WZ Tournament Schedule


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
1. 3rd Annual WZ Tournament (currently running)

2. Video Games Tournament

3. Sitcomes Tournament

4. Sports Teams Tournament

5. Significant Events in History Tournament

*let's also remember that Shocky usually runs a Tag Team Tournament each year, and some mini-tournies may be added in. But here's the "depth chart" as I have it.

no tag team tourney from me this year, there's really not enough interest in it, so if anyone else wants it, I will pass the torch.
1. Sam, the Sitcoms tourney is still happening. Got GREAT support. The video games tournament won the poll for which would be the NEXT tournament we ran. Hence the spot on the list. It was the "Hot Women" tournament that will be dropped.

2. Shocky, I though Jake and co. had finally worn you down into a Battlebowl / Lethal Lottery style tournament. Not this year, eh?

3. HBK-aholic, I dare say the sports team tournament will feature an over abundance of North American sports teams. Call it a hunch. And it's not just the overall team - it's going to be by year. So the 1996 New York Yankees, the 1989 Calgary Flames, etc.
HBK-aholic feels there should be the best of British with the Rhinos in there. The 2005-07 Rhinos, to be exact.
Hockey will only get 8 teams, but many areas of sports will get a say. I had some Euro and some Aus help picking teams. Cricket fan? Dont you worry!
Friends > Seinfeld

Scrubs > Seinfeld

Fresh Prince > Seinfeld

Home Improvement = Seinfeld

All in the Family > Seinfeld

Married with Children = Seinfeld

Shall I go on?

All of those shows you listed suck, save for All In The Family (I have no clue about that show) and Married With Children (the Bundy family FTW).

Just to let you know, I will be starting the NO MA'AM Campaign Headquarters.

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