WWE War Games!?!?


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
Another survey has been sent out to WWE fans asking to help rename yet another PPV. This time it's the May Judgment Day PPV.

According to the list on the survey, fans can pick from the following names: Judgment Day, Riot Control, MultiMania and WWE War Games.

So what do you all think of this.I think that this is one of the few gimmick ppvs that might ACTUALLY work.So how do you guys think this will work do you think that it will actually be like the old school war games or will it be toned down into the championship scrambles.I could see this go either way honestly.Thoughts?
WWE War Games would be a neat concept if done correctly. Have it in a Hell in the Cell or the traditional cage and have 4 top Smackdown Wrestlers vs. 4 Raw vs. 4 ECW (don't treat ECW talent as a joke) and see how it goes. Hopefully not every match is a War Games match though or it would kill the spectacle of the concept.
I would do the exact thing that Wcw did. Mainly because it worked so well, and who wouldnt want to see it again done right.
If it gets named to War Games, I would like to see it done just as WCW did it. It has been one of my favorite gimmick match types of all time. But I agree, they would only be able to do the match once throughout the night, otherwise, the same thing will happen to it as what happened to the Hell in a Cell match.
I hope War Games wins and Vince swallows his pride and runs with it. Have it be Raw vs. Smackdown vs. ECW in a 4 vs 4 vs 4 format. Make it elimination style though so we are left with one man standing at the end.

Or an interesting way to do it is to have it just 4 on 4 and have each shows GM nominate guys to enter war games. Have 3 guys from Raw and SD and 2 from ECW. You can build this well. Have Vince come out on Raw and have all three GM's present ..clearly Raw will have to have a weekly GM by this point....and he tells them that they have one week to decide which guys they will nominate. This will come off as each GM deciding which guys on the brand he think will be able to survive the War Games match seeing as they dont want to lose guys to injury in the brutal match. Once the GM nominates guys you can do it Raw plus one ECW guy vs. SD and one ECW guy or have a random drawing to determine teams this way you may have heels and faces on the same team and can build it as how can each man trust his teammates when trust is huge entering a match like War Games.
To be honest with you, I'd LOVE to see a War Games PPV, but it won't be done right. The old school War Games concept was brutal, bloody, and ended feuds. This will be a thrown together piece of shit with Cena, Batista, and other worthless wrestlers in the double cage. If this is done right, it would be an epic PPV and I would def. watch it. But the WWE hasn't done a lot of things right at all lately, so why would they start now? Exactly.
yeah it would be nice if they did the same thing that wcw did and not completely change the concept. on another note, who the fuck came up with the crappy names Riot Control and MultiMania? honestly wwe you guys are acting like a bunch of ******s
i would love to see wargames done right and have it elimination style raw vs smackdown vs ecw last man standing in the cage is number 1 contenders great way to elavate people to main event like kofi, swagger and morrison i just hope they dont biff it
I'm just happy they're changing the PPV's name. I despise the name Judgment Day for a PPV, don't ask why, I just do. And also, I'd love to see a War Games PPV, I loved the WCW matches.
I agree and have been waiting for WWE to pull this. War Games was always one of my favorite matches ever. It needs to be in the traditional sense though and NOT in the Elimination Chamber. I like the E.C. Cage and all, but this is War Games, let's have an actual, War Games match and see how WWE fans take to it now. Look how long it has been since we had a real one. As long as WWE books the match right and does some heavy promotion, it might even pull back in some old fans just curious enough to see if they can pull it off like WCW did and create new fans as well. There was always something special about the match and as long as it isn't set up to fail to feed Ego and prove that WCW had no good ideas, it could work, and work really well. Double ring with the double cage, the only way to fly!;)

Just thinking about it for a minute also made me realize, WWE could also release a "WCW War Games" DVD collection right before the Pay Per View and clean house as WCW DVD's seem to have been good sellers for them and War Games would attract the fans who remember for sure as we have been asking for it anyway.
I think they chose the lamer names in order for us to lean towards the WAR GAMES theme. It was a geat attraction, even now when I look at the Ric Flair & 4 Horsemen dvd which showcases WAR GAMES during its infancy It shows A truly unique enviroment. It is doubtful WWE will give it the proper build up though. Back in those days they built up fueds for a very long time and teased the matches forever and then rewarded us with awesome performances when it came time. WWE will rush it and will cheapen the effect. But, heres to hoping they dont.
yeah it would be nice if they did the same thing that wcw did and not completely change the concept. on another note, who the fuck came up with the crappy names Riot Control and MultiMania? honestly wwe you guys are acting like a bunch of ******s

I think they came up with the sucky names so that WWE War Games looks like the obvious choice here. They are swaying everyone to WWE War Games cause they know what a success it was for WCW. Of course Vince will put his own spin on it and hopefully not screw this up but who knows? We aren't gonna see War Games of the old WCW days because WWE has gone full out PG now.

Side note: If you visit their WWE corporate site you'll see a write up that says "WWE is committed to creating family-friendly, PG content across all of its platforms." We won't see a drop of blood unless someone is cracked up the hard way these days.
Well, as I haven't witnessed much of the WCW War Games match series, I can't say how Vince should or shouldn't run the event. But from what I have seen, it was a very unique and interesting concept. So if indeed Vince does go with the War Games format, then he should keep it the way it was. But, knowing Vince and the WWE, and its current target of fans, the War Games we are assuming it is, might not be the same one Vince has in his head. You have to realize that at least 50% of these polls are being taken by children. In this age of Twitter, Faceboook, and YouTube, kids are alot more tech-savvy than we are/were. And thus, they might not even know what WCW or War Games even was. Vince might just be using the 'War Games' name as a way to name a PPV. And surely if he was going to bring the match format back, it wouldn't be by a poll choice. Vince might not even have the balls to do it, since it wasn't his creation and all. But who knows what goes through that guys head? If it will bring money and PPV buys, then he'll do it; the more power to him. If it's just the name he's bringing back, then it shouldn't hurt us because we've never seen the match format in WWE, and it wouldn't hurt me one bit if we never see it. While it would be a nice touch, it's not as important as some of the other issues in the WWE right now.
none of the above.keep it as judgement day. there going way over board with these ppv name changes. its really starting to bug me. i didnt mind a few but now it looks like there going to change all their ppv names into some kind of shitty gimmick based ppv with the 4 traditional ppv. but if you ever should see those ppv change.thats a pretty clear sign that the wwe is in trouble. as far as this ppv and all other themed based ppvs are concerned.they could never hold a candle to a nice good fued with a nice long build up with a great match that will follow.not just to throw in a stipulation for the hell of it.this has to stop
If they did a War Games match they'd have to keep it like WCW only with a slightly different cage. I think two rings with a cage like the new Hell In A Cell (only slightly longer to hold both rings) would be the best way to go. This would be an awesome match. It was great in WCW.
can someone please explain what WWE war games is, I have no idea, what kind of match is it????

since all of you are saying WWE war games,I'll vote for that one and also because the rest sound lame, lol
can someone please explain what WWE war games is, I have no idea, what kind of match is it????

since all of you are saying WWE war games,I'll vote for that one and also because the rest sound lame, lol


basically, if you have seen TNA's Lethal Lockdown matches, it's more or less the same concept.

Two wrestlers start inside the cage, and after a pre-determined time limit, the next person from one of the teams comes out to either give one team an advantage or to equal up the playing field.

Differences between Lethal Lockdown and War Games, is War Games is two rings with a giant cell over both and no shitty concept of the weapons on the top of the cage.

War Games was a very entertaining and exciting match type in WCW. Like I stated in one of my previous posts, it's one of my favorite gimmick type of matches.
If WWE Does chose WAR GAMES thats going to be awesome I loved WCW War Games hopefully next year the do this again for an Oct PPV Again and one of the choices is Halloween Havoc now that would be really something WWE Great American Bash WWE War Games and if they do this right WWE Halloween Havoc.
It looks like Triple H is going to be getting his wish, he has been after Vince to have this as a match in the WWE for years. Its a match for the old school fans, it is violent and yet it is a brilliant concept. I could see it being up there with the Rumble for people liking it for it's difference.
I think it would be a terrific idea. I loved the old wargames matches that I have watched repeatedly on youtube; and I don't think the WWE could fuck it up bad enough to make this concept bad.

everyone so far is right that this needs to be a one off during the night, as it is the first WWE war games so far as I know, I feel that the big main event with wargames would be something really special. I just hope the WWE doesn't put more than one on the card.

Not so much for messing up the concept of wargames, I just think that the big main event war games match would be awesome if it was the first on ever in WWE, not the first one since earlier that night for the US title or something.

Just My Opinion
Since there are no factions in WWE, on either shows, the team concept/team format is kinda out the question. It would have to be for the World Heavyweight/WWE Championship. So here is a concept that i think would work.....

-You would have the 2 champions with their belts on the line against 3 top contenders from Raw and 3 top contenders from Smackdown. Sorry no ECW involved here, not high profile enough (by the way wwe treats em anyways). Both titles will be on the line in this format:

-The 2 champions will start the match, for a 5 minute period.
-After the 5 minute period, a Superstars name will be drawn and that competitor can enter the cage for combat
-Every 2 minutes after that, another name will be drawn and another Superstar can enter the cage
-Once All 8 competitors have entered the cage, pinfalls and submissions are allowed, BUT ONLY ON THE CHAMPIONS. A champion however can pin/submit anyone to retain his respective title.
-The WarGames match ends when either both champions have been pinned/submitted or the champions have retained there titles
-Also, if a champion loses his title in the midst of WarGames, he can now challenge the opposing champion for his title

This would really be war as all the competitors would not only attempt to wear down the champion for the pin/submission, but also would have to beat each other down to get to the champion. And also the champion would half to face hell as well tryin not to get pinned/submitted. Imagine Cena, Batista, 'Taker, HHH, Jericho, Michaels, Punk, Hardy,Orton, Rhodes MVP, Big Show, Dibiase and even a returning Edge in this match! This would be AWESOME!

What do ya think?
If you all think about it other than the big four ppv's is all In Your House's (Remember That Name). I think the 'E' will probably epic fail or major success on WWE War Games In the original we saw Curt Hennig betray the Horseman if the haven't feuded DiBiase and Orton by then this would be the perfect turn. 2 rings under 1 cage was great watchin it then what's next for the 'E' WWE Hardcore Heaven, WWE Barely Legal, WWE World War 3, WWE Halloween Havoc. We'll have 2 wait to find out if they do it or not.
I would love to see this. The match beyond was one of the things WWE gave us that was just total win. I rember these matches foundly. Granted their was some bad ones, dont rember the year but their was one where Sid made Brian Pillman submit by throwing him into the cage over and over and you could hear the guys talk and set up their moves because the production crew at WCW was so stupid. Anyway when the Horsemen were hot and Dusty Rhodes was leading the likes of the Road Warriors and Sting in these were some of the baddest ass matches ever. I would love to see the likes of John Cena, DX, Santino Morella, and The Miz take on Randy Orton, Legacy, and Jerishow.
MultiMania??? WTF is this? On second thought, I'd rather not know whatsoever. But do I wanna see a Wargames? Yes. Very much so. Wargames (when it was worth watching) was the best gimmick match I ever saw (in fact the very 1st Wargames was the 1st wrestling VHS I ever watched and memorized). I believe the WWE is going to bring it back, slowly but surely.
Since there are no factions in WWE, on either shows, the team concept/team format is kinda out the question.

Have you watched wrestling at all in the past year??

This is supposed to be an ultra-violent match, and the 'E doesn't seem to do them right these days so I don't really want to see it. I'd rather have one main event be a non-gimmick, but I guess those days are done.

But I suppose if they did it properly it would be a nice addition.

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