WZCW Application Thread *CLOSED*

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Hello everyone. This here is the character sheet for all and any would be wrestlers. Please fill this out and return them in a thread that is to be posted here, in this Thread. Explinations can be found underneath the character sheet. Please ensure that everything is filled out, if you have any questions please use the Ask a Question Thread in this Forum.

See below the character sheet for descriptions. Anything you come across (See Below) please read the description provided.

Real Name:
Wrestlers Name:
Wrestlers Nickname:
Billed From:
-----------Hair color/length:
-----------Eye color:
-----------Facial Hair:
-----------Ring Attire:
-----------Backstage Attire:
-----------Physical Features:
Trained By:
Sample Pic of Wrestler:
Brief History:
Title History:
Entrance Music:
Entrance description:
15 Most used moves:
Sample RP:

(after application is filled out, please delete everything from below this line...)​

Wrestlers Nickname:
"The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Benoit. "The Rabid Wolverine would be his nickname.

Billed From: Kane hails from "Parts unknown." as can your wrestler. We ask for a hometown mainly to see when we can best expect to see promos from you. In case your Aussie and go against an American poster. We can expect to see about a full day's delay between promos against each other. You can choose to simply be billed from your hometown, but if you'd like your character to be billed from "Las Vegas, Nevada" post it here, and not in your "Hometown."

Appearance:What does your character look like. Give an example of what your character would wear to the ring. Also, if your character wears short tights and pads to the ring, does your character wear something specific backstage or in everyday life? Physical Features typically relates to scars, freckles, or any other types of evidence of physical mutilation (burn marks etc).

Gimmick:Kind of self-explanatory. What is it that makes your character stand out? A reputation? Something that reflects his/her character or physical features.?

Strength/Weakness:You must add something to this. There is a requirement of 3 Strengths and 3 Weaknesses per person. No one can excel at something without being bad at something else. Does you character have something that he excels at? Matches, lifting, or plays good mind games? Does your character have any weaknesses, an injury that plagues him/her, short temper, or gullible? Obviously some weaknesses and strengths won't be accepted. Your character cannot bench press a ton, and he can't be bad at pouring milk into a glass.

Sample pic of wrestler: Who does your character look like. Obviously cartoons are out of the question here. If you want your character to look like Sponge Bob Square Pants, chances of you staying in the fed are slim. Feel free to use a picture of a real life main-stream wrestler, or an independent wrestler and their name.

Entrance Music: If someone, on the rare instance, has the same music you do. Choose another one. I encourage everyone to be original with this. Use a song that is one of your personal favorites. Try not to use actual wrestler's music.

Entrance Description:Give us rundown of how he would usually come to the ring. Pyro, smoke/fog, and or gimmick entrances (Such as Johnny Nitro's paporatzzi. Undertakers Druids.) are NOT to be part of your entrance. Things such as pyros and gimmick entrances will be rewarded to wrestlers when we feel they have solidified themselves amongst the roster. This is also so we don't have a huge amount of people coming out with fireworks and stuff like that.

Finishers:If someone else has the finisher you were planning on using, there is nothing more I can say other then, "Sorry." If you wanted to use the RKO, and someone else has it, try to open up your options, there are dozens of finishers out there. But please, don't use anything that would involve a table of chair as a finisher for this part. You'll basically label two finishers... one as your Main Finisher and one as your secondary finisher. The Main Finisher is something that you use to get that quick pin over someone, the quick TKO. While the Main Finisher is the one that is a guaranteed knock out shot. Also, make sure your wrestler has a finisher that he/she can do to ANYONE. A 5'0 130 lbs wrestler would have trouble executing a Power Bomb on a 7'0 300 lbs wrestler. I encourage people to make up a name for their finisher. So, if someone wants to use the RKO, it would be written as follows:

The Devastator(RKO)
The Annihilator(450 Splash)

15 Most Used Moves:
Put any "trademark" moves here, limit to three. Or any variation of a standard move here as well. A standard vertical suplex, arm drags, headlocks, hit toss, back body drops, and scoop slams are general moves, and can be used by everyone, so no need to post those. Also, some of these moves can be duplicated by others. If you are a cruiserweight and you do a hurricanrana, someone else can do that as well.

Leg Drop off the Top rope.
Snap Suplex
rear naked choke.
front dropkick.
reverse DDT
chicken wing.
high angle backsuplex.
Military Press
Jumping DDT.

Your trademark moves should be made in BOLD. Some "Trademark" moves can be duplicated. No finisher types of moves can be used, so you can't have a Pedigree, Stone Cold Stunner, or Tombstone as a "Trademark" move.

Sample RP:This is for all the marbles. You will cut a promo after this portion of the character sheet. You may use whoever you wish to use, Todd Grisham, Maria, and/or anyone else you can think of. Be creative here. Cut a promo against someone your character will be wrestling. Cut a promo about why you think your destined for greatness. Just cut a promo. Talk about anything or everything you want to. Just give us a sample of what we can expect to see when you cut a promo.
Real Name: Nick Garrison
Wrestlers Name: 2Fly
Wrestlers Nickname: none
Height: 6"2'
Weight: 240 lbs
Hometown:Orlando, FL
Billed From: Orlando, FL
Appearance: Italian guy. Tan, spikey short hair, real preppy. torn jean pants. button down shirts with popped collar, diamond watch and earings with armani sunglasses, mirrored, tan boots
-----------Hair color/length: short and spikey
-----------Eye color: blue
-----------Facial Hair: chinstrap
-----------Ring Attire: short blue trunks(HHH, orton etc. style), knee pads, elbow pads
-----------Backstage Attire: adidas mesh pants black with stripes, black tanktop
-----------Physical Features: lean but cut(orton like)
-----------Tattoos: Tribal cross on the top right arm, tribal band on the left top
Gimmick: Cocky young pretty boy
Strength/Weakness: Strength: Confidence, Munipulative, Weakness: Backs away from tough challenges and finds the "hell way" of doing them
Alignment: Heel
Trained By: Wild Samoans Wrestling School
Sample Pic of Wrestler: none
Brief History: 2Fly is young and cocky as they come. Trained in the Wild Samoans wrestling school in the hills of Pennsylvania, this kid does come packed with skills. The only problem is he respects nothing. 2Fly does anything that needs to be done to win.
Title History: None
Entrance Music: LaLaLa by Pretty Ricky
Entrance description: Walks to the middle of the ramp, stands at the top and pops his collar and walks down with a cocky smile to the ring gets in and sticks his arms out as his pose, similar to orton when he poses for his match previews
Finishers: Sky High(RKO)
15 Most used moves:
european uppercut
clubs to chest
samoan drop
arm drag
belly standing suplex
pump handle slam
sleep hold
irish wip followed by clothesline
running ddt

Sample RP: *The doors of Johnny Bs office open and a stranger walks through the door*

*He is dressed in torn jeans, tan boots, a white button down with baby blue stripes, diamond earings and watch, short spiked black hair, and mirrored sunglasses.*

2Fly: Well finally.... finally ive made it to the WZCW. I dont think we have met, the names 2Fly. It is a HUGE pleasure to meet you. I will have to apologize for rudely just comming in. Anyways, I am here to show you what I got, to show you that I am WZCW worthy! I'm 6"2' and 240 pounds of pure talent. I can hang with the best, the giants, the freaks and even the ladies haha. All I am asking for is a chance to compete in the greatest company that has ever been and travel the road to become to WZCW Champion! Here is all my information, including my number. Once you have decided please contact me. I have come a LONG way for this chance. Thanks for the time and you have a good day, because I know I will!

*2Fly fixes his popped collar, throws a quick smile and walks out the room without closing the door followed me 2 girls comming up to watch side of him to exit*
Change the Dominator out of your moveslist. I'm assuming it's a finisher, so it can't be in there. Also, we need a sample pic so people know who you look like. Or, tell us what wrestler you resemble. Other than that, it looks good to go.
Unless he establishes what kind of Dominator it is... because now, Lashley calls a running powerslam the Dominator... not calling you out, just throwing that out there.
Well I would also add to what DS said by saying that you need to find yourself a new finisher, as AJ already uses the RKO.

I would also ask you to add some strengths and weaknesses as the rules say to have 3 of each.

Fix that up and what DS said and I reckon your good to go.
Sorry guys it's been a while, im excitied to be here though, here is a revised version with updates noted, and sorry about the dominator i meant a sideways powerbomb(the way test used to do)

Real Name: Nick Garrison
Wrestlers Name: 2Fly
Wrestlers Nickname: none
Height: 6"2'
Weight: 240 lbs
Hometown:Orlando, FL
Billed From: Orlando, FL
Appearance: Italian guy. Tan, spikey short hair, real preppy. torn jean pants. button down shirts with popped collar, diamond watch and earings with armani sunglasses, mirrored, tan boots
-----------Hair color/length: short and spikey
-----------Eye color: blue
-----------Facial Hair: chinstrap
-----------Ring Attire: short blue trunks(HHH, orton etc. style), knee pads, elbow pads
-----------Backstage Attire: adidas mesh pants black with stripes, black tanktop
-----------Physical Features: lean but cut(orton like)
-----------Tattoos: Tribal cross on the top right arm, tribal band on the left top
Gimmick: Cocky young pretty boy
Strengths: Confidence, Munipulative, A Leader
Weaknesses: A heel , so always doing things the easy way , easily distracted letting his ego get in the way of a match, cocky which isnt always a weakness but earns disrespect because of this ***UPDATED***
Alignment: Heel
Trained By: Wild Samoans Wrestling School
Sample Pic of Wrestler: I cannot find a picture, only describe him as Randy orton with an MVP type of style. Basically dresses like a pretty boy with a hint of streets, hence the diamond earrings and watch. ***UPDATED***
Brief History: 2Fly is young and cocky as they come. Trained in the Wild Samoans wrestling school in the hills of Pennsylvania, this kid does come packed with skills. The only problem is he respects nothing. 2Fly does anything that needs to be done to win.
Title History: None
Entrance Music: LaLaLa by Pretty Ricky
Entrance description: Walks to the middle of the ramp, stands at the top and pops his collar and walks down with a cocky smile to the ring gets in and sticks his arms out as his pose, similar to orton when he poses for his match previews
Finishers: Sky High(DDT while jumping high in the air where it looks like the other wrestler is holding them, then I snap back down quick)***UPDATED***
15 Most used moves:
european uppercut
clubs to chest
samoan drop
arm drag
belly standing suplex
pump handle slam
sideways powerbomb***UPDATED***
sleep hold
irish wip followed by clothesline
running ddt

Sample RP: *The doors of Johnny Bs office open and a stranger walks through the door*

*He is dressed in torn jeans, tan boots, a white button down with baby blue stripes, diamond earings and watch, short spiked black hair, and mirrored sunglasses.*

2Fly: Well finally.... finally ive made it to the WZCW. I dont think we have met, the names 2Fly. It is a HUGE pleasure to meet you. I will have to apologize for rudely just comming in. Anyways, I am here to show you what I got, to show you that I am WZCW worthy! I'm 6"2' and 240 pounds of pure talent. I can hang with the best, the giants, the freaks and even the ladies haha. All I am asking for is a chance to compete in the greatest company that has ever been and travel the road to become to WZCW Champion! Here is all my information, including my number. Once you have decided please contact me. I have come a LONG way for this chance. Thanks for the time and you have a good day, because I know I will!

*2Fly fixes his popped collar, throws a quick smile and walks out the room without closing the door followed me 2 girls comming up to watch side of him to exit*
Real Name: Gary Holliday
Wrestlers Name: Arch Angel
Wrestlers Nickname: Arch Angel
Height: 6 ft 5
Weight: 234 Lb
Hometown: Leeds, UK
Billed From: Chicago, IL
-----------Hair color/length: Black, just above the shoulder length
-----------Eye color: Ice Blue
-----------Facial Hair: None
-----------Ring Attire: 3 quater length black cut off's, No Top, although comes to ring in a sting like jacket
-----------Backstage Attire: Jeans and T-Shirt
-----------Physical Features: None
-----------Tattoos: Bio-mechanical tattoo across shoulders, upper back and upper arm. Angel on left calf.
Gimmick: Straight Edge/Fallen Angel type.
Strength/Weakness: Stengths - Technical, Submission, wide move list. Weakness - short fuse, annoyed easily. bad temper
Alignment: Tweener
Trained By: New Japan Dojo
Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: Not much is known of Arch Angel before he came to the US. He was one of the most well decorated people in New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) and decided to try his talents in the WZCW
Title History: IWGP World Heavyweight Champion (x 4) IWGP World Tag Team Champions( x 3), New Japan Cup & Super J Cup Winner
Entrance Music: The Arms of Sorrow - Kill Switch Engage
Entrance description: The lights go dark and a spot light is on the stage, Arch Angel steps into the light with his head bowed and tench coat hood up, he waits a few beats and then raises his head to the music, nods at the crowd and then slowly walks down the ramp. When he reachs the ring he slids under the bottom rope, goes to the corner and climbs to the second rope, speads his arms out by his waist and jumps off.
Fall From Grace - Double Powerbomb converted to a Death Valley Driver (that ok? if not al change it)
Angels Vice - Anaconda Vice
15 Most used moves:
1. Elevated boston crab with knee to the back
2. Dragon suplex
3. Second rope tombstone piledriver
4. Springboard shooting star press
5. Mafia kick
6. Reverse figure four leglock
7. Inverted STF
8. Second rope forward Russian legsweep
9. Rear naked choke
10. Ocean Cyclone Suplex
11. C-4 (can i have this? i know its a finisher type move, but no1 use's it in mainsteam)
12. Elevated single leg Argentine leglock
13. Delayed high angle single leg hook slam
14. Standing one arm side slam
15. Chimera-Plex
Sample RP:
"The camera comes into a dark room and stugles to find focus, suddenly a bright light appears on screen and the camera man has to zoom out to get everything in shot. Arch Angel appears in the shot an chuckles."

Arch Angel: After many years of dominating NJPW i have arrived at WZCW. Arrived to make my mark. You see, I got bored of been in NJPW, got bored of....

"Arch Angel looks to his left as if remembering a memory"

Arch Angel: hearing japanese people scream when i got them trapped in the Angels Vice, but on the odd occasion when an american came over and tried to take away my title, i enjoyed listening to his scream. I though it was just a phase and it would pass. But more and more americans started to invade my promotion! I was starting to get a taste for making americans scream, the sound was music to my ears, and it would haunt my dreams!

"Arch Angel picks up a bag and takes out a title belt"

Arch Angel: This is my IWGP World Heavyweight title belt, and I challange anyone to try and take it off me!

"Arch Angels voice is starting to get louder"


"Arch Angel barges past the camera man into the lobbey, when the shot pans round he is no where to be seen"
Looks good to me, our Talent relations guy and our writer will have to confirm that your move list is ok, but I like the gimmick and I like the finisher, so you have the preliminary ok from me, but we'll wait until they give the final OK.
Ah, they didn't let this die after all.

Wrestlers Name: Tristan Kist

Wrestlers In-Ring Name:
Triple X (TX, is the short form, please no XXX.)

Age: (Date of Birth) 07/24/84 (24)

Hometown: Trenton,New Jersey

Height: 6'5

Weight: 250

Character Rep:
Criss Angel.

Alignment: (face, neutral or heel) Super Heel

Entrance Music:

"Triple X" The Crucifaction
Listen to it here.

Entrance Description: (Every detail fully explained)

Regular Entrance:

"And Shepherds we shall be
For thee, my Lord, for thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand
Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee
And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

The power goes out completely,the arena fills with smoke and flashes of camera light. A platform rises from below the stage and on it is a man, head down and with a hood on covering his face. The prayer finishes and the static hits and with that comes a feeble light upon the man.

"She never looked so good
And I never felt so right"

The light becomes bright upon the man and the man lifts his head and extends his arms outward and starts to tilt his head back...when the screaming starts Tiple X's hood has fallen back and he keeps his head backwards with his arms extended.

"I can see her now
Dancing around her drink in hand
All her baggage in tow
I just want to forget and let go
Of all the joy, the pain
I took your guilt and placed it into me
And now I kiss it goodbye
Our last dance ended fatally"

The words began to hit the PA system and Triple X lifts his head to a normal postion and drops his extended arms while gazing and smirking at the crowd. He begins his descend down the ramp.

"Who's sleeping on my side of the bed tonight?
have you ever cried so hard?
Baby you just died (You just died)
Who's sleeping on my side of the bed tonight?
have you ever cried so hard?
have you ever cried so hard?"

Triple X smirks as he walks cocky down the ramp, stopping just to box at the air and make an "X" with his forearms. He climbs the ring apron and extends his arms again and tilt his head back.

"There she goes again
Another masquerade in false circumstance
She'll f**k you just for the taste
I just wish that I could replace
All the memories of what makes my blood run cold
As your blood runs through me
I say goodbye to what we had"

Triple X raises his head again and and drops his arms to get in the ring. He gets on the ring post and points to himself.

"Who's sleeping on my side of the bed tonight?
have you ever cried so hard?
Baby you just died (You just died)
Who's sleeping on my side of the bed tonight?
have you ever cried so hard?
have you ever cried so hard?"

Triple X drops from the turnbuckle and hangs on the ropes waiting for his opponent.

1.Release Fishermans Suplex


3.Texas Cloverleaf

4.Money in the Bank (swinging neckbreaker)



7.Punch combo


9.Emerald Fusion

10.Sidewalk Slam

11. European Uppercut

12. Headbutt

13. Haymaker

14.Nagata Lock III

15. Paradise Lock

16. X=Plicit
(Full Nelson into a Steiner Recliner position)

17.Jersey Special
(Texas Cloverleaf into STF)

18.Mongolian chop

19. Kist Submission IV
( Snapmare into Sitting double chickenwing)

20. Beast Mode
(four knee shots to the head)

Regular Finisher(s):
(Main Finisher)
1. Triple X Rated
(Pedigree into a X-Factor or Angel's Wings without the 180 turn)

2. Kist of Death
( Cattle Mutilation)

Other signature move(s):1. Spear 2. The X ( People's Elbow with opponent's Taunt at the End.)

Sample RP:

Forumtron: None as of now.

Contact me:
AIM Screen Name: XRatedMessiah
YIM: aka_2f2f
msn: [email protected]

MTN, please use the template you provided. We need a detailed physical description of you, as well as the strengths and weaknesses, etc, as stated above. The sample RP is VERY important, please provide one.
Real Name: Kyle
Wrestlers Name: The X
Wrestlers Nickname:
Height: 6'4
Weight: 240lbs
Hometown: Toronto, Canada
Billed From: Toronto, Canada
Appearance: Muscley, but not a freak.
-----------Hair color/length: Medium length blonde
-----------Eye color: Green
-----------Facial Hair: Goatee
-----------Ring Attire: Red pants with a black line down the front of each leg, red elbow pads.
-----------Backstage Attire: T-shirt on and his trademark black sunglasses
-----------Physical Features: Muscles
-----------Tattoos: Has a tiger on one arm and a bull on the other

Gimmick: A mixture of edge (as the rated r superstar) and edge when he debuted as a troubled soul.

Strengths: Strength, speed, will-to-win
Weaknesses: Too cocky, gets distracted, and gets caught cheating.
Alignment: Heel

Trained By: Bret Hart

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: Took the wrestling buisness by surprise, when he would come in a spear everyone during their match. Got his big break when he broke up a contract signing by spearing everyone and signed his own name on the dotted line.
Title History: -

Entrance Music: 'Headstrong' by Trapped

Entrance description: Walks out of the entrance surronded by smoke and spits water while in it so all you can see is the water going everywhere. He then walks down the ramp not acknowledging the crowd at all. He then gets in the ring and does a pose like a X.

X marks the spot (spear)
Lionsault pin

15 Most used moves:
German suplex,
Full nelson slam,
Electric chair drop,
Ankle lock,
Top rope leg drop,
Full nelson,
Camel clutch,
Snap suplex,
Delayed verticle suplex,
Frog splash

Sample RP:
[The X walks into eric bishoff's office]

Bischoff: who are you and why are you here?

X: Huh, listen buddy you dont talk to your future of this buisness like that because u might not know who i am now but when im the champ, everyone will reconize the name.......X!not only will i be the greatest champ of all time but i will practicly carry this buisness on my own two shoulders, because lets be reallistin here....have you seen some of the guys in that locker room? i could beat all of them together.......blindfolder and one are behind my back. and to awser your other question....im here to make a impact.
Ok Kyle, a couple things.

First, you need a sample pic of your wrestler. Who does he look like? Find a pic.

A sample RP is a MUST, you won't be accepted if you don't have one, we need to see what your skill level is in terms of writing RPs before we put you into a match.

As for your moves, I'm not sure if Spear is already taken as a finisher so Wotdoiput, our talent relations guy would have to get back to you on that, but you certainly need a second finisher. Try to use original names for them as well.

15 moves... looks mostly ok, except for three of them... Sharpshooter, I'm not sure if we're using that strictly as a finisher, or if anyone els ehas it, someone will have to get back to you on that.

But it's certainly not acceptable that you use both the Choke Slam and the Swanton bomb. I don't mind a 6'4 240 guy doing a swanton necessarily, it's kind of unrealistic, but I guess it's possible. But Choke slam AS WELL? Again, not impossible, but I've never seen a guy your size use it consistently, it's always the 7 foot guys. So that move might have to go as well.

Your app needs some work. Work on it, make a sample RP (VERY IMPORTANT), and post it again.
We have two people using the swanton and Remedy by Seether is already taken, you could use Remedy by Cold instead

oh yeah and Prax, Kennedy does the Swanton, and he's almost 250
We have two people using the swanton and Remedy by Seether is already taken, you could use Remedy by Cold instead

oh yeah and Prax, Kennedy does the Swanton, and he's almost 250

The swanton itself wasn't my issue, it was that he ALSO had the chokeslam, I don't see a wrestler doing both, it's a clash of styles that in my mind is unacceptable.
or its that a wrestler of his size doing both is unacceptable, I don't really see a 240 lb man doing a chokeslam either
Gus and myself are both using the Swanton, I have no beef with sharing finishers, but, three may be a crowd... just saying...
Really? Aurelia uses the Swanton as well, or at least a version of it. The proper name for the move is called a Senton Bomb, Jeff Hardy kind of does a high angle version of the move. Kennedy does the regular version, and thats what Aurelia does
Mainly I think the issue is everyone wants that finisher that gets the pop. The Swanton is one of those finishers. Same as the Sweet Chin Music/Super Kick. Sharpshooter. They're all just those moves that make people stand up, so thats what people want...
Ok Im going to go thru each new app one at a time from my point of view.

Firstly Arch Angel i like the application, gmiimck looks good you have done a good job. Your finishers look good as well. KNow your regualr moves Im not sure I wouldnt allow the C4 so if you could change that that would be great. Also I use the Elevated Boston Crab with a knee to the back as one of my finishers, so im not sure I would be happy with you using it as a regualr move. But I could be biasied so I will let the other guys decide on that. Other than those couple of changes, to me its welcome aboard :)

OK next Triple X, firstly to me a name change is in order. Isnt Triple X an old and soon to be current stable in TNA? Yup think so, so name change is in order. As Prax said follw the template Jonny provided in the FIRST post. Strengths/Weaknesses, Sample RP needed. Isnmt the Emerald Fusion the finisher that Finlay uses? Yes change it please. Basically look over your app again, follow the template provided please :)

Kyle or The X, as Prax said you may need to work on things a little bit but I definately think that your headed in the right direction. Seems Prax and Ech got yo to make some changes before I got on, so thats all good. Finishers Rios currently has the Sharpshooter as a finisher, so you may wanna think about something else. Also the Spear is a little generic to me, Chemical Blue has it but he isnt around, but if you had anything else in mind that would be good, but if the Spear is what you want thats ok. Just think of some original names.

I amy be back but thats all for now kiddies. :)
Just quickly, there is to be no spamming in this thread. If you are not a WZCW mod or a new applicant, don't post in this thread. This thread is about applications, and we should intend to keep it relevant in that way.

Also, I have put up Da Vinci's Nightmare's application into the roster section, but there is still a question over the use of the C-4. I believe that should be changed but that can come later.

And the Triple X character will not be accepted until the format is changed. I could adjust your app to fit the format we provide, but I would prefer that you did it. Your character looks good (except for the name, which must be changed for copyright reasons) so as soon as that is done, we should get you up on the roster.

And to kyle_edge, I think you're good to go. But one main thing as wot has already pointed out, is that it would be good to have some original names for your finishers. Also, your theme song has to be changed from the Remedy by Seether, to something else, which was already pointed out. Until these things happen, we can't move you to the roster section.
Real Name: Tristan Kist
Wrestlers Name: Tristan Kist
Wrestlers Nickname: The Messiah
Height: 6'5
Weight: 250
Hometown: Trenton, New Jersey
Billed From: Trenton, New Jersey
-----------Hair color/length: Black/Shoulder Length
-----------Eye color: Dark Green
-----------Facial Hair: Slight Stubble
-----------Ring Attire: Black Glossy pants with a cross on it.
-----------Backstage Attire: Tuxedo.
-----------Physical Features: None
-----------Tattoos: None
Gimmick: A egotistical cocky heel who claims to be the Messiah.
Strength/Weakness: MMA Style is almost perfect and so is hardcore style./ Not as strong as the bigger guys
Alignment: Heel
Trained By: Giovanni Kist
Sample Pic of Wrestler: Criss Angel.

Brief History: Trained in RDW as a young lad, and then moved to many other feds, still in 4 other feds.
Title History: Kist was in WZCW, WZFW , and now EPW, GWC, EWF, and REW.

1x WZCW Tag Team Champion (As Mr. Thursday Night w/ Mr. Xtreme)
1x GWC Ultimate Champion
1x EPW Ultimate Edge Champion
1x EPW Tag Team Champion (w/ James Blaze)

Entrance Music: “Smells like Teen Spirit” Nirvana
Entrance description:

"And Shepherds we shall be
For thee, my Lord, for thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand
Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee
And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

The power goes out completely,the arena fills with smoke and flashes of camera light. A platform rises from below the stage and on it is a man, head down and with a hood on covering his face. The prayer finishes and the static hits and with that comes a feeble light upon the man.

*Rift Begins*

The light becomes bright upon the man and the man lifts his head and extends his arms outward and starts to tilt his head back...when the screaming starts Tristan Kist's hood has fallen back and he keeps his head backwards with his arms extended.

"Load up on guns
Bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's overbored and self-assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word "

The words began to hit the PA system and Kist lifts his head to a normal postion and drops his extended arms while gazing and smirking at the crowd. He begins his descend down the ramp.

Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello ,hello
With the Lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now entertain us
A mullato an albino
A mosquito my libido

Kist smirks as he walks cocky down the ramp, stopping just to box at the air and make an "X" with his forearms. He climbs the ring apron and extends his arms again and tilt his head back.

"I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end

Kist raises his head again and and drops his arms to get in the ring. He gets on the ring post and makes an cross with his arms.

Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello
With the Lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now entertain us
A mullato an albino
A mosquito my libido

Tristan Kist drops from the turnbuckle and hangs on the ropes waiting for his opponent.

1. Triple X Rated
(Pedigree into a X-Factor or Angel's Wings without the 180 turn)

2. Kist of Death
(Cattle Mutilation)

15 Most used moves:
1.Release Fishermans Suplex

2. Texas Cloverleaf

3. Money in the Bank . (swinging neckbreaker)

4. BrainBuster


6.Emerald Fusion

7. Sidewalk Slam

8. European Uppercut

9. Haymaker

10.Nagata Lock III

11. Paradise Lock

12. X-Plicit.
(Full Nelson into a Steiner Recliner position)

13.Jersey Special
(Texas Cloverleaf into STF)

14. Kist Submission IV .
( Snapmare into Sitting double chickenwing)

15. Beast Mode
(four knee shots to the head)

Sample RP: .

Tristan slaps the rose out of Cody's hand, in shock of his own actions, but Cody stays looking at his hand and then he peers the the ground where the rose lays in the dirt that now belonged to Gio. Cody smiles and gazes up Tristan, who is in pure shock, yet oddly not frightened. Tristan looks into those cold eyes wondering if there is even a twinge of remorse for what happen to Gio. Tristan decided not.

"Ah, well the rose is better on the ground then on the grave of a man I never even loved."

These words stung Tristan more than anything he had ever felt. "Are these the words of pure evil? No, it is only my brother." The real question was, is there a difference?

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I live here I, unlike you, do not run from my troubles. I have been here since my birth and I choose to remain here long after I leave this world."

"This may be true dear brother, but I unlike you will rest peacefully and not in the deepest circle of hell."

"What is hell but a tale made by the church to scare men into being good. It is nothing more than an adult version of Santa Clause. Tell me dear brother, do you believe in Santa? "

"No, but I believe than you will get what you deserve in the end."

Cody laughs at this remark, he shakes his head and drops the remaining roses in his hand. One by one they tumble to the Earth in a divine manner, Tristan watches them fall and then looks up to his brother and a hatred that can not be matched.

"Ah, my dear Tristan, still eluded into thinking that good always overcomes evil... "

Cody grabs Tristan by the jacket and pulls him close, no longer in a playful manner, but in a serious and sadistic one. Cody mutters in a barely audible whisper.

"Do not be a fool! You name me evil, so I assume evil and you assume good, if this is a battle then there must be casualties of war. Gio is nothing but a weak casualty that thought that good always concured evil... I am evil personified. Do not make the mistake into thinking you can defeat me. As far as your concerned, I am immortal. Do not dare test me. "

Cody releases Tristan and then seems to regain his composure. Tristan looks at the man before him, and for the first time in his life, he's scared. He is...he is...evil personified. Tristan darted his eyes from Cody and looked around at the graveyard around him. Many souls have been laid to rest here, but are they resting? If they died anything like Gio, they are wide awake. Tristan shakes his fear and looks again at Cody.

"Do not think that I will sit idle by and let you get away with the murder of my uncle."

"You have sat there idle for 5 years, what makes a difference now? What are you going to do to stop me? I had to drag you here just to repay your debt the the company Gio started but I revolutionized. I own you. You forget who got you the job in EPW anyway. You forget what I done to help you. You forget to tell people what I have done for you but jump at the chance to tell my wrongs. I sent tapes for you and used my connections you otherwise would haven't gotten. Tell me I am lieing and I will tell you you are a fool. I have no idea why I helped you, maybe I felt sorry for you, but nonetheless I helped and you owe me. Now...you will wrestle this last match or...well you have no other choice. "

"Oh, don't I? You try and stop me from leaving. I dare you. You haven't made me...I made myself, my talent has gotten me where I am now."

Cody laughs hard and long, then he suddenly stops.

"I have gotten you into EPW, your talent has spoke for itself. You are at the bottom in EPW, it took time just to get you in that place and you think you deserve to be there? That is truly ignorant. You deserve to be wrestling at the bottom of the ladder in RDW, you don't even deserve to stink up the lower card matches with your trash of a persona. "

He's right...I don't deserve EPW. I don't deserve this sucess. Why am I here? What have I done to deserve this? Tristan looks into the eyes of a quite pleased Cody. Tristan thinks of the man that stood before him. I am in his debt...that is the only reason I am here. He killed my uncle and yet I am here doing him a favor. Oh how wretched the world is. I have to do him this one last favor, if not I am not of honor. Oh wait, I can give a shit about honor.

"Fuck you. I thought I was going to help you, I thought I owed you one last favor. I owe you shit. You owe me a uncle. You are a fucked up son of a bitch and if I didn't want to face jail time I would kill you right here where you stand and let your blood drain down into Gio's grave and finally he would have his revenge. The only favor I am going to do for you is the favor of not killing you right now. You get out of my motherfucking sight before I grant you the luxury of living any longer. "

Cody stares at Tristan in awe. Cody then smirks.

"You have balls, kid. You are truly my brother...Sadly though balls are the one thing that will save you now. I ,unlike you, have killed and I feel I must again. "

Tristan is blinded at the gleam of light that has now appeared off of Cody's jacket pocket. It is a gun. Cody smirks and looks at the gun in odd delight. Is he going to kill me? I know he will. He has killed once for a small reason, why not kill now for a huge reason? Cody raises the gun to Tristan's head.

"Hmm. Life is too boring when you have everything. Why should I suffer here when I can be gone an know you will suffer. Oh, by the way... "

Cody points at the street where cops are arriving. Cody grabs Tristan's hand and puts it on the gun.

"Have fun in prison and don't drop the soap. "

Cody points the gun at his head and pulls the trigger and with that a rush of blood and gore. The cop car stops dead in the parking lot and two cops rush out. Tristan eyes them and drops the gun and then begins to sprint into a run as fast as he could go. Wow, this is just my day. The sharpest lives are truly the deadliest to lead. Tristan was about to start the biggest adventure of his life. Can he handle it? You will soon find out.

And a Promo RP:

Darkness fell upon the cemetery in the most useful fashion, for it covered all the little details that I wish not to encompass tonight, the night of nights, my night, the night of the second coming. It’s funny how the things we hold precious lie so close to us, my parents were so close to me, I could reach and touch their very flesh any day that I wanted, but did I? No, I assumed they would be there the next day; well that was a tragic ending. I guess that’s what happens when you assume. Anyway, this isn’t about them any longer, it’s about another indulgence that I long for, it’s so close, I can taste it, and it taste oddly similar to that of the clit from the freshest virgin.

There is a stir in the darkness, a swift of the mighty cloak if you will. This may be a very bloodcurdling sight at nighttime, where it’s so gloomy and all the birds cease to sing, all your nightmares arise, but what are you afraid of? My nightmare began along time ago, and it has haunted me till this very cemetery, I don’t expect my pain to ever end, I do, however expect to gain what I want in this world by grabbing it by the motherfucking horns. Figure of speech my ass; this is as real as it has ever gotten for me, to my delusional mind, the thing I seek has the sharpest horns imaginable.

There it is, the source of all this ruckus and commotion, it’s just me. I’m just a wondering soul in the land of fucking oz, except, no this isn’t oz, this is the hell that has haunted my psyche, since I was 17 years old.

Hmm, there I am, but a shadow of my former self, though I am complete and sane.

Look, I seem to be touching a grave with an intense passion matched only by the hearts of seniors on their last game. Isn’t Tristan the poetic one?

Is that what I think I see? Oh, yes it is, I’m looking this way, right into the face of the ever degrading camera. We’ll looks like I have something to say, it’s either my time to shine or to fail miserably like those that loved me before. Oh, the anticipation is killing me, it’s the kind that seems to last perpetually, such as a day in high school. Oh sorry to go on, I’m sure your dieing to listen to my words, so am I…so am I.

“There’s a funny thing about phobias, they are all around us. Spiders, dogs, death, and for Matt Hazor, the biggest fear is defeat. Don’t let your ego blind you though Matt, you will never exit my tongue and mouth again after these words. Many of you all wonder why Matt Hazor has left our little slice of paradise; do you really need to ask? Two words, Tristan Kist, led Hazor running like the petrified little bitch he is. I hate you Matt Hazor, but you’re intelligent.”

Oh this is it, the build up. I got the crowd asking for more, Tristan knows drama. I smile at the notion of Hazor being intelligent, I walk around the grave stone, gazing at the words and then refocus my attention.

“Why am I praising you? You are the bright one that knows when your time is up. Most of the others are still waiting and bleeding for a chance at the Ultimate Edge title. You were top dog, and you left it all behind because Hazor, you knew Triple X was coming for you. I have chased you out of my way from my Ultimate Edge title, the one I have been waiting for, there is no one in my way now…well almost no one.”

This is the part where I don’t ever mention Hazor again; it’s not a big lost. I look at the grave again; can’t I get my eyes off of it? I could, but I haven’t looked at this grave in some time, it’s like a car accident, you drive by and you don’t want to look but you catch the glimpse of the dead charred bodies being pulled from the vehicle and you can’t stop looking while you say your little prayer to your lord. I don’t say my prayers any longer, doesn’t help bring the dead back, and that’s all I really crave. Now, I am my own Messiah, I give and I taketh away just as all was given and taken from me before. I control my own destiny now; I won’t sit back and let someone take charge of my fate any longer. If I am doomed to hell, I planned to convey others into those very depths as well. I will be responsible for my opposition’s Armageddon as I am accountable for my own. I plan to speak my mind on these hours of darkness. There I go again, rambling on with my sweet rants...

“Felipe Salarose, are you really assuming the position of “Gift of the Gods”? Do you really find yourself so special that you think that God would consider it a gift to grace us with your presence? Get the fuck off your own cock. Let’s get more real than
The Real World, you are not the “gods’ gift”, you rely your saving grace upon Gods you can’t see. Don’t fall for false advertisement Salarose, it’s not real. There aren’t gods up there inspecting you; there is only one God that you should concern yourself with at Retaliation, on one true messiah, Triple X. So, throw out your polytheistic views and indulge yourself in the messiah’s teachings. Your first lesson will be to bow before me and take the thrashing I give to you, and just…lie down. The pain will last, but what you’re desired for with take merely three seconds. Will you make the right choice? Don’t try and be brave, I will make damn sure and destroy your life, just as G.O.D has done for your career. Now to other pressing matters… ”

There’s a lot of anger in there isn’t there? There is a cornucopia of this hostility yet to be unleashed. As you shall soon witness, there are others I have to take my pain out on, so many others. Is it me vs. the world? Fuck the world; I will be there to make damn sure that I will be the vanquisher in this dire situation.

I walk around the grave and reveal the text:

In Loving Memory of Giovanni Alfred Kist
December 11, 1956-December 2, 1998

“Se le rotture facessero una scala, ed i heartaches fanno un vicolo, cammineremmo il percorso a cielo e gli porteremmo la sede ancora.”

(If tears would make a staircase, and heartaches make a lane, we'd walk the path to heaven and bring you home again.)​

I look at the grave longingly, as I continue the tragedy…

“T.R. Martin, a rookie, looking to make a name for himself. When you think of life, you think of everything that was done to bring you down, to stop you from standing tall. A scapegoat of the former Ultimate Edge champion, a person I know nothing about, and he knows everything about me. Martin, I have heard you’re actually not new at all. Have you heard that little anecdote? I've heard from people your just Chris Cage, I’ve heard your Danny English, and hell I even heard you were Ruppy. I don’t know who you had to blow to get past the Ultimate Edge standing and get a title shot your first mach, when I have been working 3 months for it. Does it matter though? No, come Retaliation I don’t care if your Ruppy, Danny English, Chris Cage, Johnny Cage, Johnny Quest, the quest for the holy grail, or Jesus Christ himself, you aren’t going to stop me from captivating the Ultimate Edge Championship. So, fight until your little heart explodes. Literally, just go somewhere and die, it’ll make it easier on your family instead of watching you get killed first hand.”

I move from Gio’s grave over to the side, the camera is now facing two unmarked graves. Tristan begins to smirk again. Do you think our little talk was sufficient? No, me either, that’s why I’m still not finalized.

“Salarose and Martin, I am a wanderer of the night, and I can’t leave until I find a way out, I now know my way out, Ultimate Edge. Isn’t it ironic the only way out of my prison is a cage? I thought you’d find it humorous, what is even funnier is that my answer will be your escape from the cage, as I toss your caucuses out of my ring and claim my belt. Fear not, you will have a prison, and your prison is with my Uncle, rotting in a grave. Sleep well, because Ultimate Edge will be your hell.”
^ very good dude, might need someone to check on the whole Messiah thing, as I have a feelng he is a wrestler somehwere, i may and probably am wrong. Other than that looks good.

Real Name: Rhett Gill
Wrestlers Name: Everest
Wrestlers Nickname: The Pinnacle of Perfection
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 205 pounds
Hometown: Tiffin, Ohio
Billed From: Los Angeles, California
-----------Hair color/length: Short Blonde Hair, cut very close/short
-----------Eye color: Brown
-----------Facial Hair: A goatee patch on his chin.
-----------Ring Attire: Everest wears black wrestling full length pants -- Orange Wording that Says “Everest” down the left Leg and has a mountain range in white running along the bottom of both legs. No Shirt to the ring. Each wrist taped with white tape. Black wrestling shoes with orange laces.
-----------Backstage Attire: Usually seen backstage in his wrestling gear, plus a nice piece of Everest merchandise (shirt). Sometimes seen dressed up in a set of khakis, expensive dress shoes and $200 pure silk shirts, but only when coming and going from the arena.
-----------Physical Features: No real defining features, a couple small scars here and there but nothing very distinctive.
-----------Tattoos: None
Gimmick: Everest is a Confident man, A lady’s man. Maybe a mixture of Ric Flair’s Charisma and the Rock’s Charm and Confidence. A mountain/rock motif/metaphors can be seen a lot in his mannerisms and interviews.
1. Technical Wrestling -- One of the Finest
2. Wrestling Psychology -- Getting into people’s heads before a match.
3. Focus/Determination -- Supremely focused and determined.
1. Power wrestling -- Everest doesn’t like it, nor does he try to do it.
2. Hardcore Antics -- Not a fan of the weapons
3. Left Knee -- Had it tore up pretty bad back in the day but can’t admit that it’s a problem and has never had it truly repaired right.
Alignment: Everest is a Face.
Trained By: The Great Japanese trainer Kaz Mazaradi and the American Wayne Camaro.
Sample Pic of Wrestler: upcoming
Brief History: Nathaniel Grayson is the son of a Military man, which has had it’s perks. He’s been instilled with the hard nose Military discipline and focus but he has also benefited in other ways. Since Nathaniel and his family have traveled world protecting the US Nathaniel has been all over. Nathaniel always had an interest in wrestling but it wasn’t until he was 15 and his family settled in Tokyo Japan for several years where Nathaniel met the owner of the KM dojo, the former Japanese wrestling great Kaz Mazaradi. Quickly taking to the ways of the Japanese mat greats Nathaniel soaked up all he could from Kaz before moving back to the states at 18 to go to college at the University of Michigan. During his 4 years of study at UM he wrestled collegiate fairing relatively well earning All Big Ten honors as a Senior. After about 3 months of trolling in the Tri State NWA Nathaniel met former US shoot fighter Wayne Camaro. Nathaniel began training with Camaro again soaking up everything he could. At the age of 23 Nathaniel was still soul searching trying to find himself when he set out to climb Mt. Everest. After weeks and weeks of trying Nathaniel found himself perched atop of the “unclimbable” and finding just what he was looking for. Upon his return he resurfaced in FWF as………..EVEREST!
Title History: Numerous, numerous titles, most notably the FWF World Heavyweight Championship, FWF International Championship, FWF Tag Team Championship and the IFWA World Heavyweight Championship.
Entrance Music: Supernova goes Pop by Powerman 5000
Entrance description: Everest enters very simply to start. Orange laser lights shoot back and forth across the blank big screen that then flashes the words “Are you Ready to Go” The lights go out for a second and when they kick back on Everest stands in the middle of the ramp soaking up the cheers. He makes his way to the ring rather hastily but always stops along the way to eye up a pretty lady at ringside or to say hello to some fans.
Finishers: The Rock Slide (It’s a Rock Bottom but instead of going straight up and straight down there is 180 degree twist after the pick up to add more force to the landing)
Mountain Climber (It’s a Dragon Sleeper submission)
15 Most used moves:
1. Jake Robert’s Short Arm Clothesline
2. Fisherman’s Suplex
3. German Suplex
4. Hurricanrana
5. Float Over DDT
6. Belly to Belly Suplex
7. Russian Leg Sweep
8. Standing Neck Breaker (Rick Rude Style)
9. Spinebuster
10. Flying Headbutt
11. Fallaway Reverse DDT
12. Samoan Drop
13. Enziguiri Kick
14. Spinning Heel Kick
15. Cloverleaf
Sample RP: (This is just a going to be my intro RP if that’s ok)
The scene opens to a wide shot of the WZCW corporate offices.

Suddenly we are shot into the interior where we see a lovely lady behind a desk, the camera pans down a long hallway to the door at the ends and a sign that says Chuck Myles - Owner.

The camera pans back to the lady at the desk who is now on the phone working away.

Receptionist (talking into the phone): Yes I DO understand that it’s important sir, but YOU need to understand that Mr Myles is a very busy man and is in a meeting at the moment and will have to call you back

(Just as the young lady gets ready to hang up the phone, a gentleman, standing about 6 foot, 200 pounds comes strutting out of the elevator towards the desk. He is decked out in a pair of khaki pants, Alligator shoes and what must have been a $250 pure silk shirt, he struts right past the desk and heads down the hall.

Receptionist (still speaking on the phone)…………..Alright……..You too sir, have a nice day. (she now turns to the man who just walked past) Excuse me, Sir…….Sir EXCUSE ME!

(The man strolls to a stop and turns around catching the ladies eyes with his)

Receptionist: Ahem……..ah Sir, you can’t just go in there….You’re going to have to ah.

(The man interrupts, as he puts his hand on her shoulder)

Unknown Man: My dear, Mr. Myles…as you may call him, he knows me and trust me on this one, he won’t mind, but don’t worry I’ll tell how you had to practically throw yourself at me to try and keep me from going in there.

(The receptionist is still awe struck)

Unknown Man: Well hon, as much as I’d love to stay and chat with a pretty lady such as yourself………I’ve got an old pal to surprise.

(With that the man continues his trek down the hallway.)

(The camera shot pans to the inside of a huge boardroom filled with 8-10 board members, Mr. Myles included. At that time his intercom goes off.)

Receptionist (through the intercom): Sir, sir a man just bolted past here and is headed your way, says he knows you from way ……………..

(With that a knock comes on the door and within an instant, the Man bolts through the door)

Unknown Man: CHUCKIE! How you been! What’s going o…….

(The Man scans the room quickly and realizes he may have interrupted something)

Unknown Man: Oh, my fault Chuck is this a bad time?

Mr. Myles: No, not at all Nathaniel my boy, how you been. This Is the WZCW Board of Directors. Guys meet an old friend of mine…Nathaniel Grayson more widely known as EVEREST!

EVEREST: Chuck, man it’s been awhile, what have you been up to?

Mr Myles: Well actually I’m trying to get this WZCW thing off the ground.

EVEREST: Really, how ironic, since that’s what I came by to chat about. Well that and that time back in Japan when we met those two ladies after the huge Supercard, ah man, you really showed me way back then, whew days like that don’t come around to much!

(A smile crepts unto Myles’ face as he relives that night in his mind)

Mr Myles: Oh yeah I remember that, (nudges Everest) try not to let the wifey know about that one though alright

EVEREST: Your secret’s say pal, now about that new federation you got.

Mr. Myles: Well bud I can’t cut any corners, you know me better than that but you turn your application in and I’ll see what I can do.

EVEREST: Application huh, you mean the multiple World Titles, my history in Japan, being FWF World Champ 3 times, should I put that on there.

Mr Myles: Son, that would be a good start

EVEREST: How about the World Famous Rock Slide Finisher or the equally impressive Mountain Climber that’s made some of the world’s best tap out. Should I put that I was named Best Technical Wrestler in the World 3 years running or that I’ve been named most popular wrestler in America and Japan. Maybe for good measure I’ll slid in the part about climbing Mt. Everest and gracing the cover of Maxim with 2 of the hottest women in the world…

Mr. Myles: (shaking his head, and finally waving his hand to get Everest to calm down) Bud, I think you’ve got it down, if you could leave that with Janessa at the front desk, we’ll review it and let you know as soon as possible.

EVEREST: Sounds like a plan…….Well Chuck it’s been good to see you again, you take care and hopefully I’ll be making you some money real soon.

(Everest goes to walk out the door and then turns back)

EVEREST: Hey man, you said the young lady at the front desk, her name is Janessa?

Mr. Myles: Yeah why?
EVEREST: Oh no reason, but ah........ she may be needing a long lunch today, alright?

(Everest exits and shuts the door)

Mr Myles: (looking at the board members) Oh boy (shaking his head in mock disdain) There goes my help for the rest of the day.

(Scene fades to black.)
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