WWE Talent In 2010: Overrated & Underrated


I've done this thread in the TNA section and figured I'd do one here as well. Like TNA, the WWE has a roster full of talented wrestlers but if you had to single out one particular wrestler as being the most overrated on the WWE roster in 2010, who would it be? Also, if you single out one particular wrestler as being the most underrated on the WWE roster in 2010, who would it be?
LOL. I think I know who might lead this.

Randy Orton gets knocked a LOT, so no way he's overrated. The IWC points out his flaws so much that his haters and lovers and pretty even. Im a Miz fan and I even think he was WWE's most overrated in 2010. He was booked to carry the US and tag team titles at the same time and was kept in the limelight but I think he's overrated. And Im not even saying that because of his WWE title run right now...the run is not even over, he could loose the belt at RR for all I know but I think the E booked him much to strong last year. Even though he was booked to lose to Daniel Bryan two or three times, his successful bookings have been so lofty that those losses didnt even matter. There are few superstars who get any worthwhile TV time who are worse in the ring than Miz. His mic skills, while very good are overrated IMO by the IWC. His character is like Stallone in movies...the exact same character each time. He's a one trick pony and that one trick is over-the-fuck overrated IMO. Let me tell you a statement someone made to me about 7 years ago.

"Kobe Bryan is better than Micheal Jordan."

You can overrate ANY one, no matter how good they are. Say the wrong things and you can overrate Babe Ruth as a baseball player. Miz's mic skills are good but IMO are still overrated by the IWC and obviously by WWE for him to have had the 2010 he's had. I hear people saying Miz and Morrison would have great matches. Like hell. Miz is pretty bad in the ring and he will definately not have matches with Morrison close to the level that Shaemus did. His matches with Orton were just riiiight at the 'ok' level.
If you look carefully you can see how scripted and careful the E has been with his matches since he's been champ. They are protecting him like TNA protects Hardy from having to do much talking.

IMO, he's the most overrated. No one else (besides maybe 3 people) have had the success that Miz has had this year....he should have actually been Superstar of the year, and IMO was booked above his true skill level.

And once again...Im a huge Miz fan.

This one is a bit tough. Miz seems to be a bit overrated these days but I would consider Randy Orton a bit more overrated than The Miz. The crowd cheers him, for what exactly? I don't see it. He has very little charisma and to be honest, he isn't even that impressive on the mic. I believe his finshing maneuver the RKO, is more over than Randy Orton ever will be. For some reason, Randy's WWE Championship reign was very forgetful. The WWE was focusing more on the Nexus/John Cena storyline then Randy's WWE Championship reign. Very overrated.me


Underrated would have to go to Jack Swagger. I'm usually pretty good at doing the weekly match of the week each week and Jack Swagger seems to get my mentoining a lot. Whether he's facing Kofi Kingston or Kaval he can really stand out from someone more exciting than him. He can really make anybody look good no matter who he's in the ring with. He's lost a lot of credibility after his failure run with the World Championship. Lowering Jack to the mid card is great for his career. He's getting a chance to really build himself back up by going for the mid card intercontinental championship. Jack will no doubt get that World Championship again. A very underrated wrestler.
The most overated would be john morrison. I just don't see what people see in him. I find him boring. The most underated would be zack ryder. WWE treats him as a jobber. He is good on the mic and in the ring. He should be draft to smackdown and reunite with Curt Hawkins. WOO WOO WOO YOU KNOW IT
Most overated: Probably Randy Orton. I just don't get why people cheer him on. He lost some of his "ooomf!" Another would be Edge. Does the same stuff over again. Would love to see him go back to see baby face ways though.

Underrated: Kofi Kingston! This guy had a great rivalry with Randy Orton. He put on good matches and that was soo cool when he got Randy through a table! Another would be Goldust. This dude still has some in him. Give him a chance WWE!
Overrated would definately have to be JOHN CENA :wtf:
Underrated would have to be Evan Bourne. This guy is very entertaining, and he isn't bad in the ring at all..he needs a title shot..like for the United States title..or Intercontinental Championship. WWE is underusing his talent :banghead:

CM Punk- he went from headlining SD in 2009, to jobbing to Big Show in 2010....he didnt win any world titles, and has only JUST now become relevant with the commentary and Nexus

Gail Kim- they never use all the time

David Otunga- alot of people hate on Otunga but the guy is tremendous on the mic...why is it that him and Barrett are the only ones that talk from Nexus? theres a reason for that guys...

Goldust- he actually carried a feud this year with Ted DiBiase.....he's injured now but proved he can still go, including his match with Jericho

Primo- he has jobbed ALL year....ive seen him on Superstars and he has too much talent to be jobbing like he's been doing....his mannerisms and facial expressions are hilarious...why isnt Primo involved in anything??!?!?

Santino Marella- people tend to hate him on too much saying he doesnt deserve titles, but bores like Slater and Gabriel do?

Michael Tarver- this guy was great on the mic...everyone shat on him for some "unknown" reason

Darren Young- I was instantly impressed after his match with Cena....hes a talented kid who is just as good as Slater or McGillicutty

Ted DiBiase- people were hugging this guys nuts soo hard in the beginning of the year....even saying he might main event Mania against Randy.....he deserves to be where he is...enhancement talent

Triple H- again, he is always on this list....in the beginning of the year, he just had to try and get a title shot while still in DX....he gets into the chamber and comes super close....then he has to squash Sheamus at Mania in a match Sheamus should have won to get a rub....now hes gonna return and squash Sheamus again at Mania.....I thought they were buddies?

On SmackDown-

Chris Masters- dude has worked his ass off this year, mainly on Superstars....he needs a run with a midcard title or at least a title feud

Chavo Guerrero- another guy people shit on for some odd reason....he has carried all of his matches with young guys all year long.....

Dashing Cody Rhodes- he has a great new gimmick and deserves alot more than stupid segments with Big Show and Masters...def needs the IC title

Jack Swagger- I was impressed when he was world champ....WWE took the belt off for God knows what reason....he was a great champion...

Rey Mysterio- another one people shit on for stupid reasons I dont wanna discuss....deserved at least 2 world titles this year

Kofi Kingston- he def needed a bigger push...after his feud with Orton he went into obscurity..he needs another chance

Drew McIntyre- he def needs more work....he's supposed to be the Chosen One but doesnt look like it....he has shown glimpses of greatness...no doubt he will be world champ in the future, just not now like everyone says
Overrated: Randy Orton

Why: Quick history; I was a huge Orton fan in the Orton/HHH build up before WM25. Orton going around and punting/RKO'ing everything in sight was entertaining. Then came thier match at WM25... EPIC FAIL. I was so disappointed at that match as a whole that I have never looked at Orton's character the same way. Once that match was complete I think he's just been on the decline. No charisma. Don't get me wrong, he's not a half bad wrestler but really the only thing exciting about his matches are whether or not he'll pop a crazy RKO out of nowhere. WWE turning him face wasn't the brightest move either. His character works so much better as a heel.

Underrated: Alberto Del Rio

Why: I didn't know much about this guy before he showed up on Smackdown but this guy is epic. Haven't seen too much of his mic work but his in ring skills are oustanding. His character is a perfect fit and I can really see this guy be a steady figure in the main event picture on Smackdown. I glad WWE has decided to give him a little push.
Most underrated is Jack Swagger. He's no Kurt Angle but in the ring he's the absolute closest thing to him in WWE right now. Swagger's speech impediment my have a little to do with him not getting all the way over on the mic but for christ sakes he;s not THAT bad. The last time Swags faced Kaval, the match was booked so Kaval took Swagger completely to the limit WHILE BEING ON ONE LEG! He's been booked to job out to Kingston while looking strong....so the idea here is that Swagger will look strong but lose to an obvious over face but look like shit even when beating a guy who's SD's super jobber. The next match Kaval had, Drew McIntyre squashed him in 4 seconds...so what does that say about Swagger?

Swagger didnt even match the KOTR tournament. The E could do so much more with his tools on SD. He didnt look great as WHC but feuds with Big Show just dont over a superstar make. I agree that Del Rio might be more entertaining overrall and Swagger doesnt have the natural charisma that Del Rio has but there is no reason for Swagger to basically be an SD jobber. Now that Kaval is gone, who is Swagger going to go over? Ridiculous.
Overrated- Kane. I really can't sit through his promos with that weird music playing and him screaming and spitting everywhere, it just doesn't do a thing for me at all, and I really can't think of any match of his that was halfway decent in my mind.

Underrated-Tyler Reks. This guy should be booked like Ezekial Jackson leading into a feud between the 2. He's got a mean look and a nasty looking finisher, and he looks like he means business when he's walking to the ring. Ever since he stopped smiling when he came to the ring, and has a heel gimmick, I've been wanting to see more of him on TV. I mean, if this were like 10 or 12 years ago, I would think he'd be in the upper mid card. Hopefully I'm not talking out of my ass, just my thought

I don't get it!! 4 years, he has been way overrated. I will never ever know y:disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:

Underrated: Dolph Ziggler

At first I thought he sucked but recently he has been impressive like his match vs kaval, now his 2 matches with Cena but in 2011 I hope he gets a better push :)
Overated:Randy Orton.

i didnt think he was all bad as a face. (though admittably i found him boring) until he kicked jericho in the head and did a very minacle laugh as the medics were putting him on the stretcher as everyone on the chat and the crowd in attendance thought this behavior was very funny and acceptable. then that proved to me the illumanati got this world serously brainwashed. luckily im 19 years old cuz if i was around 9 or 10 orton would have scared me for life with that stunt. i dont like his gimmick and i would turn off the tv when he came on if i had children how are parents supposed to let there kids model themselves after this maniac i truly hate his gimmick as a face, heel that wouldve been ok but face no cuz your supposed to be a role model.

Underated Zack ryder
For some reason something about this guy screams main eventer i liked this guy since he got rid of those ridiculous tights, now i can respect the guy.
2 words the miz is the most overrated not only 2010 BUT OF ALL TIME i dont know how you guys say anything else he doesnt have any skill doesnt deserve to hold any belts of any kind "im the wiz and i suck" i havent been impressed ever since he came in
OVERRATED:I'll go with The Miz.I mean that ppl were getting on the Miz bandwagon very early.He was US champion and held the tag titles at the same time and I don't recall he did anything significant with them.His mic skills are great,he has improved his in-ring ability,but it isn't anywhere near the level of a main-eventer.Look at his matches as the WWE champion so far,they been average and people chant "You cant wrestle" at John Cena.
UNDERRATED:This is a tough one,as a lot guys have not been given their due credit.I will pick Sheamus.I hated this guy from the moment he became the WWE champion,but he has come a long way since then.As we all know,this year Nexus and Cena has been the main storyline,but Sheamus has been really built up as a real main event player,without forcing him down our throats for long.He has good mic skills and has become someone you look forward to carry anyone in a match.So I guess one of WWE's biggest achivements this has been making Sheamus from a nobody to a credible main event wrestler.
Overrated Raw-
Ted Dibiase- I find him one of the most boring people in the ring and on the mic.
Triple H- He's not the best wrestler but he's great on the mic.
John Morrison- Though i love his wrestling, his mic work needs improvement to be a Championship Contender.

Underrated Raw-
CM Punk- He is great in the ring and on the mic but doesn't get the title shots.
Justin Gabriel- The way Justin can move in the ring is amazing. The WWE should use him as an oppertunity to bring back the cruiserweight title. Him Evan Bourne, Yoshi Tatsu, Santino, Goldust and Daniel Bryan could make it work.

Overrated Smackdown-
Cody Rhodes- Hes not that good of a wrestler.

Underrated Smackdown-
Christian- They are definitly not using him to his full potential. They could use him to bring back the European Championship and have Alberto Del Rio hold both the WHC and the European title at the same time
Overrated - Randy Orton: I seriously don't see what is the big deal with this guy. People seem to like him because supposadely, he has an edge to his character--that he's a rebel and rebels are cool; Randy Orton does what he wants and that makes him awesome. Please--the guy is so bland that it's not even bearable. Most, if not all of his promos look so boring that tehy litterally wants to make you go to the restroom or change the channel. Randy Orton is blan. Plain and simple. He's a horrible champion; has horrible charisma; and worst of all he's not even entertaining. Yup. No other matches Randy Orton when it comes to the WWE.

Underrated - John Morrison: It seema s that John Morrison is finally getting his *shot* that has been prolonged for such a long time. To be honest, I never really liked John; but as of recent events, he has shown me that maybe he's not a complete piece of shit afterall. The guy can cut great matches--TLC was proof of that. And then his mic skills may not be the best, but they are decent. I think the IWC is sometimes a bit too critical on his promos.

At one point, I too was very critical, but now, I'm starting to see that Morrison really is a great wrestler. He's got great talent in the ring, his mic skills are improving, and he has the right look--I think Morrison is under-rated when it comes to the IWC. Hopefully, this feud with Miz will show people a thing or two just as these last two months have shown me.

Underrated - Dolph Ziggler: Ziggler gets this in a tie because I think, he too is under-rated. I remember a while back many people viewed Ziggler as shit because he could not cut a decent promo. Again, like with Morrison, I think people were being too critical with him. I think that the reason why he wasn't that good promo-wise is because he never really got time on the mic to improve on his skills. Most, if not all the time, he wold just wrestle matches against said superstar, but there was never any promos involved. At least, I don't recall.

Ziggler is a fine superstar. He's good in the ring, and like Morrison, has improved on the mic, and has the perfect image to be a future champ. I'm glad to see Ziggler getting alot more air time as it's great so that he can show off his skills so that more people will start to realize how great he really is.
Overrated-Nobody has said this!!!-Daniel Bryan, he hasnt grown enough to be the us champion and i dont know why everybody likes him

underrated- Ted dibiase- he has been a jobber which he dosent deserve
Overrated: (as the guy above me) Daniel Bryan. He a great wrestler, no doubt. But he has nothing else going on that makes him a deserving US champ after a month maybe. He's so stale that he was given bella twins to walk with as a prop, as they used to give guest hosts. The lebel lock is great, but i think its kind of overbooked, its never been reversed after being fully locked. Angle Lock, crippler crossface, and walls of jericho gets reversed alot, however lebel lock doesn't, that just doesn't make sense to me.

Underrated:CM Punk

WOW. he looses 3 times or more against big show, and rey getting the best of him 4 times at least. Other than that he was humiliated once or twice every month. Loosing to big show in a 1-3 handicap match, really made me pissed off. He has everything, from wrestling skills, to technicality, to charisma, to promos, to his move-set, leading a faction, have fans in his palm when talking (a bit less than jericho) etc....
and stop critisizing his finisher, its not his fault if opponents can't take it!!
I see a few votes for Punk and if he hadn't been injured for a good 4 months (that's both injuries together), I may have voted for him in the underrated section, but instead my voting goes a little something like this:

Overrated: Edge. A few years ago, Edge was the top level main event heel. He was getting the most heat, providing some solid to excellent in ring matches and having some really good feuds (vs. Cena & vs. Undertaker for example), however this year, he just seems to have fallen flat. He returned at the Rumble in a pretty cool moment, but his subsequent feud with Chris Jericho was marred by the awful face character Edge was playing. The whole 'Spear' angle just didn't work for me and it became an annoyance. His matches with Jericho were good, however it's quite difficult not to have good matches with Jericho. He then went to Raw and turned heel, something which was totally pointless as he did nothing of note as a heel before turning face in the autumn. His face run, once again, started off pretty strong, but he's gone on to have a terrible feud with Kane, which looks to be continuing.

Underrated: Cody Rhodes. This time last year, people were claiming that Cody Rhodes was the weakest part of Legacy and that he wasn't going to last once the break-up occurred, but he's proven this year that he was the one to watch in legacy, not Ted DiBiase. Rhodes has shown this year, especially since Legacy's separation, that he has the ability to be a real superstar, with some great promos, solid in-ring performances and a natural ability to perform in his current gimmick. Rhodes was kept mainly in the lower-midcard this year and I think it's a shame as he has some really great potential. I can only hope he moves up in 2011.
Jack Swagger
- He gets all the credit in the world, but he really isn't that good. I will give you it that he's good in the ring, but you guys act like he should be one of the top guys. He should be no where near the top and that was evedent by his title run. He never got over, and somehow got a title. He is one the worst people in the wwe on the Mic and by single handedly made me stop watching smackdown for a while.

Ted dibiase-people have basically sucking his dick, saying how good he is. People were saying that he should have went over Orton at mania, and should win the world title. He lacks personality and isn't really that good in the ring. The only reason people jumped on his bandwagon was because they herd from a report that he was supposed to be a huge baby-face when his dvd came out and that Vince was high on him. Which was total horseshit.

John Cena-John Cena

Triple H-Hasn't done anything that has mattered since 2005

Goldust-he is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, great in the ring, great on the mic, just an overall great wrestler.

Look in my sig and I think you can figure it out. Miz is by far the most overrated superstar in the WWE in my mind. Everyone seems to think the guy is the 2nd coming of God and think of him as a future great in wrestler. I'm sure I'll get a bunch of hate for this, but I just don't see it. His mic skills are good, but I don't think they are as good as many claim them to be. As for his ring skills, they are probably enough to get him by, but he bores me in the ring like no other. I just can't buy into him nor does he entertain me one bit.


This one is tough as I don't think there is one guy that truly sticks out. The first two guys that came to my mind were Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger. Dolph has seem to have found his place and has put on great matches as of late and seems to be getting the much deserve credit. So with the current events I'm going with Swagger. I think they pushed him into the world title scene to soon and I for one would have held off on the title run. The guy is probably one of the best guys in terms of in ring ability and he has improved on the mic since his debut and is good enough to get by.
Actually I cannot think of many people who are underrated at this moment in the WWE but there are quite a few that are being terribly overrated there, some by the fans and some by the WWE management.


Edge is certainly someone who is terribly overrated. He has done nothing of note this year. His comeback feud versus Chris Jericho just did not generate the level of interest that it should have and it was a poorly structured feud on the whole. The WWE management obviously tried to make a huge deal of his finishing move but that just wasn't the way to go. Then he got drafted to Raw, turned heel and had another lacklustre feud with Randy Orton though that was partly due to Orton's injury. Then he again turned face after having some beef with the anonymous GM of Raw and went on a crusade against stupidity. Now this looked promising until Edge decided to somehow fight stupidity by being even more stupid and got involved in a bizzare but still insipid storyline with Kane which involved kidnapping and torturing Paul Bearer. Keep in mind that Edge was the face in this feud.

The Miz is someone who got terribly overrated by the fans this year. I think that is partly because everyone thought that he would be awful when he first started out but it turns out that he is ok. But that does not mean that he is awesome. He is good on the mic but certainly not the best in WWE. He is average in the ring and has an average look. But yet there seems to be an unexplainable outpouring of support for this guy. Why that is the case I do not know.

I think that even guys like Ziggler, Kingston and Swagger are pretty overrated by the fans. At first sight they do look like great wrestlers until you watch their matches every week. I saw Kofi vs Swagger for two consecutive weeks and could not differentiate between the two matches. Same with Ziggler vs Kingston. If you have seen one of their matches you have basically seen them all. Plus neither of the three can work a mic all that well either. At the moment all the three seem destined to spend their entire career in the midcard.

And I see that a lot of people have chosen Randy Orton as the most overrated wrestler. Well that's so IWC. A guy turns face and all of a sudden he goes from great to overrated.


As for the most underrated wrestler of 2010, there is just one name that I can think of and that guy is CM Punk. Granted he was out injured for a certain period of time but he should have been used in a better manner when he was fit. He lost too many times against Mysterio, in my opinion and had a lacklustre feud with Big Show which Punk again lost. Also Big Show got to remove Punk's mask on an episode of Smackdown, a moment that should have been reserved for a PPV and for a bigger name than Big Show. But 2011 seems to be the year where Punk might finally make his mark so I have little complaints.
Actually I cannot think of many people who are underrated at this moment in the WWE but there are quite a few that are being terribly overrated there, some by the fans and some by the WWE management.


Edge is certainly someone who is terribly overrated. He has done nothing of note this year. His comeback feud versus Chris Jericho just did not generate the level of interest that it should have and it was a poorly structured feud on the whole. The WWE management obviously tried to make a huge deal of his finishing move but that just wasn't the way to go. Then he got drafted to Raw, turned heel and had another lacklustre feud with Randy Orton though that was partly due to Orton's injury. Then he again turned face after having some beef with the anonymous GM of Raw and went on a crusade against stupidity. Now this looked promising until Edge decided to somehow fight stupidity by being even more stupid and got involved in a bizzare but still insipid storyline with Kane which involved kidnapping and torturing Paul Bearer. Keep in mind that Edge was the face in this feud.

The Miz is someone who got terribly overrated by the fans this year. I think that is partly because everyone thought that he would be awful when he first started out but it turns out that he is ok. But that does not mean that he is awesome. He is good on the mic but certainly not the best in WWE. He is average in the ring and has an average look. But yet there seems to be an unexplainable outpouring of support for this guy. Why that is the case I do not know.

I think that even guys like Ziggler, Kingston and Swagger are pretty overrated by the fans. At first sight they do look like great wrestlers until you watch their matches every week. I saw Kofi vs Swagger for two consecutive weeks and could not differentiate between the two matches. Same with Ziggler vs Kingston. If you have seen one of their matches you have basically seen them all. Plus neither of the three can work a mic all that well either. At the moment all the three seem destined to spend their entire career in the midcard.

And I see that a lot of people have chosen Randy Orton as the most overrated wrestler. Well that's so IWC. A guy turns face and all of a sudden he goes from great to overrated.


As for the most underrated wrestler of 2010, there is just one name that I can think of and that guy is CM Punk. Granted he was out injured for a certain period of time but he should have been used in a better manner when he was fit. He lost too many times against Mysterio, in my opinion and had a lacklustre feud with Big Show which Punk again lost. Also Big Show got to remove Punk's mask on an episode of Smackdown, a moment that should have been reserved for a PPV and for a bigger name than Big Show. But 2011 seems to be the year where Punk might finally make his mark so I have little complaints.

Nice post. Since this is a discussion board, I'll discuss a few things with you. Swagger doesnt seem to have anything going for him that would lead to be called overrated. He hasnt beaten anyone except Kaval (and barely beat him) in over 6 months. When people say he's underrated it doesnt mean we think he should be where the Miz is right now, just means that he shouldnt be booked to look as weak as he does. Why should Drew McIntyre at this point be much higher on the SD pecking order than Swagger?

I knew Randy would lead the overrated catergory, thats why I made the little disclaimer in my first post. Randy is so 'overrated' that he's underrated. I participate in a lot of baseball forums and 'overrated/underrated' comes up a lot - probably more than anything else. There is a rule...if a shit ton of people say you're overrated then you're not really overrated. How can you be overrated when the majority of people who watch and discuss the sport think you're shit? lol.
Overrated - For me, I think that I'm probably gonna have to go with Edge. I like Edge, but 2010 just simply has not been a great year for him in my opinion. I do believe that he feels a lot fresher since moving to SmackDown! earlier this year but nothing about him in particular has stood out this year. Certainly nothing to warrant another World Championship reign in my view. Back when he was doing his crusade against all things stupid, I thought he seemed pretty interesting and I thought it had a fresh feel to it. But, the WWE just seemed to dump that idea and it's unfortunate. Edge's feud against Kane has been ok but not as good as I'd hoped it would be and that's due to all the stuff with Paul Bearer being kidnapped.

Underrated - I'm probably gonna have to go with Dolph Ziggler on this one. Since becoming IC champ, Ziggler has most definitely stepped up his game and has looked like a genuine star even when he comes out on the losing end. His first match with Daniel Bryan at Bragging Rights is arguably the best match of the year and the two that followed were great as well. Ziggler has also had a number of great matches with Kofi Kingston both before and after winning the strap, though especially afterward. Ziggler's two matches against John Cena last week were damn good. He looked like he belonged in a big match setting against a big match opponent. Ziggler has defended the title a lot since he won it and, in my view, he's been the best IC champ in a long time. Ziggler hasn't really logged in a lot of mic time, but he's been solid the times he has gotten on the mic. I'd love to see Ziggler in the main event picture sometime in 2011 because, over the past 5 months or so, I think he's shown that he has what it takes to make it there.
Overrated - Miz

An above average grasp on the English language does not a good professional wrestler make. I've seen more talent in tightly wound coils that come out of my imaginary dog's ass. If this guy didn't have Daniel Bryan to stand opposite him this year while Michael Cole tried to sell people on the notion that that he's a superstar, people would buy into Miz even less than they already do. He should thank whatever God it is that he prays to for having the likes of Bryan and Cole to work off of that he didn't spend the entire year floundering against MVP and R-Truth before ultimately falling back into anonymity. People's hatred foor Michael Cole won the WWE Championship for Miz. Michael Cole is the biggest heel in the company. Miz owes him that belt.

Underrated - Chris Master

Extremely competent worker who plays his part well regardless of whether he's heel or face. He gets overlooked by both the bookers and most online fans simply because he looks like just another jacked up meathead. He's not. Push him and/or respect him.

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