WWE/WHC Championship Contenders


Pre-Show Stalwart
Currently in WWE, we are seeing the same main event matches occuring, Show vs Sheamus and Punk vs either Cena or Ryback.

Now, for me personally, it's getting a tad boring now and I think it's about time that we see new contenders go for the championships.

The WWE title is more for the more over talents such as Cena and Punk and the WHC is for the main event talent that need that push or aren't on the WWE title level.

So, I think that the following main event talent should be going for the following main event title:

WHC: Ryback, Ziggler, Big Show, Del Rio, Christian, Kane and Mark Henry.
WWE: Cena, Punk, Orton, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan and The Miz,

any thoughts of your own? agree with mine? discuss.
I agree it is getting rather monotonous, only 3 people have really been in the WHC picture since the summer: Sheamus, Show and Del Rio. The only interesting part has been Ziggler's briefcase and when will he cash in. As for Punk, I was enjoying him going through the likes of Jericho, del rio, Bryan etc with Cena popping in and out. However, the introduction of Ryback was badly done / timed and has made the title picture a bit rubbish. Now, I think we can assume that The Rock will be in the title picture from Rumble to Mania whether as champ or not and I agree Ryback should go for the WHC, so my lists would be:


WWE: Punk, Rock, Cena (Taker if they go reign v streak for mania)
Elimination chamber match: Punk, Rock, Cena, Orton, Kane, Bryan
(I can see Kane facing Bryan at Mania and this could be the start of their break up and feud)

WHC: Show, Ryback, Sheamus, Ziggler.
Elimination chamber match: Show, Ryback, Sheamus, Ziggler, Miz, Del Rio


WWE: Punk, Cena, Lesnar, Bryan, Orton, Sheamus, The Rock, HHH, Kane and Christian (I don't feel the likes of Christian should win it but would make interesting feuds)

WHC: Ziggler, Miz, Del Rio, Ryback, Wade, John Morrison, Big Show, Kofi, R-Truth, Rhodes and Sandow could all be used over 2013.
All in all, I've got no problem with there feuds lasting a while. In the old days, seeing a World Championship feud go on for 4 or 5 months wasn't at all uncommon. Hogan vs. Orndorff, Hogan vs. Piper, Hogan vs. Savage, Flair vs. Rhodes, Flair vs. Garvin, Flair vs. Steamboat, Flair vs. Luger, etc.

If the people involved are interesting and can put on good matches, then a long feud doesn't bother me at all. Show & Sheamus are the surprise feud of 2012, but I'd say it'll be coming to an end by Royal Rumble time with Sheamus regaining the title. After that, it'll be EC time and the combatants will probably, in my opinion, consist of Sheamus, Big Show, Alberto Del Rio, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler and Wade Barrett

As for the WWE Championship, I have a feeling that the 1-7-13 will be Ryback's last one on one shot for a while. After that, it'll be all Punk vs. Rock for the next several weeks at least. Depending on who wins between Rock & Punk, up next is the Elimination Chamber. According to reports, The Rock is scheduled to wrestle at the event so he'll either be defending champion or one of the challengers. Four of the contenders will almost certainly be Punk, Rock, Cena & Ryback. As for the other two, it's possible that both Kane & Daniel Bryan could be in it and be used as a catalyst to breaking them up. One of them could also be put in and cause jealousy in the other.

At any rate, the title scenes are going to be shaken up over the course of the next 4 weeks.
I have to agree, both title angles have been pretty uneventful lately. We've been getting the same matches with predictable outcomes for months now.

WWE Title
I'll give bookers the benefit of the doubt with the WWE title since they had a few major factors restricting them. Those factors being 1)The Rocks title shot at the rumble which for build up and buy rates means you have to have the belt around Punk. 2) Protecting Punks long title reign, which not only adds prestige to the Punk and the belt itself but also makes the rumble match that much bigger as arguably the greatest of all time squares off against the man with 400+ days as champ. and 3) being Punks injury/surgery which is somewhat of a wild card as it wasn't planned and further hindered an already restricted picture. With all those factors added in I still think this could have been handled better. During the summer it looked as if the rest of 2012 would be a very interesting time for the WWE title picture. For me it started with Cena addressing the crowd after he beat Lesnar, he thanked the audience for years of support and said he was going away for awhile. I thought this was huge, Cena being out of the picture for awhile would have created a "skys the limit" type atmosphere with challengers for Punks belt, but in the end, Cena's speach was never mentioned again, and only two guys guys (Bryan&Ryback) got ppv title shots. Sprinkle in a few more Cena title shots and dump in Kane and Bigshow as one off triple threat filler and that was all she wrote for the second half of 2012. They could have used this time to give multiple guys who will be carrying the company in the very near future mainevent experience, while making Punks reign look even more impressive by beating a wider variety of superstars. One who comes to mind is The Miz, a great Punk/Miz feud for the WWE title is inevitable, but with the rock and cena in the picture till mania it looks like it's gonna be awhile, so I feel they really missed the boat on this one. He should of had at least one of Ryback's spots. This could have really kick started Miz's face turn bigger and faster than anything else, by no means give him the belt right now but if he would have come within inches of beating Punk, even the loss would have put him over the moon.

World Title
This has been a horrible year for the World title and what makes it worse is they had havent had the restrictions the wwe title picture has had. It started off promising with Daniel Bryan holding the belt for the first two months but quickly took a turn for the worse at mania with Sheamus beating the best in-ring worker today in just 8 seconds. Since then it has just been the Sheamus show for way to long and in that time he only has faced two more opponents in a years time Del Rio and Bigshow. Although Sheamus is by no means a bad performer, he in no way deserves the year he has gotten, he comes into 2012 wins the rumble, then gets a complete bullshit title win at mania, which failed to put him over the way they wanted, yet he still has remained in the title picture facing the same guys all year around. I truly believe the only reason he's had this year is his tight relationship with HHH. For some reason Hunter is a Sheamus mark and apparently thats all that matters. Any other superstar who would have had the plug pulled on their push months ago for doing very little after being handed everything. Now I think a Bryan rematch and a del rio feud was good, but if they never planned on putting the belt on del rio they shouldn't have made it last as long because in the end it killed del rio's steam and almost buried him. I think a bigshow match was a good idea to try and make sheamus come off as a force but only as a one time deal. For years bigshow has been in the twilight of his career, and there's a "seen it all before" stigma with him, this four month feud never really gained steam and continues to drag along. In this time we could have seen Ziggler cash in, Orton turn heel, Barret's return push made bigger, or future main eventer's like Rhodes get their feet wet in the title picture. The biggest mistake was not putting Ryback in the World Title picture. The Rock's title shot never allowed him to be a legit option to take out CM Punk, and this could have brought some huge excitement to smackdown having two beast square off. However I think this comes down to HHH not wanting to see Ryback dethrown his golden child even if it was a better move for the company. Same goes with Orton, although I think half of his removal from the main event is punishment for the ugly suspension fall out, I think a lot of it has to do with management being afraid to put Sheamus up against him. Even if Orton turned heel, I don't think a babyface Sheamus could get the crowd behind him in this feud, even as a face orton has always been a tweener, so a large amount of fans will stick with him and Sheamus isn't over enough to swing the momentum his way. By no means am I saying Sheamus will never amount to anything, he has a bright future, he just wasn't and isn't ready to carry an entire brand let alone for an entire year. As I said before any other superstar would of had the plug pulled on them months ago.
WWE Title scene: CM Punk, Ryback, John Cena and The rock
World Title Scene: The Big Show, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, Del Rio and Randy Orton. (Possibly Ryback soon)

So it's looking pretty damn thin heading into 2013. The WWE need to build more stars up in order to get to the main event! This is a seriously thin main event scene and you do have people who could be used for it.

Antonio Cesaro could be used in the World Title picture, you have Ziggler possibly cashing soon. Sheamus's reign sucked and it really didn't do any favours for the World Title in the long run. Its been a bad year for the World Title and it needs to be fixed pretty soon if you ask me.

Sheamus isn't truly over yet and still has ALLOT to prove. If Randy Orton goes heel then he's an added addition to the World Title scene heading into Wrestlemania. I'm hoping for a match between Orton and Ryback for the World Title at Wrestlemania, with Ziggler cashing at the end.
Well, the WWE championship is going to have the rock thrown in the mix starting in a week, and then depending on what goes down at royal rumble we will for sure be seeing Punk in the title picture, with possibilities of The Rock, Cena, and maybe a few others such as The Miz, rumors of Taker vs Punk at WM, and probably Ryback. Not too many people are really in line for a WWE championship match and the 3 contenders are pretty much set up until Wrestlemania.

WHC on the other hand is much more confusing as we have Sheamus and Big Show right now. Ziggler is always a contender since has the MITB briefcase, and I expect him to be champion by the time Wrestlemania rolls around. Some other contenders is switching Ryback over to the WHC, as well as maybe a Orton if he doesn't go heel.
First off, while I've gained respect for the Miz as an in-ring performer since his return, I have never found him main event quality. I think, at his best, he is better suited for the IC title.

Secondly, even if he returns in full "Hall of Pain" mode, I really don't even care to see Mark Henry back, let alone as World Champion again. He had a great run after several years with WWE, but him as champ doesn't interest me.

Lastly, while I will end up agreeing, I still don't see Ryback as a full blown main eventer & I don't think he should be fighting for any World titles right now. He gained MAJOR points in my book at TLC but I still don't like how he catapulted past every other title, I'd prefer him facing the likes of the Shield.

WWE Title:
- CM Punk
- The Rock
- Daniel Bryan
- Randy Orton
- Sheamus
- Alberto Del Rio
- The Shield
- Kane
- Christian

World Heavyweight Title:
- The Big Show
- John Cena
- Dolph Ziggler
- The Shield
- Ryback
- Wade Barrett
- Antonio Cesaro
- Damien Sandow
- Cody Rhodes

*John Cena is in the WHC category because I feel it would me more fresh, SD needs his star power & I don't want to see him in the WWE title picture anymore.
*While I'll admit I'm somewhat biast & just want to see Ambrose as World Champion, I think it would be very cool & original to see the Shield contend & win a world title as a group.
*Also, while it would probably be one off matches & they wouldn't win the title, I would enjoy seeing both Brock Lesnar & The Undertaker involved in the WWE title picture.
I'm actually pretty much fine with the way the WWE Championship has been defended. A lot of that probably rests on the fact that Punk hasn't lost the title, but there have at least been numerous matches throughout the year where I thought, "Wow this could be it for him."

The WHC has been an absolute disaster. I don't even look at the title as having any prestige what-so-ever. Sheamus' face character is absolutely terrible. He's annoying to listen to and his act is growing so incredibly old in the ring. The Sheamus/Big Show feud was literally the exact same feud as the Sheamus/ADR feud was. Villain attacks Sheamus. Villain gets the upper hand on Sheamus. Villain tries to get Sheamus' finisher taken out of the match somehow. And then Sheamus "just wants to fight."

Even when Sheamus was to lose a match, he'd come back the next week and whoop the crap out of his opponent. I never once thought he'd get defeated.

In my opinion, some of the slower, stale talent like Big Show and ADR (namely) need to be bumped down to the mid-card again. Stop wasting time with having two huge guys clash with one another. We spent the last year dealing with Mark Henry. It isn't fun. The matches are long, drawn-out, and boring.

I'd be much more entertained to see two different wrestling styles battling together. Put someone quick and agile up against a powerhouse and then even just the pace of the match can help fans get a feeling of who is really in control. Of course, Ziggler is the most obvious choice here, but it doesn't have to stop there.

Ultimately, I'd love to see new superstars being given a shot at the title each week. The WHC can successfully defend, but at least they're facing other challengers. Why the hell would I want to buy a PPV with Big Show vs. Sheamus when I've seen that match on Raw, Smackdown, Main Event, and the previous 3 PPVs?
Main Events are match-ups that not only look and sound good when you hear about them, but when they're on it's unmistakably the "main attraction" of the night, whether it's got the most famous, the most skilled or the most visually dynamic talents of the evening. In order for a main event to work, their needs to be an undercard to contrast it to. You don't want a huge Main event scene, of course, but you do need challengers for your champions.

WWE Championship:
CM Punk (c)
John Cena
The Rock
Alberto Del Rio
Daniel Bryan

World Heavyweight Championship:
The Big Show (c)
Wade Barrett
Antonio Cesaro
Dolph Ziggler
Randy Orton
I think they locked themselves in a bit knowing The Rock is wrestling for the title at Royal Rumble. So this made them wanting either Cena or Punk as champion to get the most of the drawing power in a match up. So I have had no problem with the booking on RAW.

The World title hasn't been that bad either because they have dealt with injuries to Mark Henry, Christian and Orton that have changed plans. And the title takes a back seat to the WWE title. I think they wanted Sheamus to gather kind of an underdog vibe to get him over more with the fans and Big Show is one of the few that can do that. Soon Ziggler and the others returning from injuries will liven up the title scene.

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