WWE wishes Punk was still around.... right?


Getting Noticed By Management
Some months ago, I asked if WWE needed/wished Punk was still around.

Wrestlemania passed, Extreme Rules passed, so it is different now, so I'm asking again: Does WWE wish Punk was still around?

If Batista is staying for Payback, then I guess not. We can have Bryan vs Batista, Bryan retains and Batista leaves. Then, Bryan can get his rematch with Orton or something at MitB and then face Lesnar at Summerslam.

If Batista leaves (which seems to be the case), reports say that Bryan will face Kane at Payback in a buried alive match. Ughhh.... Bryan already beat Kane clean, what's the point of continuing this?

Who else is there to face Bryan? Wyatt is still feuding with Cena. Evolution should still feud with the Shield, with probably Sheamus turning heel and joining Evo, so he also seems to be out of the card. Who's left?

That's right, there is no other credible star to take on Bryan right now. It's too early for Cesaro or any of the guys in the mid-card. Wouldn't Punk be THE GUY to face Bryan right now?
Payback is held at Chicago. The reaction for the match alone would be epic, probably even the only place where Bryan would get booed for a change. The action would be amazing, probably going for Match of the Year, and after Bryan wins (which he would and should), he would even be more credible to go on and face Lesnar at Summerslam.

So, does WWE wish Punk was still around, at least for this upcoming PPV (oh, I'm sorry, special event)?
With batista possibly leaving soon & HHH 2-3 matches a year not a whole lot of choices. I'm not a fan of this Kane angle since it's suppose to be "The Reality Era" Kane trying to be scary is so 1998. I do want to see Pipe Bombs & Decent matches. can you imagine a 40+ min PPV match with Punk VS Bryan for the belts & a Possible PUNK/AJ & Bryan/bella angle ?

the new power couple angle would be interesting to see
Yea once taker, brock, hhh, and Batista left is when you were gonna see wwe missing punk. But looks like they will build the shield, cesaro and Barrett up in his absence which is good for the future. Punk can come back and refeud with heyman or step into a feud with the authority. But i dont think he'll be back this year
The answer to that is a resounding yes. WWE does wish CM Punk was still around. They have failed to truly establish new stars because they keep pushing and then halting guys. They cannot make a firm decision and stand by it. Honestly, WWE probably despises Punk because they know they need him and that Punk knows it. They never wanted him to succeed and when he did, it was right in the face of many higher ups who never wanted him in the main events. So now that Punk has stood up and walked out and now that tops guys like Taker can no longer go, they need CM Punk more than ever. That has to piss them off but they need stars and CM Punk is a star whether he works there or not.
Of course they do. He is a pivotal piece for them to build storylines, sell merchandise, and excite the crowd. There is no denying the great things CM Punk brings to the table. These types of comments however:

The answer to that is a resounding yes. WWE does wish CM Punk was still around. They have failed to truly establish new stars because they keep pushing and then halting guys. They cannot make a firm decision and stand by it. Honestly, WWE probably despises Punk because they know they need him and that Punk knows it. They never wanted him to succeed and when he did, it was right in the face of many higher ups who never wanted him in the main events. So now that Punk has stood up and walked out and now that tops guys like Taker can no longer go, they need CM Punk more than ever. That has to piss them off but they need stars and CM Punk is a star whether he works there or not.

...make no sense. It's not like WWE doesn't have John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Brock Lesnar, The Shield, The Wyatt Family, Cesaro, Sheamus, Evolution, Barrett, etc. WWE has established new stars and mixed them in with the current stars. CM Punk isn't needed. It'd be cool if he was around, but there is life after CM Punk.
I don't think they miss Punk. Even when Punk was still in the WWE, Kane used to randomly pop up in random WWE title matches. It's only a matter of time before Big Show gets his turn and Mark Henry. Those two aren't doing anything. It'll be like his title run at the end of 2011 except he's not the bad guy.

However, they could also revisit his feud with Wyatt. Wyatt got the win over him at RR and beat Cena at ER. You also have Orton who hasn't used his rematch clause. With the rumored heel turn, Sheamus was supposed to face Bryan at WM, that's another former feud of Bryan they can revisit.

Payback - Kane
MITB - Cena
Battleground - Mark Henry
Summerslam - Henry & Show
NoC - Sheamus
HIAC - Sheamus
TLC - Orton
I'd find a place for CM Punk in my top 20 fave wrestlers, and I've been watching since 1976.

However, I don't pine to see him back. It would be great if he was there in a meaningful storyline, but WWE has so much talent at the moment that it would be hard to even build Punk into the show in a way that would make sense. Perhaps a feud against Cesaro with Heyman at the centre of it, but honestly, if Punk isn't in the title hunt, then what to do with him?

I'd love to see Bryan V Punk as much as anyone, but what do you do with Punk afterwards?
Of course they do. He is a pivotal piece for them to build storylines, sell merchandise, and excite the crowd. There is no denying the great things CM Punk brings to the table. These types of comments however:

...make no sense. It's not like WWE doesn't have John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Brock Lesnar, The Shield, The Wyatt Family, Cesaro, Sheamus, Evolution, Barrett, etc. WWE has established new stars and mixed them in with the current stars. CM Punk isn't needed. It'd be cool if he was around, but there is life after CM Punk.

Personally, I believe this pretty much says it all. CM Punk is someone that brought in a lot of money for WWE, fans were very firmly behind him and he could deliver inside the ring. Why wouldn't WWE wish that he was still on the roster? Anyone with any degree of management ability and common sense wants someone like that as part of his/her/their company.

But is WWE floundering without CM Punk? Not in the very least and that's pretty self evident. The notion that WWE hasn't been able to and is currently unable to establish new stars in light of Punk's absence is a ludicrous one. Television ratings, house show attendance, ppv attendance, WWE Network subscriptions, ppv buys, fan response to the fresh faces who've been elevated since Punk's walk out, etc. simply don't back up the claim.

I'm a fan of Punk, have been since I first saw the guy. I don't know what the situation is anymore than anyone else does. I'd prefer Bryan had another program for Payback but, at the same time, beating Kane in these types of matches only further establishes Bryan. Also, I think we all have a feeling that something will happen to Brie in the midst of this program that'll lead to Bryan unleashing himself on Kane and/or Brie Bella kicking the snot out of Stephanie. Bryan can't touch her, obviously, but that doesn't mean Bryan's new wife can't. After Payback, there'll be a new Mr. Money in the Bank lurking about, Bryan will almost certainly have a top shelf opponent for SummerSlam, he'll quite possibly remain champ for the rest of 2014 if he comes out of SummerSlam as champ, etc.
Do they wish CM Punk was around? Definetaly. Like a football team missing one of their top three players, you want the best available to you.

Is WWE right now suffering without CM Punk? From what I can see, absolutely not. Some very good storylines going on, some great matches recently.

So I bet they wish he was still in WWE, as he is a top wrestler, but I don't think they are desperate for him to come back right now
Well of course they miss him but do they need him? the answer is NO. The product isn't exactly dying without him, the last meaningful feud he had was with Brock Lesnar back at Summerslam 2013. That's almost an entire year ago!
I think so, strictly on a moneymaking basis. For awhile, he was #2 merch seller behind Cena without even being around. It takes time and a lot of marketing to move t shirts and other collectibles. Creative has done a great job without him, but both Punk and WWE would be better off working together
Punk is a merchandising machine, and proved that he draws box office numbers when allowed to headline Hell in a Cell 2012: it outdrew the previous year, headlined by Cena.

WWE wants him on board, albeit in a little box where he's controlled, doesn't main event, and doesn't ruffle any feathers.
I don't think they miss Punk. Even when Punk was still in the WWE, Kane used to randomly pop up in random WWE title matches. It's only a matter of time before Big Show gets his turn and Mark Henry. Those two aren't doing anything. It'll be like his title run at the end of 2011 except he's not the bad guy.

However, they could also revisit his feud with Wyatt. Wyatt got the win over him at RR and beat Cena at ER. You also have Orton who hasn't used his rematch clause. With the rumored heel turn, Sheamus was supposed to face Bryan at WM, that's another former feud of Bryan they can revisit.

Payback - Kane
MITB - Cena
Battleground - Mark Henry
Summerslam - Henry & Show
NoC - Sheamus
HIAC - Sheamus
TLC - Orton

Sheamus can be utilized really well here, but I can't see how Henry and Show should be in the main event. They are old now, and should step away from the main event scene. They should be utilized in the mid-card, if not at all. I don't think anyone wants to watch Show or Henry with the titles at this point.

Orton is another option, but he is tied up with the Shield now. Sheamus just became the US champ. Cena is tied up with Wyatt and Kane is just not cutting it the way he did back in the day. Punk is needed here.
WWE was here before Punk and will be here long after Punk. That being said, for those of you that don't think a Bryan/Kane feud makes sense here's something for you to think about: Team Hell No! They have a history and with Kane being an Authority figure he's the perfect person for him to feud with.
Of course they do. He is a pivotal piece for them to build storylines, sell merchandise, and excite the crowd. There is no denying the great things CM Punk brings to the table. These types of comments however:

...make no sense. It's not like WWE doesn't have John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Brock Lesnar, The Shield, The Wyatt Family, Cesaro, Sheamus, Evolution, Barrett, etc. WWE has established new stars and mixed them in with the current stars. CM Punk isn't needed. It'd be cool if he was around, but there is life after CM Punk.

How does it NOT make sense? John Cena is a star but for how much longer? Daniel Bryan will probably eventually be de-pushed yet again because WWE is hung up on the size issue. Brock Lesnar is a part timer who cannot remain relevant because he is never around long enough to do something truly memorable. Don't get me started on the Wyatt family. Cesaro is an exception, but will WWE capitalize on him? My faith in the WWE machine to make new stars isn't what it used to be. "Creative" sucks so badly that they cannot get the little details right let alone be trusted to get the major stuff right. Sheamus has been the victim of start and stop pushes so many times that it has kind of tarnished his credibility. I like him and think he should have been main eventing all along but it is kind of the same deal with him, Cesaro, and Barrett. They are all possible big names but WWE creative cannot move forward without somehow screwing them all over.

Hey, I get it. Some people don't like CM Punk, which is totally fine. But the topic is "WWE wishes Punk was still around.... right?". I gave plenty of reasons why WWE should want him around but probably won't get over their petty egos and foolish pride to reach out and get him back. Whether one even liked/likes Punk is a non-issue here. CM Punk is a big name and could be doing great things for WWE. Whether he will ever return is totally up to him when or if he does.
I'm sure they do to at least some extent. The guy had damn near all the attributes that you'd want in a professional wrestler. He has extensive experience and can go in the ring, and carry most of the roster to a good match, has the mic skills and ability to engage the live audience and draw a reaction regardless of whether it's positive or not, and made the WWE a lot of money in merchandise. Who in their right mind wouldn't want a guy like that in their company? But I'm positive WWE isn't hurting without him and will still make money regardless. No one man is bigger than the WWE. I likely miss Punk more than the WWE does (what, my avatar didn't already tell you that much? ;) ).
Vince isn't happy when he's making less money than he used to so I'm sure he's not thrilled to lose Punk's revenue. Somehow he got convinced by his people that Daniel Bryan would be money. Money, not popularity. Yes chants are free, that's why everybody does them. Less people are willing to walk around in a $70 hoodie with YES printed on it. That wasn't the case with Punk. He was merchandise gold and apparently still is even in self imposed exile nearly 4 months later.

I always come back to Flair's 1992 run in terms of McMahon's credibility in deals. It is literally the justification for the Montreal Screwjob which was this whole other level of undercutting. Flair brings the belt, THE belt with him to the WWE. He basically pours gasoline all over Turner's newly made house and goes to NY on a handshake and Vince goes back on his word to give him Hogan at Mania, to appease Hogan, who would turn and reveal himself to be a bigger turd and jump ship to Turner under bogus claims by 1993. I mean there's a treasure trove of Vince screwing over people but Flair's title run epitomizes that to me. Personally, I think some shred of guilt and a tiny bit of basic moral decency over that has been the reason Vince has taken care of Flair all these years, even after TNA.

So to come back to Punk, and how he got screwed over for Batista, and now Batista has been screwed over for Bryan, who has turn out to be less of a draw than Punk even at his Wrestlemania XXX pinnacle is well...kind of funny. Now the fans got what they pushed for, and it's pretty much blaise and a reminder of what the post SummerSlam 2013 season was like, which somehow they immediately forgot.

So yes, they wish they still had Punk. Apparently, they would've even taken Jericho to liven things up.
How does it NOT make sense? John Cena is a star but for how much longer? Daniel Bryan will probably eventually be de-pushed yet again because WWE is hung up on the size issue. Brock Lesnar is a part timer who cannot remain relevant because he is never around long enough to do something truly memorable. Don't get me started on the Wyatt family. Cesaro is an exception, but will WWE capitalize on him? My faith in the WWE machine to make new stars isn't what it used to be. "Creative" sucks so badly that they cannot get the little details right let alone be trusted to get the major stuff right. Sheamus has been the victim of start and stop pushes so many times that it has kind of tarnished his credibility. I like him and think he should have been main eventing all along but it is kind of the same deal with him, Cesaro, and Barrett. They are all possible big names but WWE creative cannot move forward without somehow screwing them all over.

Hey, I get it. Some people don't like CM Punk, which is totally fine. But the topic is "WWE wishes Punk was still around.... right?". I gave plenty of reasons why WWE should want him around but probably won't get over their petty egos and foolish pride to reach out and get him back. Whether one even liked/likes Punk is a non-issue here. CM Punk is a big name and could be doing great things for WWE. Whether he will ever return is totally up to him when or if he does.

It makes no sense because Warrior, Hogan, Nash, Hall and I could continue the list of guys who have left on bad terms and returned. The WWE is a business. If they feel Punk can still make them money they will want him back but just like those guys before him, they aren't needed.

Also, don't try to prove your point about CM Punk being needed by tearing down the current performers and creative with criticisms and lack of understanding. It reeks of desperation.
Alright, ever since Bryan got injured, this topic has become even more heated. I'm attempting to bump this and offer my point of view at the same time.

Prior to Bryan's injury, as posted in the op, WWE would love to have Punk to challenge for the WWEWHC. It would be more entertaining and more legitimate than Kane. Now though, WWE needs Punk. Cena and Wyatt are tied. Evo-Shield are tied. Bryan is gone. Sheamus is US champ, Kane shouldn't be mentioned. There is no one left. Punk is the only top name they still have under contract to at least carry the belts until Bryan comes back. Thoughts.
Well of course they miss him but do they need him? the answer is NO. The product isn't exactly dying without him, the last meaningful feud he had was with Brock Lesnar back at Summerslam 2013. That's almost an entire year ago!

The WWE will survive without him, but that doesn't mean they don't need him. The wheel will keep turning even if it's missing a spoke, but then it's still one spoke weaker. Punk was a very valuable asset. If he showed up on Vince's doorstep and asked for one more shot, what do you think Vinnie will say?

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