WWE TLC - IC Championship: Rollins versus Ambrose


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As was announced on Raw last night, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins will finally get the chance to settle their business at WWE TLC for the Intercontinental Championship.

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It's getting to be about that time where rumors start flying about, "information" "leaks" about potential plans and we start guessing as to what WWE has planned. Regarding Seth Rollins, I've read reports that there's a plan in place for Rollins to take on Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 35; no specific mention of the match being for the Universal Championship was made so that opens up various possibilities. In my eyes, Vince has already damaged Braun Strowman and will only hurt him more if we see him job to Lesnar at the Royal Rumble, if the match is able to take place due to Strowman's elbow surgery. Top tier stars are needed and a way to build them is by having them defeat other top tier stars and Lesnar is at a point where losing to Strowman at the Rumble and the to Rollins at WrestleMania isn't going to hurt him one single bit. There's nothing else really for Lesnar to do so just having him come back just for the sake of feeding top stars to him over and over again, in my eyes, is only hurting WWE in the long run.

With all that being said, don't be surprised if Rollins drops the strap to Ambrose, gets his rematch at the Rumble, loses there and moves onto face Lesnar. Rollins has been one of the few truly bright spots of Raw in 2018 and it's time to move him back up to be a main event contender, whether it's on Raw or if he's traded to SmackDown as a WWE Championship contender.
Here is a thought I have. If they go with a title change here , and it's already rumored for Seth to face Lesnar at Mania, could we see Seth Rollins win the Rumble to get his match with Lesnar if for the title ?

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