in the air with both hands (just like how Kurt Angle does it) and sprays a mist of blood in the air over him.

The fans in the arena are ecstatic and loving every minute of it. DP hops down and grabs a mic . . .

DP: Goooooooooood morning Iraq!

*the fans cheer in approval*

DP: I wanted to take the time to come out here tonight before my match to talk with all my warriors out here this evening!

*another big pop*

DP: It was less than a year ago when I was in your same position. I remember the days of sleeping in a bag in a ditch, fighting off the desert heat, and trying to sleep at night with all the scorpions and camel spiders around. I also remember figthing everyday to stay alive, dodging bullets and flying grenades, and not knowing if I was going to be able to see the sun rise the next day.

It was a life changing experience for me. I can say that each and everyone of you are the toughest and strongest human beings on the planet for facing these hardships and horrors everyday of your lives. I know exactly what you all are going through and can relate to the fear, and torment you all must feel.

My best advice, take it one day at a time and in stride. Be smart and keep your head on a swivel. Always look out for yourself and those around you. You will be fine and in no time you will be returning home to your families.

We all love and appreciate you very much. So to all my fellow servicemen, merry x-mas, happy new year, and I hope you enjoy my match with Reaper against Ricky and Ben Legend tonight. There will be . . . .

* DP lowers his head and puts the mic to his face and shouts . . .


. . . FIRE! . . . .

and DEATH! . . . .

* With that he whips his head back and sprays another mist of blood into the air. The fans go wild. DP jumps around the ring, beating his chest and stomping the ground all pumped up. He climbs the turnbuckle and salutes the arena. Closing shot of him standing on the turnbuckle holding up the flag.

The screen fades in to a dark auditorium with the stage raised in the middle of the room. On the stage is an extremely large screen. As the camera settles in on the large screen a movie projector starts up and shows pictures of mamed or dead soldiers as well as tanks and other military vehicles that have been blown up. While the projector is running a man in a black hooded robe walks out in front of the screen. The pictures project off of his robe as though he were part of the screen. The man removes his hood and reveils himself to be Reaper. He turns his head to look at the camera and speaks...
Reaper: In the ring I consider myself to be one of the most hardcore wrestlers to ever enter this business. However, the real men and women who are truly hardcore are the ones that fight for the freedoms we enjoy. If it were not for them none of us would be able to entertain the millions of people that come to see us live or watch us on television. So this week we travel to Iraq so that we can, atleast for one day, help them forget about the tragedies and hardships of war. We go there to show them how much we appreciate what they do for us daily. I will condsider it a pleasure to even step into the ring for this show and I will do my best to make sure that the men and women of the armed forces do not go home disappointed.

Another man walks from behind the screen. This man is dressed in full military fatigues. He marches out and stands next to Reaper. Upon closer inspection the face of Disasterpiece comes through the still running images of dead soldiers and destroyed military vehicles. Before Reaperspeaks the dreadful images fade into a waving flag. and Reaper continues...

Reaper: I have the pleasure to fight side by side with this man every night. Last year this man would have been one of the faces in the crowd. He has fought and served our country proudly and with respect. Now he fights still this time in the ring and we form the most powerful tag team in WZCW history, the DevilSpawns. I have never served in the armed forces, however, i know how much passion this man has for protecting our way of life. If the ladies and getlemen that we perform for this Monday have half as much passion as the man who stands next to me then I know we are all in good hands. Thank you all and God bless.


WVC vs. Rajeem/david jeater

Copeland: Tonight the WVC want to reclaim a tag win here, a win that they where cheated out of by the Devilspawns

Cohen: They weren’t cheated Copeland, the devil spawns where the better team, However I for the life of me do not and I mean do not understand why Rajeem and Jaeter two great managers are being fed to these young punks

Copeland: Jaeter and Rajeem both inserted themselves in matches that they had no business including themselves in, that’s why there here, and I hope Joe and Kenny show these guys why you should not cross the boss!

Cohen: We all know why you should never cross the racist dictator known as Sincade!

Copeland looks over to Cohen with a disturbed look on his face

Copeland: Let’s go to Harry’s at Ringside

Harrys: Tonight’s bout stands at one fall, and is a tag team match and this is another match in the tag team tourament


Harrys: Weighing a combined weight of 470 Pounds
Hailing From Washoe Valley Nevada, The Demon Joe, The Rocker Kenny, THE Washoe Valley Crew!

Copeland: The WVC must love there Christmas present tonight, If I where Rajeem and DJ I would be thinking of a way to get out of this match

Harrys: And there opponents

A new Arabic theme erupts over the arena, As DJ and Rajeem make there entrance, Rajeem goes to his knees and starts praying as Dj stands there onlooking and clapping as they both make there way to ringside

Copeland: These two look lost without Maxx and Hasheem

Cohen: They are standing in prayer Copeland, your just as racist as our so called GM Sincade

The ring bell sounds as Davinder and Rajeem argue over who will start the match, Davinder tells Rajeem to get into the ring as Rajeem doesn’t want anything to do with the WVC, Rajeem moves out of the ring and stands outside as DJ Is arguing with him, the ref moves to the outside of the ring and tries to bring Rajeem

Copeland: Neither Man wants a piece of the WVC

Cohen: They are talking strategy Copeland

Kenny grabs DJ by the hair, DJ is screaming as Kenny pulls him over to the corner, Rajeem storms the ring and is cut off by joe who hits a hard clothesline

Copeland: was there strategy to run round and crap there pants?

Cohen: Was that a joke Copeland cause Im not laughing!

Davinder is stil trying to get out of kennys grasp as rajeem Is slowly making his way up as Joe Charges for the spear Rajeem is still groggy as Joe hits the spear and ends up outside the ring still holding on to Rajeem

Copeland: My god Joe just sacrificed himself to take out Rajeem

Cohen: Is this how we treat Arabs in this country?

Kenny lifts Jaeter up and catches him in a full nelson, Jaeter screams and runs to the ropes Kenny smiles and looks at Jaeter holding his fingures gesturing this close, DJ runs at Kenny as grabs DJ and goes for a belly to belly DJ catches Kenny and reverses into a sunset flip, the ref counts 1…2..kickout by Kenny

Copeland: What the hell?

Cohen: You see DJ was stalling; Kenny underestimated his opponent and nearly got caught

DJ is standing gesturing to Kenny with the words this close

Kenny smiles and locks up with DJ in the middle of the ring they circle the ring as the ref watches on DJ leads Kenny to the ropes as the ref tells DJ to break the hold, Kenny is suddenly caught by Rajeem who hurls Kenny over the top rope, Kenny lands on his head to the outside of the mat


Copeland: My god Kenny just landed on his head out there!

Rajeem is standing outside branishing a chair as Kenny tries to recover, he lifts the chair above his head but is caught again by Joe’s missle dropkick

Copeland: Joe just hit Rajeem with a huge missile dropkick

The ref starts to count Kenny out as DJ tries to distract him, DJ makes his way to the outside and picks Kenny up rolling him back into the ring, he lays in a submission headlock which is positioned on his knee for more pressure as Kenny cries out to the crowd, they start chanting WVC, WVC, DJ is screaming no, as the ref looks on in horror, Kenny holds out his left arm and secures the bottom rope as Dj is forced to break the hold

Copeland: Smart move by Kenny we don’t know the exact damage Rajeem has caused to Kenny’s head and neck

Cohen: Rajeem is doing the same thing he did with sincade, making sure that Kenny’s head is weak so that DJ can go to work I applaud this tactic by the Allied powers

Copeland: Please allied powers?

Kenny is still dazed as he tries to make his way back up to the first rope, DJ suddenly hits a big boot to Kenny’s head, Kenny is knocked unconscious as Rajeem and Joe make there way back to there respective corners, DJ pulls Kenny over to Rajeen who makes the tag, he picks Kenny up and brings him up for a face buster, Rajeem plants it as Joe looks on in horror

Cohen: Rajeem has used Kennys own signature move against him, Kenny is out cold here

The ref counts 1…2.. Joe breaks up the count with a stiff elbow drop to the back of Rajeem, Rajeem is holding his back in pain the ref tells Joe to go back to his corner as Kenny is still lying in the centre of the ring writhing in pain, Suddenly Dj Comes in to the centre of the ring and gets Kenny in the camel clutch as Rajeem rolls out of the ring, Joe tells the ref to look as he shouts at DJ, Rajeem is signaling the ref that he tagged

Copeland: That wasn’t a tag

Cohen: You must be blind and stupid Cohen coz I sore the tag

Kenny is in pain trying to secure the rope as the ref watches on, Rajeem grabs DJ’s hand as they secure the hold making Kennys pain worse, Joe and the crowd scream at the ref who looks on as Rajeems hand is no where to be seen, they try again as Joe screams at the ref and again the ref is too slow, Rajeem Again extends his arm but the ref catches him and tells DJ to break the hold

Copeland: Finally the ref catches them, Kenny couldn’t of lasted any longer in there

Cohen; Im gonna buy you a dictionary for Christmas Copeland!

Kenny is still in the ring as Dj stays laying boots to Kennys head coaxing him to get up, but to no avail, Joe has finally had enough but the ref makes him return to his corner, Rajeem and DJ start pounding away at Kenny again taking shots at his injured head and neck

Copeland: I don’t know if Kenny can take much more of this

Suddenly Sincade runs out to ringside and attacks Rajeem

Cohen: What the hell, we had a classic going on here and Sincade ruined it!

Copeland: Rajeem deserves what he gets for trying to injure Sincade and now Kenny!

DJ looks on in horror as he is left in the ring alone with the WVC, he turns around and is caught by Joe who hits him with a neck breaker DDT, Kenny is up still holding his neck gesturing to Joe to hold DJ Joe feeds DJ to Kenny, Kenny grabs DJ and hits the power cord

Cohen: Come on this is abuse

Rajeem finally gets sincade off of him and starts to run to the back screaming for Hasheem, Sincade follows as they head backstage

Cohen: Sincade will pay for this, he not only hurt Hasheem here, hes hurt maxx, Sincade is a no good racist son of a b—ch

DJ is laying as both Joe and Kenny Smile, they gesture to the crowd who shout depths of hell, Joe gestures to the right and they say the last ride, Kenny picks Dj up and lifts him up the crowd goes nuts as Kenny hits the last ride, the ref starts to count as Joe stops the pin he grabs DJ as the crowd go wild again, Joe hits the depths of hell!

Copeland: Depths of hell, he hit the Depths of hell DJ is out!

Cohen: Those monsters they’ve ruined the allied powers undefeated streak!

Joe and Kenny cover the unconscious DJ as the ref counts 1…2…3
The crowd cheer as the WVC Celebrate there victory over DJ and Rajeem
The camera fades as it goes to the back area Rajeem is running Searching for Hasheem,,

Cohen: Go Rajeem go get miles or something you cant let him catch you

Rajeem falls to the floor as he sees a pair of boots, the camera pans up and its sincade, sincade grabs him by the hair as he tries to run but Rajeem rakes his eyes, Rajee, runs to the sound truck and climbs it to escape sincades clutches, he screams at him in Arabic

Copeland: Rajeem is a chicken, he was the one that helped Hasheem nearly put sincade in hospital now hes paying the price get down and fight like a man

Cohen: I would be surprised you know what a man looks like Copeland

Sincade follows Rajeem up the sound truck as Rajeem tries to run but to no avail, he sees an army hummer below and tries to climb down to it but sincade catches him he pleads to be allowed to escape as Sincade is dangling him from the truck

Cohen: Show him some compassion Sincade you damn Racist, there sould be laws against treating our Arab citizens like this

Sincade holds out his hand as though hes apologizing to rajeem, rajeem grabs his hand as sincade pats him on the back, he is thanking sincade kissing his feet almost for the fact that he didn’t let him fall

Copeland: Sincade showing compassion?

Cohen: Maybe he knew that if he made that mistake, Hasheem would be all over him, hes afraid of hasheem!

Copeland: Do you listen to yourself?

Suddenly Sincades compassionate smile turns into anger as he grabs Rajeem throwing off the sound truck onto the hummer!



The camera fades as Sincade is looking down at the truck with an obsessed look on his face, he is filled with pure rage


*The camera pans to the room where the WZCW superstars are taping their special messages to the troops. There hangs an American Flag in the background. A simple folding chair is also in the picture. After a few seconds of silence Everest emerges onto the scene. He sits down on the chair and stares into the camera for a few more seconds before speaking.*

EVEREST: Thank you, for everything. For putting your life on the line, for taking on all comers to keep Americans safe. Thank you, for everything you do! You, the men and women of the US Military are the true heroes and for that I salute you.

*With that Everest salutes the camera. Everest stands up and turns to leave, but not before leaving a photo sitting on the chair. After Everest exits the room the camera zooms in closer to the photo and we see a photo of a young Everest, maybe 5 years old, being held by a muscular well defined man dressed in military garb from head to toe. The bottom of the photo says it all………. Don’t Worry Son, I’ll Be Back Soon. Signed Col. Patrick Grayson. After several moments the camera fades to black*


Steamboat Ricky: Yarrrrrr! Hey there lads, it be yer favorite sea goer, Steamboat Ricky! I be wanting to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. You scurvy lads be doing a lot of work to keep me boat safe from bloody varmints. For that, I thank ye. For this installment of Meltdown, all Steam O Grogs are on old Steamboat's tab! Cheers! YARRRRRRR!

*Have Ricky sail up to the ring in the "USS Mayhem"*
Copeland: Welcome back to WZCW Meltdown

Cohen: Why oh why doe you need to make knowledge of the fact we are on the air?, the fans know who we are Copeland you idiot!

Copeland: what about those who are tuning in?

Cohen: I swear you where dropped on your head Copeland!

The maxx makes his way to the ring, no tron no nonsense he means business as he makes his way to the announce position

Cohen: Copeland I think you better run!

The maxx storms to the announce table and pushes cohen out of the way, he stands there sending a chill down Copelands spine

Copeland: ….

Maxx looks Copeland straight in the eye and grabs him as he tries to back off, he takes his head set and pushes Copeland to the side

The Maxx: If you make a move I swear I will tear you apart

The crowd boos in a frenzy as Copeland stands still awaiting to hear what Maxx says next

Cohen: Maxx, sir can you tell me why your out here?

The Maxx moves his hand in cohens direction as though he is going to punch him straight in the face Cohen falls to the floor as Copeland stares directly at him the crowd goes into a frenzy of boos, the maxx rips the mic off of Copelands head set and walks into the centre of the ring

Cohen: I just need to tie my shoe here

The Maxx: Ricky get your fat bloated pirate ass out here now!

Ricky makes his way to ring side as his entrance plays, the troops cheer to see there favourite hardcore pirate at ringside

Ricky: Aaaarrrrr, you’re the one they call Maxx, like saved by the bell!

The Maxx: why don’t you just shut the hell up (crowd boos), I want a shot at the mayhem championship I deserve it!, I want it, you call yourself hardcore!, well theres no one in wzcw harder then me!

Ricky: Aaaarrr you scervy dog if it’s a beating you want it’s a beating you shall get arrrrr

Maxx and Ricky start to brawl at ringside as the troops chat Ricky. Ricky Ricky, Ricky is throwing lefts and rights at the king of the outback as Maxx grabs ricky and performs a belly to belly suplex, the crowd boos as maxx screams at ricky, ricky pulls a chair out from ringside and makes his way back into the ring, the maxx backs off as ricky goes for the attack suddenly ben legend enters and hits maxx with a straight forarm shot, he grabs him and throws him to ricky who hits maxx with a stiff chair shot to the head, Maxx is standing looking groggy

Cohen: My god that was a stiff shot to the head and they haven’t toppled the king of the outback

Ben legend holds maxx for another straight shot but maxx suddenly moves out of the way as ricky hits legend with a straight chair shot maxx spears ricky in the middle of the ring, he tries to position ricky for a crossface

Cohen: Ricky has been caught by the submission machine

Suddenly maxx is layed out with another chair shot to the head

Cohen: who the hell is that?

The man dressed as one of the troops in combat gear takes off his helmet to reveal mcbrady

Cohen: Brady wants in on this?, this is utter caos

Legend grabs the chair off brady and hits ricky with a stiff shot to the heard, the maxx takles legend to the ground, hrady works on ricky as all four men brawl to the outside, the officials run in to stop the carnage but all four men are relentless

Cohen: someone get sincade, myles somebody to sign this, these guys wont stop until one of them is the champ!

The officials manage to get all four men separated as the scene fade to black.

Next weeks the debut of Grand Mystique

The Maxx and Davinder Jaeter are sitting in two chairs, Maxx is dressed smartly in a shirt and trousers and Davinder is dressed in a full italian suite

The Maxx seems more emotional then usual

Maxx: My name is Maximilion Mustafa

DJ: And My name Is Davinder Jaeter

Maxx: Usually we would sit here and use this venue to talk about how much we hate people or the fact that we are here to hurt people but not today, not now, today is different, today is more of a special occasion, showing our appreciation as entertainers to you the real heroes of American and the United Kingdom

DJ: Since 9/11 and the 7/7 bombings we as countrymen and as a united world front have been working hard, our governments and our armed forces to irradicate Terrorism once and for all.

Maxx: Its hard to put all this into words because myself and Davinder here are muslims, I am a Turkish muslim as Davinder is Indian Muslim

DJ: These people who have committed such atrocities , these so called muslims are the ones who started this war, and dictators like sasdam hussain who would use religion as a form of torture, these are the people that our troops are fighting to stop, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart

Maxx: We love what your doing guys and we solute you, the real heroes, and I pray that you all come home safely, Ishallah

The screen fades to black

The official theme of "All or Nothing is "Breaking The habit" By Linkin Park
Next week​

**The Camera pans thru out the backstage area. The camera stops at the front of Sincade office you see. Everest walks in. Sincade is at the desk. Sincade lets out a big sigh and look up at Everest. **

Everest: Why have you call me here? What you need to be doing is figuring out who is the number #1 contender for the heavyweight title.

**Then D.C walks in with Lindsey behind him. D.C has his typical White Tank top and black cargo pants with a cigarette in his mouth. He signals for Lindsey to wait at the door while he walks in and up to Sincade Desk. **

D.C: okay I do not know why you call me here but it had better be good.

Sincade: Okay im going to make this short and sweet. I need both of you people help.

(D.C blows out some smoke and smirks. Everest looks at Sincade with an awkward look. Everest looks over at D.C and both of them begin to laugh. Everest chokes a little on D.C smoke)

Sincade: What in the blue hell is funny? Do I look like I’m joking?

D.C: Let me get this straight you *points at Sincade* need our help. That not funny that F*cking hilarious I almost S#!ted my pants.

Everest: Mr. Highlight Reels and Sex appeal needs help. Why Should I help you? Right now, you are not Mr. Popular.

D.C: If you do not remember, you took my head off with a pipe.

Sincade (thinking to himself) I don’t recall.

D.C I damn near spent a night in the hospital because of you.

Sincade: But that’s the past. Let’s not dwell on the past. Listen I don’t ask people for a lot. Hell, I really don’t ask people for shit but, right now, I need to swallow my pride. Look I can’t take back what I did.

Everest: So you need us on your team what is it in for us?

Sincade: Okay if you help Me I was give each of you a title shot.

D.C: But how?

Sincade: Okay you draw straw whoever get the largest gets the first shot at Rios at the Meltdown after the Pay-Per-View. Then the people after that will get a shot at whoever is the champion on the following Meltdown. This should keep you guys happy.

Everest: When do we draws straws?

Sincade: At the pay per view! So do we have a deal?

Everest: okay deal but if you screw me over…

D.C: I’m in. I’m with Everest you had better not screw me over or it will be over chump.

Sincade: yeah..yeah whatever!

(Then Kenworth walks in on the convo and hands Sincade a paper. Sincade reads it and crumples it up)

Everest: What did it say?

Sincade: It said that that old fart got you two in a match tonight between Hasheem and Rios. So go out there and whip their asses we talk later…
Joseph Rios & Mohammad Hasheem V.S. Everest & D.C.​

Copeland: Wow Cohen! what a mayhem we had out here. we hand a first hand experience.

Cohen: My ring days are over. If they want to come out here and act like jerk off then hell let them act like jerk off.

Copeland: Hold on Cohen im getting a message from the front office.

(Copeland eyes light up)

Copeland: This is huge Cohen! At "All or Nothing" It will be a fatal 4-way Match between Maxx, Tom Mcbrady, Ben Legend and Steamboat Ricky for the Mayhem Title. It`s what Sincade Call "Stairway to Hardcore"

Cohen: Sincade put four nuts in that ring. I hope we will have enuff medics there. Let go to the Ring with our boy Harrys

Harry’s: This tag-team match is scheduled for one fall. Coming out first, he stands 5’10” and weighs 215 pounds. He is currently residing in Santa Ana, California, and is accompanied to the ring by Lindsey. He is D.C.!!

"Name of the Game" - The Crystal Method hits, the arena goes completely dark. Black lights come on and a few laser lights flash around the arena. D.C. comes from behind with glow in the dark paint on his upper body. As he moves around taunting the crowd Lindsey comes out shortly after him as the two embrace in a glow. The lights kick on as the two stand and appear to have no paint on them at all. D.C. walks a little in front of Lindsey but the two stare at each other and exchange winks as they walk to the ring. Lindsey kneels and crawls on all fours on the apron as D.C. slides into the ring beside her. D.C. lies on the ground and rolls onto his back as Lindsey crawls up to him and kiss him. D.C. then gets up and taunts the crowd from the turnbuckle and waits for his partner.

Harry’s: And his partner. He stands in at 6 feet even and weighing 205 pounds. Currently residing in Los Angeles, California, he is “The Pinnacle of Perfection” Everest!!

“Supernova Goes Pop” starts to echo through the arena as orange laser lights shoot back and forth across the tron and then the tron reads “Are you ready to go!” All the lights cut out and then a couple seconds later they come back on and Everest is standing at the top of the ramp. The crowd is going nuts as Everst makes his way down to the ring briskly. He gets to ringside, stops to say “Hi” to some of his admirers; he climbs the steps, and then gets into the ring. He raises his fists up once he gets into the ring to acknowledge the fans in attendance. He then joins D.C. in their corner.

Harrys: Now entering the arena standing in at 6’4” and weighing 285 pounds. He is currently residing in Ramallah, Afghanistan. He is the “Sultan of the WZCW” Mohammed Hasheem!!

"Le Leiy" hits and the whole arena is showered in boo's. After a few seconds Mohammad Hasheem comes out. He stops mid way across the stage, and then he slowly walks to the begining of the ramp. Hasheem raises his hands and starts yelling. Hasheem then gets down on both knees, then he bends down and puts his hands and head on the ramp. He prays, he then quickly picks his head up, and raises his hands in yelling in arabic words which sound like, "Praise Allah Almighty, Shaleh Koobeh Maharra!!!!!" With his hands still up in the air praying while looking at the ceiling flames suddenly burst out of the stage behind Hasheem. The flames shoot up and disappear, shoot up and again disappear and they continue to do this throught the rest of the entrance.

Mohammad Hasheem then gets up and has an evil smile. Hasheem ignores the crowd as he walks down the ramp and up the stairs at ringside. He climbs into the ring and raises his hands and looks up to the arena ceiling. The crowd is booing loudly.

Harry’s:And his partner. Standing at 6’4” and weighing 270 pounds. He is currently residing in New York, New York and he is your reigning WZCW World Heavyweight Champion! He is “The Main Even”! He is Joseph Rios!!!!!


hits the speakers and Rios makes his way out to the stage and stands at the top of the ramp. He scans over the fans, holds up his title and then points back at himself. He walks down the ramp with a cocky smile on his face and ignores the jeering fans as he gets to ringside. He quickly climbs the steps and then climbs up the outside of the turnbuckle and once again raises his title to the sky to the show it off in front of all the fans in attendance, most of whom are booing loudly.

Hasheem and D.C. are in the ring to start things off. The ref goes to both corners and checks both men for illegal objects, and then he calls for the bell. Hasheem goes to grab D.C., but D.C. side steps Hasheem and drops kicks him in the back sending Hasheem to the ropes. D.C. runs up behind Hasheem and tries to roll him backwards for a pin attempt, but Hasheem smartly grabs the ropes and D.C. just falls flat on his back. As D.C. gets up Hasheem comes back with a decapitating lariat.

Hasheem picks up D.C. and whips him into the Hasheem/Rios corner. Hasheem walks over and tags in Rios. They both give kicks to D.C. until the ref forces Hasheem to the outside. Rios picks up D.C. in the corners, hits a few stiff rights to the Jaw of D.C., and then drags D.C. out of the corner. He applies a headlock and then lifts D.C. up into the air. He keeps him up there for a few minutes, letting the blood run to his head and then drops him on his back finishing the stalled out standing suplex.

Rios gets up quickly and locks in the Boston crab. D.C. screams in pain as Rios wrenches the legs backward. The ref asks D.C. if he wants to submit multiple times, but D.C. refuses. The crowd starts a chant of “D.C., D.C.”! D.C. responds to the fans by scratching and clawing towards the ropes. Rios is holding on with everything he’s got, but D.C. keeps pulling his way to the ropes and makes it to them and grabs them. The ref starts the 5 count:





Rios breaks the hold and D.C. rolls onto his back. Rios picks up D.C. and whips him into a neutral corner. He goes for a big splash in the corner, but D.C. moves out of the way! Rios hits his head off the top turnbuckle and he stumbles backward into an edge-o-matic. D.C. holds the leg after the impact maneuver:



Strong kickout by Rios!

D.C. and Rios slowly get up and try to make there way to their respective corners. D.C. is to his feet first and he dives over to Everest accepts the tag. He gets in the ring as Hasheem gets a tag from Rios. Everest runs full speed and delivers a hard clothesline to Rios taking him over the top rope. He then runs off of the far-side ropes and come back with a leg lariat to Hasheem knocking him off of the ring apron and to the floor.

Everest taunts to the fans while the heels regroup on the floor. Hasheem slowly gets into the ring. Hasheem asks Everest to tie up with him and Everest obliges. Everest goes in to tie up, but instead of tying up with Everest Hasheem kicks Everest in the gut, grabs Everest’s leg, and then takes him over with a fisherman’s suplex. He holds the bridge and the ref gets down to count the pin:



Strong kickout by Everest!

Hasheem gets up and starts arguing with the ref saying it was a slow count, but stop when he sees Everest getting up. He turns to Everest, who is on one knee now, and drops him with an Enziguri kick to the back of Everest head. He walks over to downed Everest and locks in the camel clutch. He sits down in the hold and yanks back on Everest’s head. Everest looks like he’s about to tap when D.C. comes off the top rope with a missile drop kick to the unprotected head of Mohammed Hasheem.

D.C. Then goes back to his corner and yells at Everest to make the tag to him. Everest crawls over to D.C. and barely reaches him to make the tag. D.C. comes in and drops Hasheem with a sitdown drop kick to the head as Hasheem was getting up. D.C. gets up and runs toward Rios he attempts a drop kick to Rios who is still standing on the outside ring apron. However, Rios sidesteps the attempt and D.C.’s momentum takes him all the way out of the ring.

Rios drops down to the floor and meets D.C. with punches. D.C. fires back and attempts to lariat Rios into the ring steps. Rios, however, reverses the Irish whip and sends D.C. into the ring steps, goes under the ring, and pulls out a steel chair. Inside the ring Hasheem is up and attempts a big boot on Everest, but Everest ducks and the ref takes the boot to the face and is out cold. Hasheem turns around and grabs Everest and hits a DDT. Hasheem yells to Rios to bring the chair into the ring. Hasheem picks up Everest and holds his arms behind his back.

Rios has Everest lined up for a chair shot to the head. He swings the chair and Everest moves. Hasheem eats the chair and Rios looks at him stunned. D.C. comes in from behind Rios, kicks him in the gut causing Rios to drop the chair, and hits the Chemi-kill on the chair. They both roll outside of the ring. Inside the ring Hasheem is slow to get up, and Everest is stalking him. Hasheem turns around and gets hit with the Rockslide onto the chair. Everest slides the chair out of the ring and wakes up the ref. Rios tries to slide into the ring to stop Everest from pinning Hasheem, but gets hit with the Flat-Out for his efforts. The ref starts his count:




D.C. and Everest celebrate their victory in the ring. The ref goes over to the two men and raises their arms as “Super Nova Goes Pop” hits the speakers. The camera then fades out.
The Main Event

Elite X Championship: Big Will v. Gus v. Nate Thorpe‏


Before the ring announcer announces the Superstars in the match, he makes a shocking announcement to the troops. (Harrys)- "Ladies and Gentlemen, as a special gift to all of you for everything you've done for our Country, Sincade has now made this match an Anything Goes match. In which all rules will be thrown out, & anything is legal!"

"Stronger" by Kanye West begins playing over the speakers, as Nate Thorpe walks out from the camouflage covering the entrance. The troops begin cheering & booing, as Thorpe receives a mixed reaction. As he makes his way down the ramp, he high fives several of the troops, only to run half way down, sliding under the bottom ropes, ending up on his side, resting his head on his hand. As he continues to lay on his side, he reaches up with his other hand, taking his sunglasses off & tossing them to the official in the ring. Thorpe gets up to his feet, as he walks to a nearby corner & waits for his opponents.

"Holy Driver" by Killswitch Engage interrupts over the speakers, as Gus comes out full of energy through the camouflage. Gus stops at the top of the ramp, pointing out to everyone in the crowd, then places his hands on his chest, saying "Thank You." As Gus begins walking down the ramp, he stops several times to shake hands with the troops near the isle. Gus finally makes his way to ringside, where he walks up the steps & into the ring, glaring at Nate Thorpe.

"Famous" by Puddle of Mudd erupts over the sound system, as Gus instantly turns his attention to the entrance. Big Will & Heidi walk out from the back, moving the camouflage out of the way, as they stand directly in front of the entrance. Big Will spins Heidi around into him, as he dips her, then kisses her only to look up at Gus, with a smirk. As Will lifts Heidi back up, Gus gets out of the ring, charging toward Big Will.

Will undoes his Championship, as Gus attacks him with a stiff right hand. Will answers back by punching Gus, as both men trade off punches, Heidi runs to the back. The official has yet to call for the bell, as Nate Thorpe is arguing about both men not coming to the ring. Meanwhile, Gus drags Will down the ramp by his hair, only to whip him hard into the camouflaged guardrail. As Gus charges in, Will thinks one step ahead, as he quickly counters into a flapjack, causing Gus to fall jaw first across the guardrail.
Will gets to his feet, as he begins stomping away on Gus' head, then he grabs him by the hair, pulling him to his feet. Will whips Gus into the ring apron, only to charge in after him, however Gus quickly goes for a back bodydrop, although Will continues to remain one step ahead, as he springs off the ropes, coming back down & connecting with a WILL TO WIN on Gus, on the ground!!

Will gets up off the ground, as he looks around toward the troops, only to throw his hands toward them, as he turns toward the ring, he's met suddenly by Nate Thorpe who leaps over the top rope, coming down onto Will with a cross body block! Thorpe gets up & walks over to a group of the troops, one of which is a lady. Thorpe puts his arm around her, & starts acting cocky pointing at both Will & Gus on the ground, making a hand gesture around his waist then pointing to himself.

Thorpe grabs Will, only to lift him up & slide him into the ring, following behind him, sliding in himself. The official signals for the bell. As Thorpe gets up, he pulls Will up by the hair, pushing him against the ropes, only to slap him across the face & whip him to the far side ropes. Thorpe goes for a clothesline, but Will quickly ducks underneath. Suddenly, Will puts on the breaks, dropping out of the way, as Gus out of nowhere springboards up & off the top rope, into a summersault clothesline, that connects on Thorpe as he turns around. Gus gets to his feet, only to quickly be met by Will who's delivering strong lefts to Gus' head. As Will lifts Gus up, he whips him to the corner, only to follow him in. Gus counters by lifting himself up, as Big Will runs shoulder first into the middle part of the post. Gus twists in mid-air, coming down into a sunset flip roll-up, as the official gets down to make the count.. 1................................................. 2.............................. Will kicks out.

Gus gets to his feet, grabbing Will & jerking him up, only to whip him to the far side corner, then quickly following him in as well. Will attempts the same thing as Gus, as he lifts himself up, twisting in the air, as Gus ducks underneath, only to roll him up in a sunset flip, however Gus rolls through, & connects with a sitdown drop kick, knocking Will backwards, against the bottom ropes. As Gus gets to his feet, he leaps up & off the middle turnbuckle, going for another dropkick on Will, but he falls on the back of his head, as Will quickly ducks out of the ring.

Meanwhile Thorpe quickly takes advantage, as he rushes over to make the cover on Gus. The official gets down to count, 1................................... 2.................................... Will reaches in, shoving Thorpe off the cover. As Will gets into the ring, Thorpe gets to his feet, as both men stand toe-to-toe, arguing about the cover. Both men continue to argue, until they're surprisingly met by Gus who attempts a double clothesline, however both Will & Thorpe counter, each delivering a knee to Gus' stomach. As Thorpe points at Will, he then attempts working out a partnership, as Will nods & both men shove Gus back into the corner.

Thorpe tells Will to watch him, as Will stands back, only for Thorpe to deliver a spinning back elbow to Gus, dropping him into the corner. Thorpe turns back to Will, acting cocky about it. Only for Will to nod then tell Thorpe to back away. Thorpe backs off, as Will picks Gus up into a fireman's carry, only to walk out to the center of the ring, & deliver a gutbuster!!

Will gets to his feet, as Gus rolls around the ring in pain, only to point at him, then look at Thorpe trying to explain thats how its done. Thorpe, with a smirk on his face nods, then once again asks Will to back off. As Will backs away, Thorpe walks over to Gus, then looks out to the crowd. Thorpe backs away slightly, only to connect with a standing shooting star press on Gus. Thorpe pulls away, as he out stretches his arms, yelling out to the troops "Its Showtime!"

Will nods approvingly, then tells Thorpe 'one more' as he grabs Gus, who's barely capable of moving, only to pull him up & shove him into the nearest corner. Will lifts Gus up onto the top rope, as he then stretches him out, as his feet are hooked on the top rope. Will connects with a vicious WILL TO WIN as Thorpe begins to clap. Will gets to his feet, as he walks over to Thorpe, pointing at Gus, then out of nowhere, Will knees Thorpe in the gut, then tosses him through the ropes, as Will quickly runs back to Gus, covering him for the pin. The official gets down to count, 1............................................... 2...................................... Gus places his foot on the bottom ropes, as the official counts to 3. Will jumps up, believing he's won, but the official quickly grabs Will's hand, & pulls it back down. The official points to the foot on the ropes, but Will shoves him out of the way, only to exit the ring.

Will walks over to the time keeper, as he grabs his Championship & begins walking away to the back. The official is yelling that the match isn't over, but Will doesn't seem to care. As Will circles around the ring, he's surprisingly met by a jumping ensiguri to the face, by Thorpe, who ducked down, awaiting Will to come around. Thorpe gets up, as he stares at Will on the floor, only to grab the Elite X Championship & raise it above his head, looking out to the troops.

The troops give back a mixed reaction, only for all of them to suddenly begin cheering. Thorpe nods his head in approvement, only to turn around & surprisingly be met by what they were cheering for. Gus had regained a second wind, as he rolled out of the ring, got up on the guardrail & ran around leaping off, connecting with a summersault clothesline on Thorpe, as the Championship goes flying into the ring. The official jumps down out of the ring, asking all of them to get back into the ring.

Gus gets to his feet, as he yells out to the troops. He stares at Thorpe, but seems to look right passed him, as he walks around him grabbing Will by the hair, only to roll him back into the ring. Gus then looks out to the troops, only to walk around the ring, & reach under, pulling out a ladder!!!!! Gus picks the ladder up, sitting it on the ring apron, but Will gets to his feet, & quickly baseball slides into the ladder, causing it to slam into Gus' chest, knocking him backwards, as the ladder falls beside the ring.

Will slides back out of the ring, as he picks the ladder up & shoves it into the ring, only to then turn his attention toward Gus, picking him up & whipping him toward the ring announcer. Gus falls into the ring announcer, as Will suddenly raises his hand, & begins counting from 5 on down. Will attempts a WILLENNIUM but Gus quickly moves out of the way, as Will connects on the ring announcer!!! The official quickly jumps out of the ring, as he rushes to check on him. Meanwhile, Will stomps on the ground, seeming frustrated that he missed. Gus quickly leaps up off the steps, connecting with a hurricanrana on Will.

Thorpe meanwhile, has crawled back into the ring, as Gus gets to his feet, only to roll back into the ring as well. Thorpe tries meeting him, only for Gus to punch Thorpe in the gut, causing him to stumble backwards. Gus gets to his feet, as he sweeps Thorpe's feet out from under him, then connects with a REALITY CHECK on Thorpe! As Gus gets up, he points to the ladder, as the troops give a huge ovation for it. Gus sets the ladder up in the corner, as he pulls Thorpe over, centering him in front of it. Gus begins climbing up the ladder, as he turns & looks out once again, pointing down at Thorpe. The troops once again cheer loudly, as Gus holds his hands up.

Suddenly, Big Will is up on the apron, as he smashes a steel chair into the side of Gus, causing him to drop off the ladder. Will tosses the chair into the ring, then yells for one of the officials helping the ring announcer, at ringside, to toss him another chair. After getting the other chair, Will climbs into the ring, as he places the chair he has under Gus' head, only to grab the other chair he tossed in before, as he begins to raise it above his head.

Gus quickly sweeps Will's feet out from under him, causing him to drop his chair. Meanwhile, Thorpe has regained his second wind, delivering a standing shooting star press on Will, only to hook the leg, as the official outside the ring notices & slides back in.. 1..................................................... 2.............................. Gus breaks up the count.
Thorpe gets up, as Gus goes to swing at him, Thorpe ducking the punch, & spins around behind Gus, attempting a German Suplex, but Gus changes momentum have way up, only to roll through into a cradle pin. The official gets down to make the count.. 1........................................................... 2........................... Thorpe kicks out, as both men get to their feet quickly, Thorpe rushes in with an attempted clothesline, but Gus ducks under & turns it into a backslide for a cover.. 1............................................................... 2................................. Thorpe kicks out again, & once again quickly gets to his feet, only for Gus to roll him up in a small package pin attempt. 1................................................................ 2................................. Thorpe kicks out once more, as he rolls out of the ring, frustrated, he hits the mat & walks away from the ring.

Gus continues to stay with the quick pace, as he climbs up the turnbuckle & awaits Thorpe to turn around. As Thorpe turns back, Gus leaps off with a flying body press, as both men lay outside the ring on the floor. Meanwhile, Will is just now pulling himself up in the far side of the ring. Gus gets to his feet, as he grabs Thorpe, pushing him back into the ring. Gus then climbs up onto the ring apron, but Will meets him, as Will springboards off the middle turnbuckles, delivering a drop kick to Gus, knocking him back down to the floor. Will then turns his attention to Thorpe, as he goes for a pin, hooking his feet on the middle ropes. The official can't stop it, as he makes the count. 1.................................................. 2........................................ Thorpe barely rolls his shoulder, but still manages to kick out. Yet still remains on the mat.

Will rolls out of the ring, seemingly angered by the match still continuing, as he reaches underneath the ring to pull out yet another ladder!! Will picks the ladder up, shoving it into the ring, only to slide back into the ring as well. As Will gets to his feet, he seems unsure of what to do, as he goes to the original ladder thats still set up in the corner, only to pull it out toward the middle of the ring, then he grabs the second ladder, setting it up at an angle, against the other one.

Will starts to walk around the ladders, attempting to climb the original base one, only to stop as Gus slides into the ring. Will stomps on Gus' head, only to pick him up & body slam him down. Will then begins climbing the orignial ladder, as Gus lay at the bottom of it. As Will gets to the top, he turns himself to face Gus, then mocks him by holding his hands up, yelling out to the troops.
Suddenly, without warning, Thorpe is back up, as he rushes up the angled ladder, positioned behind Will, only to hook Will with a version of a bulldog, as both men leap off the ladder, Thorpe drives Will down with a bulldog, as Will falls on top of Gus, in a splash type form!!!!!! Thorpe grabs his butt, as he slides out of the ring, meanwhile Will is unintentionally pinning Gus, as the official makes the count.. 1.......................................... 2................................. Thorpe just barely jumps back in through the ropes, to hit Will off Gus!! The troops stand to their feet, all cheering unbelieveably loud, with several chants of "HOLY SHIT!" being heard all over the base camp!

Thorpe still feeling the effects of the bulldog, manages to turn Gus over, only to lock in the SCREAMER! As the official begins checking on Gus, asking him if he wants to quit, Gus shakes his head no, yet yells out in pain! Thorpe wrenches the hold tighter, as Gus yells louder, yet continues to not quit. Will gets to his feet, only to come up behind Thorpe, grabbing him in a dragon sleeper type hold, then Will delivers the WILL OF FAME on Thorpe!!! Will places a single arm over Thorpe, as the official begins the count.. 1................................................ 2......................................... Thorpe shoots his arm straight up in the air, stopping the count, as all three men remain motionless in the ring.

As all three men slowly start to pull themselves up, Gus & Will each grab the two chairs that were still in the ring. Thorpe starts looking around for something to grab, as Will suddenly tosses his chair to Thorpe, only for Gus to swing & smash his chair into the one thrown to Thorpe, as both collide into Thorpe's head!!! As Gus goes to turn back toward Will with his chair, Will attempts a WILLENNIUM, however Gus ducks it & smashes Will's leg with his chair!! Will clutches his leg, as he falls to the mat. Gus yells out in anger, only to start cussing at Will, all the while repeatedly smashing the chair he has into Will's leg!!

As Gus tosses his chair over the ropes, to the floor, he grabs Will by the hair, jerking him to his feet. Will's leg seems to have been badly injured, as Will can't put pressure on it at all. Gus props Will up against the ropes, only to walk away. Will spits at the back of Gus, as he hops away from the ropes, only to flip Gus off. Gus turns around, as he rushes at Will, delivering a dropsault to Will, knocking him through the ropes, outside the ring!

As Gus gets to his feet, he notices Thorpe on the mat, as a puddle of blood has formed around his head from the double chair shot earlier. Gus drags Thorpe to the corner, as he yells out for the 900 Splash. Gus quickly wasting no time he starts to head outside, onto the ring apron, but suddenly stops. Gus then turns toward the ladders that still remain in the ring, as Gus comes back into the ring, tossing the angled ladder away to the corner, then setting the original ladder up in the opposite corner. Gus picks Thorpe up off the mat, only to connect with a REALITY BENDER!! As Gus begins climbing the ladder, upon reaching the top he yells out 900!! Then just as quickly leaps off the ladder, connecting with the 900 SPLASH on Thorpe, as he hooks the leg. The troops all count along with the official, 1................................................ 2.................................................. 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big Will managed to pull himself half way up, outside the ring, long enough to see the official hit the mat for the third time!!! The troops erupt, as Gus' theme music begins playing, & the official grabs the Elite X Championship, only to hand it to Gus, who's emotionally surprised, yet completely happy!!

Gus gets to his feet, as the official raises his hand!!! Meanwhile, Heidi & a medic come out from the back, as each of them come under each of Will's arms, helping him to the back. Will is irate, as he yells toward Gus. Meanwhile, Gus climbs up onto the middle turnbuckle, looking out toward Big Will & Heidi, as he holds the Championship into the air, then points toward Will, shaking his head no & mouthing the words "This is just the beginning!!" The screen fades to black, as the camera shows a split screen of Big Will & Heidi on one side, & Gus holding up his newly won Elite X Championship on the other.


after the commiecal break you see in the ring Joseph “The Main Event” Rios as he goes to the and calls for a mic from the time keeper. Rios gets the mic and the music fades out. he call out Hasheem as Hasheem come out. He looks at Hasheem and has a look of disgust on his face as he raises the mic to his mouth.

You know what? I am so sick of you. You were pissed when you weren’t chosen to be the captain of Team Myles or as I like to call it “The Rios Revolution”

The soldiers begin to boo loudly.

Yeah whatever. Listen here Hasheem, you threw a fit then and now you cost us our match. You were put in the main event with “The Main Event” and you couldn’t rise to the occasion. You’re a sorry excuse for a man and you shouldn’t even be on the roster. You’re nothing more then a sorry piece of Arabic crap.

The crowd pops huge.

Your people are the reason why these men and women are over here fighting and losing their lives. Your people have nothing better to do then to cause wars and take lives.

Hasheem places his head down as if he is shamed however he then looks back up and gets right in the face of Rios. He begins yelling at Rios.

You have some nerve champ! I can take that title anytime I want. If I wanted to I would beat the hell out of you right now! I don’t give a damn about you or these so called “Heroes” over here. I will spit in each and every one of their faces if I wanted to.

Rios smiles as he places his head down and laughs off Hasheems claims as Hasheem’s look of disgust does not change.

So you feel like you can take this title from me, is that right?

Rios holds up his title right in the face of Hasheem as Hasheem shakes his head as if to say yes.

Well if that’s how you feel, how about I kick your ass just like these troops are kicking your people’s asses?

Hasheem shows no fear as he stands toe to toe with the World Heavyweight Champion. He takes a swing at Rios and hits him square in the jaw. Rios answers back with a serious of punches of his own. The 2 men are exchanging blows right in the middle of the ring. The troops are going absolutely nuts every time Rios connects with a punch. Rios begins to lay the punches on heavy as Hasheem begins to go back towards the ropes. Rios grabs Hasheem and whips him off the ropes and delivers a thunderous Spinebuster. The troops are electric. Rios points to the troops and then back to Hasheem signaling “The Perfect Shot” He lifts up Hasheem and hooks his arms and delivers “The Perfect Shot” to Hasheem in the middle of the ring.

Rios grabs the mic off the floor and walks right over to Hasheem with his World Championship.

If you feel like you can take this title from me you just go ahead and try. You will never be at the level of which I am at. I am “The Main Event” of WZCW and your nothing more then the dirt on the bottom of my shoe. So go back to the camel of which you rode in here on and take your ass back to the slums because I AM Professional Wrestling, I AM the measuring bar that people wish they could reach. Get this piece of crap out of my ring.

The troops begin to cheer on Rios. Rios begins to speak in non-kayfabe.

You know it was an honor to come over here and be able to perform for all of you ladies and gentleman today. I may be the Main Event of WZCW but you are all the Main Event of USA. From the bottom of my heart I thank you, we all thank you.

Dynasty’s music begins to play as Rios makes a “bow down” gesture to all of the troops to show his appreciation as Meltdown ends.
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