*****WZCW All Stars 5 Sign-Up Sheet*****

Spidey Revivey

Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes.


It's that crazy time of year again! WZCW is hosting our fifth annual All Stars ppv. Want to see a panda fight a superhero? A ventriloquist sucker punch an alien? It can happen. And this is the place where it does happen. If you're looking to read some silly shenanigans, All Stars is the event for you, my friend.

And if you want to BE a part of those shenanigans, this is the place to sign up for it. If you have an idea for a wrestler you'd like to try, post here. If you just want to see something wild with celebrities, cartoon characters, spatulas, etc- we accept those too! Please sign up so we can make this year's All Stars the craziest fucking thing you have ever seen that isn't on PopTV.

Should be a fantastic round. I hear Milenko's writing a semi-autobiographical character.
Should be a fantastic round. I hear Milenko's writing a semi-autobiographical character.

I was expecting this or you to mention his character bio pic should be Seth Rogen.
I was expecting this or you to mention his character bio pic should be Seth Rogen.
I was also considering mentioning that after mafiosos and sexy civil war vampires, it's probably exciting for him to write something he knows about.
I don't often genuinely lol. But Coco's character is fantastic.
That's probably the best app since coffee cup.
What is the policy on hiring a down on his luck monkey with AIDS who may or may not have a slight problem with anger?
Well that is pleasing news. Now I just have to decide which path to take. Option A or B could work for this crazy ass card.
Name of Tag Team: The Tailed Ones

Name of Wrestlers Who Are In The Tag Team: Lucy The Bunny, Susie Bear, Ryan T. Bear

Entrance Theme: Marching On Together (Leeds Rhinos)


Announced As: From Leeds, England, at a total combined weight of just under two pounds, Lucy the Bunny, Susie Bear and Ryan T. Bear, THE TAILED ONES!

Sample Pic:


Main Gimmick: KB and Mrs. KB's babies who are trying their paws at wrestling so their papa will shut up about it already. Ryan is thrilled, Susie is going along because she has nothing better to do and Lucy has taken over because she thinks she's the only one capable of putting together a plan. They have to work very well together due to their lack of size, though Ryan will fight anyone anywhere.

Characteristics of Gimmick
: Ryan is the power of the group and tasks himself with taking care of his sisters. Lucy is the oldest and the speed of the team while believing she's the brains. Susie is the cute and innocent one and doesn't do a lot physically but is the smartest of them all. However she gets flustered easily and doesn't handle pressure well.

Brief Bio/History:

Lucy was found by her Papa in a box one day and was very thankful for being rescued after being stuck in there for so long. She decided she needed a Mama and upon seeing Mrs. KB, decided that she had found the one. She has since developed an obsession with Bugs Bunny and is also a very talented hopper. Also known to consume roughly 4,000 carrots a day minimum.

Susie is the middle child and has had a rough history. Due to her brother's obsession with protecting her (more on that in a second), she developed a horrible drug addiction and became a high level dealer in the bear black market. However this money eventually allowed her to fund their wrestling career. She kicked the habit and sobered up upon moving to America and is now about six months clean.

Ryan T. (The) Bear is the youngest and by far the most active. He is obsessed with protecting his sister due to his mother telling him that it was his responsibility to take care of her. This led to him never leaving her side, save for during Leeds Rhinos season when he spends all his time watching rugby (and potentially sneaking off to injure opposing players the night before games). He's also an avid fisherman and is terrified of clowns and sharks. Finally, he is also tasked with keeping giraffes as far away from his house as possible. No one is quite sure why.

Entrance Description:

Lucy, a British hopping champion, hops to the ring in less than five seconds. Susie, trying to keep up without dropping her lucky pillow, runs after her and stumbles to the ring while shouting “LUCY, LUCY WAIT FOR ME!” Ryan, on a constant lookout for giraffes, follows behind and picks up his sister Susie while threatening the ramp for possibly hurting her. Lucy covers her eyes with her ears in shame due to her slightly less intelligent siblings.

Fighting Style:

Lucy – Speed/high flying, uses her ears in place of her far shorter arms
Ryan – Power
Susie – A very low level striker who can only use kicks and headbutts as she won't let go of her pillow

Tag Team Finisher:

Hopping Mad: A running kick to the chest from Ryan to set up a Bunny Splash (Frog splash with Lucy's ears doing the same movements as Eddie Guerrero's arms).

All Together Now: A pillow (loaded) to the head from Susie, followed by a running seated senton from Ryan and a top rope double stomp from Lucy.

Signature Moves:

Lucy – Chokeslam using her ear
Susie – Flying headbutt (to a standing opponent)
Ryan – Powerbomb

12 Most Used Moves

Ear chop
Front dropkick
Neckbreaker using her ears
West Coast Hop
Various cradles using her ears to tie up limbs

Leg Lariat
Running foot to the chest

Splash using loaded pillow
Last day for apps. We already have a shitload but we can squeeze in a fuckton if necessary.

Shitload, fuckton... damn Spider, where do you come up with these measurements? Maybe next time get a few less assgrams of herb & try reading a math book.

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