WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match - Dean Ambrose VS Bray Wyatt


It was just announced during the Survivor Series broadcast that Ambrose vs. Wyatt in a TLC match is official for next month's TLC ppv. I was expecting this to be announced given the use Ambrose made of tables, chairs and a ladder but I wasn't expecting it tonight.
Smart move by WWE to advertise a big match for the upcoming PPV while you got subscribers and non-subscribers watching the event.

I think this will be the match where The Ascension debuts to help Bray win but this won't be the last match between Bray and Ambrose. It should be better than their Survivor Series match.
Not looking forward to this match.
The whole feud has sucked so far.

Bray is garbage in every aspect.

Dean is being pushed back.
Because of reigns returning.
Smart move by WWE to advertise a big match for the upcoming PPV while you got subscribers and non-subscribers watching the event.

I think this will be the match where The Ascension debuts to help Bray win but this won't be the last match between Bray and Ambrose. It should be better than their Survivor Series match.

I agree completely. This match was used to push their match to a month that isn't free. It's really smart marketing by the WWE, and I'm much more interested to see Bray v. Ambrose in a match involving legal weapons.

Also, I like the idea that Bray laid down and let Ambrose hurt him, presumably to bring out the darkness. I also wouldn't be surprised to see Ambrose and Bray team up eventually down the road.

All in all, this match will be worth watching.
I have no idea why I am supposed to care about this match and it angers me how misused Ambrose has been. The guy had entire arenas behind him a few months ago and every sign in the univerise pointed to him getting his revenge on Rollins. It wouldn't have hurt anyone to have Bray redebut after the match with having Ambrose win. Now Ambrose has just dropped Rollins without a second thought and seems like hes just settling on Wyatt as a means to beat someone up. Total bogus and we still have no idea why Wyatt is attacking Ambrose. Something about his father, tables ladders chairs, sister abigail, a piano named Greg, I dont fucking know anymore.
Bray is becoming very boring with his little sermons. The Wyatt Family was so intriguing. The sum is greater than the parts. Just like the Shield. Wyatt vs Shield was spectacular. Now everyone is pretty much lame on their own except for Ambrose.
Total bogus and we still have no idea why Wyatt is attacking Ambrose. Something about his father, tables ladders chairs, sister abigail, a piano named Greg, I dont fucking know anymore.

Maybe Greg will be the object hanging from the ring?

On a serious note I hope this match delivers, I felt their match at Survivor Series was really solid. It was a good fashioned brawl and certainly not a 'technical' masterclass, those clotheslines looked like they hurt like a bitch. I wasn't initially happy with the finish, but having mulled over it I felt it made sense. Ambrose didn't care about winning the match, he just wanted to kill Wyatt. Plus Bray's reaction when he realised Ambrose wasn't going to pull a Cena was actually pretty funny.

But is this just going to be a TLC match that can end via pinfall or submission? Surely that would just make it am extreme rules match.
I'm sure both Wyatt & Ambrose will do everything in their power to make this a compelling match. But this feud never had my interest knowing that Wyatt peaked as a character months ago, Ambrose was being demoted and their first match was obviously going to end in a DQ.

It'll be good, but I'm over this feud already.
But this feud never had my interest knowing that Wyatt peaked as a character months ago....

Yes, there's that. The fact he was kept off TV for awhile brought to mind the subject of "re-package," yet the only thing that changed was to make Bray a solo act.....meaning he starts his march to the ring with" I'm here" instead of "We're here." Big whoop.

Aside from that, what was changed by his absence? Did management keep him out of our line of vision not because they wanted to freshen his act, but rather to make us forget that he's a one-trick pony who's really bringing nothing new to the table?

As for Ambrose, I don't see him as being matched badly, as other folks do. He's been fighting two hot properties in Rollins and Wyatt. I suppose his popularity with the crowd will determine what's next; whether he starts main eventing PPVs or becomes firmly entrenched on the midcard, which wouldn't be such a terrible thing, imo. The crowd is on his side, but there's nothing really unique about him.

Through it all, we've been told that Dean's "lunatic" merchandise is selling really well, which might help determine how high-profile he's going to be in the coming months.

And Bray....of course....is Bray. For whatever reason, WWE management likes his act.....and having the rest of the roster see that probably makes them happy to be matched up against him, which keeps him from taking up permanent residence in the Trent Barretta Backstage Limbo Room.

The wheel turns.....
The best part of this match, is that it will likely end the feud and I wont have to see this terrible feud going any further.

I bet when the WWE were thinking up this feud, they almost had an orgasm right there in their Creative meeting. I mean, what could there be to lose? Bray needed someone to feud with and Ambrose needed a feud against someone who could propel him back up the roster after being snubbed by Dean Ambrose and The Authority. But this feud has just not worked out. The two characters are just far too similar for it to work. The whole point of both of these guys, is that they are supposed to frighten people with their “out there” attitude. But you're never likely to accomplish that when neither guy is afraid of the other...

Still, this match could be competitive. Wyatt has had some good matches since he came back to the WWE and Ambrose might go ahead and surprise us. Of the four matches on the card, this could be one of the more entertaining matches. A tables, ladders and chairs match is always entertaining if it is done correctly and the world is your oyster in regards to what you want to do. Let these guys have their final match and let them go their separate ways.
I was mad when Bray Wyatt ruined the Ambrose vs Rollins match. I knew this was a step down for Ambrose and not a step up in disguise like some people preached. Ambrose dropped from the hottest feud in the WWE and the hottest match on the card to this monkey nipple feud against the loser who many people once thought would be the next Undertaker. By the way, we'll see how much benefit that win over Ambrose did to Rollins anyway after he gets AA'd by Cena through a table. Dean Ambrose would have been at the top right now, had he won that match. What brought him down was not the Rollins-Authority nexus, for that only made him rise even stronger and he was this close to getting his revenge, but the Bray Wyatt interference which just... I'm going to a wedding and I'm in a hurry, so fuck this shit and fuck Bray Wyatt.

...and Ambrose needed a feud against someone who could propel him back up the roster after being snubbed by Dean Ambrose and The Authority.
Holy shit.
I do wonder what the WWE really has planned for these guys come the end of their match at TLC. Do they just end the feud with one guy winning clean? Does Ambrose give in and team with Bray, but not in the way Daniel Bryan did last year?

At the end of the day, this match will impact big time on both guys' momentum going forward. If there is to be a clean ending to end the feud, but still the WWE believes in both guys' potential, then I'd say Bray Wyatt to take the win, as Ambrose still has goodwill from the fans after his programme with Traitorface.

However, I could easily see something going down where Ambrose ends up teaming with Bray for a while...maybe another programme with John Cena could await, with a Wyatt-controlled Ambrose going after the Cenation and all it stands for. I'd actually enjoy such a programme if it actually happened.
Ambrose teaming up with Bray Wyatt is unlikely. Ambrose is too much of a rebel to stay under someone's command, and his mental instability should only make it harder to convert him into a sheep. What happens if Ambrose joins Bray? He outclasses his master in wrestling, attitude, mic skills, crowd reaction- everything. Not gonna work.
What I think will happen is Ambrose whoops Wyatt's hillbilly preacher ass so badly that he will have to take a break again; on the other side, Cena put Rollins through a table with the Attitude Adjustment of doom, and move on to face Lesnar at Royal Rumble. After their match, Rollins will try to cash in his MITB briefcase, but Ambrose will interfere, costing Rollins his opportunity and his briefcase.
Ambrose teaming up with Bray Wyatt is unlikely. Ambrose is too much of a rebel to stay under someone's command, and his mental instability should only make it harder to convert him into a sheep. What happens if Ambrose joins Bray? He outclasses his master in wrestling, attitude, mic skills, crowd reaction- everything. Not gonna work.
What I think will happen is Ambrose whoops Wyatt's hillbilly preacher ass so badly that he will have to take a break again; on the other side, Cena put Rollins through a table with the Attitude Adjustment of doom, and move on to face Lesnar at Royal Rumble. After their match, Rollins will try to cash in his MITB briefcase, but Ambrose will interfere, costing Rollins his opportunity and his briefcase.

IF that occurs, then we'd be saying farewell to Bray Wyatt as he has only returned at HiaC, and this is his first feud as a guy who has been 'reborn'...

Also, I don't think Ambrose-Rollins will be revisited so soon...Rollins is set to go up vs Reigns and then probably Orton.
I actually enjoy the TV I watch so I will enjoy this match. Wyatt is a great promo/character guy and so is Ambrose. I'm interesting to see where this feud goes because I think Ambrose could end up siding with Wyatt and give his character another dimension.

This match should be brutal and a good time.
If you aren't interested in the match after that segment something is wrong with you. They put it in a great spot, immediately following Heyman accepting the Slammy for Lesnar, and both guys delivered. Wyatt made it personal for him saying that the chair was given to him by Abigail and had intense personal meaning to him. This is the first time someone has gotten to Bray.

Ambrose's part was more about the theatrics and action. The spot with the light projecting his shadow in the darkness, making him look 15 feet tall, was a fantastic visual. Throwing the chairs at an unprotected Wyatt projected an element of real danger into the mix. Wyatt's subtle facial expressions added so much to it as well. He has that wild eyed look when the action picks up like he gets off on the conflict that creates a whole layer to his character.

I'm glad to see that creative has put some actual thought into this 2nd act of their feud and the two guys delivered in that segment. They sold the match in those 15 minutes.
Even though Im a fan of Bray and Ambrose, I personally feel the creative team has been working against him. Bray has been booked as a loser and even his attempts to corrupt people have backfired. I find it funny that Bryan was supposed to be a stepping stone for him, only for his 'win' to propel Bryan into the WHT scene. Ambrose has also been booked as a loser and the lunatic fringe gimmick only makes him look like an idiot. It also doesn't help that some of his sketches were hilarious for the wrong reasons. When you have a puppet dressed like Rollins and are saying you're going to "screw him", I am pretty much forced to snicker.

And when they started a feud, I didn't care. Nor did anyone else, apparently. Crowds seemed to deflate and the storyline felt small and insignificant compared to the Authority angle. It also seemed too traditional. They exchange promos, attack eachother, etc. Yet they did have a pretty good PPV match and now...I think it's finally working. The writers are doing something different. Watching Ambrose get inside Bray's head was new and both men are selling that angle perfectly. The ambulance was cheesy, but it was a cool visual and I mentally cheered.

But while it's nice that their storyline is finally becoming a little ambitious, I don't see how both men can be protected. Neither can afford a loss and both need a win. Based on the writing, I'm beginning to feel that Bray's strength lies within recruiting, maintaining and managing his family. He only dominated because of his strength in numbers, while as alone, he's outclassed by Ambrose.

But what do you guys think? Is the feud finally winning you over? Was it cool from the beginning? Or do you still not care?

This is my pick for the match of the night. Dean Ambrose in a match where Tables, Ladders, AND Chairs can all be used? It will be chaotic and awesome. Given how much attention it has had in promos and the fact that they were given the namesake gimmick of this show to work with, I expect for Ambrose and Wyatt to close the show. If for whatever reason they don't then it goes on 6th or 7th while Seth and Cena close. This is the match I am looking forward to the most and also the most difficult one to predict a winner on. Ambrose has tremendous potential in this match type, so he is nearly impossible to vote against, but Bray could really use a win. I'm happy with either winning if both are given a chance to showcase what they can do, but if I had to pick I'll go with Ambrose winning to further establish these hardcore match types as his specialty given his crazy persona. Ambrose wins this after a lengthy battle with Bray full of insane spots, ending the show. I'd be perfectly fine with the feud continuing, but it probably end here what with the Rumble approaching.

Dean Ambrose will defeat Bray Wyatt.
Damn this is exciting. I've really loved this feud and they have mainly done it with their words. Two young, exciting superstars with an awesome gimmick match; what can go wrong?

Both guys probably need a win but I think Bray should and will win. Ambrose can hopefully further his cause despite the loss and Bray obviously has some momentum. I suppose Ambrose will do something stupid and lose. I'm guessing he has the match effectively won but then goes up a ladder for one last big move. Should be a great match regardless.

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