WWE Wrestlemania XXVII Live Discussion

I thought he should the leg decently well.

Yes, I love how we can have Pee-Wee Herman, Snoop Sogg, and a one minute match starring Santino, but Bryan and Sheamus if cut. Thanks Vince.

Yeah, up until he hulked up and spazzed out on the mat and totally forgot his knee is shot to shit after a FIGURE FOUR AROUND THE RINGPOST ... Back suplex on a shot knee? Christ...

He no-sold the knee 90% of the time on offense and then only barely sold it post-match.
Jake's description of Cena's selling still cracks me up: "dead fish or angry bear."

The Road Warrior? Why, where's the other one?
Abdullah's head is nasty from all that blading. Sunny is still hot, Drew Carey is still a douche, and I still enjoy seeing Animal. And Hacksaw gets the biggest pop. Until HBK.
Jake's description of Cena's selling still cracks me up: "dead fish or angry bear."

The Road Warrior? Why, where's the other one?



Which one?
]Yeah, up until he hulked up and spazzed out on the mat and totally forgot his knee is shot to shit after a FIGURE FOUR AROUND THE RINGPOST[/B] ... Back suplex on a shot knee? Christ...

He no-sold the knee 90% of the time on offense and then only barely sold it post-match.

This did annoy me, but I can forgive it because he sold it well on the punt that didn't connect.
It wouldn't have been very good anyway

The number of bodies to be destroyed could have made more watchable than Rock and Pee Wee.

Punk lost again at the big event. Delayed RIOTTTTTTTT due to lag. Great finish by Orton and Punk though. Nice match.

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